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Mercer County 21 - Knox Central 3

Mercer County will travel to Rockcastle County next week.
Congrats to Mercer
Way to go Mercer!
I was surprised by Mercer's defense.
Knox has just given up the last three weeks
Mission 1 for Knox this offseason

Coaching Change
Bobcat4years Wrote:Coaching Change

As a Rocket fan, I hope so. Big Grin
need a coaching change Russell has had some great atheletes and not done nothing hes to predictable
[quote=Bobcat4years]Coaching Change[/QUOTE

You will not come back !

We may need a offensive coordinator. Russell does a good job at running this program. May be time for someone else to call plays. Many good coaches have someone to do this.
PRIDE101 Wrote:
Bobcat4years Wrote:Coaching Change

You will not come back !

We may need a offensive coordinator. Russell does a good job at running this program. May be time for someone else to call plays. Many good coaches have someone to do this.

This may be closer to the truth. Russell should stay as the head coach but if he is fired then the rest of the district rejoices.
Congrats to Mercer on a nice win.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
Knox seemed to lose steam as the season progressed.
Amazing. Whan he is run off and you all have the "right man" in long will it be until Russell can't be blamed for all of Knox's problems. Three years? Five years? I think he is a good solid coach. Like LWC said......we at Rock will be glad to see him move where his coaching skills and dedication are appreciated. Hopefully to another disrict.
I would keep Russell for sure especially with the talent coming up.
Not many coaches would want to make the move to Barbourville just like we see with Bell County.
Public high school football there will be ups and downs!! I can see firing a coach that wins 6 or 7 games in 3 years but give me a break people.
There may be some issues with play calling but the team this Friday played like they were done for the year. They looked like a team without good chemistry. That is almost always laid at the coaches feet, but isn't always the result of the coaching. They definitely were a better team 3-4 weeks ago. Good luck to them building that cohesiveness in the off-season, because they definitely have talented athletes.
This team has been done for a while, chemistry issues, injuries, parents. Just to name a few of problem they had. I don't see them firing Coach Russell, but this is Knox Co. And Bell one up us with there hiring process last year. So it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't try to match them this year.

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