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Julian Assange Unlikely Savior of the Republic?
TheRealThing Wrote:Whatever, you just got SERVED in epic fashion and everybody including you knows it. You did say you were going to vote for Trump and though we all know reality is subjective to you, it is none the less a matter of record and therefore somewhat more tangible for the rest of us. Besides, you have to talk out of both sides of your mouth because your foot is always firmly inserted.
I said that I had considered Trump, and you quoting me as saying the I planned to vote for Trump if he won the nomination before the first Republican primary. I also added, even at that early date that the only reason that I would consider voting for Trump would be to poke the GOP in the eye. His dishonest campaign against Carson, Rubio, and Cruz should have been enough for any conservative to abandon the Trump train.

You still have not detailed the avalanche and tsunami of lies that you claim the media has told about Trump. It is amazing how quick you are to accuse honest folks of lying, while totally ignoring the many lies that Trump has told during this campaign. I wonder if Trump will have the Supreme Court investigating Rafael Cruz's role in the JFK assassination while he has them looking into Hillary Clinton's email scandal? :biglmao:

I doubt that Donald Trump could pass a U.S. citizenship test. All he knows about the way that our federal government is that corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton can be bought by equally corrupt people such as himself.

Where are Trump's tax returns? Where are his college transcripts to support his claim to super intelligence? There are good reasons that Trump is hiding his paper trail, just as there were good reasons for Obama to hide the truth about his past.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I said that I had considered Trump, and you quoting me as saying the I planned to vote for Trump if he won the nomination before the first Republican primary. I also added, even at that early date that the only reason that I would consider voting for Trump would be to poke the GOP in the eye. His dishonest campaign against Carson, Rubio, and Cruz should have been enough for any conservative to abandon the Trump train.

You still have not detailed the avalanche and tsunami of lies that you claim the media has told about Trump. It is amazing how quick you are to accuse honest folks of lying, while totally ignoring the many lies that Trump has told during this campaign. I wonder if Trump will have the Supreme Court investigating Rafael Cruz's role in the JFK assassination while he has them looking into Hillary Clinton's email scandal? :biglmao:

I doubt that Donald Trump could pass a U.S. citizenship test. All he knows about the way that our federal government is that corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton can be bought by equally corrupt people such as himself.

Where are Trump's tax returns? Where are his college transcripts to support his claim to super intelligence? There are good reasons that Trump is hiding his paper trail, just as there were good reasons for Obama to hide the truth about his past.

YOU SAID, "At this time, I STILL PLAN TO VOTE FOR TRUMP" Then you said, "I never said I was voting for Trump", and called me a liar, again, for quoting you on it. I mean, I put up the quotes for all to see, (even though they likely didn't need further reinforcement). You have at this point no more credibility than your boss, Hillary Clinton.
TheRealThing Wrote:YOU SAID, "At this time, I STILL PLAN TO VOTE FOR TRUMP" Then you said, "I never said I was voting for Trump", and called me a liar, again, for quoting you on it. I mean, I put up the quotes for all to see, (even though they likely didn't need further reinforcement). You have at this point no more credibility than your boss, Hillary Clinton.
I said "at this time" because it was before the first primary and I was still evaluating the candidates, as most intelligent people were.

For somebody who did not care enough about this election to vote in a primary election, you sure have been tireless when it comes to criticizing my voting plans. Voting is a privilege that every American should exercise. Those who choose not to vote, should keep their big mouths shut, IMO.

How about addressing all of those media lies about Trump now? With so many lies, it should be easy for you to list a half dozen of them for starters. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I said "at this time" because it was before the first primary and I was still evaluating the candidates, as most intelligent people were.

For somebody who did not care enough about this election to vote in a primary election, you sure have been tireless when it comes to criticizing my voting plans. Voting is a privilege that every American should exercise. Those who choose not to vote, should keep their big mouths shut, IMO.

How about addressing all of those media lies about Trump now? With so many lies, it should be easy for you to list a half dozen of them for starters. :lmao:

Naw, why would I entertain the fantasies of a man who even in the face of overwhelming evidence, lacks the integrity to admit his own distortions? But who is none the less, obsessed at the clinical level with destroying the credibility on someone else?
TheRealThing Wrote:Naw, why would I entertain the fantasies of a man who even in the face of overwhelming evidence, lacks the integrity to admit his own distortions? But who is none the less, obsessed at the clinical level with destroying the credibility on someone else?
Once again, you prove yourself to be a delusional cult member. All you do here is echo the lies that you hear the RINOs on FNC and FBC spit out. You are incapable of supporting your arguments with facts because you have chosen to let others do the thinking for you.

