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Jesse Jackson Praises Trump Minority Outreach
Pick6 Wrote:
This is not a positive article for Trump. He donated office space to Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH shakedown operation in 1997. It is never a good thing to allow racist thugs like Jackson and Sharpton to intimidate you. They will say nice things about anybody who throws money their way.
Gotta crisp 100 dollar bill sys that either has done more to improve public discourse than you, Hoot.
catdoggy Wrote:Gotta crisp 100 dollar bill sys that either has done more to improve public discourse than you, Hoot.
The truth always hurts liberals. It always amazes me when white liberals defend race hustlers like Jackson and Sharpton.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is not a positive article for Trump. He donated office space to Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH shakedown operation in 1997. It is never a good thing to allow racist thugs like Jackson and Sharpton to intimidate you. They will say nice things about anybody who throws money their way.

catdoggy Wrote:Gotta crisp 100 dollar bill sys that either has done more to improve public discourse than you, Hoot.

You against Trump's minority outreach? The purpose for the article is to demonstrate that Trump's minority outreach is sincere and his concern for their condition has history and is not manufactured for political purposes.

I believe this to be a winning strategy. 12% of African American vote puts Trump in the White House. Hillary and Barack are both silent on inner city issues.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The truth always hurts liberals. It always amazes me when white liberals defend race hustlers like Jackson and Sharpton.

Yeah, but in this case you're dealing with a genuine Grade A, 100% bona fide, unadulterated, pure dumbass, Hoot.
Whether he gets to 12% or not, I hope DJT embraces some of Jack Kemp's thought about how economic opportunity is the real vehicle for hope in our large inner cities.
Pick6 Wrote:You against Trump's minority outreach? The purpose for the article is to demonstrate that Trump's minority outreach is sincere and his concern for their condition has history and is not manufactured for political purposes.

I believe this to be a winning strategy. 12% of African American vote puts Trump in the White House. Hillary and Barack are both silent on inner city issues.
Not at all. I have praised recent outreach efforts to blacks because they have been blunt and to the point. That is much different than caving to the racist blackmail tactics of Sharpton and ]Jackson, which many major corporations have done in the past.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Whether he gets to 12% or not, I hope DJT embraces some of Jack Kemp's thought about how economic opportunity is the real vehicle for hope in our large inner cities.
I agree. Republicans have an excellent case to make to minorities who have been victimized by the cynical soft bigotry of liberal "anti-poverty" programs of the past. Using tax poicy to reward companies for locating businesses in poverty stricken areas is what Republicans should be doing. They should also never miss an opportunity to promote vouchers to minorities as a way to improve educational opportunities for children caught in the trap of bad inner city schools.
PPP Poll - TRUMP FAV/UNFAV with African American voters is:
Fav: 0%
UnFav: 97%
Undecided 3%

That 3% could really swing things though.
Motley Wrote:PPP Poll - TRUMP FAV/UNFAV with African American voters is:
Fav: 0%
UnFav: 97%
Undecided 3%

That 3% could really swing things though.

Just interested, no ulterior motive:

Are you familiar with Jack Kemp's ideas on revitalizing large inner city areas?
Motley Wrote:PPP Poll - TRUMP FAV/UNFAV with African American voters is:
Fav: 0%
UnFav: 97%
Undecided 3%

That 3% could really swing things though.

PPP is a liberal hack job!

Trump polling ahead of Romney and McCain for both Latinos and Blacks :
Pick6 Wrote:PPP is a liberal hack job!

Trump polling ahead of Romney and McCain for both Latinos and Blacks :

And you thought that a Motley Fool would post real numbers?
Pick6 Wrote:PPP is a liberal hack job!

Trump polling ahead of Romney and McCain for both Latinos and Blacks :

Bob Seger Wrote:And you thought that a Motley Fool would post real numbers?

Call me a fool and PPP a liberal hack job and follow up with a Breitbart link. :thatsfunn
538 - Trump in 4th Among Black Voters

^ As of a few weeks ago he was 4th in the race according to several sources among black voters, but by all means continue to share your unbiased Breitbart numbers.

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