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07-12-2016, 08:06 PM
Former President George W Bush spoke eloquently and powerfully at the memorial for slain Dallas police officers. He cautioned about letting differences in ideas turn to animosity and against letting our differences as Americans make us forget our common humanity and our shared values and commitments as Americans. Powerful words and timely challenges.
07-13-2016, 01:44 PM
What did you think about Obama's speech?
07-13-2016, 03:43 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:What did you think about Obama's speech?
I thought President Obama was attempting to strike a balance: our nation has made so much progress in racial justice and attitudes that to suggest otherwise is nonsense; however, to deny that issues of race are still not all around us, and within us, is also to deny reality. He made it clear that the Dallas shooter exists as the lunatic fringe element, an element that threatens to push us all toward distrust and anger and fear. All in all, I thought it was a courageous speech, though a difficult one. The first part of it did a moving job of giving tribute to the officers, and appreciation of the work of police officers was throughout.
07-13-2016, 03:56 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I thought President Obama was attempting to strike a balance: our nation has made so much progress in racial justice and attitudes that to suggest otherwise is nonsense; however, to deny that issues of race are still not all around us, and within us, is also to deny reality. He made it clear that the Dallas shooter exists as the lunatic fringe element, an element that threatens to push us all toward distrust and anger and fear. All in all, I thought it was a courageous speech, though a difficult one. The first part of it did a moving job of giving tribute to the officers, and appreciation of the work of police officers was throughout.
lol....Anything he said was just a prefix to lead right into his gun control ideology...Butter em up , then WHAM hit em with what you really want to say.......Kinda softens the blow, doesn't it?..
Amazing how many sheep there are out there that buy his line of BS hook, line and sinker.:Shaking:
07-13-2016, 04:05 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:lol....Anything he said was just a prefix to lead right into his gun control ideology...Butter em up , then WHAM hit em with what you really want to say.......Kinda softens the blow, doesn't it?..
Amazing how many sheep there are out there that buy his line of BS hook, line and sinker.:Shaking:
While it is convenient, I guess, to trot out the "sheep" line, and gee, weren't you clever in your own eyes to do it, to boil President Obama's speech down to a plea for gun control actually suggests interpretation is in the ear of the listener, and that's about all it means.
07-13-2016, 04:50 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:While it is convenient, I guess, to trot out the "sheep" line, and gee, weren't you clever in your own eyes to do it, to boil President Obama's speech down to a plea for gun control actually suggests interpretation is in the ear of the listener, and that's about all it means.
LOL....You know, what's really clever (or should I say, what you think is clever) is to attempt to spin it to another meaning when you don't have an avenue to logically defend what he did...Are we out of race cards to throw around today? I applaud your attempt at diversity, as no doubt, you're one sharp cookie.
It doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to figure out what the agenda of this mockery in chief is...This was neither the time nor the place to bring up "kids being able to get Glocks easier than computers or books" and the rest of his agenda ilk.
His line of BS was however certainly great bait for a gluttonous large-mouthed bass on a feeding frenzy...Congratulations, Billy Bass, on another meal....And congratulations Barack Obama on landing another "sucker"...
07-13-2016, 05:09 PM
I agree with you Bob Seger. There were places where Obama was thoughtful and considerate, but the references to Black Lives Matter and his gun control agenda were totally inappropriate IMO.
I am still digesting his reference to the Bible and attempting to quote scripture.
I am still digesting his reference to the Bible and attempting to quote scripture.
07-13-2016, 05:15 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:LOL....You know, what's really clever (or should I say, what you think is clever) is to attempt to spin it to another meaning when you don't have an avenue to logically defend what he did...Are we out of race cards to throw around today? I applaud your attempt at diversity, as no doubt, you're one sharp cookie.
It doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to figure out what the agenda of this mockery in chief is...This was neither the time nor the place to bring up "kids being able to get Glocks easier than computers or books" and the rest of his agenda ilk.
His line of BS was however certainly great bait for a gluttonous large-mouthed bass on a feeding frenzy...Congratulations, Billy Bass, on another meal....And congratulations Barack Obama on landing another "sucker"...