All American citizens, including those who believe that they can ascertain the lesser of two evils between the two worst nominees that the major political candidates have ever offered as candidates for the presidency, should be outraged that Trump and Hillary were nominated. If they are the best candidates a country of more than 300 million people can muster, then we are doomed as a nation. If I want to know what Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Eric Boling, Judge Jeanine, and Bill O'Reilly think about Trump, then I can listen to their opinions first hand.

At least the millions of Democrats who participated in open GOP primaries cared enough about this election to vote when they had the opportunity. You passed up the opportunity to vote for a conservative Republican when you had the chance, and then you also passed up an opportunity to vote against Hillary Clinton as a registered Democrat.

Hillary thanks you for helping make it possible for her to run against her longtime supporter, Mr. Donald J. Trump! :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Once again, you prove yourself to be a delusional cult member. All you do here is echo the lies that you hear the RINOs on FNC and FBC spit out. You are incapable of supporting your arguments with facts because you have chosen to let others do the thinking for you.

All American citizens, including those who believe that they can ascertain the lesser of two evils between the two worst nominees that the major political candidates have ever offered as candidates for the presidency, should be outraged that Trump and Hillary were nominated. If they are the best candidates a country of more than 300 million people can muster, then we are doomed as a nation. If I want to know what Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Eric Boling, Judge Jeanine, and Bill O'Reilly think about Trump, then I can listen to their opinions first hand.

At least the millions of Democrats who participated in open GOP primaries cared enough about this election to vote when they had the opportunity. You passed up the opportunity to vote for a conservative Republican when you had the chance, and then you also passed up an opportunity to vote against Hillary Clinton as a registered Democrat.

Hillary thanks you for helping make it possible for her to run against her longtime supporter, Mr. Donald J. Trump! :lmao:

LOL, still better to be a bit slack on one detail of a voter registration, than to become the laughing stock of the forum.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, still better to be a bit slack on one detail of a voter registration, than to become the laughing stock of the forum.
It must suck to go through live totally consumed with letting what others think about you guide your behavior.

Had I been a lifelong Democrat who did not care enough about the election to register to vote in the primary, common decency would have prevented me from criticizing others for their votes. In fact, common decency and the knowledge that I was a registered Democrat would have prevented me from claiming to be a conservative for years. Yet, you fail to see the hypocrisy in your actions. So, Trump became a Republican before you did but you were claiming to be a conservative for years, while you declined to participate in Republican primaries, where conservative candidates needed your support.

Don't worry, TRT. If my opinions about Donald Trump and his sycophantic followers such as yourself has made me a laughing stock, that is okay with me. There is only one thing worse than a hypocrite posing as a conservative but voting as a Democrat. That would be a hypocrite posing as a conservative and not voting at all.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It must suck to go through live totally consumed with letting what others think about you guide your behavior.

Had I been a lifelong Democrat who did not care enough about the election to register to vote in the primary, common decency would have prevented me from criticizing others for their votes. In fact, common decency and the knowledge that I was a registered Democrat would have prevented me from claiming to be a conservative for years. Yet, you fail to see the hypocrisy in your actions. So, Trump became a Republican before you did but you were claiming to be a conservative for years, while you declined to participate in Republican primaries, where conservative candidates needed your support.

Don't worry, TRT. If my opinions about Donald Trump and his sycophantic followers such as yourself has made me a laughing stock, that is okay with me. There is only one thing worse than a hypocrite posing as a conservative but voting as a Democrat. That would be a hypocrite posing as a conservative and not voting at all.

They say one's admission to having a mental problem is the first step to getting cured. So who knows, if you seek help there may yet be hope. But though your opinions would be a far better fit in the conspiracy forum, it is your dishonesty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence and your pettiness, that make you a laughing stock.

