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Your election projection
catdoggy Wrote:This brand of Christianity is a dying breed. They gripe about Jesus not being taught about in school and yet they don't even act like him in their own churches. Look up hypocrite and you'll understand.

LOL, even I am not fooled by your user name du jour. Surely you realize the Lord isn't?
What are you even talking about? Why do you keep talking about my user name and saying that I have duplicate accounts? What I'm saying is striking a nerve because it's true and you know it.
catdoggy Wrote:What are you even talking about? Why do you keep talking about my user name and saying that I have duplicate accounts? What I'm saying is striking a nerve because it's true and you know it.

I'm sorry. Let's reset. You're saying that I am offended that you would have the courage to judge Christendom?
I'm not qualifying right wing extremism as Christianity at all. It's not Christianity. If you use the Bible and God's word as something to hide your hate behind YOU have to answer for that. And that's exactly what Trump Christianity is. Nothing more and probably a lot less.
catdoggy Wrote:What are you even talking about? Why do you keep talking about my user name and saying that I have duplicate accounts? What I'm saying is striking a nerve because it's true and you know it.

Love the "striking nerve" dudes :hilarious:
I'm glad. The "striking nerve" dudes live for your approval.
Still better than narrowing one's horizons to strictly match the views of only one man.
TheRealThing Wrote:Obviously somebody has their wires crossed.

Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer says Clinton Foundation Charitable outlays only total 6% of gross donations.

The Clinton Foundation spent less than 6 percent of its budget on charitable grants in 2014, according to documents the organization filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in 2015.

Again, nuance matters.
catdoggy Wrote:He lost his chance at VA when Tim Kaine got into the race.
Time Kaine showed himself to be a clown in the VP debate. It is harder for a Republican win in Fairfax County and in Floyd County, Kentucky. My Democratic Congressman was unopposed today. Hopefully, the turnout in the rest of Virginia will offset votes in northern Virginia.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The email threads provide evidence IF you interpret them to do so. Of course, Hoot, you are going to interpret them that way.

Is Ted Cruz morally superior to Hillary Clinton? This seems your flight of fancy into the land of conscience. Would that you knew that which you preen that you do. As with TRT, I respect the sincerity and integrity of your beliefs and positions. Would that more citizens took civic responsibility as seriously. We just disagree.
Not much more than basic literacy is required to understand what the Clintons have been selling. All you have to do is read the emails for yourself, which you clearly have not done. Maybe you will admit the truth when justice or an Obama pardon catches up to Clinton's gang.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Not much more than basic literacy is required to understand what the Clintons have been selling. All you have to do is read the emails for yourself, which you clearly have not done. Maybe you will admit the truth when justice or an Obama pardon catches up to Clinton's gang.

"Basic literacy" is not defined by the perspective from which one reads, which produces interpretation.
Well, thank God a majority of the voting public disagreed with 'basic literacy' according to your perception. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, thank God a majority of the voting public disagreed with 'basic literacy' according to your perception. :biggrin:

Have you seen a different overall vote total than me? Last I saw, with 98% reporting, HRC was leading the popular vote by a very slim margin.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Basic literacy" is not defined by the perspective from which one reads, which produces interpretation.
My perspective is plain English. Hillary's own staff expressed concern that accepting a $12 million donation in exchange for a personal appearance would be interpreted as a quid pro quo arrangement. What do you interpret Huma Abedin's comment that Hillary created that "mess" and what perspective are you spinning it from?
Note: in my view, HRC evidenced a weakness, that she and her husband share, and that many political elite do: rules are for common folks. President-elect Trump spoke to and tapped into a deep vein of disgust with the political elite, which HRC came to fully represent for enough voters to make DJT a winner.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My perspective is plain English. Hillary's own staff expressed concern that accepting a $12 million donation in exchange for a personal appearance would be interpreted as a quid pro quo arrangement. What do you interpret Huma Abedin's comment that Hillary created that "mess" and what perspective are you spinning it from?

I am asking you: $12 million for a personal appearance. Is that quid pro quo in the sense of corruption? Was America compromised? Is it "quid pro quo" for an evangelist to accept a large fee for a speaking engagement? Is the gospel compromised when Reverend Osteen speaks to a corporation rally for $150,000?

I am not equating the two. Again, I am no fan of the Clintons. I am a fan of measured political discourse, minus demonizing opponents as the lowest common denominator method to achieve majority, which, and I reassert this, both red and blue sweaters do.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Have you seen a different overall vote total than me? Last I saw, with 98% reporting, HRC was leading the popular vote by a very slim margin.

Another failing of your civics teacher? In this country we have something called the electoral college. You take the California vote total out of the equation and Hillary's slim margin would not exist.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I am asking you: $12 million for a personal appearance. Is that quid pro quo in the sense of corruption? Was America compromised? Is it "quid pro quo" for an evangelist to accept a large fee for a speaking engagement? Is the gospel compromised when Reverend Osteen speaks to a corporation rally for $150,000?

I am not equating the two. Again, I am no fan of the Clintons. I am a fan of measured political discourse, minus demonizing opponents as the lowest common denominator method to achieve majority, which, and I reassert this, both red and blue sweaters do.

And which red sweater wearer was it again that is under congressional and FBI investigations? What you seem to be demanding for the lucid minded among us, is the civil and temperate acceptance of improprieties perpetrated by elected officials. Sort of like the way the Bushes acted when Hillary demanded we invade Iraq and then unjustly slammed W for tricking her into having done so. Some have called such Republican civility spineless.

