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Kentucky Football 2016
I am not quite sure what to think of Southern Miss. They have a pretty good team year after year. They are preseason ranked 30 spots better than UK. Everything about this game except for it being at home says UK should lose. However, talking to UK people it seems as if UK should win this game easy. That is a tough spot for a team to be in. Vegas only has UK as a 6.5 point favorite. Generally, the home team automatically gets 3 points. Therefore, Vegas thinks UK is only 3.5 better than Southern Miss. If UK wins, I will give Stoops credit.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:We will get run on like a beat mule.

If UK loses the Southern Miss game right off the bat, which is very possible, Stoops shouldn't even be invited back into the locker room.

Can't argue with that.
It appears we finally have an offensive coordinator that doesn't call a draw on 3rd and 48 and it looks like he's done more with barker than all the other offensive coordinators we've had ever did with anybody but the question is when will Stoops fire his boyfriend elliott. The guy is cancer and couldn't stop a leaky faucet.
You can see it in his defensive play calls.
Time for Elliott to go and Stoops may have a bowl team.
Either way, you don't make a bowl, you should be fired
Kentucky needs a second half coach. :pondering:
Mitch Barnhart should walk out onto the field right now and fire Stoops and elliott.
Tell them to leave the premises.
This game screams typical kentucky bull shit.

Make Eddie gran interim coach and at the end of the year be prepared to pay a coach 9 million a year or let this keep happening. Hopefully none of you suckers wasted money on this shit show.
And there's the UK team of old. Give up 28
Straight points. Give Stoops another raise
I've seen better high school defense. And to think Stoops was a defensive coach. He couldn't coach a pee wee league defense
I hope the crowd has enough balls on them to start booing Stoops
I can't wait to hear the Stoops apologist come up with reasons for this melt down. Very similar to the lville choke last year.

Here's an idea let's not hire petrino and be ranked in the top 20 right now, let's hire this reject and watch another year of this garbage.
That way we can keep the liberal fools at ksr happy and stay at the bottom.
Who was it on here saying we didn't need petrino lolol. We should pay him 10 million a year
And to think Shannon Dawson of all freaking people hangs 50 on us lololol
2nd half comebacks are the result of one thing ....COACHING.
Southern miss has better coaches
Let's give Stoops another raise
Another year with no bowl game and more bull crap excuses from Stoops post game. Louisville will hang 100 on this defense and I hope Petrino does just that. I'm going to the UK/Bama game in Tusculoosa and will be wearing Bama gear and laughing as Damion Harris runs for 400 yards Confusednicker:
.......dang you are right.....that was hard to agree with....but credit is due
Most points Dawson put up in commonwealth 58 pts against Charlotte last year...2nd most in Commonwealth 44 against UK
Bad day all around for the SEZ with Mizzu falling to WVU, Cowbell Tech falling to USA, and you guys falling to USM.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Mitch Barnhart should walk out onto the field right now and fire Stoops and elliott.
Tell them to leave the premises.
This game screams typical kentucky bull shit.

Make Eddie gran interim coach and at the end of the year be prepared to pay a coach 9 million a year or let this keep happening. Hopefully none of you suckers wasted money on this shit show.

Mitch better call Jeff Brohm at WKU before Shane Lyons at WVU does.
This is the first year I truly believe the SEC isn't that good.
All other years the haters have been completely wrong but now of course theyre all spewing hate about how they're right albeit once in 10 years.
SEC just didn't look good today but I'd be shocked if the SEC didn't bring home another title. Bama may be 30 points better than anybody
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:This is the first year I truly believe the SEC isn't that good.
All other years the haters have been completely wrong but now of course theyre all spewing hate about how they're right albeit once in 10 years.
SEC just didn't look good today but I'd be shocked if the SEC didn't bring home another title. Bama may be 30 points better than anybody
I agree. Bama is just destroying USC. Clemson is being played tough by Auburn.
If i was told Drew Barker would be 15/24 for 322 yrds 4TD/1INT and the Cats would lose, I wouldn't have believed it.
What a mess Barnhart has gotten us into again. Should fire him Stoops and Elliott. Let's give them another raise and do this all over again next year too.

Living The Dream!!
I got a idea, let's just scrap the whole damn football team. Flatten Commonwealth stadium build a basketball only facility on campus. Then we want have to watch this embarrassment any more. I've been watching UK football for over 40 years and it's never been worth a shit.

Living The Dream!!
Terrible just terrible. I'm out until we higher a decent Coach. Tired of watching year after year of the same ol' crap.
Whelp from what I read I'd say that's ruiutgs last UK game of the season lol.
My thoughts on the game was, this was the usual stuff we see from Stoops. Get a big lead and blow it. No 7-5 or even 6-6 in our future.
Funny thing is, I seen where SI picked us to go 3-9. I thought whoever made that pick needs to be fired. Now, I'm thinking he's right, and I need to reevaluate my ability to judge a team Confusednicker: this defense flat out sucks. Matt Elam is the biggest and I mean this literally, the biggest disappointment and waste of a scholarship ive ever seen.
I lay a lot of this one at the feet of our supposedly great secondary. Ok we picked off three passes, but how in the world do you get scorched deep at the end of the first half when that should be your primary focus? That touchdown gave them hope. Then on the first series of the second half McClain drops an interception that any peewee player would have caught, right to him. Of course if you've ever seen a UK football game you knew what was coming after that. They were gonna go on and score and then win the game. Which they did. Seen this movie before, already know how it ends.
Unfreaking believable that we have another second half collapse, remined me of the Louisville game last year...I have tried to give Stoops a chance but now believe he is not the guy to turn it around at UK...When and if UK hires another coach they need to keep Mitch away from the hire...
Van Hagar Wrote:I lay a lot of this one at the feet of our supposedly great secondary. Ok we picked off three passes, but how in the world do you get scorched deep at the end of the first half when that should be your primary focus? That touchdown gave them hope. Then on the first series of the second half McClain drops an interception that any peewee player would have caught, right to him. Of course if you've ever seen a UK football game you knew what was coming after that. They were gonna go on and score and then win the game. Which they did. Seen this movie before, already know how it ends.

McClain unable to make that play and the blown coverage on the long TD pass right before the half was a killer....You have to make those plays to win football games...We got punched in the face in the second half and just flat out laid down...
Stoops either needs to get to a bowl game or beat teams they haven't beaten in awhile or it's time for a change.
Strikeout King Wrote:Stoops either needs to get to a bowl game or beat teams they haven't beaten in awhile or it's time for a change.
I honestly thought they would win at least 6 this year, but unless something drastic changes on the defensive line, I just can't see it happening after that meltdown last night. They gave up almost 600 yards to a Shannon Dawson offense. The same Dawson that Stoops just fired Confusednicker: this game was a must win to get to a bowl IMO. I just don't see where they pick up 6 wins now. Although seeing what the SEC has to offer minus Bama, anything is possible I guess

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