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President Elect Trump's appointments
Bob Seger Wrote:The Supreme Court said it alright to kill babies....The man was an associate of Louis Farrakhan and Malcom X.....He was a coward while many young boys died so he could stay a coward..

These things appear to matter nil to you.

I believe Mohammed Ali was sincere in his beliefs, whether I agree with those beliefs or not has nothing to do with his conscientious objection. I believe this was the nexxus of the SCOTUS' decision. And they were correct.
TheRealThing Wrote:Of course Trump has a big mandate, how else would you characterize "valid and sweeping?" I would prefer that you at least be accurate when you quote me and then go on to build a case based on your own misconceptions and La-La Land alter-realities. But then, that is the stock and trade of the liberal. You say you want to debate, but there is little in your posts to debate. Feelings and elevated estrogen levels are not suitable debate parameters as far as I am concerned. I did notice though, that you've dropped all pretense as to originality, (the bolded). Instead of saving my use of vocabulary and inflection for later, you've taken the more immediate approach.

The present and mercifully outgoing administration, led by rabid chipmunks like Ben Rhodes, Valerie Jarrett, John Podesta, John Kerry and Jonathan Gruber has been a disaster. Everything they touched failed. But I see through your Freudian preoccupation with excrement of late. It will be "great again" to have a government whose priority rises to a level beyond a fascination with the deregulation of public bathrooms and imposing a unisex religious discipline on 'the people,' to again address things like national defense and the impossible level of debt the US has incurred, especially over the past 8 years. And now with desperation inundating the DNC sanctuary of identity politics, old Hill and John Podesta have seemingly abandoned all pretense of dignity in their push to lend validity to the Russian conspiracy theory du-jour.

So, here's to the hardy :flush: over which the voter saw fit preside, and at least 8 years of ensuing sanity. Hopefully, we will see a number of Supreme Court appointments. And heresies the likes of essential liberty and the recent rash of illegitimate activist bench legislations will suffer the same fate as those who dreamed them up.

:biggrin: I mean think of it, 8 glorious years of light. I may never get the smile off my face.

I see you join in the bashing of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Essential liberty is only heresy if you are selective in your use of history, as Christian Reconstructionists are, and certainly you are, and the evacuative intestinal mess your keyboard produces often prove it beyond dispute.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I believe Mohammed Ali was sincere in his beliefs, whether I agree with those beliefs or not has nothing to do with his conscientious objection. I believe this was the nexxus of the SCOTUS' decision. And they were correct.

Tell that to the families of the young men who died so that that shriveling coward, Cassius Clay, could live.

Pathetic, Geraldo.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I see you join in the bashing of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Essential liberty is only heresy if you are selective in your use of history, as Christian Reconstructionists are, and certainly you are, and the evacuative intestinal mess your keyboard produces often prove it beyond dispute.

Are you talking about the same CIA that said S.H. had weapons of mass destruction?

Is it the same one who said the Benghazi attack was caused by a video?

Is it the same one that said ISIS was on the run and is now insignificant?

I can see why you'd be on the CIA bandwagon, Geraldo. It fits right there with your line of warped thinking.:eyeroll:
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I believe Mohammed Ali was sincere in his beliefs, whether I agree with those beliefs or not has nothing to do with his conscientious objection. I believe this was the nexxus of the SCOTUS' decision. And they were correct.

So his beliefs were the same as Louis Farrakhan and Malcom X?
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah, an avid reader and follower of The Huffington Post, I see.:eyeroll:

Kleptocracy involves corruption..Where is that evident? He's not even president....Of course ole Hill and Bill used government ties to enhance their mass personal fortunes, didn't they...How come you haven't been spreading the warning on those TRUE criminals during the election process? True real life examples of kleptocracy.


Find one post where I have lauded Bill or Hillary Clinton. I think once I said Bill had a gift for explaining policy. That's it. As for The Huntington Post: don't read it. Ever. Vladimir Putin is an example of a kleptocrat. Look at who he surrounds himself with, how he manipulates things. Look again at the definition of "kleptocracy," especially as to human and natural resources. Then, take a look at PE Trump's appointments and study them. It has the appearance of kleptocracy, thus the rhetorical question, kleptocracy anyone?
Bob Seger Wrote:Are you talking about the same CIA that said S.H. had weapons of mass destruction?

