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How dumb is this dUKe UNC coverage on ESPN?
I dont know if i am alone in this, but i think this is the most foolish thing ESPN has ever done. There will be 5 different avenues for people to watch or talk about this game. ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, ESPN360, and ESPN.COM....

With this kind of coverage, how can anyone not see the media bias towards dUKe university..It actually makes me physically sick...Tongueuke:
"corndog23" Wrote:I dont know if i am alone in this
You are.

ESPN is a multi national multi billion dollar company, do you think you are one to tell them what is foolisish programming and what is not?
No you're not alone on this...They are going way overboard on this, and ESPN is really foolish for doing this....
"98NCCalum" Wrote:You are.

Looks like you missed that one 98......
I think this is idiotic that ESPN is doing this! Correct me if I am wrong, but I think there are other games on that day too. Look at all this and tell me that the media and especially ESPN aren't bias towards Duke. I think its very foolish.:omg:
Dude, im really getting tired of you bashing Duke or a team thats better than UK, just because they are getting a better reputation that UK.

I'm sorry that im blunt like that, but Kentucky just isnt..Kentucky anymore. Get over it..there are new great teams now, and its there time to shine.

Kentucky has had there chance.
"Cameron Crazy" Wrote:Dude, im really getting tired of you bashing Duke or a team thats better than UK, just because they are getting a better reputation that UK.

I'm sorry that im blunt like that, but Kentucky just isnt..Kentucky anymore. Get over it..there are new great teams now, and its there time to shine.

Kentucky has had there chance.

I too am a Duke basher and I love that you Dookies are tired of being bashed. However,I don't hate Duke because they're better than UK, I have hated Duke ever since Christian Laetner stomped on Aminu Timberlake in 1992.
yea ESPN is biased. they always have been. did u expect something other?
"Cameron Crazy" Wrote:Dude, im really getting tired of you bashing Duke or a team thats better than UK, just because they are getting a better reputation that UK.

I'm sorry that im blunt like that, but Kentucky just isnt..Kentucky anymore. Get over it..there are new great teams now, and its there time to shine.

Kentucky has had there chance.
Hey you can come talk to me when Duke has as many national title than Kentucky or has more wins. Until then you really have no leg to stand on.:rules:
B/c another UK fan agreed with you i am wrong? now that's funny.

Answer my question from above. Who are you to tell ESPN they are doing the wrong thing? They are obviously doing what they feel is best for their network, and they are a multibillion dollar company. Again who are you to tell them they are doing the wrong thing?

All UK bashing aside, what is the obsession with hating on ESPN for showing Duke, Duke is the number on e team in the country, they have every right to do this.

This is America, do something about it. Quit watching ESPN.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:B/c another UK fan agreed with you i am wrong? now that's funny.

Answer my question from above. Who are you to tell ESPN they are doing the wrong thing? They are obviously doing what they feel is best for their network, and they are a multibillion dollar company. Again who are you to tell them they are doing the wrong thing?

All UK bashing aside, what is the obsession with hating on ESPN for showing Duke, Duke is the number on e team in the country, they have every right to do this.

This is America, do something about it. Quit watching ESPN.
I responded to you saying something bout UK when I prob shouldn't have, because where in this thread title does it say anything about UK? Its about all the coverage ESPN is giving the Duke UNC game. Besides when the polls are out next week you won't be able to say that Duke is the number one team in the country. If they are gonna do all this for this game then why not show that much attention to the UCONN Villanova game. Back to the thread its just a damn shame and ridiculous how bias everyone is to Duke.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:B/c another UK fan agreed with you i am wrong? now that's funny.

Do you have any type of education, or did you cheat your way through school???? you told me i was alone, and Alfus proved otherwise. you WERE goodness i dont undersatnd people sometimes......
"Cameron Crazy" Wrote:Dude, im really getting tired of you bashing Duke or a team thats better than UK, just because they are getting a better reputation that UK.

I'm sorry that im blunt like that, but Kentucky just isnt..Kentucky anymore. Get over it..there are new great teams now, and its there time to shine.