ABTW, what in the world is this supposed to mean? "It must suck to go through live totally consumed with letting what others think about you guide your behavior." But you stick with pointing out those spelling errors, you got me on that one boy.
TheRealThing Wrote:They say one's admission to having a mental problem is the first step to getting cured. So who knows, if you seek help there may yet be hope. But though your opinions would be a far better fit in the conspiracy forum, it is your dishonesty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence and your pettiness, that make you a laughing stock.
More insults. As a longtime Democrat who posed here as a conservative for years who worships Donald Trump who was too lazy to vote when it mattered lacks the moral standing to sit in judgment of anybody else. You may be the most hypocritical individual who I have ever met. I have met more dishonest people - but not many.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:More insults. As a longtime Democrat who posed here as a conservative for years who worships Donald Trump who was too lazy to vote when it mattered lacks the moral standing to sit in judgment of anybody else. You may be the most hypocritical individual who I have ever met. I have met more dishonest people - but not many.

Well, let me give you a hint on what to look for in your quest to identify dishonest people, you saw one in the mirror just this morning.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, let me give you a hint on what to look for in your quest to identify dishonest people, you saw one in the mirror just this morning.
Have you ever voted in a single Republican primary, TRT? Be honest, although I know that is a stretch for you.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Have you ever voted in a single Republican primary, TRT? Be honest, although I know that is a stretch for you.

In 2012, only about 16 percent of all registered voters participated in the 2012 presidential primaries. Until this past election, primaries were ho hum and inconsequential and you know it. And you can drop the liar act, I did catch you in an open lie, posted the quote and everybody has seen it.
TheRealThing Wrote:In 2012, only about 16 percent of all registered voters participated in the 2012 presidential primaries. Until this past election, primaries were ho hum and inconsequential and you know it. And you can drop the liar act, I did catch you in an open lie, posted the quote and everybody has seen it.
Liar. You are playing semantics with the quote by taking it out of context. I believe at one time, Trump was third on my list of candidates who I might support. He did not stay there long and following the Iowa caucuses, the first voting that was held, I had removed him from the list. Trump was never even close to my pick for president and he finished the primary season at the bottom of the heap.

At one time you claimed that Cruz was your pick, but that was obviously never true. You fell right into line with Trump's lies about the other candidates and never hesitated to repeat his lies as facts. I think you were probably too embarrassed to admit that you were an early Trump supporter and waited until you felt that there was safety in numbers. I made up my own mind and did not need a mob behind me to pick a candidate.

You still never answered the question. You just changed the subject again. I would be embarrassed too if I had never participated in a presidential primary and spent as much time as you do criticizing others for how they have voted or plan to vote. I have regretted some of my votes but I have voted. I will not regret not voting for a sleazy candidate like Donald Trump.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liar. You are playing semantics with the quote by taking it out of context. I believe at one time, Trump was third on my list of candidates who I might support. He did not stay there long and following the Iowa caucuses, the first voting that was held, I had removed him from the list. Trump was never even close to my pick for president and he finished the primary season at the bottom of the heap.

At one time you claimed that Cruz was your pick, but that was obviously never true. You fell right into line with Trump's lies about the other candidates and never hesitated to repeat his lies as facts. I think you were probably too embarrassed to admit that you were an early Trump supporter and waited until you felt that there was safety in numbers. I made up my own mind and did not need a mob behind me to pick a candidate.

You still never answered the question. You just changed the subject again. I would be embarrassed too if I had never participated in a presidential primary and spent as much time as you do criticizing others for how they have voted or plan to vote. I have regretted some of my votes but I have voted. I will not regret not voting for a sleazy candidate like Donald Trump.

From the "TRUMP, THE POLITICAL HURRICANE STILL RAGES" thread, at the top of page three.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:At this time, I still plan to vote for Trump if he wins the Republican nomination, but only to poke the GOP establishment in the eye. I hope that my fellow Republicans will be too smart to hand him the nomination. I believe that the signs that Trump's campaign is beginning to unravel have begun to emerge. I expect that Trump will lose in Iowa and I will not be shocked if he finishes third or fourth.

If Trump does not win Iowa, then the media will be forced to start giving more free coverage to another candidate or two. At that point, Trump will need to decide if he wants to start dipping into his own fortune to run a more conventional campaign with paid advertising.

Trump has almost universal name recognition, so I question whether saturating the airwaves with ads would really do much for his campaign anyway. Paid TV advertising is a little like air power in a war - if you don't have boots on the ground, it is difficult to capture and hold territory.

