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The Treaty of Tripoli
1797, Treaty of Tripoli

Begun by George Washington, signed by John Adams, and ratified UNANIMOUSLY by a Senate half-filled with signers of the Constitution, this treaty announced firmly and flatly to the world that:

"...the United States of
America is not, in any
sense, founded on the
Christian religion."

The original 13 colonies, and their relationship to the Church of England is not the test. The revisionists of the 19th century, of the 1950's and forward are not the test.

Again, I simply request that folks do primary source research and include all available resources.

That America was not founded upon the Christian religion in no way diminishes the profound influence, good and bad, of organized Christianity and its adherents upon this nation. However, to continue to believe an untruth, and to forcefully advocate for it, to the point of hostility and brutish behavior? I would hope not.
You are obsessed with this stuff aren't you?
Bob Seger Wrote:You are obsessed with this stuff aren't you?

I sort of look at it like Proverbs 27:17.

The sharpening is good. Of what real difference does it make? I mean us folks here on BGR debating? Probably none, but an engaged citizenry exchanging ideas is good for democracy.

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