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Scottie Russell has resigned as head football coach at Knox Central
TheBoz Wrote:Coaches that want this job do not need to bash coach Elam on here. It is not going to make you a better candidate. We know who you are, coach Elam is a great Coach and we are greatful he is our coach and would not want no one else. So let it go and try to get the job on your merits and not bashing Coach Elam!!
Not a coach here. Great coach? Don't think so. Good maybe. Definitely not a great coach or even in the same class as any of the past two coaches KC has had. If he is KC next coach truly a big down grade. Just wait an see before this saga ends Jeff Canady will have ruined a good program. If he was able you could bet he would be the coach himself.

Living The Dream!!
TheBoz Wrote:Coaches that want this job do not need to bash coach Elam on here. It is not going to make you a better candidate. We know who you are, coach Elam is a great Coach and we are greatful he is our coach and would not want no one else. So let it go and try to get the job on your merits and not bashing Coach Elam!!

What does greatful mean?
pjdoug Wrote:What does greatful mean?

Living The Dream!!

Granny Bear Wrote:^^


enquiring minds want to know Confusednicker:
pjdoug Wrote:enquiring minds want to know Confusednicker:

Maybe those same minds can tell us why??:why:

Living The Dream!!
Sorry I misspelled a word. Any of you Madon football players play for him? Been to any game prep weeks and practice? Know what his philosophy on the game is? Even know the man on a personal level? You arm chair qbs make me laugh!!!!! Enjoy the keyboards, while others actually jump in the game.
TheBoz Wrote:Sorry I misspelled a word. Any of you Madon football players play for him? Been to any game prep weeks and practice? Know what his philosophy on the game is? Even know the man on a personal level? You arm chair qbs make me laugh!!!!! Enjoy the keyboards, while others actually jump in the game.

Ignore Dougie, he got you for spelling sure, but then He followed it up using enquiring instead of inquiring.
TheBoz Wrote:Sorry I misspelled a word. Any of you Madon football players play for him? Been to any game prep weeks and practice? Know what his philosophy on the game is? Even know the man on a personal level? You arm chair qbs make me laugh!!!!! Enjoy the keyboards, while others actually jump in the game.

Now I'm curious as to what a Madon football player is. I watched Mr. Football play at Evarts. Which coach did you play for? John Madden? Maybe you can make a Turducken for Thanksgiving.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:Ignore Dougie, he got you for spelling sure, but then He followed it up using enquiring instead of inquiring.

set the hook and reel him in Confusednicker:
TheBoz Wrote:Sorry I misspelled a word. Any of you Madon football players play for him? Been to any game prep weeks and practice? Know what his philosophy on the game is? Even know the man on a personal level? You arm chair qbs make me laugh!!!!! Enjoy the keyboards, while others actually jump in the game.

Yes I do know him personally. I've known him for a very long time. I know his character which is first class. I was there when he took over KC as head coach. When my son played for him I was at practice every day I could make. I was there though summer and off season practices as well. So my question for you is do you even know man? If you did you would know his passion for the game and turning this young boys into men. So there no Madden are chair qb here pal.

Living The Dream!!
Just curious is there going to be a new thread for the coaching search? I have some questions and comments to make and I don't want to waste them on this thread if there is going to be a new thread.

Ah Heck I'll go ahead and ask the questions:

Will there be a "committee"
What will the qualifications be to be on said committee
How many will be on the committee
Will parents be represented on the committee
What are the qualifications of the AD and what training does he have to be making decisions like this one.
Does he have the full backing of the admin
What is the stipend of the head coach
Will he be able to hire his own staff
Will he be stuck with the prior staff
Who mows the grass
Who does the laundry
Do they need new uniforms
Will the new coach have to raise money to buy them
Do they need new helmets
Will they change the KC on the helmets
Will there be interviews
What is the time frame for a hire
Will there be multiple offers like Bell Co last winter
Does Elam even want the job
Does Hoskins even want the job
Was Hoskins quoted as saying he knew this months ago
Has Elam even resigned from Pineville
Have the recruiters started contacting the 3 star and above recruits
Does the new KHSAA rule allowing ineligible players to play freshman and JV to effect players leaving
Does Knox Central even care
Will the new coach demand a buyout in his contract
Will they finally play Lynn Camp again
Will the committee hire the same consultant as Bell Co
Why would Russell want to be a part of such a dysfunctional system second only to Bell Co
Will they take this circus on the road
Will they take the band with them on the road

These are just a few of the questions that will be answered in the next few weeks....stay turned
We will just keep this thread.

Lets answer these questions as we learn them
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:Just curious is there going to be a new thread for the coaching search? I have some questions and comments to make and I don't want to waste them on this thread if there is going to be a new thread.

