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McCreary Central 2017
BossEric Wrote:You have it all wrong , GAY had no discipline on any of his teams. The players didn't have to attend practice and still play on Friday nights. The man tried to coach for 20 years had one (and yes ) winning season. You let me coach for 20 years, I could have one winning season. Ford been there for 1 season and has already one winning season.

Not true about Gay he gave great lattidue to his assistants who made many of the decisions because Gay gave them to Much freedom because he Trusted them it backfired when it came to Watts
Losses: PCC, SL, Corbin, Bell Co, casey co., Whitley Co.

Toss up: lynn camp, Jackson

Tough Road for Raiders next year no Jenkins, Berea, Sheldon Clrk or Thoms Wlaker on that sked.
Region 12, I had to delete that post because it doesn't comply with the site Rules. However, you might want to use the PM option to make your comment to Wrangler.
Unbeaten55 Wrote:I played football there for 4 years and during watts time I was there if you had a lot of talent you could skate by and start on Friday night. lets be honest he was using what talent was there when it was and left the same year they were gone. mccreary central with coach smith who couldn't coach a NFL team to beat a high school team he was horrible but, back to the Clinton gay years all when watts and roark were there and you know who was always there for weights and plyometric days during the offseason James Payne was and coach jones was there second just saying that was the real people behind the scenes coach gay called offense plays heck who couldn't move the ball with that offense haha enough said I know first hand I was not impressed with a thing he done and after that we was left with derrick smith like I said who shouldn't have even be thought about for that job. this has no relvence to now but just some understanding I was there everyday for four years. Now to this year weak schedule I will be impressed with coach ford after the next two years if he does well without the talent and schedule that was weak but heck look at the downward spiral mccreary was on for about 6 years

Most players do not like the head man your right about coach Jones who was supposed to be the right hand man but Payne ran over him and took over things beyond his role and stiltner knew very little and payne thought he was army special forces instructors players couldn't stand them he gave them to much Freedom as coaches and that hurt the team From being Better. you should has Seen payne's return in 2013 running the Offense. Back to 2017 can we get any off-season updates?
Off-season updates anyone? Lifting schedule, number of players, plyo's
The moderator should delete all this
Crap...It says Mccreary 2017 nothing
about 2009!! Who Cares????
I agree. 2009 is History, let it rest.
Wrangler Wrote:Most players do not like the head man your right about coach Jones who was supposed to be the right hand man but Payne ran over him and took over things beyond his role and stiltner knew very little and payne thought he was army special forces instructors players couldn't stand them he gave them to much Freedom as coaches and that hurt the team From being Better. you should has Seen payne's return in 2013 running the Offense. Back to 2017 can we get any off-season updates?
Payne could have ran that team good and he wouldn't have bailed on us when it got hard he was there no matter what thru the offseason that's the last I have to say about 2009. now back to 2017 was this schedule all they could get I feel like making a strong schedule all around would be better I realize that a lot of talent will be gone after this season but why not play teams on our level Middlesboro, Adair county ,Williamsburg, clay county, Russell county seems like some teams closer to us I think Perry county and south laurel are good pick ups but keeping fort knox and Clinton are not that great id rather have a tough football team that's been tested game after game rather than beating up teams and then losing by 4 or 5 touchdowns I mean the only teams I see ahead of mccreary this year is whitely county and Corbin but whitely isn't that far out of reach.
Who does mccreary have to fill hamiltons role this year i was at a few games a noticed he was ra real diffrence maker just wondering if mccreary has anyone else to step up and even after this season im tired of seeing the peak of mccreary central be barley over .500 and then back to 0-10 1-9 or at best 2-8.
Raiders have many football players wrestling, and many playing basketball, have 13 in weight room. 4 of which are squatting 400+, that being said 1 junior lineman is benching 325.
Raiders will also have a track team, with all skill players being on team, and some lineman.
I seen a few on the wrestling team when I stopped in a few times good to be involved in multiple sports
They go 5-5
they will make the playoffs no question to it they will run all over Jackson county its just how much this team improves over the offseason a lot of work to do if they want to compete for a home playoff game or playoff win
Unbeaten55 Wrote:Payne could have ran that team good and he wouldn't have bailed on us when it got hard he was there no matter what thru the offseason that's the last I have to say about 2009. now back to 2017 was this schedule all they could get I feel like making a strong schedule all around would be better I realize that a lot of talent will be gone after this season but why not play teams on our level Middlesboro, Adair county ,Williamsburg, clay county, Russell county seems like some teams closer to us I think Perry county and south laurel are good pick ups but keeping fort knox and Clinton are not that great id rather have a tough football team that's been tested game after game rather than beating up teams and then losing by 4 or 5 touchdowns I mean the only teams I see ahead of mccreary this year is whitely county and Corbin but whitely isn't that far out of reach.

whitely might not be out of reach, but Whitley County will go through the Raiders like a dose of salts.
pjdoug Wrote:whitely might not be out of reach, but Whitley County will go through the Raiders like a dose of salts.

