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Riots--- Again
In 2008 Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. I didn't like it, nor did anybody who had actually listened to what he had promised was to come. None the less I accepted my fate and suffered through 8 very long and miserable years which featured the sidelining of the US Congress, lies and stonewalling, Sequestration (which BTW, amounted to gnawing off one's own arm as the remedy for a hangnail) and the generally erosive policies of his administration. Why? Because it was the voter who placed Mr Obama in power, and I had to deal with it, peaceably and subserviently. I have however, noticed one remarkable difference from among the past three elections, there was no rioting in the streets on the part of the right in '08 or '14. Pretty stark contrast of behavior between then and 2016.

These so-called protests are about as spontaneous as were Mr Obama's remarks about Trump at the 2011 Correspondents Dinner. Yet again we see the doings of the clandestine left. More hired thugs to make it seem like this country does not want Donald J Trump to be their President. Wrong! We The People voted him in as our President and we are very glad that his time has come. The 'law and order President' will take the handcuffs off of law enforcement, and put them where they are so sorely needed, on the wrists of violent protestors and others who have so brazenly broken with peaceful and or lawful social decorum. If, and I submit this is a HUGE if, this administration stated clearly it's intention to legitimately charge all who destroy public/private property or engage in acts of violence, the rioting would immediately cease.

Protests ARE lawful. Violent protests are unlawful. Class dismissed.
TheRealThing Wrote:In 2008 Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. I didn't like it, nor did anybody who had actually listened to what he had promised was to come. None the less I accepted my fate and suffered through 8 very long and miserable years which featured the sidelining of the US Congress, lies and stonewalling, Sequestration (which BTW, amounted to gnawing off one's own arm as the remedy for a hangnail) and the generally erosive policies of his administration. Why? Because it was the voter who placed Mr Obama in power, and I had to deal with it, peaceably and subserviently. I have however, noticed one remarkable difference from among the past three elections, there was no rioting in the streets on the part of the right in '08 or '14. Pretty stark contrast of behavior between then and 2016.

These so-called protests are about as spontaneous as were Mr Obama's remarks about Trump at the 2011 Correspondents Dinner. Yet again we see the doings of the clandestine left. More hired thugs to make it seem like this country does not want Donald J Trump to be their President. Wrong! We The People voted him in as our President and we are very glad that his time has come. The 'law and order President' will take the handcuffs off of law enforcement, and put them where they are so sorely needed, on the wrists of violent protestors and others who have so brazenly broken with peaceful and or lawful social decorum. If, and I submit this is a HUGE if, this administration stated clearly it's intention to legitimately charge all who destroy public/private property or engage in acts of violence, the rioting would immediately cease.

Protests ARE lawful. Violent protests are unlawful. Class dismissed.

Follow the money and paper trail on this and it'll probably have George Soro's address as the point of origin.
I agree as to the point of origin.

Trump was berated by the media when he did not make a statement about accepting the results of the election. Many of the celebrities that swore to leave American should Trump win, are now encouraging people to do just that. Signs, chants of "not my President" and protests are legal and part of your constitutional rights, IMO. However, property damage, barricades to a major interstate and walking among vehicle traffic are NOT legal.
Can you imagine the media outrage if Trump would have lost and his supporters were doing this?
First, in my view, protesting against Donald Trump is not the same as disputing the results of the election. To say "not my President" suggests a sort of back yard whiffle ball "take my ball and go home" immaturity. We are all Americans. Donald Trump is our President Elect. If we love our country and fellow citizens, we should hope he proves a good leader.

Second, as the tongue, though but a small member can start a mighty fire, so can political rhetoric, if particularly nasty, lead to unrest.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:First, in my view, protesting against Donald Trump is not the same as disputing the results of the election. To say "not my President" suggests a sort of back yard whiffle ball "take my ball and go home" immaturity. We are all Americans. Donald Trump is our President Elect. If we love our country and fellow citizens, we should hope he proves a good leader.

Second, as the tongue, though but a small member can start a mighty fire, so can political rhetoric, if particularly nasty, lead to unrest.

Nobody on here gives a flip about the protests, what or who they are about. Destruction of property and violence are crimes that should be prosecuted.
TheRealThing Wrote:Nobody on here gives a flip about the protests, what or who they are about. Destruction of property and violence are crimes that should be prosecuted.

Your post is patently false in its scope, as you bring more hyperbole out of the debate toolbox.
I wouldn't worry too much about the riots. They've managed to turn on each other now, it's actually getting a little entertaining. In a few days they will ride off on their magic unicorns, snorting their pixie dust and be with the rest of the powerless, irrevelant liberal world. Personally since they want to destroy property and hurt people I'd like to see the gov't send people in and crush them like the little maggots they are but we can't hurt such precious little butterflies Confusednicker:
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Your post is patently false in its scope, as you bring more hyperbole out of the debate toolbox.

