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The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Whatever is is right" is an odd place for you to argue from, but when it comes to economic Darwinism that's the vine from which you swing. A minimum wage that is not a living wage might well qualify as the "dishonest scales" of Amos.

Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump may well be on a collision course. Basically, I am suggesting that workers picking strawberries without proper paperwork in oppressive conditions are more apt to protest with some Chavez than an investment banker with Goldman Sachs. From there, you used an insulation blower to spread straw.

If government starts down the road of deciding the state of affairs men have a right to, the whole thing will immediately become relative. Special interest groups will cry foul every few seconds, the CBC will demand perpetual reparations, all will clamor for more. And excuse me for bringing this up, but remind me where the money government throws around comes from again? Oh yeah, we tax those who work.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN---- "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic." --- Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sombrero and the left.

Define irony, a Christian using Darwin, who claimed to have descended from monkeys and who dedicated his life's work in denial of the existence of God, to make a Spiritual argument.
TheRealThing Wrote:If government starts down the road of deciding the state of affairs men have a right to, the whole thing will immediately become relative. Special interest groups will cry foul every few seconds, the CBC will demand perpetual reparations, all will clamor for more. And excuse me for bringing this up, but remind me where the money government throws around comes from again? Oh yeah, we tax those who work.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN---- "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic." --- Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sombrero and the left.

Define irony, a Christian using Darwin, who claimed to have descended from monkeys and who dedicated his life's work in denial of the existence of God, to make a Spiritual argument.

Oh, let's see, Paul used "to an Unknown god" to make a spiritual point. Let us return from the straw baler: the concept was that both minimum wage employee and Goldman Sachs guy have a job. And, the philosophy of economic Darwinism is yours, not mine. In your economic world, "Am I my brother's keeper" echoes, and with the same disdain.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Oh, let's see, Paul used "to an Unknown god" to make a spiritual point. Let us return from the straw baler: the concept was that both minimum wage employee and Goldman Sachs guy have a job. And, the philosophy of economic Darwinism is yours, not mine. In your economic world, "Am I my brother's keeper" echoes, and with the same disdain.

Wrong, the concept was that not everybody can be king, and not everybody can be rich, but every able body can earn a living. Those who cannot, are to be taken care of. The Jew accomplished that through the act of gleaning, and through the ministry of the Church. We used to do that through government assistance programs until Dems realized they could use those programs to buy votes. Now things are out of control. And you can't even define what you believe, much less what I believe. But please do continue your ridiculous attempts to tag me with your absurdities.

The Athenians of Paul's day worshiped many gods, they even had an alter designated for any god or gods to whom they might not have been aware. Thus there was an altar which was inscribed in honor of "the unknown god." Paul recognized this as the perfect opportunity to introduce the men of Greece to the One true God, and began to preach to them from that premise. Many were saved as the result. Your analogy of the unknown god is therefore woefully insufficient, as Paul introduced the men of Athens to The God of the universe. There was no confusion in Paul's mind, though yours may be another matter.
TheRealThing Wrote:Wrong, the concept was that not everybody can be king, and not everybody can be rich, but every able body can earn a living. Those who cannot, are to be taken care of. The Jew accomplished that through the act of gleaning, and through the ministry of the Church. We used to do that through government assistance programs until Dems realized they could use those programs to buy votes. Now things are out of control. And you can't even define what you believe, much less what I believe. But please do continue your ridiculous attempts to tag me with your absurdities.

The Athenians of Paul's day worshiped many gods, they even had an alter designated for any god or gods to whom they might not have been aware. Thus there was an altar which was inscribed in honor of "the unknown god." Paul recognized this as the perfect opportunity to introduce the men of Greece to the One true God, and began to preach to them from that premise. Many were saved as the result. Your analogy of the unknown god is therefore woefully insufficient, as Paul introduced the men of Athens to The God of the universe. There was no confusion in Paul's mind, though yours may be another matter.

Welcome to the spin zone, courtesy of resident pompous Pontius, TRT. Did Paul use a "non holy" thing to make a spiritual point, as springboard for spiritual discourse? Yes, he did. As a child, watching "The Wizard of Oz," did you clap your hands and wet yourself and yell, "Look, Mommy, look, the Scarecrow, a man made of straw."?