Is it the same one who said the Benghazi attack was caused by a video?

Is it the same one that said ISIS was on the run and is now insignificant?

I can see why you'd be on the CIA bandwagon, Geraldo. It fits right there with your line of warped thinking.:eyeroll:

I actually believe the CIA was dubious as to the presence of WOMD, but the intelligence was pushed and bent to support the drive for war.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Find one post where I have lauded Bill or Hillary Clinton. I think once I said Bill had a gift for explaining policy. That's it. As for The Huntington Post: don't read it. Ever. Vladimir Putin is an example of a kleptocrat. Look at who he surrounds himself with, how he manipulates things. Look again at the definition of "kleptocracy," especially as to human and natural resources. Then, take a look at PE Trump's appointments and study them. It has the appearance of kleptocracy, thus the rhetorical question, kleptocracy anyone?

Find one where you found disgust with them, but yet rattle on about something that doesn't even exist, except in the mind of a faithful Huffington Post disciple.

Of course Barack Obama didn't do stuff like that with his surrounds of Loretta Lynch, John Koskenin, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, and EPA hit woman Gina McCarthy, did he?

You're just talking stupid talk.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I actually believe the CIA was dubious as to the presence of WOMD, but the intelligence was pushed and bent to support the drive for war.

Yeah , I guess they were about Benghazi and ISIS too, to support a narrative?

Once again, you nailed it Geraldo.

Kinda makes them a politicized bunch of ass kissers then doesn't it?...Kinda like they are doing with Russia bullshit right now too, right?
Bob Seger Wrote:So his beliefs were the same as Louis Farrakhan and Malcom X?

Mohammed Ali's objections to the Vietnam War were rooted in his beliefs. The problem with your "shriveling coward" position is that Ali would not have been in danger. Again, the substance of Ali's beliefs at the time was not the test for the SCOTUS. I simply believe Ali was a conscientious objector, whether or not I agree with his religion is irrelevant.
Bob Seger Wrote:Find one where you didn't, but yet rattle on about something that doesn't even exist, except in the mind of a faithful Huffington Post disciple.

Of course Barak Obama didn't do stuff like that with his surrounds of Loretta Lynch, John Koskenin, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, and EPA hit woman Gina McCarthy.

You're just talking stupid talk.

Stupid is in the eyes of the beholder. I criticized Obama for several of his appointments, but that was before joining this forum. Preseident Obama put the fox in charge of the hen house on more than one occasion.
Bob Seger Wrote:Yeah , I guess they were about Benghazi and ISIS too, to support a narrative?

Once again, you nailed it Geraldo.

Kinda makes them a politicized bunch of ass kissers then doesn't it?...Kinda like they are doing with Russia bullshit right now too, right?

I said before that I personally don't believe hacking of email accounts by the Russians explains the election results. HRC was a flawed candidate who did not excite key parts of her base. However, I also believe ANY Russian tinkering around in our elections should be investigated and significant measures taken to ensure it does not happen again, if it did.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I said before that I personally don't believe hacking of email accounts by the Russians explains the election results. HRC was a flawed candidate who did not excite key parts of her base. However, I also believe ANY Russian tinkering around in our elections should be investigated and significant measures taken to ensure it does not happen again, if it did.

Isn't it ironic that our intelligence people hack and do everything possible to nose around our enemies, but this is horrendous? It's what we all do.

Been going on for a hundred years.

Perhaps Obama's administration was just too dumb to know how to protect our vitals and left the door wide open to intrusion?...How many times have you heard democrats blame him and Hilbaby for being stupid on this stuff and the main reason for this stuff happening?
Bob Seger Wrote:Isn't it ironic that our intelligence people hack and do everything possible to nose around our enemies, but this is horrendous?

Been going on for a hundred years.

Perhaps Obama's administration was just too dumb to know how to protect our vitals and left the door wide open to intrusion?...How many times have you heard democrats blame him and Hilbaby for being stupid on this stuff and the main reason for this stuff happening.

The high tech world of espionage and international ain't just the Russians for sure.

I'm not sure we can close those doors. My guess is that every email anybody sends the assumption should be "this ain't private."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The high tech world of espionage and international ain't just the Russians for sure.

I'm not sure we can close those doors. My guess is that every email anybody sends the assumption should be "this ain't private."