Frankly, I doubt that you even understand what the term scope even means, much less be able to clarify adequately the scope of this thread.

In an orderly society, i.e. as in the America of the past 60 years minus the Obama Era, one would not dress up hired gun protestors, mercenaries, working that which is both illegal and destructive to our society for dark and nefarious social engineering overlords, in the clothes of patriots. Such mindlessness would be counterproductive to the common good and therefore unthinkable. None the less in this case, unless one is willfully ignorant the empirical evidence is overwhelmingly revealing. The protestors are hired and therefore illegitimate.
Demarcus ware Wrote:I wouldn't worry too much about the riots. They've managed to turn on each other now, it's actually getting a little entertaining. In a few days they will ride off on their magic unicorns, snorting their pixie dust and be with the rest of the powerless, irrevelant liberal world. Personally since they want to destroy property and hurt people I'd like to see the gov't send people in and crush them like the little maggots they are but we can't hurt such precious little butterflies Confusednicker:

You're probably right. It's hard to get by with the shenanigans once the new sheriff is in town.
TIC-TOCK. Hours of rioting have now turned to days of rioting; Will weeks of rioting turn to months? Given the comments of Harry Reid, folks might be wondering about now if the lawlessness is okay with some of the Dems. And like so many things directly attributable to this administration, the bills that business owners and tax payers are to be stuck with for the resultant property damage, are skyrocketing.
TheRealThing Wrote:TIC-TOCK. Hours of rioting have now turned to days of rioting; Will weeks of rioting turn to months? Given the comments of Harry Reid, folks might be wondering about now if the lawlessness is okay with some of the Dems. And like so many things directly attributable to this administration, the bills that business owners and tax payers are to be stuck with for the resultant property damage, are skyrocketing.

I might suggest the term "promoted"..
^^ I know many Dems could not function without other people telling them what to think. If you watched the video you cited you realize that our Governor was speaking about American blood that might be spilled should war come knocking on our door again. He stated that the US gave up military interests that were already purchased one time with the blood of those who paid all, and it would be a disgrace if it had to happen again because of spineless leadership.

That's what the Governor was saying. The Crooks and Liars Headline of your article falsely charges that Governor Bevin is calling for bloodshed should DJT lose the election. Crooks and Liars is an aptly named website as the shameless distortions in the video clearly demonstrate.
Twice now I have heard the term civil war being mentioned as a possible outcome of all the election associated rioting. The first time, when a Dallas police officer voiced his worry that the current riots could escalate into civil war. The term civil war came out during the discourse when of one of two police officers from the Dallas PD drew a parallel between the Dallas riots and the current election riots. The original topic of the interview was intended to shed light on the reason for their lawsuit. The two are suing Black Lives Matter and evidently the Obama administration for the riots in Dallas, which among many other grievous outcomes resulted in the deaths of two police officers. In the suit Sgt. Demetrick Pennie says BLM has ignited a race war. "Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking between $500 million and $1.5 billion in the complaint filed in federal court, the Dallas Morning News reported."

The second mention was this morning when Larry Sabato briefly expressed his concerns that this could be headed toward possible 'civil war.' I must confess that something about all this does have a foreboding feel about it. The major difference I see between the race riots of the Nixon years for example as compared to our day, is the very conspicuous lack of response on the part of government. The protestors of the 60's did not like it, and they railed against it, but a lasting order was nonetheless restored with the help of police and the National Guard.
Bob Seger Wrote:Follow the money and paper trail on this and it'll probably have George Soro's address as the point of origin.

You nailed it Bob. It turns out (according to Tucker Carlson) that there is a group which goes by the name ANSWER, dedicated to oppose all things American following the 911 attacks. Key organizers for what has become a nationwide spreading of the so-called protests are none other than George Soros, the Rev Al Sharpton and Michael Moore. Money to pay $15 an hour to 'hire' protestors is funneled through various untraceable means to ANSWER, and is then distributed on the ground to these protest leaders of a sort.

In the present climate it does not take much to motivate gullible, "useful idiot" college students and other irrational dissidents to take part in the destruction and civil disobedience. Now, if FOX News is on top of this stuff you know US intelligence is not wanting to that end. Is it plausible that so much is being perpetrated merely to blow off some steam? Not IMHO. And BTW, if they'd been motivated to vote in the same way they're evidently motivated to commit felonies, one would have thought Hill would have won.
TheRealThing Wrote:Frankly, I doubt that you even understand what the term scope even means, much less be able to clarify adequately the scope of this thread.

In an orderly society, i.e. as in the America of the past 60 years minus the Obama Era, one would not dress up hired gun protestors, mercenaries, working that which is both illegal and destructive to our society for dark and nefarious social engineering overlords, in the clothes of patriots. Such mindlessness would be counterproductive to the common good and therefore unthinkable. None the less in this case, unless one is willfully ignorant the empirical evidence is overwhelmingly revealing. The protestors are hired and therefore illegitimate.

