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Paducah Tilghman @ Elizabethtown 11/11
Winners of six straight, PT brings a regenerated air-raid offense that has put up 212 points in the past five games. OTOTH - PT's defense is small and struggles to stop the run or pressure the QB.

Etown is giving up just 16.2 points a game while PT allows 28.6.

Both teams have a common opponent in LaRue County. Etown beat LaRue 39-19 and Tilghman won 35-14.

If PT finds a way to cut out the penalties, and mounts sustained drives, it could be an interesting game. If Etown throttles the air raid and gets field position from the penalties, the game could get out of hand like last year.
Etown. PT don't win when they play tough competition.
mysonis55 Wrote:Etown. PT don't win when they play tough competition.

Very well thought thru insight.....
Have you sent Randy his Christmas card yet?
I can see PT winning this game, but I'm going with Etown at home 28-24.
PT by 3
Picked contrary to my instincts
I'm not going to jinx anything, but I believe PT has the ability to surprise a few people for a couple of games.
PT is still just a maturing JV squad, but they are much better than the first of the season.
One thing they have going for them this year at Etown is they are not trying to beat a team with an offense learned from the opposing coach-
Prediction-PT JV turns in equipment on Monday.
Some are suggesting that the departure of a PT staff member coincided with an uptick in message board criticism of the program. A coincidence or hurt feelings? Who knows?
Some OVERLY OBVIOUS butt- hurt has occurred.
I myself do not care who left. I would have liked to have seen them not put the cancer of a coach back on the program but, oh well. I do know this though. There are those that would like to claim that this has something to do with PT starting to win, Hogwash. PT started to win because they started playing teams they should beat at that time. If they came back and played McCracken, Mayfield or Caldwell right now, they would lose again. The problem has not been fixed.
Don't get me wrong, I want PT restored to their glory days. It makes West Ky better.
So of the last 5 how many PT games have you watched?
If all you have to add is you hate a coach on the staff then why don't you just worry about something else?
You say you want to see them return to prominence yet you bash the team and players as a whole unit.
Have you noticed how many yards our qb has thrown for?
Have you noticed we have a Rb invited to an All-American game?
I'm not foolish enough to say we have everything just right, but I am smart enough to know without a doubt we have improved.
If you don't realize that, you just don't know much about football.
PT by double digits. E-town isn't anywhere near as good as they were last year, and don't really have anybody to consistently stop the speed PT will have.
This must be a joke!! I pray you two are right cause Caldwell Co. will beat the brakes off PT, again!!!
Ghostofjoey Wrote:This must be a joke!! I pray you two are right cause Caldwell Co. will beat the brakes off PT, again!!!

I think regardless of who Caldwell plays in the 3rd round, the end result would be the same.
Ghostofjoey Wrote:This must be a joke!! I pray you two are right cause Caldwell Co. will beat the brakes off PT, again!!!

Glad it will make you happy
Perhaps you should try some of this[Image:]
Ghostofjoey Wrote:This must be a joke!! I pray you two are right cause Caldwell Co. will beat the brakes off PT, again!!!

Maybe, maybe not the team i seen play Tilghman in the first half wont beat the brakes off them.
Trueblue, I surely noticed how many yards and points they gave up to lowly ole Murray. Wow, they scored 60+. They gave up 40+ to a team that barely even scored on Calloway Co.

Killbilly, I know you extremely dislike Caldwell. But the truth is, they won't have a problem with PT this year.
mysonis55 Wrote:Trueblue, I surely noticed how many yards and points they gave up to lowly ole Murray. Wow, they scored 60+. They gave up 40+ to a team that barely even scored on Calloway Co.

Killbilly, I know you extremely dislike Caldwell. But the truth is, they won't have a problem with PT this year.