While reasonable people can disagree, that doesn't seem to apply here. President Obama favors a bit more collective reading of the 2nd Amendment, as SCOTUS precedent held for, oh, two centuries. The "johnny come lately" rendering of the 2nd Amendment (Justice Scalia) will be re-adjudicated soon enough. However, unless a person is a "one issue" type, or a person who cannot hold his liquor or his politics without animosity, the speech was balanced.
07-13-2016, 06:02 PM
Tell you what time Obama is speaking with families that have suffered losses in their lives, if he mentions Blue Lives matter....I'll apologize to you.
07-13-2016, 06:57 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:While reasonable people can disagree, that doesn't seem to apply here. President Obama favors a bit more collective reading of the 2nd Amendment, as SCOTUS precedent held for, oh, two centuries. The "johnny come lately" rendering of the 2nd Amendment (Justice Scalia) will be re-adjudicated soon enough. However, unless a person is a "one issue" type, or a person who cannot hold his liquor or his politics without animosity, the speech was balanced.
I cannot think of a more appropriate example why the elective process is so vitally important this time around. If people like you get their way America will realize the total transformation of Obama's vision, and Hillary will carry the water for him; Not to mention that of Bernie Sanders, as she stood there nodding continually like a mindless bobblehead, ready to agree to anything he could dream up just to get his endorsement. Surely the RNC will make a political ad of that incredibly transparent moment in history.
If by balanced you mean he first appropriately eulogized the slain of Dallas in the first half of his speech, then used the second half to again legitimize the actions of the shooter, BLM The NBP and other anti-authority groups as justifiable, you are correct. The police departments across this land do represent the interface between government and the lawless, they do not represent the interface between government and "the people." And a move to nationalize police would in my view, be yet another precursor to being ruled, rather than being the free people that we are.
And the left need to make up their minds on the separation of Church and State. Obama standing there preaching to us that he knows we, each of us, are either secretly or privately prejudiced, is a matter for the Church to address, not a President. 190 days, 11 hours and 24 minutes till he mercifully vacates the White House.
07-13-2016, 07:28 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:While reasonable people can disagree, that doesn't seem to apply here. President Obama favors a bit more collective reading of the 2nd Amendment, as SCOTUS precedent held for, oh, two centuries. The "johnny come lately" rendering of the 2nd Amendment (Justice Scalia) will be re-adjudicated soon enough. However, unless a person is a "one issue" type, or a person who cannot hold his liquor or his politics without animosity, the speech was balanced.
Balanced!! Do what??
This was neither the time nor the place for anything to be balanced...This was a time and place to eulogize the slain officers and exemplify their courage and service...period..NOTHING MORE THAN THAT!!!
The only thing that Obama favors about the 2nd Amendment is just to abolish it..If the man was truly interested in controlling unwanted gun violence he would address the issues in his home town and make it a sparkling example..Isn't it ironic that he as well as the main stream media never dwell into his inability to curtail the black on black violence that happens at his own Ponderosa that has some of the stiffest gun laws in the country...Fitting to see that you turn your head and ignore it as well....Hail, hail, the gangs all here.
And besides, it's also now easy to recognize that when it come to SCOTUS the liberal elements of such is just now sticking their ugly head out of the sand for the whole world to see and show there is an unethical bias almost to the corrupt level that has come out of full concealment displayed by the resent shenanigans by the head of the FBI and the US Attorney General, a la Ruth Bader Ginsberg.....It has lost a great deal of credibility as well.....This is a corrupt administration from top to bottom.
07-13-2016, 08:22 PM
President Obama can't save a puppy in this thread's crowd, lest it be with hidden agenda. Respect for law and police, yes, but to suggest an officer's uniform and training render them free from human weakness, foible and folly? And I'm a "sheep"? If you folk here are suggesting that issues of race have been transcended, even in your own hearts, minds, and interactions, I congratulate you. But you are a rare commodity among humanity. In the last several years, many members of the SCOTUS have, in my view, gone a bit too far, and, certainly, RBG did in her comments.