Leave it to you, TRT, to suggest some folks making minimum wage might protest because they are not king. What rot. You keep engaging some imagined bogey man that is not here appearing. I would remind you that Dr. King was in Memphis on behalf of sanitation workers, and it is certainly within the Christian's sphere to care enough about dishonest scales to speak up.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Welcome to the spin zone, courtesy of resident pompous Pontius, TRT. Did Paul use a "non holy" thing to make a spiritual point, as springboard for spiritual discourse? Yes, he did. As a child, watching "The Wizard of Oz," did you clap your hands and wet yourself and yell, "Look, Mommy, look, the Scarecrow, a man made of straw."?

Leave it to you, TRT, to suggest some folks making minimum wage might protest because they are not king. What rot. You keep engaging some imagined bogey man that is not here appearing. I would remind you that Dr. King was in Memphis on behalf of sanitation workers, and it is certainly within the Christian's sphere to care enough about dishonest scales to speak up.

You got close to accuracy in those first five words. Though there should be a period after the word zone. Actually welcome to La-La Land would have been more apt an opening. Paul merely introduced the Athenians to The Unknown (to them) God. And no, he did not use a non holy thing to make a spiritual point. He introduced them to the One they did not know. What you're saying implies a certain dishonesty and God would have no part of it.

Allow me to expose the factual straw man in all this. The vast majority of the people you argue for here DON'T WORK. They're unemployed by choice because we who do work, are forced to subsidize their livelihoods and therefore your wage argument is a lie. People who will work and do a good job in this day and time are immediately tagged for advancement. Why? Because they are the extreme rarity and they are normally a highly prized asset.

But of all those who do venture into the job market, the only reason most people in the minimum wage arena work at all is to get enough money to go party with. They are the live for today generation. No employer worth his salt will allow himself to be forced to employ unproductive yo-yo's to stand around and duck their duties for 15 dollars an hour. Any employer will tell you that, ask Seger about it.
TheRealThing Wrote:You got close to accuracy in those first five words. Though there should be a period after the word zone. Actually welcome to La-La Land would have been more apt an opening. Paul merely introduced the Athenians to The Unknown God. And no, he did not use a non holy thing to make a spiritual point. He introduced them to the One they did not know. What you're saying implies a certain dishonesty and God would have no part of it.

Allow me to expose the factual straw man in all this. The vast majority of the people you argue for here DON'T WORK. They're unemployed by choice because we who do work, are forced to subsidize their livelihoods and therefore your wage argument is a lie. People who will work and do a good job in this day and time are immediately tagged for advancement. Why? Because they are the extreme rarity and they are normally a highly prized asset.

But of all those who do venture into the job market, the only reason most people in the minimum wage arena work at all is to get enough money to go party with. They are the live for today generation. No employer worth his salt will allow himself to be forced to employ unproductive yo-yo's to stand around and duck their duties for 15 dollars an hour. Any employer will tell you that, ask Seger about it.

It is not "dishonest" to make an analogy. Paul saw the "Uknown god" altar, was moved to thought and application. No dishonesty.

"Dishonest scales" exist, as they always have. Poor people exist, as they always have. Your insinuation that minimum wage employees are lazy shirkers? Vast generalization.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:It is not "dishonest" to make an analogy. Paul saw the "Uknown god" altar, was moved to thought and application. No dishonesty.

"Dishonest scales" exist, as they always have. Poor people exist, as they always have. Your insinuation that minimum wage employees are lazy shirkers? Vast generalization.

It's completely dishonest to say Paul came in there sideways to share the Gospel. And now your vacillating on your own argument and using my expressed logic to do it.

Immigrants send 120 Billion US dollars annually to their home countries. The vast majority of immigrants/illegal immigrants work at base level jobs. These are jobs many Americans say either don't exist, or imagine themselves too good to do themselves.

Something tells me 120 billion would take a lot of pressure off of already stressed out taxpayers, and greatly enhance the standard of living for the lower class.
TheRealThing Wrote:It's completely dishonest to say Paul came in there sideways to share the Gospel. And now your vacillating on your own argument and using my expressed logic to do it.

Immigrants send 120 Billion US dollars annually to their home countries. The vast majority of immigrants/illegal immigrants work at base level jobs. These are jobs many Americans say either don't exist, or imagine themselves too good to do themselves.