Kentucky has had there chance.

Dude...ill bash dUKe if i want to. If you can talk trash about Kentucky I'll talk trash about dUKe. I love the fact you're pissed about it. That's what i like to hear! I dont know why anyone would want to be a dUKe fan, but i take great pride in ruffling your feathers. i hate dUKe and i will bash for the rest of my life. get used to it.......

By the way. dUKe will NEVER EVER have the same reputation as Kentucky....i seem to remember your "new great" dookies were out in the sweet 16 last year to our elite 8, sure seems like dUKe is doin a heck of a lot better then us huh??
I for one hate it, it is just something to get out there DUKE and UNC game. I think if it was left up to me and they wanted to broadcast our games after the way they are showing who they really like, then I would tell them to take a flying leap, all they have done on there is put UK down, hell they show more coverage of Duke losing than when UK was winning. Do you think that they would show that much love for UK or any other school out there, I dont think so. Its like said above when they have more titles and more wins then come back and bash on UK.
"corndog23" Wrote:Do you have any type of education, or did you cheat your way through school???? you told me i was alone, and Alfus proved otherwise. you WERE goodness i dont undersatnd people sometimes......
I love this site and all that QQ does for it, but this site especially being free lends itself to kids getting on here and spouting off.

I made it a point to myself when i joined here and especially when I became a mod that I would not argue wth any kids on here.

You have proven by your immature statements above that you are in fact a kid.

Grow up and when you can bring some actual facts to an argument I may go back and forth with you again on here, until then.....

And for your information, I work for the government, have a college education and went to a very good High School. And College.

Have a nice day.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:I love this site and all that QQ does for it, but this site especially being free lends itself to kids getting on here and spouting off.

I made it a point to myself when i joined here and especially when I became a mod that I would not argue wth any kids on here.

You have proven by your immature statements above that you are in fact a kid.

Grow up and when you can bring some actual facts to an argument I may go back and forth with you again on here, until then.....

And for your information, I work for the government, have a college education and went to a very good High School. And College.

Have a nice day.
This is simple to me. You said Corndog was on his own with no one backing him up and you were wrong. Sounds to me liek you are spouting off. No one is being immature really but you. Get a clue.:ChairHit:
"98NCCalum" Wrote:I love this site and all that QQ does for it, but this site especially being free lends itself to kids getting on here and spouting off.

I made it a point to myself when i joined here and especially when I became a mod that I would not argue wth any kids on here.

You have proven by your immature statements above that you are in fact a kid.

Grow up and when you can bring some actual facts to an argument I may go back and forth with you again on here, until then.....

And for your information, I work for the government, have a college education and went to a very good High School. And College.

Have a nice day.

listen dude, you are wrong! what kind of stupid fan likes duke louisville and indiana. Ill tell you what kind of fan, a person who hates uk.
"TheBlackHole" Wrote:listen dude, you are wrong! what kind of stupid fan likes duke louisville and indiana. Ill tell you what kind of fan, a person who hates uk.
Calling someone stupid really makes you look intelligent.

I've explained this before.

I have been an Idiana fan my whole life, family is from Indiana.

I went to Uof L

Have been a Duke fan for just about forever too, b/c I like Coach K.

Calling people names will not keep you around here for long.
"moofer" Wrote:This is simple to me. You said Corndog was on his own with no one backing him up and you were wrong. Sounds to me liek you are spouting off. No one is being immature really but you. Get a clue.:ChairHit:
Ok so he's not alone. My point was he does not have the knowledge of business or economics in this day and age to understand why the schedule is like it is.

Fact remains he has not brought one fact to the table. Just boring old Duke hatred.
Noone said anything about a scheldule we hate duke and STUPID FANS im not saying you are stupid. Ill hate duke till the day i die
"TheBlackHole" Wrote:Noone said anything about a scheldule we hate duke and STUPID FANS im not saying you are stupid. Ill hate duke till the day i die
Caling the fans stupid and if you know that I'm a fan is that not calling me stupid?