The idea that "any gun, any time, anyone" is how the 2nd Amendment was meant is, to me, exceedingly debateable.
The idea that "any gun, any time, anyone" is how the 2nd Amendment was meant is, to me, exceedingly debateable.
07-13-2016, 08:29 PM
⬆⬆ When MLK, Jr. was gunned down, Robert Kennedy in Indianapolis did not just speak to the great man's attributes, he also broadened into thematic and culrural concerns commensurate with the moment. President Obama did the same, as did former President Bush. You folk are simply unreasonable in your political viewpoints, and your refusal to view politics as the art of consensus building and give and take is probably as serious a threat to the greater good in this country as are a lot of the boogeymen you chirp about.
07-13-2016, 08:44 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:President Obama can't save a puppy in this thread's crowd, lest it be with hidden agenda. Respect for law and police, yes, but to suggest an officer's uniform and training render them free from human weakness, foible and folly? And I'm a "sheep"? If you folk here are suggesting that issues of race have been transcended, even in your own hearts, minds, and interactions, I congratulate you. But you are a rare commodity among humanity. In the last several years, many members of the SCOTUS have, in my view, gone a bit too far, and, certainly, RBG did in her comments.
The idea that "any gun, any time, anyone" is how the 2nd Amendment was meant is, to me, exceedingly debateable.
Hidden? Oh, it's not hidden...He doesn't even make efforts to conceal it anymore...It's just that most people can see how blatant it is, but then his sheep will continue to deny it exists.
If sheep could vote, they'd pick a guy who feeds them, even if it's the same person who will later slaughter them.
07-13-2016, 08:46 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:Tell you what time Obama is speaking with families that have suffered losses in their lives, if he mentions Blue Lives matter....I'll apologize to you.
I do not want, need, or ask for your apology. President Obama said we are a nation of laws, and that police are a lynchpin in that structure, among other highly laudatory things. But, when a dog is trained to react to only one drug, that's where he barks.
07-13-2016, 08:49 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Hidden? Oh, it's not hidden...He doesn't even make efforts to conceal it anymore...It's just that most people can see how blatant it is, but then his sheep will continue to deny it exists.
If sheep could vote, they'd pick a guy who feeds them, even if it's the same person who will later slaughter them.
I did not vote for President Obama. However, neither am I an attack dog for extreme agendas.
07-13-2016, 09:18 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆ When MLK, Jr. was gunned down, Robert Kennedy in Indianapolis did not just speak to the great man's attributes, he also broadened into thematic and culrural concerns commensurate with the moment. President Obama did the same, as did former President Bush. You folk are simply unreasonable in your political viewpoints, and your refusal to view politics as the art of consensus building and give and take is probably as serious a threat to the greater good in this country as are a lot of the boogeymen you chirp about.No Obama did not stop there, he went way further with a continuation of an agenda that he came into office with full intent of administering. How many times, without knowing any of the facts has he gone on with this same broken record mantra of blaming the gun and not the criminal mind of the man that pulled the trigger? Huh, how many times? What he did yesterday, as he has done so often , is to take an event and conveniently politicize his agenda...BIG DIFFERENCE!!
A man should never give and take when it comes to the principals exploited and decimated by the leader of this regime by the means in which he has done. Constitutional protocol has meant nothing to this would be dictator. Besides, to not stand up for knowing what's wrong not only makes one a hypocrite , it makes him subject to answering for such come judgement day...Some things you just don't compromise....So if that's unreasonable, so be it.
07-13-2016, 09:34 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:No Obama did not stop there, he went way further with a continuation of an agenda that he came into office with full intent of administering. How many times, without knowing any of the facts has he gone on with this same broken record mantra of blaming the gun and not the criminal mind of the man that pulled the trigger? Huh, how many times? What he did yesterday, as he has done so often , is to take an event and conveniently politicize his agenda...BIG DIFFERENCE!!