I realize, TRT, your deep need to view the RNC as, basically, the Christian Reconstruction Party. I have stated before my belief in your sincerity. However, as PE Trump moves to mitigate and moderate some of his positions from the campaign, here's the fact: both major parties practice the art of politics, which includes appealing to lowest common denominator instincts (name calling, class warfare, racial bias, fear of immigrants). Both parties do this, then mitigate and moderate as they position themselves to actually govern. This isn't hypocrisy or, heaven forbid, political correctness. It is the art of politics. In my view, there is no compromise of your essential Christian integrity and a recognition of this truth.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I realize, TRT, your deep need to view the RNC as, basically, the Christian Reconstruction Party. I have stated before my belief in your sincerity. However, as PE Trump moves to mitigate and moderate some of his positions from the campaign, here's the fact: both major parties practice the art of politics, which includes appealing to lowest common denominator instincts (name calling, class warfare, racial bias, fear of immigrants). Both parties do this, then mitigate and moderate as they position themselves to actually govern. This isn't hypocrisy or, heaven forbid, political correctness. It is the art of politics. In my view, there is no compromise of your essential Christian integrity and a recognition of this truth.

LOL, whatever you actually do realize, I can assure you it's not contained within the body of this blather^^. But thank you for accepting my sincerity.

I don't need one single thing from the RNC in my quest to ascertain the truth of this world. 81% of evangelical Christians voted for Trump, and yet even if I'd been the only one who did, I would have been no more or less sure of my view of the truth. Pragmatic Christians understood their vote was for President, not Pastor. They therefore chose the candidate who voiced what many believed was a clear understanding and commitment to fulfill their concerns.

Now, as to your dodging reality by falsely ascribing lucidity and God's Scriptural promise of understanding given to His own, to a cultic following of Rousas John Rushdoony.

One can divide mankind into all kinds of groups, factions and beliefs. However to borrow one of your own oft used observations, God's act of sorting the net leaves us ultimately with only two categories, the saved and the lost. And as you know from reading my posts, I contend that that consideration is the prime reason God put us here. To choose for Him or choose against Him, and said choice cements our categorical placement in one of the two. Which BTW is His choice and His purview. Notice the choice was mutual, and was made possible only through His shed blood.

As I have told you in times past, Jesus says He is 'THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD'. I don't care how big a man's IQ, he cannot see truth fully until The Lord Jesus by faith through grace turns the lights of for him. Only then can he see completely the truth. Man's wisdom says that we Christian's minds, are somehow clouded by our spiritual association with The Lord and they mock us as the result. They see religion then as a mitigating factor which limits our understanding. Of course, the converse is actually true, it is the lost whose minds have been darkened, and they the ones then who fail to see the whole revelation of truth.

And so, like the scientist has come up with the complex and convoluted theory of evolution, so too has the liberal come up with a scaffold for lack of a better term, in which to support yet another complex rationalization, and I might add, one of your personal favorites. That being Christian Reconstructionism. The left sort of had to hunt a little bit to find the right controversial figure on which to pin all of this, and poor old Rousas John Rushdoony seems to have been the guy.

I, don't have any issues with my nation's history and I certainly don't need you to straighten me out on any of it until or unless you decide to stick with recorded history and eschew essential liberty and the rest of the liberal revisionist rationalizations. (all of which are unsupported in the record BTW)

You are wrong to say both Dems and Republicans do it. i.e. see riots and who protests, and who organizes and funds them.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, whatever you actually do realize, I can assure you it's not contained within the body of this blather^^. But thank you for accepting my sincerity.

I don't need one single thing from the RNC in my quest to ascertain the truth of this world. 81% of evangelical Christians voted for Trump, and yet even if I'd been the only one who did, I would have been no more or less sure of my view of the truth. Pragmatic Christians understood their vote was for President, not Pastor. They therefore chose the candidate who voiced what many believed was a clear understanding and commitment to fulfill their concerns.

Now, as to your dodging reality by falsely ascribing lucidity and God's Scriptural promise of understanding given to His own, to a cultic following of Rousas John Rushdoony.

One can divide mankind into all kinds of groups, factions and beliefs. However to borrow one of your own oft used observations, God's act of sorting the net leaves us ultimately with only two categories, the saved and the lost. And as you know from reading my posts, I contend that that consideration is the prime reason God put us here. To choose for Him or choose against Him, and said choice cements our categorical placement in one of the two. Which BTW is His choice and His purview. Notice the choice was mutual, and was made possible only through His shed blood.

