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I hate Dr Phil wannabes
People annoy me so much when they act like have the best advice in the world and think they know enough about you to solve your problems. In example, on Bluegrasspreps, I say that I get awesome seats at Bengals games because I'm handicapped. I wouldn't wish what happened to me on my worst enemy, it's horrible, but I do realize that I get special accomodations because of my situation. Well, a moderator starts criticizing me. So, I start a thread on how do you want me to act, because I'm not about to feel sorry for myself, people hate that anyways, and when I say that I enjoy getting accomodations (NOT that I enjoy being this way), people act like I enjoy being this way.
OK, that may seem like a bunch of jibberish, but I'm getting to my point.
When I started my how do you want me to act thread, people started posting stuff like "You should go see a psychiatrist about this or talk with your family and friends." Which pissed me off even more because I started the thread to find out how the people who were criticizing me wanted me to act. So I respond and tell people that, but other people would read the post that I started the thread with, and bring on their :graduate: Dr Phil experties, with "You should consult your family and friends, and see a psychiatrist, everything happens for a reason, it will all be ok." That completely pissed me off to think that people thought they even knew a fraction of a % about me enough to make a judgement on me and tell me that I need help.

Am I the only one who hates these Dr Phil wannabes and people who think they have every solution to the world's problems?:yesno:
You talking about me?!?!?!?!?!

Pirate Pal Wrote:You talking about me?!?!?!?!?!

I don't think so, were you one of the people doing that on BlueGrassPreps?
Well PHSFAN has referred to me as the Dr. Phil of BGR because I try to help solve problems sometimes. I just hate drama and want everyone to stay calm. Makes me nervous otherwise.
thetribe Wrote:Well PHSFAN has referred to me as the Dr. Phil of BGR because I try to help solve problems sometimes. I just hate drama and want everyone to stay calm. Makes me nervous otherwise.

It's not bad if people need it and/or ask for help, but people just looked at my first post and automatically assumed that they knew my life story and that what I was saying meant that I needed some sort of advice, when, in actuality, I was sort of posting it to ridicule them. And what makes it even more of a joke is that after the first person did that, I posted and clerified that I was sort of making fun of them, and people would just click on the title, read my first post, and not bother to look at the posts where I said they're taking it the wrong way, and started in with their Doctor Phil advice
Haha, it happens.

There will always be that kind of people no matter where you go. I am always happy to help but I can take a hint lol
thetribe Wrote:Haha, it happens.

There will always be that kind of people no matter where you go. I am always happy to help but I can take a hint lol

thetribe Wrote:Haha, it happens.

There will always be that kind of people no matter where you go. I am always happy to help but I can take a hint lol

Exactly- I can understand if I was saying I was going to bring a gun into the post office or if I said I needed help writing my suicide note:Hammer3: But I was just asking how people want me to be since if I act like I'm normal like other people I'm in denial but if I act like I know I get special accomodations then I'm bitter
Nope, wasn't me BFritz.
Some people are just retarded
Tribe is the Dr. Phil of BGR. She always rises above the arguements and gets people to calm down...she keeps things smooth on here.
Yeah, everyone needs to follow tribe and mellow out a little bit.
I am going to start a fan club on here if it keeps going like this! lol
thetribe Wrote:I am going to start a fan club on here if it keeps going like this! lol
thetribe Wrote:I am going to start a fan club on here if it keeps going like this! lol

Don't get me wrong, it's fine if people ask for help or need help, but I was just wondering how people expect me to act because I was wondering how people thought they knew what it was like to be me. Not saying that anybody is like anybody or knows what a person is going through or feeling, but most people have an idea, but with me, nobody is even close to me, emotionally or physically, and nobody has been through what I have, so how would anybody think that they can give me advice? Or tell me how to feel?

All of that isn't even considering my point about all the Dr Phils who only read my first post and automatically assumed that I had a problem and that they had the solution- one person even admitted that they did that:boo:
Maybe you should discuss it with your family, or maybe see a shrink. Big Grin

j/k BFritz, I understand what you are saying.