A man should never give and take when it comes to the principals exploited and decimated by the leader of this regime by the means in which he has done. Constitutional protocol has meant nothing to this would be dictator. Besides, to not stand up for knowing what's wrong not only makes one a hypocrite , it makes him subject to answering for such come judgement day...Some things you just don't compromise....So if that's unreasonable, so be it.
President Obama is not a dictator. I think he has let frustration with a legislative branch leveraged against him lead him to use executive power unwisely at times. I understand that religious beliefs anchor political viewpoints on many issues; however, in our system, beliefs and viewpoints compete in the marketplace of ideas and images, and, the grease for the gears is often consensus and political give and take.
07-13-2016, 10:09 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆ When MLK, Jr. was gunned down, Robert Kennedy in Indianapolis did not just speak to the great man's attributes, he also broadened into thematic and culrural concerns commensurate with the moment. President Obama did the same, as did former President Bush. You folk are simply unreasonable in your political viewpoints, and your refusal to view politics as the art of consensus building and give and take is probably as serious a threat to the greater good in this country as are a lot of the boogeymen you chirp about.
I heard that speech and it bore no faint similarity to that of Barack Obama in Dallas yesterday. And if I might add, the number of times Barack repeated just one word 'and', in his speech yesterday if placed end to end, would eclipse the total text of everything Bobby had to say about the assassination of MLK in the speech you cite above.
But, besides suffering the eerie feeling of deja vu as far as the times are concerned, there is one glaring difference between the two speeches, Bobby, speaking to everybody as equal Americans, blamed no particular race for what happened. Barack on the other hand, once again took plenty of time to sharpen and define for us his perceptions of racial inequality.
But this one paragraph from Robert Kennedy's speech jumped out. "So I ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King -- yeah, it's true -- but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love -- a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke."
The difference between Bobby and Barack and how they see the country? A little thing called the common good.
BTW, if anybody would like to see the way the unambiguous communicate, I would encourage you to read through Bobby's speech. Just takes a minute or two.
07-13-2016, 10:16 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:President Obama is not a dictator. I think he has let frustration with a legislative branch leveraged against him lead him to use executive power unwisely at times. I understand that religious beliefs anchor political viewpoints on many issues; however, in our system, beliefs and viewpoints compete in the marketplace of ideas and images, and, the grease for the gears is often consensus and political give and take.
That is a pretty greasy statement, I'll have to say. He rolled over the legislative branch and us, like a juggernaut for his first two years and the people reacted, throwing his hand servants out.
07-13-2016, 10:23 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:I heard that speech and it bore no faint similarity to that of Barack Obama in Dallas yesterday. And if I might add, the number of times Barack repeated just one word 'and', in his speech yesterday if placed end to end, would eclipse the total text of everything Bobby had to say about the assassination of MLK in the speech you cite above.
But, besides suffering the eerie feeling of deja vu as far as the times are concerned, there is one glaring difference between the two speeches, Bobby, speaking to everybody as equal Americans, blamed no particular race for what happened. Barack on the other hand, once again took plenty of time to sharpen and define for us his perceptions of racial inequality.
But this one paragraph from Robert Kennedy's speech jumped out. "So I ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King -- yeah, it's true -- but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love -- a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke."
The difference between Bobby and Barack and how they see the country? A little thing called the common good.
BTW, if anybody would like to see the way the unambiguous communicate, I would encourage you to read through Bobby's speech. Just takes a minute or two.
To suggest that Robert Kennedy did not understand that a white man shot a black man who led a movement to gain black men and women the full recognition and rights of American citizens is a stretch. His speech was intended to attempt a measured response grounded in common humanity and respect for country. Barack Obama, regarded as America's first black President, is in a position to speak a bit differently than Bobby Kennedy, not better or more poignantly, but differently.
07-13-2016, 10:54 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:President Obama is not a dictator. I think he has let frustration with a legislative branch leveraged against him lead him to use executive power unwisely at times. I understand that religious beliefs anchor political viewpoints on many issues; however, in our system, beliefs and viewpoints compete in the marketplace of ideas and images, and, the grease for the gears is often consensus and political give and take.
