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Hurricane Hermine
Pray for all the people who are in the path of this storm.
Going to be a category 1 hurricane, with wind gust of around 90mph. Rain amounts in places of 20+ inches. Most of the northwestern and northeastern part of Florida are under a state of emergency.

Living The Dream!!
Granny don't worry about me we should be fine here in Jacksonville other than wind gust around 40-50 mph. And a bunch of rain. Our biggest threat here is the chance of tornados.

Living The Dream!!
Hermine is supposed to come through Jacksonville, NC as a tropical storm Friday night. They moved all the high school football games to tonight. Hope all is safe with you.
panther nation Wrote:Granny don't worry about me we should be fine here in Jacksonville other than wind gust around 40-50 mph. And a bunch of rain. Our biggest threat here is the chance of tornados.

They are also calling around gusts close to 40 mph here in Eastern NC. I think we supposed to get less rain.
So far all is good but the wind is starting to pick up

Living The Dream!!
You stay safe as well my friend

Living The Dream!!
Made thought the storm with no damage to house or anything else. Hope you made it though it ok Jarrons

Living The Dream!!
panther nation Wrote:Made thought the storm with no damage to house or anything else. Hope you made it though it ok Jarrons

Hermine is supposed to get here around midnight. However we have had a steady rain since early this morning, things may get a little dicey when the heavy rain and winds get here. Yard already flooded with ankle deep water.
Glad you made it through without any damage.
Hope by the time it's gets there the winds will have died down some.

Living The Dream!!
I'm so thankful that you posted panther nation and Jarons!! I WAS worried about you, and I'm out of town for a couple days with my husband who is having issues. Sad

I did hear from a friend of mine who lives in Atlanta, and they had tornado sirens going off like crazy!!

Prayers for you 2!!
Hermine is pretty much over with here, just a little lingering winds and rain. Nothing is official yet, it is estimated that we got 10 inches of rain and gusts up to 43 mph, several flooded roads across town. No damage to my home other than an unwanted in ground pool in my yard.
You got more rain than I did. I got about 5 inches of rain but we did have wind gust around 50 mph.

Living The Dream!!
Thankful you guys are ok!
Thanks Granny.hows Pappa bear doing? Hope everything goes good for him and you.

Living The Dream!!

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