You should get on the real Dr Phil show and expose all the wannabees.
I hate Dr.Phil period he thinks he has  good advice for anyone.............
[quote author=OU_Bruiser link=topic=20347.msg204771#msg204771 date=1141615931]
I hate Dr.Phil period he thinks he has good advice for anyone.............

People ask him for help and he is a doctor, so I have no problem with him giving help
I agree with you BFritz. Atleast Dr.Phil is an actual doctor who knows what he's talking about atleast HALF the time. :lol:
At least his advice is professional advice lol. I would take it Tongue
[quote author=moofer link=topic=20347.msg205468#msg205468 date=1141684490]
At least his advice is professional advice lol. I would take it Tongue

Exactly- all the people pissed me off because they rushed to come to a conclusion that I need help and that all of them had the solution.  Some people on here might have bigger problems than me, I don't know, but I'm willing to bet that most of the people that were trying to "save" me would have killed themself long ago or be in a psych ward if they ever were in my situation
i truly hate that you are in your situation, but i dont know what its like and cant tell you what to do about it or anything. You do what is best for BFritz and thats all i can really say about it.
[quote author=corndog23 link=topic=20347.msg206312#msg206312 date=1141711798]
i truly hate that you are in your situation, but i dont know what its like and cant tell you what to do about it or anything. You do what is best for BFritz and thats all i can really say about it.

I'd never expect anyone to even have the slightest idea of what it's like to be in my situation, I wish I didn't have to, but I do, and I accept it and try to make the best of life because I do still have a life to live.  I appreciate that you acknowledge that you don't know what it's like to be me and that you don't pretend to have all of the answers.  On the same note, I'll never pretend like I know what you, or anyone, has been through or is going through.  I guess where I'm caught is that there are standards and an expected way for normal people to act/think, but, there is no standard for me and nobody knows how they'd act because nobody else has been through the same things that I have and no one else is in the same physical/mental condition that I'm in.  Nobody knows what anyone else is going through or anything, but a lot of people MIGHT be able to help and MIGHT have an idea of how that person is feeling. 

This post is in NO WAY saying that a "normal person's" problems are any less difficult than mine, because I know lots of people have problems that I probly wouldn't be able to handle, and I don't expect anyone to know what it's like to be me, which is another thing that frustrates me- when people do assume that they know what it's like to be me
dude as for your first post. i know what you mean.. i don't know much about your situation, but from what i do know i think it's cool that you can say stuff like you get great seats at a ballgame, and i also understand where you are coming from in saying that wish you weren't in the situation you were in.. as for those great advice givers.. just tell them to blow a goat dude. if ya need advice on anything important, like girls or shit like that just give me a yell lol.. j/k.. but seriously do that lol
[quote author=crazytaxidriver link=topic=20347.msg206936#msg206936 date=1141879413]
dude as for your first post. i know what you mean.. i don't know much about your situation, but from what i do know i think it's cool that you can say stuff like you get great seats at a ballgame, and i also understand where you are coming from in saying that wish you weren't in the situation you were in.. as for those great advice givers.. just tell them to blow a goat dude. if ya need advice on anything important, like girls or shit like that just give me a yell lol.. j/k.. but seriously do that lol

Hahahahahahah, thanks bra, at least some people understand that no one will ever be able to understand (did that make sense?? Hahaha, I think I just confused myself)
it makes sense.. i've been a diabetic all my life and people try to feel sorry for me and say crap like i have no idea what it's like but.....

granted it's not as complicated as your situation but the principle is the same. but yeah...

I actually understood the last sentence lol.
No worries. I confuse myslef all the time! It's not unusual to be unusual am i right??  See i did it again!
[quote author=crazytaxidriver link=topic=20347.msg207005#msg207005 date=1141881847]
it makes sense.. i've been a diabetic all my life and people try to feel sorry for me and say crap like i have no idea what it's like but.....

granted it's not as complicated as your situation but the principle is the same. but yeah...

I actually understood the last sentence lol.

My dad's diabetic too, and I look at him and have no clue how I'd be if I had all his problems along with being diabetic, but you're another example cause I have no clue how it is to be you or what it's like. 
i dont like Dr.Phil

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