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Prestonsburg -- 58th District Cheerleading Champs!
Congradulations Pburg! Everything was perfect!
Five years in a row, and workin on 6!!
Congratualtions To The P-Burg Squad.  Takes Hard Work And Dedication To Finish First In Anything.  I'm Just Wandering, Does Anyone Actually See The Scores Of The Teams.  Are They Listed Somewhere.  Seems Like The Score Along With Listed Deductions Would Help To Prepare Squads Better In The Future. ( Not Make The Same Mistake Over And Over )  Just Wandering. :confused:
I agree with rebel mom on this topic totally sf should have got it! But it was at p-burgs home court..isnt it funny how they took everything...but they did pretty good
Well it's funny that Pburg has won it 5 years in a row. That means that every year the tourney rotates to a different school they still won it.. hmm! Maybe its because they are the best squad!
Doubt that...Maybe its because it was rigged..but hey i saw u all u werre pretty good..i just thought it would go to sf!
There is no way Prestonburg could rig it at another school, and there is no reason they would want to. They are better than that, everything they win, they deserve.
Rigged this year for sure and count 5 years in a row do not thinl so!1 Score where not shown to other squads even after they where requested and by Kapos rules they have to be given to the coaches. funny how they where not the last time I remember Pburg winning was 4 years ago at pburg.
LMFAO!!! fair & square huh??? thats funny....
well ok ill take that back im not sayin they rigged it well only 50% i am the other 50% im just PLAIN FLAT OUT SAYIN THEY DIDN'T DESERVE IT!
Stop being so negative... the better squad won... and that was Prestonsburg!  Nothing was rigged ... get over it!
Exactly.. Prestonsburg has won it 5 years, that means that even when it was at BL, AC and SF they STILL won!! Prestonsburg deserved it- plain and simple!
Prestonsburg Boys Varsity #1 :party:
LOL cheerleaders take everything so personal
Hey, P'burg Cheerleaders, I know someone that has some pictures he took at the Regional Tourn game I think he got 1 or 2 of you all. Send me a pm with an e mail address and I'll tell him to send them to you.

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