The Edge: Trump gets 25 times more media mentions than GOP field combined

Semantics? Context? I leave the matter up to the good folks here on BGR, did you say you were going to vote for Trump, or did you not?
TheRealThing Wrote:From the "TRUMP, THE POLITICAL HURRICANE STILL RAGES" thread, at the top of page three.

Semantics? Context? I leave the matter up to the good folks here on BGR, did you say you were going to vote for Trump, or did you not?
Obviously, I said I would vote for Trump, with the information I had at that time, which was before the first votes had been cast in Iowa. That was not a commitment to vote for Trump no matter how much he lied and smeared his fellow candidates.

So, you got me, TRT. Congratulations for finding the quote and, instead of giving me the benefit of doubt and assuming that I had forgotten, calling me a liar instead.

At least I had the good sense to scratch Trump from my list of acceptable candidates after doing my research and seeing what a despicable human being he was.

Some friend you turned out to be, TRT. This post-Trump TRT reminds me a lot of TRV, only TRV was a fairly honest debater.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obviously, I said I would vote for Trump, with the information I had at that time, which was before the first votes had been cast in Iowa. That was not a commitment to vote for Trump no matter how much he lied and smeared his fellow candidates.

So, you got me, TRT. Congratulations for finding the quote and, instead of giving me the benefit of doubt and assuming that I had forgotten, calling me a liar instead.At least I had the good sense to scratch Trump from my list of acceptable candidates after doing my research and seeing what a despicable human being he was.

Some friend you turned out to be, TRT. This post-Trump TRT reminds me a lot of TRV, only TRV was a fairly honest debater.

Evidently you still cannot see what is right in front of you. I did give you the chance to crawfish the first time I mentioned your comment. You certainly didn't see fit to give me the benefit of any doubt at that point. In fact, your immediate comeback to my statement was the old reliable slam of which you have become so enamored, your default kneejerk is to spit out a personal slur. I stated that you had said you'd vote for Trump in times past and I was right. You said you had never said that, and of course you just had to take the opportunity to call me a liar, so I posted the quote.

You could have said you forgot the first time I posted your quote and got by. But the second time you called me a liar, you knew you what you'd said and so did all who can read at the 5th grade level. But you chose to again call me a liar, and accuse me of semantics and distorting the context. I really don't know what to think about you these days.
TheRealThing Wrote:Evidently you still cannot see what is right in front of you. I did give you the chance to crawfish the first time I mentioned your comment. You certainly didn't see fit to give me the benefit of any doubt at that point. In fact, your immediate comeback to my statement was the old reliable slam of which you have become so enamored, your default kneejerk is to spit out a personal slur. I stated that you had said you'd vote for Trump in times past and I was right. You said you had never said that, and of course you just had to take the opportunity to call me a liar, so I posted the quote.

You could have said you forgot the first time I posted your quote and got by. But the second time you called me a liar, you knew you what you'd said and so did all who can read at the 5th grade level. But you chose to again call me a liar, and accuse me of semantics and distorting the context. I really don't know what to think about you these days.
You did distort the context and you are a liar. But in this instance, I was mistaken. If you think that it is a big deal that at one time, I had not ruled out voting for Trump, but quickly changed my mind as I saw how dishonest his campaign was, then go ahead and claim victory.

At least Trump did register as a Republican in time to vote for himself in a primary election. Will you be re-registering as a Democrat after the election, or will you wait to see which party Trump selects next? :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You did distort the context and you are a liar. But in this instance, I was mistaken. If you think that it is a big deal that at one time, I had not ruled out voting for Trump, but quickly changed my mind as I saw how dishonest his campaign was, then go ahead and claim victory.

At least Trump did register as a Republican in time to vote for himself in a primary election. Will you be re-registering as a Democrat after the election, or will you wait to see which party Trump selects next? :biggrin:

"At this time, I still plan to vote for Trump if he wins the Republican nomination" ---Hoot Gibson Dec 13, 2015

The nomination was certainly not going to be wrapped up by the conclusion of the Iowa Straw Poll. You knew when you said this it would be up in the summer before the nomination was set. Like I said, I leave the matter up to the good folks here on this forum to decide.
TheRealThing Wrote:"At this time, I still plan to vote for Trump if he wins the Republican nomination" ---Hoot Gibson Dec 13, 2015

