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Looking for a new team
I haven't been on here much this season. Unfortunately, Highlands is really struggling and it's disappointing to see what has happened with the program. I don't think it's a coaching issue, as I think they're doing a good job with what they have to work with, this has been talked about for the past few years.

However, it's too difficult to follow and I am now a free agent in search of a team. Given that I have proven to be a fan that everybody wants on their team, tell me why your program is the one WideRight should be a part of!
Highlands will be back just give it time. All programs even powerhouses have a few down years.
Yes they will be back and everybody will hate on them once again to good of a program to stay down
Raceland needs someone to show them some love.
You can jump on Belfry's bandwagon everybody hates us just like they do Highlands you would feel at home lol
^ I kinda like that idea. Think they'll win a few more titles in a row?
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:You can jump on Belfry's bandwagon everybody hates us just like they do Highlands you would feel at home lol

I'm not a belfry hater. :Cheerlead
Highlands will be back sooner rather than later. Being humbled this year will make them hungry next. I think they had forgot how hard you have to work.
Owen county can always use another fan
My vote is for Simon Kenton, those guys love HHS fans.
Bowling Green that way you can improve and still stay in the same class.
So you are a fair weather fan ahh?
WideRight05 Wrote:I haven't been on here much this season. Unfortunately, Highlands is really struggling and it's disappointing to see what has happened with the program. I don't think it's a coaching issue, as I think they're doing a good job with what they have to work with, this has been talked about for the past few years.

However, it's too difficult to follow and I am now a free agent in search of a team. Given that I have proven to be a fan that everybody wants on their team, tell me why your program is the one WideRight should be a part of!

Get on the Whitley County Colonels bandwagon.
Stick it out with your team - it builds character. It'll do you good to experience just a tiny taste of how the other half lives. Highlands is only in a tie for the most state titles of any team in the state.....
They all hate us cuz they ain't us
Pick a county team. One without the constant moving of players to the "football" school. Through thick and thin it's basically the same kids from Pee Wee to varsity. The relationships developed over nearly a decade of playing together last longer than the success on the field.
May as well cheer for fellow NKY teams... But you could cheer for the underdogs in each class.
The Mayfield Cardinals went through that in 07 & 08. I stayed through it all. I traveled everywhere and supported them. You see how I have been rewarded. Stay strong.
Pick a team that "out works" the others.
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
One thing that IMO helps teams is their youth programs and the team I have been following for the past 8 yrs, North Laurel in London, Kentucky, has a great youth league, and guess who coaches them? The North High School Coach's are out there every time they play setting up the plays teaching them plays to run & all about defense. When their youth football program folded there a few years ago, the high school coaches picked it up and are the catalyst that keeps the interest up and the feeder program going. Kudos to those guys not sure all their names or the fellow who initially started it up, but they sure put forth an effort that will pay off for them in spades down the road.
WideRight05 Wrote:I haven't been on here much this season. Unfortunately, Highlands is really struggling and it's disappointing to see what has happened with the program. I don't think it's a coaching issue, as I think they're doing a good job with what they have to work with, this has been talked about for the past few years.

However, it's too difficult to follow and I am now a free agent in search of a team. Given that I have proven to be a fan that everybody wants on their team, tell me why your program is the one WideRight should be a part of!

WideRight05 I assume you lived up north if you are looking for a small school next year 2A LCA is the place to be they will be loaded next year........:Cheerlead
What about the Dayton Green Devils? They have new uniforms. They play at historic Davis Field. Maybe they are worthy of your efforts.

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