Get back to class. Smile
"TheBlackHole" Wrote:Noone said anything about a scheldule we hate duke and STUPID FANS im not saying you are stupid. Ill hate duke till the day i die
I've still not had one person explain to me a logical reason for hating Duke?

Want to be the first?
"98NCCalum" Wrote:Ok so he's not alone. My point was he does not have the knowledge of business or economics in this day and age to understand why the schedule is like it is.

Fact remains he has not brought one fact to the table. Just boring old Duke hatred.
So what facts have you brought to the table? Ok ESPN is giving you 5 avenues to watch this game. Really isn't smart. The same amout of people will watch this game even if it is only on ESPN. They are probably actually losing revenue, because not everyone wants to watch. But since it all ESPN is showing on all their networks then those people won't watch ESPN. True or not?
Hey I am pretty sure I have heard you call Kentucky fans ignorant before so why are you picking on this guy? Sounds liek you don't like it when people say the sames things you do, but about your team.
Are you serious.

I've not bashed Kentucky as hard as you have bashed duke, as a matter of a Fact, I watch Kentucky games, and root for them. but obviously you know my life and think I am against them in every shape, form and fashion.

And why do you hate Kentucky? Just because your dad or some relative has hated them, you think its 'cool' to follow in a band wagon.

"You'll hate duke until you die", yeah .. im sure you will. Just because they are shaping up to be a better team than Kentucky, you decide to hate them.

Open up your damned eyes and realize that Duke has a great team, and Kentucky is going down hill, they will never have a 'good' team as long as Tubby keeps on recruiting like he is.
everyone cant watch all espn showings at the same time so therefore it is dumb. I hate puke because i havent met a fan yet who likes UK.
"Cameron Crazy" Wrote:Are you serious.

I've not bashed Kentucky as hard as you have bashed duke, as a matter of a Fact, I watch Kentucky games, and root for them. but obviously you know my life and think I am against them in every shape, form and fashion.

And why do you hate Kentucky? Just because your dad or some relative has hated them, you think its 'cool' to follow in a band wagon.

"You'll hate duke until you die", yeah .. im sure you will. Just because they are shaping up to be a better team than Kentucky, you decide to hate them.

Open up your damned eyes and realize that Duke has a great team, and Kentucky is going down hill, they will never have a 'good' team as long as Tubby keeps on recruiting like he is.

I dont hate KENTUCKY!

My dd doesnt know a thing about college basketball and knows that PUKE is a good team. I am not saying they have a bad team because that would be a dumb thing to say, but I can say I dont like them. Sure UK isnt having the best year but they still have had better years than PUKE. Until they prove otherwise UK is still better than them.
Jusst looked at the schedule what other game would you show?
"Cameron Crazy" Wrote:Are you serious.

I've not bashed Kentucky as hard as you have bashed duke, as a matter of a Fact, I watch Kentucky games, and root for them. but obviously you know my life and think I am against them in every shape, form and fashion.

And why do you hate Kentucky? Just because your dad or some relative has hated them, you think its 'cool' to follow in a band wagon.

"You'll hate duke until you die", yeah .. im sure you will. Just because they are shaping up to be a better team than Kentucky, you decide to hate them.

Open up your damned eyes and realize that Duke has a great team, and Kentucky is going down hill, they will never have a 'good' team as long as Tubby keeps on recruiting like he is.

first of all i dont hate kentucky,its dUKe that makes me vomit, and my father has nothing to do with this conversation.......

And i will hate dUKe until i die, not because of someone elses influence, because Christian Laettner stomped on a kentucky boy and nothing happened to him. thats where my hatred goes.

dUKe will never be better then Kentucky. like i said earlier, we went farther in the most recent NCAA tourny then they did, so hows that? we have MORE then TWICE as many titles so hows that?? dont let your love for dUKe show your ignorance towards the history of college basketball.
I cant change it back haha! listen man I just hate duke and hate it when people around here like them better than the winningest program. I just think that is crazy. AND I DO NOT LOVE BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN! I was framed.

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