The nomination was certainly not going to be wrapped up by the conclusion of the Iowa Straw Poll. You knew when you said this it would be up in the summer before the nomination was set. Like I said, I leave the matter up to the good folks here on this forum to decide.
I changed my mind 7 hours 23 minutes after making the post that you quoted above. The following post was made in reply to your post and was only two posts below the one that you decided to quote before calling me a liar. I wonder how you missed it? Context.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:^I have changed my mind about Trump. If he wins the nomination, I will probably vote for a third-party candidate, but it is more likely that he will run as a third-party candidate. His bizarre statements have convinced me that he is in the race to give the election to Hillary one way or another. Hoot Gibson - Dec. 13, 2015 9:49 PM (BGR Standard Time)

If you look at the internals of the latest Iowa polls, it is obvious that Trump is polarizing Republican voters to the point that if Trump continues his childish campaign tactics, turnout will be depressed no matter which Republican gets the nomination, and his appeal among Democrats and independents will be minimal if he wins the nomination. Trump is smart enough to know that with his negatives equaling or exceeding Hillary's, all he will be able to do is play a spoiler for the GOP.

We may never know if Trump is acting on the Clinton's behalf, but if there is a deal in place, Trump is earning his money. Just today, he took shots at Cruz and Justice Scalia. This guy is a loose cannon but the country needs a presidential candidate who takes careful aim before firing. Trump is wounding more conservatives than he is hurting Hillary and the liberals.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I changed my mind 7 hours 23 minutes after making the post that you quoted above. The following post was made in reply to your post and was only two posts below the one that you decided to quote before calling me a liar. I wonder how you missed it? Context.

From post #26 in this thread, you've got to learn to keep up.
TheRealThing Wrote:I have refuted them, especially the ones you have spewed out on this forum, time and time again.

As to this idea about opinion makers goes, you at one time said you were going to vote for Trump. Then like throwing a switch, you went OCD in a millisecond and began posting hundreds of distortion infused tirades with which you intended to do Trump damage.

I don't think you can discern truth from lies. I believe the record of our founding clearly shows the deference the framers gave to our Creator, as should we. To do that requires more than a passing personal commitment, something most just cannot muster. In the foolhardy effort to separate Spiritual truth from Constitutional truth we have forfeited two things, the authority to govern, and the ability to distinguish right from wrong. And I believe your inability to interface the truths of His Word with the realities of this world limits you profoundly in general terms. But you insist that voting for the lesser of two flawed candidates is beneath your highly evolved political sensitivities, a rationale that is as shallow in my view, as it is untethered in any practical sense. An honest comparison between her record and Trump's, disqualifies her candidacy on moral and ethical grounds, and frankly most would add legal.

You're continually sidestepping the forest while looking for the trees. And your objectivity is clouded by a bias that would be obvious to even the most causal reader. Saying that, Chris Christie would be an excellent AG. John Bolton an excellent Secretary of State. Any of the Judges listed by Mr Trump as potential Supreme Court appointees would be a God send for this country. Mike Pence is probably the most solid choice for VP of any I have seen in my entire lifetime. And the list goes on without drop off from there. The point is as I have already offered back before there was any evidence that I was right, in which I said that Trump, in Reaganesque style, will surround himself with good people and he will give them the space necessary to fulfill their duties.

If elected, things will get much better for this country in the first year. In fact, I've yet to hear any official from the Reagan administration come forth to denounce Trump on policy grounds or any other for that matter. But there is one thing about you that you'll never worm your way out of, and that is the way that you have campaigned for Hillary. Given your ambitious, voluntary and persistent assaults on Trump, even Hillary's most servile and shameless adherent would view you a suitor to keep an eye on.

^^I don't miss a thing.
TheRealThing Wrote:I don't miss a thing.
Apparently you believe that insulting Trump's critics is the same as refuting the allegations against him. Trump's responds to criticism with personal insults and lawsuits. What's next for Trump's Echo? Will you be suing me for contributing to Trump's upcoming avalanche loss in November? :lmao:

I am going to let you in on a little secret, TRT. Your personal attacks and those of a couple other Trump sycophants are my motivation for posting links to negative news about your beloved Mr. Trump. Both candidates pose serious threats to this nation's future and neither are fit to be president. There will be no celebrating at my home on election night no matter who wins.

Maybe Hillary will make a worse president than Trump and maybe she won't. The only way to know for sure would be to elect both of them president over the next 8 years, and I certainly don't want to see the loser take a turn in 2020. We can do much better.