As I have told you in times past, Jesus says He is 'THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD'. I don't care how big a man's IQ, he cannot see truth fully until The Lord Jesus by faith through grace turns the lights of for him. Only then can he see completely the truth. Man's wisdom says that we Christian's minds, are somehow clouded by our spiritual association with The Lord and they mock us as the result. They see religion then as a mitigating factor which limits our understanding. Of course, the converse is actually true, it is the lost whose minds have been darkened, and they the ones then who fail to see the whole revelation of truth.

And so, like the scientist has come up with the complex and convoluted theory of evolution, so too has the liberal come up with a scaffold for lack of a better term, in which to support yet another complex rationalization, and I might add, one of your personal favorites. That being Christian Reconstructionism. The left sort of had to hunt a little bit to find the right controversial figure on which to pin all of this, and poor old Rousas John Rushdoony seems to have been the guy.

I, don't have any issues with my nation's history and I certainly don't need you to straighten me out on any of it until or unless you decide to stick with recorded history and eschew essential liberty and the rest of the liberal revisionist rationalizations. (all of which are unsupported in the record BTW)

You are wrong to say both Dems and Republicans do it. i.e. see riots and who protests, and who organizes and funds them.

Thank you for your brief remarks.

Have you taken the time to FOR YOURSELF take a look at the Founding Fathers? Not a few, selected ones, but rather the sum of them in toto? A few juicy quotes does not make for a comprehensive evaluation. Now, in a fundamentalist church, with a fundamentalist audience, I'm sure your effusive preening is quite well received. However, in any kind of objective forum, it's going to get pretty warm in your seat pretty quickly. In fact, in days to come, a good look at the totality of the Founders, words, beliefs, and actual lives is probably necessary to illustrate your selective use of history.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Thank you for your brief remarks.

Have you taken the time to FOR YOURSELF take a look at the Founding Fathers? Not a few, selected ones, but rather the sum of them in toto? A few juicy quotes does not make for a comprehensive evaluation. Now, in a fundamentalist church, with a fundamentalist audience, I'm sure your effusive preening is quite well received. However, in any kind of objective forum, it's going to get pretty warm in your seat pretty quickly. In fact, in days to come, a good look at the totality of the Founders, words, beliefs, and actual lives is probably necessary to illustrate your selective use of history.

:biglmao: Well let me ask you since this forum is apparently not up to your objective standards, why do you waste so much time here? Not that it would impress you I'm certain, but as it happens my major was in history. Remarkably, I had occasion to do a few cursory or otherwise glancing blows in that area, just to satisfy my profs you know. They were all the time on and on about midterms and finals and stuff like that.
TheRealThing Wrote::biglmao: Well let me ask you since this forum is apparently not up to your objective standards, why do you waste so much time here? Not that it would impress you I'm certain, but as it happens my major was in history. Remarkably, I had occasion to do a few cursory or otherwise glancing blows in that area, just to satisfy my profs you know. They were all the time on and on about midterms and finals and stuff like that.

We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see.

I doubt it.
I say more were to them. I would even go a step further and say they have every right to completely destroy those liberal cities and businesses that they're in.
"Progressives" will never be smart enough to realize that they're only hurting themselves and destroying their own stuff. Let em have at it.
But who gets to replace the things ruined and refurbish their communities?
Certainly not them!!! That would indicate taking responsibility.

Give them more coloring books and support puppies.
Granny Bear Wrote:But who gets to replace the things ruined and refurbish their communities?
Certainly not them!!! That would indicate taking responsibility.

Give them more coloring books and support puppies.

A question: are those who protest peacefully, who, in the spirit of Dr. King and Ghandi, advocate non-violence, are these "progressives" in need of your niceties, or are they simply exercising a basic freedom?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:A question: are those who protest peacefully, who, in the spirit of Dr. King and Ghandi, advocate non-violence, are these "progressives" in need of your niceties, or are they simply exercising a basic freedom?

I must have missed seeing those who're protesting peacefully.
TheRealThing Wrote:I must have missed seeing those who're protesting peacefully.

This would be in keeping with an overall theme of selective seeing and hearing.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:A question: are those who protest peacefully, who, in the spirit of Dr. King and Ghandi, advocate non-violence, are these "progressives" in need of your niceties, or are they simply exercising a basic freedom?

You are speaking to someone who was a teenager in the 60s, and did their fair share of protesting. surprised? Smile

I do advocate non-violence protesting. If I didn't, I still wouldn't be voting. After all, the African American male voted 50 years before any females. Go ahead google it. I may have missed in by a few years, but not by many.

I resent your statement that included "in need of your niceties". Looting, destruction of public and private property, physical attacks....NONE of these are what I would consider a nicety.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:This would be in keeping with an overall theme of selective seeing and hearing.

No that's your area of expertise.
Was it Cliff Clavin of CHEERS who said, "Back to your lives, citizens. The show's over." I know it was a line in TOY STORY. The peaceful transfer of power once again graces the shores of America. Conspiracy theorists and general wackadoos: at ease.

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