07-13-2016, 10:56 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:No Obama did not stop there, he went way further with a continuation of an agenda that he came into office with full intent of administering. How many times, without knowing any of the facts has he gone on with this same broken record mantra of blaming the gun and not the criminal mind of the man that pulled the trigger? Huh, how many times? What he did yesterday, as he has done so often , is to take an event and conveniently politicize his agenda...BIG DIFFERENCE!!Cough Cough.....well?
A man should never give and take when it comes to the principals exploited and decimated by the leader of this regime by the means in which he has done. Constitutional protocol has meant nothing to this would be dictator. Besides, to not stand up for knowing what's wrong not only makes one a hypocrite , it makes him subject to answering for such come judgement day...Some things you just don't compromise....So if that's unreasonable, so be it.
07-14-2016, 03:19 AM
Bob Seger Wrote:Cough Cough.....well?
"Cough, cough"? Rather sophomoric, don't you think? Eleven times President Obama has had to answer this bell. The issue of "any gun, any time, anyone" is pertinent. It is not a simple matter of "blaming the gun." Multiple DUI offenders lose the privilege of driving, though a car is no different than a gun in terms of culpability. A drunk with access to a car is a problem. A young male with anger issues and schizophrenia with access to a military style, mass kill weapon is a problem. It's not rocket science, nor is it a Nazi-style bum rush on all guns.
07-14-2016, 04:06 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:To suggest that Robert Kennedy did not understand that a white man shot a black man who led a movement to gain black men and women the full recognition and rights of American citizens is a stretch. His speech was intended to attempt a measured response grounded in common humanity and respect for country. Barack Obama, regarded as America's first black President, is in a position to speak a bit differently than Bobby Kennedy, not better or more poignantly, but differently.
Those who actually take the time to read Bobby's speech will see that your assertions in the post prior, are what constitutes any sort of stretch. Bobby mentioned the fact that MLK's assassin was white. But like his brother JFK, he emphasized service, sacrifice and prayer for the good of our country, as well as the family of MLK. Then, something just over 3 minutes later, Bobby's speech concluded. It was masterful, to the point, and so profound that people like you quote it still today.
Then comes Obama, who in his epic humility only mentions himself a mere 45 times while droning on and on for 40 minutes about how bad white people are. That's 40 mind you, 13 times longer than Bobby Kennedy's speech and infinitely more self absorbed. 189 days to go.
07-14-2016, 04:37 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Those who actually take the time to read Bobby's speech will see that your assertions in the post prior, are what constitutes any sort of stretch. Bobby mentioned the fact that MLK's assassin was white. But like his brother JFK, he emphasized service, sacrifice and prayer for the good of our country, as well as the family of MLK. Then, something just over 3 minutes later, Bobby's speech concluded. It was masterful, to the point, and so profound that people like you quote it still today.
Then comes Obama, who in his epic humility only mentions himself a mere 45 times while droning on and on for 40 minutes about how bad white people are. That's 40 mind you, 13 times longer than Bobby Kennedy's speech and infinitely more self absorbed. 189 days to go.
Robert Kennedy spoke in a black area of Indianapolis, the ghetto, and after he learned MLK, Jr. had died, and his speech is revered as one of the greatest in modern era. Agreed. I am a white man. I did not hear President Obama call me a racist. I did hear him reference slavery. I did hear him reference Jim Crow. I did hear him suggest racial justice and relations are leaps and bounds ahead of where they were in the past. I did hear him say that there is still work to do in racial equality and justice. I did hear him refer to himself, as a means of referencing the struggle on a personal note. You really sound like you consider President Obama an "uppity" black man. I am not saying that is your opinion or spirit, but I am saying that's how it comes across.