Something tells me 120 billion would take a lot of pressure off of already stressed out taxpayers, and greatly enhance the standard of living for the lower class.

Paul is strolling around Athens and sees all the altars. He comes across "to an Unknown god." He springboards from it, communicating the gospel with rudiments from the culture to which he reaches out. This is not sideways, nor dishonest.

We were discussing those with a job, minimum wage as opposed to a high finance guy at Goldman Sachs. You were insulting minimum wage employees. I was suggesting the Walmart stocker has more cause for unrest than Wall Street Wally.

You hold to economic Darwinism, but won't admit that "thrival of the fittest" is your ethic.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:1) - Paul is strolling around Athens and sees all the altars. He comes across "to an Unknown god." He springboards from it, communicating the gospel with rudiments from the culture to which he reaches out. This is not sideways, nor dishonest.

2) - We were discussing those with a job, minimum wage as opposed to a high finance guy at Goldman Sachs. You were insulting minimum wage employees. I was suggesting the Walmart stocker has more cause for unrest than Wall Street Wally.

3) - You hold to economic Darwinism, but won't admit that "thrival of the fittest" is your ethic.

1 - First I say It, second you morph into the proper mindset after digesting my guidance on the matter, third you try to take the podium as lecturer. :dudecomeon:

2 - Wrong, I said all forms of work are honorable pursuits. You're in there pitching your income inequality subversive rhetoric.

3 - Wrong again, God said men should eat in the sweat of their face. For the sake of all you libs, that is called work. The janitor or the jurist, all forms of work are noble. Sitting at home whining is the calling card of the liberal. As are the ignoble actions of accusing those who work, who BTW fund all the give-away programs to start with, of being selfishly racist while libs act like they're the only ones who really care. If there's anything left in the bank account this month, send it along to the treasury or give it to the Church, I'm certain they'll find a use for it. But don't sit around slamming the productive sector of this nation's population as being in any way lacking. Nobody who chooses to sit at the house has any right to gripe anyway, but minimum wage jobs are entry level employment for like teenagers, or those otherwise just starting out. They're not careers and nobody expects them to be.
TheRealThing Wrote:1 - First I say It, second you morph into the proper mindset after digesting my guidance on the matter, third you try to take the podium as lecturer. :dudecomeon:

2 - Wrong, I said all forms of work are honorable pursuits. You're in there pitching your income inequality subversive rhetoric.

3 - Wrong again, God said men should eat in the sweat of their face. For the sake of all you libs, that is called work. The janitor or the jurist, all forms of work are noble. Sitting at home whining is the calling card of the liberal. As are the ignoble actions of accusing those who work, who BTW fund all the give-away programs to start with, of being selfishly racist while libs act like they're the only ones who really care. If there's anything left in the bank account this month, send it along to the treasury or give it to the Church, I'm certain they'll find a use for it. But don't sit around slamming the productive sector of this nation's population as being in any way lacking. Nobody who chooses to sit at the house has any right to gripe anyway, but minimum wage jobs are entry level employment for like teenagers, or those otherwise just starting out. They're not careers and nobody expects them to be.

Alright, I'll take it slow: Paul took something which was of the culture and used it. You are an economic Darwinist.

Unfortunately, minimum wage jobs are often not as you depict. "Dishonest scales" continue to exist, and it is the working poor who are most often exploited, and you, in fact, did insult minimum wage workers.

You flatter yourself. Constantly. And from what I understand, your self-congratulatory, verbose yammering has pretty much dried up a once vibrant political forum.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Alright, I'll take it slow: Paul took something which was of the culture and used it. You are an economic Darwinist.

Unfortunately, minimum wage jobs are often not as you depict. "Dishonest scales" continue to exist, and it is the working poor who are most often exploited, and you, in fact, did insult minimum wage workers.

You flatter yourself. Constantly. And from what I understand, your self-congratulatory, verbose yammering has pretty much dried up a once vibrant political forum.

I don't care if you time your movements by sundial, you're still wrong.
TheRealThing Wrote:I don't care if you time your movements by sundial, you're still wrong.

And, once again, the tired, old boxer raises his hands, as if that settles anything.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, once again, the tired, old boxer raises his hands, as if that settles anything.

LOL, you might as well tell yourself I'm old and tired, you're area of gift is after all, in all things imaginary. :biggrin:

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