Ah Heck I'll go ahead and ask the questions:

Will there be a "committee"
What will the qualifications be to be on said committee
How many will be on the committee
Will parents be represented on the committee
What are the qualifications of the AD and what training does he have to be making decisions like this one.
Does he have the full backing of the admin
What is the stipend of the head coach
Will he be able to hire his own staff
Will he be stuck with the prior staff
Who mows the grass
Who does the laundry
Do they need new uniforms
Will the new coach have to raise money to buy them
Do they need new helmets
Will they change the KC on the helmets
Will there be interviews
What is the time frame for a hire
Will there be multiple offers like Bell Co last winter
Does Elam even want the job
Does Hoskins even want the job
Was Hoskins quoted as saying he knew this months ago
Has Elam even resigned from Pineville
Have the recruiters started contacting the 3 star and above recruits
Does the new KHSAA rule allowing ineligible players to play freshman and JV to effect players leaving
Does Knox Central even care
Will the new coach demand a buyout in his contract
Will they finally play Lynn Camp again
Will the committee hire the same consultant as Bell Co
Why would Russell want to be a part of such a dysfunctional system second only to Bell Co
Will they take this circus on the road
Will they take the band with them on the road

These are just a few of the questions that will be answered in the next few weeks....stay turned


Dougie's been a fishin' and dang if it wouldn't have gone over my head too but for APF pointing it out. Confusedilly:
Whatever happens happens no matter if anybody likes it or not
I was told from very reliable and high up source that the job is wide open and I mean wide open and I was told that job be posted after thanksgiving or around 1st or 2nd of December
You know how many times we have heard the reliable source quoted on here regarding coaching searches. LOL.
I also heard from a reliable source Santa Claus is coming to town. I'm not sure I even believe that
papagrit Wrote:Confusednicker:

Dougie's been a fishin' and dang if it wouldn't have gone over my head too but for APF pointing it out. Confusedilly:

hchs fan Wrote:I was told from very reliable and high up source that the job is wide open and I mean wide open and I was told that job be posted after thanksgiving or around 1st or 2nd of December

I heard the same from a reliable source w/in the district.
Hard to believe Fred Hoskins doesn't have a shot at this job.... Bell County better call Scottie right now
Trashtalker Wrote:Hard to believe Fred Hoskins doesn't have a shot at this job.... Bell County better call Scottie right now

It's an idea. Wonder how this would have played out a year ago when Bell was having all of trouble during their coaching search if Scottie had been rooted out then? Another KC coach moving to Bell?:pondering:

I bet he lands on his feet up our way somewhere (closer to Lexington) after examining his options for jobs and looking at where would be the best place to settle back down with his family. I hear he has at least one gymnast in the family and moving closer to her training might be a possibility if the right opportunity arises.

(DOUGIE....I'll have you know that since you started being the spellchecker on here, I went to look at how to spell gymnast because I wasn't sure if it was an I or an A. I just wanted to say :moon: to you)
I can see Scotty moving closers that way. He does have a daughter who is into gymnastics. He almost took the Madison Southern job before the KC job because of his daughter to be closers to her training.

Living The Dream!!
Won't be back at Bell.
Him being forced out starting to be false now? I hope so for him and whomever the new coach is.

8K a year for the stress of 8-12 wins or bust? Admins needs to take a look around and take notice that men out there aren't finding it worth it anymore, and it's not.
panther nation Wrote:Yes I do know him personally. I've known him for a very long time. I know his character which is first class. I was there when he took over KC as head coach. When my son played for him I was at practice every day I could make. I was there though summer and off season practices as well. So my question for you is do you even know man? If you did you would know his passion for the game and turning this young boys into men. So there no Madden are chair qb here pal.

You're misunderstanding what he's saying... He played for Bart... He is tired of people bashing Coach Elam..
He just wants to blame someone, call your AD. Don't blame Coach Elam, he would do a great job. I can see KC is starting like Bell, some coaches are just not good enough. Bell said that and look where they are. Good luck with your search, and I will say it again, if Coach Elam is your coach, you got a GREAT coach.

If my grammar is not correct, keep it to yourself. Thanks
Russell should have not been done this way, another administration that is going to feel the heat. They never learn. However, parents need not bash a coach, because watching your son's practice and thinking you are a coach puts you in the same category as your administration. Think about it.
papagrit Wrote:It's an idea. Wonder how this would have played out a year ago when Bell was having all of trouble during their coaching search if Scottie had been rooted out then? Another KC coach moving to Bell?:pondering:

I bet he lands on his feet up our way somewhere (closer to Lexington) after examining his options for jobs and looking at where would be the best place to settle back down with his family. I hear he has at least one gymnast in the family and moving closer to her training might be a possibility if the right opportunity arises.

(DOUGIE....I'll have you know that since you started being the spellchecker on here, I went to look at how to spell gymnast because I wasn't sure if it was an I or an A. I just wanted to say :moon: to you)
I wanted to be a discrete grammar nazi. Now the secrete is out
panther nation Wrote:I can see Scotty moving closers that way. He does have a daughter who is into gymnastics. He almost took the Madison Southern job before the KC job because of his daughter to be closers to her training.

Yep. Of this I was aware. Now pulling the kids out of the school will be harder for him where they are older. I reckon one daughter is really good at gymnastics. I do wish you all good luck down there with the coaching search whomever it winds up being. I still call it a mistake to dump Coach Russell.

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