One solution would be is not to have unsecured servers in your downstairs basement bathroom closet. I would think.
Bob Seger Wrote:One solution would be is not to have unsecured servers in your downstairs basement bathroom closet. I would think.

I agree with that.
The Trump tale: A former “star athlete” in high school who friends say could have played baseball professionally, Trump was deemed medically unfit to serve in 1968 because of bone spurs in both his heels. Free of military service, Trump was then able to focus on a lifestyle as the bachelor son of a millionaire real estate developer. (“When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000,” he wrote in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal.)

What’s remarkable about the media’s willingness to look away from the issue is that the last three Democratic nominees who were also college-aged men during the Vietnam War era were often hounded by media questions during the campaign season about either their lack of military experience (Bill Clinton), or they were forced to explain and defend their service overseas (Al Gore and John Kerry).
vector Wrote:The Trump tale: A former “star athlete” in high school who friends say could have played baseball professionally, Trump was deemed medically unfit to serve in 1968 because of bone spurs in both his heels. Free of military service, Trump was then able to focus on a lifestyle as the bachelor son of a millionaire real estate developer. (“When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000,” he wrote in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal.)

What’s remarkable about the media’s willingness to look away from the issue is that the last three Democratic nominees who were also college-aged men during the Vietnam War era were often hounded by media questions during the campaign season about either their lack of military experience (Bill Clinton), or they were forced to explain and defend their service overseas (Al Gore and John Kerry).

Ali=conscientious objector

Trump=I don't wanna

Nice take, Vector
Comrade you know what I like to say

Just Grab Em by the CAT
vector Wrote:Comrade you know what I like to say

Just Grab Em by the CAT

I guess you are forgetting "Komrad" that Mitt Romney tried to warn Obama about Russia in one of the 2012 debates, telling him he was the #1 enemy that the United States had...But nooooo, Obama knew it all and scoffed at him, telling him the cold war was over a long time ago...Now 3 years later, look at what happened. Now look who looks stupid? Yeah, vector, you and Obama both...

And by the way , I know you had to copy and paste this...Everyone on this forum knows you cant even spell cat, let alone grab one.
Bob Seger Wrote:Isn't it ironic that our intelligence people hack and do everything possible to nose around our enemies, but this is horrendous? It's what we all do.

Been going on for a hundred years.

Perhaps Obama's administration was just too dumb to know how to protect our vitals and left the door wide open to intrusion?...How many times have you heard democrats blame him and Hilbaby for being stupid on this stuff and the main reason for this stuff happening?

According to Rep Chris Stewart ® UT, who BTW has a seat on "The United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence", the whole thing is a red herring. Each machine has it's own chip and is not linked in any way to a centralized network. To 'hack' an election it would be necessary to hack every last machine and even then there's no way to fudge the numbers. The only way to do it would be if the hacker knew how many votes the machine had recorded and that cannot be known until the results of each machine are tabulated. At that point, and then ONLY if a recount was forced, the hacker could monkey with the numbers.

So with the hundreds of thousands of voting machines out there hacking an election is more than extremely unlikely. It is far more likely that fooling the voter into thinking the results of the election were fraudulent would be the only way to throw things into the chaos the Russians and evidently the left would like. I know the lies that have been put out there during the past 8 years and I for one ain't buying a bit of it. Fast and Furious, ever get any satisfaction there? How about Benghazi and the video, anybody seen that $2500 dollar a year windfall thanks to ObamaCare or our President's promise that ObamaCare would "not cost the taxpayer one dime," the IRS targeting scandal, Solyndra, the VA, Lisa Jackson aka Richard Windsor, the New Black Panthers, Occupy Main Street, and my favorite, George W did it.

One thing's for sure, even after 8 years of getting duped time after time people are still prone to bite. Supposedly Nancy Pelosi's daughter is one of the 10 Democrat electors demanding to see intel on the so-called Russian election hacking scheme. Since when do electors, who aren't allowed to hold any kind of public office, get to demand to see intel? I mean this stuff is just getting more absurd by the day. 37 days cannot pass too soon to suit me.
Here we go again. In the very midst of Democrat allegations of tampered election results favoring of course, Donald J Trump, we see the opposite is in fact the case. The election results were tampered with alright, but it was the usual suspects and in the usual manner.