07-14-2016, 04:55 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Robert Kennedy spoke in a black area of Indianapolis, the ghetto, and after he learned MLK, Jr. had died, and his speech is revered as one of the greatest in modern era. Agreed. I am a white man. I did not hear President Obama call me a racist. I did hear him reference slavery. I did hear him reference Jim Crow. I did hear him suggest racial justice and relations are leaps and bounds ahead of where they were in the past. I did hear him say that there is still work to do in racial equality and justice. I did hear him refer to himself, as a means of referencing the struggle on a personal note. You really sound like you consider President Obama an "uppity" black man. I am not saying that is your opinion or spirit, but I am saying that's how it comes across.
All I can tell you is you weren't listening then. And in mentioning Jim Crow or slavery he played the race card. Now straighten me out here, how many black people was it that Micah Xavier Johnson shot again? How is it in any way germane to cite slavery or Jim Crow to the extended and grief stricken families of the 5 slain officers?
One more thing, any moron knows a kid can go to a library and get a book far easier than he can get a glock. :please:
07-14-2016, 05:11 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:All I can tell you is you weren't listening then. And in mentioning Jim Crow or slavery he played the race card. Now straighten me out here, how many black people was it that Micah Xavier Johnson shot again? How is it in any way germane to cite slavery or Jim Crow to the extended and grief stricken families of the 5 slain officers?
One more thing, any moron knows a kid can go to a library and get a book far easier than he can get a glock. :please:
Given the entire context of the cultural moment, both former President Bush and President Obama were doing more than speaking to five grief-stricken families. Both men, it seems to me, were speaking to a nation. Slavery, Jim Crow...these are the past, yes, but they also form the mosaic, the context of our nation's racial history and present.
In certain neighborhoods in Chicago, access to a gun, even for a kid, may be more relevant to daily existence than access to a book. That is a reality.
07-14-2016, 05:17 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Given the entire context of the cultural moment, both former President Bush and President Obama were doing more than speaking to five grief-stricken families. Both men, it seems to me, were speaking to a nation. Slavery, Jim Crow...these are the past, yes, but they also form the mosaic, the context of our nation's racial history and present.
In certain neighborhoods in Chicago, access to a gun, even for a kid, may be more relevant to daily existence than access to a book. That is a reality.
Oh I agree, they spoke to the nation alright.
07-14-2016, 02:05 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Cough, cough"? Rather sophomoric, don't you think? Eleven times President Obama has had to answer this bell. The issue of "any gun, any time, anyone" is pertinent. It is not a simple matter of "blaming the gun." Multiple DUI offenders lose the privilege of driving, though a car is no different than a gun in terms of culpability. A drunk with access to a car is a problem. A young male with anger issues and schizophrenia with access to a military style, mass kill weapon is a problem. It's not rocket science, nor is it a Nazi-style bum rush on all guns.
lol.....Considering you were doing your best Loretta Lynch duck and dive impressions, I found it to be pretty effective tactics to get some kind of response...You have to use whatever is effective depending on the level of the opponent you are debating. You can figure out from that why whatever it is that you deem sophomoric was required. Lets be honest, you were not going to address it.
He answers the bell before he ever has the first clue as to whatever has happened..Answer me this. In each case in that the proverbial ding a ling(rather symbolic, isn't it?) rings, in how many instances would have enhanced gun control measures over and above what already exists on the books have made a difference? Why is it never Islamic terrorism and referred to as some ridiculous jargon such as "workplace violence" ? Could it possibly be due to his family ties to Islam? Perhaps because his closest advisor, Valarie Jarret is a Muslim? Huh?.....Maybe it's because he came into this thing "damn the torpedos, full speed ahead" on his pre-election objective to end guns in this country...I would assume that it's got to be frustrating that a guy of self imagined rock star status cant get the thing done by conventional methods..He is a Nobel Peace Prize winner after all hahaha.....(yeah that's sophomoric, I know) ..Thankfully there are still enough people with a little more sense that can outweigh the idiot libs that don't know beans about which end of a gun that the bullet even comes out of to begin with.
I still anxiously await your "spun" response to his inability to get the mass killings under control down at the ranch in Chicago....More duckin and divin??
You would think those with superior intellects like Obama and Rahm Emmanuel would be able to "nip it n the bud"....What say you?
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