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Question Of The Day--Should the Military Be Able To Use Performance Enhancing Drugs?
Thought provoking question of the day:

Should members of the military have access to performance enhancing drugs in order to perform at a higher level on the battlefield?

This question isn't meant to be a joke or disrespectful to members of the military. It is a little different--but seriously--why not give them every advantage?
I'm voting for the thrid option...just because I think that it implies that you are weird Smile

But seriously, I don't think that OUR military needs them. With all the training that they go through, they probably don't need it. I'll bet that any member would say that he works his ass off to be the best and doesn't need anything to help him.
Think of it like this as well--"performance enhancing drugs" doesn't just mean things like steriods.

For instance--if Ritalin is given to people who DON'T have ADD/ADHD--it gives then a clear, yet hyped effect in certain cases.

There also has to be some room for things that keep guys cool under the stress of battle.

So--this could get to be pretty broad if you think about it.
Wouldnt really consider that performance enhancing, but I chose no.
You cant allow military officers to legally use preformace enhancing drugs. Military officers have killed each other in the past that have been on "cycles", "d-balls" and other forms of preformance enhancing drugs. Given the drugs they were on were coming from the countries they were fighting in but still. Being huge doesn't mean you are better in the battfield. THe military scopes you to be a machine and to use you knowledge of what you have been trained to do. Drugs aren't going to help this cause, it will hinder it.
I somewhat agree with FUPA.. I don't think the military needs it.. with the steroids, there is always the chance of goin into a roid rage, and hurt a compadre'. i dont know. but i don't think thye should be given them.
Yeah i don't see why not........if its gonna help us and give us more of an edge of our enimies it could be a good thing.
There are too many negative side effects that balance the alleged benefits of "performance-enhancing" drugs.
As a former Marine, I would have to say NO WAY! Our military is to well trained and has far superior equipment to have to worry about any type of preformance enhancement. Right now, our military depends on their training, and the person standing beside them. That is the way it should be. There are certian drugs that our warriors take to help them if they need it, such as drugs for motion sickness if they get car/air/sea sick. Pilots take caffeine pills if they are on a long mission. It is kinda hard to pour a cup of coffee if you are traveling 2 times the speed of sound in a suitcase. The only preformance enhancers our military needs is right here at home.
First of all--good posts by all.

And remember--I am not just talking about steriods and things of that nature. I am sure that there are plenty of "performance-enhancing" drugs that could benefit our armed forces. Things that keep the mind clear, sharp--so our military can perform at a higher mental level. Not just physical.
i think they should
Wouldn't you have to wrestle them away from all the pro athletes first??? Confusedhh: :big grin:
Don't snipers take like a diazpam or other kind of nerve pill to steady themselves...

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