But the Republicans tried that approach for the entirety of my lifetime and look where it got them. Dems demonized them for fools and passé relics of something they despise and reject, that being the conservative mindset. The Romney candidacy is another perfect example of what you're asking for, the classy and amicable acceptance of getting steamrolled by innuendo and slander. However, where the Republicans were obviously more than willing to comply, the voter had had enough. Along came another option and the establishment got their attitude adjustment. The spin doctors will be, no already are out in force trying to spin their way out of this. They rejected the obvious in the sweeping elections of 2010 and 2014, and now they will try to dodge reality in 2016.

One of the things Mr Obama said in the past couple of days was that 'we have to elect Hillary because all of the hard work (of the transformation) will otherwise go right out the window.' I listened to Hillary's concession speech and I heard her vow to continue the fight. I then listened to Obama's concessions speech, which as far as I know since he was not a candidate was the first ever in such circumstances, and he said basically the same thing. The voter has spoken but if they think this thing is over they are sadly mistaken. As the term implies, the revolution will again make it's circuit and the voter will be called on again to be responsible stewards of the gift of self-governance.

But, until that day we've got work to do! Thank God and let's celebrate, but let us also be vigilant, especially the next 71 days, 10 hours and 16 minutes.
My civics teacher was a pretty cool dude. Chain smoker as I recall. He also taught us what "majority" meant. Your own hyperbolic statements led to this exchange. McCain and Romney garnered more votes than PE Trump did last night, in statistically significant fashion. This point does nothing to diminish the significance of what DJT accomplished in the last year.
TheRealThing Wrote:And which red sweater wearer was it again that is under congressional and FBI investigations? What you seem to be demanding for the lucid minded among us, is the civil and temperate acceptance of improprieties perpetrated by elected officials. Sort of like the way the Bushes acted when Hillary demanded we invade Iraq and then unjustly slammed W for tricking her into having done so. Some have called such Republican civility spineless.

But the Republicans tried that approach for the entirety of my lifetime and look where it got them. Dems demonized them for fools and passé relics of something they despise and reject, that being the conservative mindset. The Romney candidacy is another perfect example of what you're asking for, the classy and amicable acceptance of getting steamrolled by innuendo and slander. However, where the Republicans were obviously more than willing to comply, the voter had had enough. Along came another option and the establishment got their attitude adjustment. The spin doctors will be, no already are out in force trying to spin their way out of this. They rejected the obvious in the sweeping elections of 2010 and 2014, and now they will try to dodge reality in 2016.

One of the things Mr Obama said in the past couple of days was that 'we have to elect Hillary because all of the hard work (of the transformation) will otherwise go right out the window.' I listened to Hillary's concession speech and I heard her vow to continue the fight. I then listened to Obama's concessions speech, which as far as I know since he was not a candidate was the first ever in such circumstances, and he said basically the same thing. The voter has spoken but if they think this thing is over they are sadly mistaken. As the term implies, the revolution will again make it's circuit and the voter will be called on again to be responsible stewards of the gift of self-governance.

But, until that day we've got work to do! Thank God and let's celebrate, but let us also be vigilant, especially the next 71 days, 10 hours and 16 minutes.

Incorrect. I am suggesting that HRC did not commit a felony. She exercised a cavalier attitude toward the rules and the advice of others, including her President. It was not an isolated incident. Ultimately, she paid the price, as the Rust Belt sent her, and others, a message. Again, none of this takes away from the monumental achievement of PE Trump in winning the nomination and the general election. I believe this shot of adrenalin will be good for the country, as I have said before.
So, deleting those emails after they were under subpoena is not criminal?
Granny Bear Wrote:So, deleting those emails after they were under subpoena is not criminal?

This would be a point of interpretation. If I despise Hillary (as you do), I look at the facts and the timing and say, "Felony." Others might say "misdemeanor," or "playing as if rules don't apply but not a crime."

Nuance matters.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:This would be a point of interpretation. If I despise Hillary (as you do), I look at the facts and the timing and say, "Felony." Others might say "misdemeanor," or "playing as if rules don't apply but not a crime."

Nuance matters.

1) I do not despise Hillary
2) You used 3 quoted terms that I did not use, and never once did you address the question of "criminal"

Nuance matters to you because you have to restate others' posts in order to find a point of fault.
Granny Bear Wrote:1) I do not despise Hillary
2) You used 3 quoted terms that I did not use, and never once did you address the question of "criminal"

Nuance matters to you because you have to restate others' posts in order to find a point of fault.

(1) Nuance matters because, well, nuance matters.

(2) I was discussing an issue, not directly quoting you, but referencing hypothetical viewpoints.

(3) Restating what the opponent argues then responding is fairly standard debate form.

If you do not despise Hillary, I was in error.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Incorrect. I am suggesting that HRC did not commit a felony. She exercised a cavalier attitude toward the rules and the advice of others, including her President. It was not an isolated incident. Ultimately, she paid the price, as the Rust Belt sent her, and others, a message. Again, none of this takes away from the monumental achievement of PE Trump in winning the nomination and the general election. I believe this shot of adrenalin will be good for the country, as I have said before.

LOL. You can relabel infanticide and call it women's health. Likewise one can relabel, or redefine in this case, actions that put our national security in question as extremely careless. "Fox News’s (Judge) Andrew Napolitano said on Tuesday that FBI director James Comey calling Hillary Clinton “extremely careless” is like historians claiming that “John Wilkes Booth was extremely careless at Ford’s theater.”

Read more:

But to your point, people see cavalier actions by the officials they elect and send to the Hill to do their bidding as unacceptable. Sort of like a sickness actually. And though adrenalin is sometimes called for, this shot was more likely intended to serve a function like penicillin.

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