Many Detroit precincts use voting machines equipped with digital scanners. Taking advantage of that technology, it seems that poll workers were able to grossly inflate Hillary's vote totals in Detroit districts. It's hard for manufacturers to defend against fraud when it is the poll workers who pose the greatest threat.
"Michigan Election officials found that 37% of precincts in Detroit tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books and Hillary Clinton won Wayne County over Donald Trump 67% to 30%."

Now let's recap. Rabid libs accused DJT of everything under the sun during the campaign including painting him as an insurrectionist for even suggesting that he could possibly challenge a suspicious election result. For the past couple of decades Dems have demonstrated that blocking voter id's is the hill on which they are willing to die. Election after election comes and goes and so do the widespread reports of voter fraud, this year is certainly no exception. The same incurable naïveté and laisser faire methodology which characterized Obama foreign policy initiatives, and was so evidently manifest in Hillary Clinton's views on national security, prevented the DNC from properly securing their own data base. Which BTW, Russia (or somebody out there) hacked.

The FBI concluded that despite Dems' insistence that the RNC got hacked too, which is a favored tactic when Dems get caught with their pants down, the RNC most likely was not hacked. But I digress. Hillary Clinton lost and Dems desperate to save face have come up with this nonsense that Russia helped Trump steal the election. The recent revelations from Detroit, ironically thanks to Jell Stein's recount demands, prove it is our own house which is out of order. Dems cheat and they have for years. And Wayne County, in which Hillary won overwhelmingly, has the most glaring number of obviously cooked voting numbers.

Based on nearly invisible evidence and that not backed up by anything discernible from the election San Fran Nan and the President evidently, want a formal congressional probe into election hacking. But actual election fraud for which evidence abounds, will be swept right back under the rug thanks to the timidity of spineless Republicans and the complicitous liberal media. The only salvation here is that the rise of the voter was thankfully so great they were able to overcome all the illegalities and shenanigans straight up. :Clap:
Trump gained 131 votes in Wisconsin. If the Dems don't halt the recount, he is liable to win the popular vote, too.
You know, something just occurred to me. What's Jill gonna do with the balance of the $7M+ that she raised for the recount? Hmmmmm......

I believe that's about twice what she raised for her campaign. Is it up to her to redistribute those funds, or can she keep it?
vector Wrote:The Trump tale: A former “star athlete” in high school who friends say could have played baseball professionally, Trump was deemed medically unfit to serve in 1968 because of bone spurs in both his heels. Free of military service, Trump was then able to focus on a lifestyle as the bachelor son of a millionaire real estate developer. (“When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000,” he wrote in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal.)

What’s remarkable about the media’s willingness to look away from the issue is that the last three Democratic nominees who were also college-aged men during the Vietnam War era were often hounded by media questions during the campaign season about either their lack of military experience (Bill Clinton), or they were forced to explain and defend their service overseas (Al Gore and John Kerry).
One thing we can count on is that if your post contains more than two sentences, there is a high probability that it was plagiarized. This passage was lifted from Salon magazine. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
Granny Bear Wrote:Trump gained 131 votes in Wisconsin. If the Dems don't halt the recount, he is liable to win the popular vote, too.

Is this that new math we used to hear about? HRC won the popular vote, but lost the election. Donald Trump is President elect. Not because of hook or crook or scandal, in my view. But because he spoke directly to a large swath of voters who had felt ignored for a lot of years. That is to his credit, and his campaign staff.

I have concerns about some of the appointments, but also some sense that PE Trump is intent on shaking some trees that have needed shaking for a long time. I'm still in wait and see mode.
No new math. The recount garnered him an additional 131 votes that he hadn't received on the initial tally.

I was being a little facetious about the popular vote.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Is this that new math we used to hear about? HRC won the popular vote, but lost the election. Donald Trump is President elect. Not because of hook or crook or scandal, in my view. But because he spoke directly to a large swath of voters who had felt ignored for a lot of years. That is to his credit, and his campaign staff.

I have concerns about some of the appointments, but also some sense that PE Trump is intent on shaking some trees that have needed shaking for a long time. I'm still in wait and see mode.

All informed about it all are you? With which of the appointees are you most familiar? And given the past 8 year long state of US freefall, what about them gives you such concern?

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