Nothing at all to do with dislike, wouldn't have a problem with Caldwell winning the whole thing. Fact is Caldwell has struggled in the first half Against a few teams, and I watched the game with Tilghman. If they play like they did in the first half Tilghman could beat them, but if they don't they will likely beat Tilghman. I predict Caldwell would win if they where to both meet in the 3rd round, but I don't know about the beating the brakes off them like someone said. I think it could be a pretty competitive game.
PT is just really down this year. It shouldn't be that way. It won't be that way for long. Not because of their new coaches. But, because they are fixing to benefit greatly from the fact that McCracken can't find a coach to win in the playoffs. I sense a defection coming.
Tilghman has a great tradition, and a lot of talent. They will get over the hump. Enjoy kicking them while their down, cause I doubt it last.
I really don't know much about e town, so I don't know what to predict, but I'm pulling for PT. I'd love to see PT, or Caldwell in the finals.
Since many don't know a huge factor of the Caldwell game I'll just draw the picture out, We started off the game with a balanced attack running and throwing. The running game was working well and keeping Caldwell off balance. At the half it was a tight game , but in the second half we never ran imuch again, and Caldwell kept us reeling. Immediately after that game we had a coaching change due to "philosophy difference"
I would like to think the offense has fared better due to a more balanced approach. But that ruffles the feathers of some as well.....
Killbilly points out the hump, and he is right. But I find it ironic that some posters enjoy trashing a program as a whole. I will bring this back up that it wasn't but about 10 years ago that many of the Mayfield faithful were calling for ***Joe Morris'***head on a platter.
I told some on these message boards that they were crazy, and with his family things were sure to change.
Now fast forward to the present, and Joe walks on water! No doubt that he is a great coach, he weathered the storm and brought Mayfield to a new level that even his dad didn't get to.
Things change, there are highs and lows for EVERYONE,
PT will be just fine.
Joe Morris had ONE bad year. PT will have some dips here and there but they have consistently underachieved since Perry Thomas left. Barring the one year Larry Shanks coached them to a championship.
As for the Tilghman game, they were competitive the first half, the game was at Tilghman and it was an important game, pride alone would keep it close. It's hard to go to an opponents field and just steamroll the home team right off the bat, that don't happen much. PT is a good team and capable of beating any team on their schedule, if Tilghman and Caldwell play again it would be a good game but I expect Caldwell to win again at home.
Ghostofjoey Wrote:Joe Morris had ONE bad year. PT will have some dips here and there but they have consistently underachieved since Perry Thomas left. Barring the one year Larry Shanks coached them to a championship.

Lets relive the Perry Thomas "glory days" at Tilghman.

2007 = 9-5
2006 = 6-6
2005 = 7-5
2004 = 8-4
2003= 13-1
2002 = 10-3
2001 = 8-4
2000 = 9-3

That is 8.75 wins a year.
Wyatt averaged 8.16 wins a year in six years including going 2-8 with the bare cupboard that Thomas chose not to coach 2008.

With the exception of Wyatt's first year, the Thomas era is consistent with Wyatt's better years, and was generally consistent with the highly-touted Rogers and appears to be not far from this year under Barber. It is also a fact that there was no need for grief counseling on either side when Thomas left because of playoff falters and the stark outlook had Thomas returned in 2008. I'm not sure if Thomas has an overall winning record at Campbellsville, but he is regarded as a good NAIA coach and was seen as a good HS coach also.

I guess there's a lot of things that Tilghman does not do, like letting players quietly live with coaches to get eligibility. But more than most programs for its size, Tilghman has produced quality college and pro players including two currently playing professional ball and at least 4 playing at D-1 schools. For a time last year, Tilghman had three on the field for UK, the only school to accomplish that. So perhaps the continued sniping comes from people who
are jealous, or were never able to beat Wyatt when he was in high school, or maybe someone applied for a job and did not get hired. IDK. It's not a perfect program, unlike others in the area. We lose games, We have squabbles. And apparently, PT evokes a near obsessive fascination in fans of other programs who chose to follow us, causing critics to talk to themselves through alternate nicks. It's all good.
Trueblue, you are missing the boat. You are bashing me for talking about PT. You can check with all the long time posters on here. I have taken it on the chin far more times than any PT fan, due to picking PT to rise again. So, please before you start to alienate someone, learn which ones are for or against your program.
I notice all those years under Thomas they were playing 12, 13, 14 games every year. They also played tougher schedules and those teams were much better than any of Wyatt's. I don't dislike PT football and agree that them being good is good for WKY. They do have good kids. And I don't just mean athletically, they have quality kids that play for them. They do lack the right leadership. And don't take the high road with the eligibility on me when PT has a running back from IL this year that lists Randy as his track coach for the last 3 years. I guess he has been using the PT facilities during those years? And now he has transferred there? That doesn't look shady at all.
If you don't think pt has the right leadership you don't know coach Barber. He is the leader of this team.
Coach Wyatt is an assistant and has done a good job helping coach Barber.
I had my doubts when I saw the coaching staff but they have done a good job with a young inexperienced team.

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