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Knox Central 2016
Losing 8 seniors. Returning the largest Senior class in recent history. 2016 will showcase 22 seniors. I have never seen us have more than 12 or so.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
IMHO 2016 will be "the year" for Knox central. They may have a legitimate shot at the 4a state title. If they can figure out a way to get past Johnson central.
Most of the building blocks are in place for the panthers to have a very good season next year. Can't wait to see what the schedule will look like.

Living The Dream!!
Of those eight seniors only lose one skilled player.

Living The Dream!!
Rockcastle has everyone back also and should be a great battle for the dist championship at Rockcastle in 2016
Always a good game between these two
Looks like Wayne County graduates 12 but keeps their RB (#34) who is excellent. Roster shows 13 Juniors. Rock graduates 1 and has 11 Juniors which certainly points to a strong year for them.

Gonna be a battle for district in 16.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
panther nation Wrote:Most of the building blocks are in place for the panthers to have a very good season next year. Can't wait to see what the schedule will look like.

mediocre at best Confusednicker:
Stay on topic.

I think Knox has there best chance to win a region title next year.
I wouldn't be surprised to see them roll threw the regular season.
I think KC biggest challenge in the district will br Wayne County again. No disrespect to Rock but we've had your number for several years now. Getting by Wayne will be the challenge.

Living The Dream!!
With Wayne Mills being gone from Bell - I hope 2016 gets the Knox vs Bell game back on schedule. 8,000 screaming Kentuckians is too good to miss. Can we beat them? Don't know. That is why we need to play the game.
If Knox doesn't get their youth program back on track its going to be like old time all over again

Living The Dream!!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Stay on topic.

I think Knox has there best chance to win a region title next year.
I wouldn't be surprised to see them roll threw the regular season.

Wayne County will be too much for them. especially if their coach leaves to go to Log Mountain Confusednicker:
yea if the youth program don't get somebody in there that knows what there doing lookout centra
pjdoug Wrote:Wayne County will be too much for them. especially if their coach leaves to go to Log Mountain Confusednicker:

Why dont you take your negative crap back to the Whitley thread and stay the hell off of the Knox threads. If I was you I would be worrying about what Whitley going to do to improve next over what Knox is doing.

Coach Russell won't be going anywhere he is happy right where he is.

Living The Dream!!
I think Russell definitely stays at Knox.

Im not so sure Bell is a better job RIGHT now with what the two have coming up.
I suspect everyone know whats most likely at Bell if the pieces fall into place.
I see one of two people getting the Bell job and if one don't get it you can expect to see him at another area school next year.
panther nation Wrote:Why dont you take your negative crap back to the Whitley thread and stay the hell off of the Knox threads. If I was you I would be worrying about what Whitley going to do to improve next over what Knox is doing.

Coach Russell won't be going anywhere he is happy right where he is.

not negative.I'm positive Wayne County will be too much.Whitley is working on improving.Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house and stay out of Whitley thread trolling them .You can dish it out but you cant take it :ChairHit::ChairHit:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think Russell definitely stays at Knox.

Im not so sure Bell is a better job RIGHT now with what the two have coming up.
I suspect everyone know whats most likely at Bell if the pieces fall into place.
I see one of two people getting the Bell job and if one don't get it you can expect to see him at another area school next year.

You could be right on that.
It will come down to Knox and Wayne again. Both return a great deal. Only difference will be the regular season game will be Knox.

Hilton will not be back in SEKY at any school. The price is wrong Bob! The Admin at Bell will not do what it takes to keep the FB alive.
If Scotty has learned anything yesterday is Bell is not a better job. Mills was crazy to follow Dudley there, and I bet right now looking at Knox with much regret. Knox is a way better job and will continue to be.
Scotty seen the same situation last year when Harlan County did the same thing to Larkey. If Scotty was going to go anywhere he would have went back to his roots then, but he knew he was where he wanted to be.

Living The Dream!!
Knox should be very good next year. Bunch of good players coming back and an excellent coach. Wayne and Rock will make this a very interesting district.
Lots of rumors about kids leaving Bell. With KC slotted to have one of the strongest teams in the area the location being so close - any chance one or two of those head this way?
Football1 Wrote:Lots of rumors about kids leaving Bell. With KC slotted to have one of the strongest teams in the area the location being so close - any chance one or two of those head this way?

Slim to none.
Knox Central will be a tough out this year. :Cheerlead
I think your right on point my friend..

Living The Dream!!
Coaches at Clay are saying we got 60+ kids out this year. Hopefully we can get back to being competitive with you guys. I look for a very good 2016 for the panthers.
Panthers add a nice coaching addition to staff, I hear. Welcome, Coach Hoskins.
Fred Hoskins from Bell?
is this official or for sure thing that he joined the knox central staff
Good luck with him...
The best thing Knox got was his boys!

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