So keep up your personal attacks, and I will continue making the case against Donald Trump. I could just as easily make the case against Hillary Clinton, but her supporters on BGR have been surprisingly civil during the campaign in comparison to you.

I will close by making a final post tonight in the Case Against Trump thread. With Trump, there will never be a shortage of quotes and articles that demonstrate why he should never be president. That is what makes a comeback so unlikely.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Apparently you believe that insulting Trump's critics is the same as refuting the allegations against him. Trump's responds to criticism with personal insults and lawsuits. What's next for Trump's Echo? Will you be suing me for contributing to Trump's upcoming avalanche loss in November? :lmao:

I am going to let you in on a little secret, TRT. Your personal attacks and those of a couple other Trump sycophants are my motivation for posting links to negative news about your beloved Mr. Trump. Both candidates pose serious threats to this nation's future and neither are fit to be president. There will be no celebrating at my home on election night no matter who wins.

Maybe Hillary will make a worse president than Trump and maybe she won't. The only way to know for sure would be to elect both of them president over the next 8 years, and I certainly don't want to see the loser take a turn in 2020. We can do much better.

So keep up your personal attacks, and I will continue making the case against Donald Trump. I could just as easily make the case against Hillary Clinton, but her supporters on BGR have been surprisingly civil during the campaign in comparison to you.

I will close by making a final post tonight in the Case Against Trump thread. With Trump, there will never be a shortage of quotes and articles that demonstrate why he should never be president. That is what makes a comeback so unlikely.

Well I'm sorry, but you missed the little secret some time ago. Your obvious short falls in comprehension, the sourcing of liberal media and sites used in your efforts to defame Mr Trump, and your own contradictions, hardly qualify you as any kind of an authority on current events. And there is the one glaringly obvious unsolicited confession on your part which has made every slam you have made against Trump meaningless. When you admitted you despise Trump, any shred of objectivity flew right out the window.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well I'm sorry, but you missed the little secret some time ago. Your obvious short falls in comprehension, the sourcing of liberal media and sites used in your efforts to defame Mr Trump, and your own contradictions, hardly qualify you as any kind of an authority on current events. And there is the one glaringly obvious unsolicited confession on your part which has made every slam you have made against Trump meaningless. When you admitted you despise Trump, any shred of objectivity flew right out the window.
I never claimed to be objective about your cult leader. I have done my due diligence and concluded that he is an unlikable buffoon. I'm confident that history books will agree with my assessment of Trump. There is nothing wrong with bias when it is grounded in fact.

This is politics, not a court of law and we are voters (at least some of us are), not jurors.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I never claimed to be objective about your cult leader. I have done my due diligence and concluded that he is an unlikable buffoon. I'm confident that history books will agree with my assessment of Trump. There is nothing wrong with bias when it is grounded in fact.

This is politics, not a court of law and we are voters (at least some of us are), not jurors.

Oh yes you have. And the only things you've posted which were grounded in fact was your admission to despising Donald Trump and that you think you are speaking to an audience. :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh yes you have. And the only things you've posted which were grounded in fact was your admission to despising Donald Trump and that you think you are speaking to an audience. :biglmao:
Insults seem to be your strong point, TRT, and you are not particularly good at it either. You have consistently failed to refute the negative coverage of Trump in the media in favor of insulting me and whining, like your cult leader, about a nebulous avalanche of lies. That strikes me as a very lazy way to conduct oneself. You obviously have plenty of time on your hands. Why not put it to good use and educate yourself about Donald Trump?
I expect a major file dump around the time of the first debate.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I expect a major file dump around the time of the first debate.
Is Trump planning to release his tax returns?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Is Trump planning to release his tax returns?

That is up to him
Tax returns are a private matter. I would advise all politicians not to release them, including your gal hillary.
I do believe her foundation holds the key to many murders, racketeering, and fraud however.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:That is up to him
Tax returns are a private matter. I would advise all politicians not to release them, including your gal hillary.
I do believe her foundation holds the key to many murders, racketeering, and fraud however.
The Clinton foundation has helped more people in one hour than Conald Trump has in his lifetime.
Yep! Clinton Foundation has helped China, Russia, Syria, Iran etc etc

Oh, and special "favors" for those good ole boys at the top of the political food chain.

Can't forget about them!!!

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