Now Dougie....don't get your dandruff up.Confusednicker:

Is a "dose of salts" quicker or slower than "poop through a goose?"
I can't believe that you all still talk about the "Watts years" down there. My oldest boy was still playing during the Watts years.
If you really care about the program and ESPECIALLY the kids, quit barking and growling at each other talking about past years and whose fault is whose in past years and who should get credit for the couple of good years you had. Put that energy into recruiting the hallways and herding this years team into a positive attitude. Keep the positive attitude that you started by beating some (yes....weaker) teams and build on that. At least you BEAT those teams and the kids should be able to get a better attitude from winning those games. It's a launching pad really. I wouldn't be on here declaring "sure thing wins" for locker room wallpaper either.
So much damn barking and snapping don't help a blasted thing. It's a smaller rural school that has had some small successes. Build on it. Get your kids fired up. BTW...Jamie Payne is a fine fellow and I KNOW he was dedicated to those kids down there. Downplaying him is like barking up a dead dogs butt as far as I'm concerned.

Focus on the kids you have now and try to get to that next ladder rung McCreary.
papagrit Wrote:I can't believe that you all still talk about the "Watts years" down there. My oldest boy was still playing during the Watts years.
If you really care about the program and ESPECIALLY the kids, quit barking and growling at each other talking about past years and whose fault is whose in past years and who should get credit for the couple of good years you had. Put that energy into recruiting the hallways and herding this years team into a positive attitude. Keep the positive attitude that you started by beating some (yes....weaker) teams and build on that. At least you BEAT those teams and the kids should be able to get a better attitude from winning those games. It's a launching pad really. I wouldn't be on here declaring "sure thing wins" for locker room wallpaper either.
So much damn barking and snapping don't help a blasted thing. It's a smaller rural school that has had some small successes. Build on it. Get your kids fired up. BTW...Jamie Payne is a fine fellow and I KNOW he was dedicated to those kids down there. Downplaying him is like barking up a dead dogs butt as far as I'm concerned.

Focus on the kids you have now and try to get to that next ladder rung McCreary.

I agree with papagrit, stop talking about the past and stop shuffling the blame from one to another. Pull up your sleeves and go to work. Help Boosters Club raise money, work in concession stand or go out and sell ads or T-shirts or some other merchandise. Work at the next Car Wash or just donate some money to football. The least you can do is not get on here and put down past players and coaches, and support the present ones. Come on now we are Raiders. Hope they have a wonderful year and they can with hard work in WT. Room and offseason work. Go Raiders.:Thumbs:
papagrit Wrote:I can't believe that you all still talk about the "Watts years" down there. My oldest boy was still playing during the Watts years.
If you really care about the program and ESPECIALLY the kids, quit barking and growling at each other talking about past years and whose fault is whose in past years and who should get credit for the couple of good years you had. Put that energy into recruiting the hallways and herding this years team into a positive attitude. Keep the positive attitude that you started by beating some (yes....weaker) teams and build on that. At least you BEAT those teams and the kids should be able to get a better attitude from winning those games. It's a launching pad really. I wouldn't be on here declaring "sure thing wins" for locker room wallpaper either.
So much damn barking and snapping don't help a blasted thing. It's a smaller rural school that has had some small successes. Build on it. Get your kids fired up. BTW...Jamie Payne is a fine fellow and I KNOW he was dedicated to those kids down there. Downplaying him is like barking up a dead dogs butt as far as I'm concerned.

Focus on the kids you have now and try to get to that next ladder rung McCreary.

Whatever you say Rockhead. Worry about the Rockrts getting back to a regional final which they should have This yr. and Couldn't get past a Weak Mercer Team. Payne is only Dedicted to his own Ego. You don't know him Like we do. Boys need to hit the WT. Room and get Ready for a Tough road. Good Luck!! Go Raiders.
papagrit Wrote:Now Dougie....don't get your dandruff up.Confusednicker:

Is a "dose of salts" quicker or slower than "poop through a goose?"

about the same I reckonConfusednicker:. Happy New Year to all you sports fans.
Neither scenario is as quick as pooping like a crippled coon.

Just sayin'

Region12 Wrote:16>09, new brand of football, 16 to fast. 09 couldn't stop Troxell, and if they did, (luckily) they couldn't stop raiders passing attack, led by Hamilton. I would almost go as far as saying 16 is stronger than 09 as well.

Region12 I have followed football for many a year. You are making yourself look silly with your argument. You basically played glorified middle school teams this year. Just stop with the foolishness. Want to play with the big boys? Get that coward of a AD there at McCreary to schedule us.
Maroons Wrote:Region12 I have followed football for many a year. You are making yourself look silly with your argument. You basically played glorified middle school teams this year. Just stop with the foolishness. Want to play with the big boys? Get that coward of a AD there at McCreary to schedule us.

Maroons are horrible. 70-22 loss in ur final Game of 2016.stay off our board Loser if we had the talent maroons had we would have Won our 4th straight title this year you guys suck
Granny Bear Wrote:Neither scenario is as quick as pooping like a crippled coon.

Just sayin'


You stay on topic. Happy New Year!
Maroon. Had you on schedule, for first game @ southwestern. Don Marshall bowl I think. Which was all AD idea. We had to adjust our schedule and you guys didn't make the cut
The players were actually very excited, we know how weak you guys will be next year!
Region12 Wrote:The players were actually very excited, we know how weak you guys will be next year!

WOW !!! Pulaski Co. weak. Well. Well :hilarious::hilarious:
Raiders getting some very nice equipment! New helmets, New Jersey's, etc.. Thanks to the administration! Football is no longer on the back burner at Mc! 2017 is gonna be a good year.
So if you are not playing Pulaski in the Don Marshall Bowl who did you replace them with??
Perry central
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