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06-28-2016, 04:19 AM
06-28-2016, 04:48 AM
Unfortunately, the only way to solve 20 million dollars in debt is to completely restructure govt. and that isn't going to happen when its the politicians voting that needs to be restructured. There are so many things that need to be done, but I believe we should have set a cap, and when our debt hit that cap, it would be necessary to cut ALL socialist programs, (except for disability and elderly SS). A lot of people would suffer and probably die as a result but it would be the only way. Stopped in the dollar store today to get a few things on my way home while a woman bought a buggy full of soda with her EBT card. Those would be the first people I directly target. And just to be clear, I would end social security all together. Nobody would any longer be burdened by paying into that Ponzi scheme. You save for yourself. If you save enough and retire, great. If you don't, tough shit.
However, that would be just a small drop in the bucket, the next move would be to look at what else could be cut. The last thing I would go after is military. Any govt. programs for research and studies would also be dismissed and forgotten until the debt was paid in full.
The final thing id do? LOWER TAXES.
However, that would be just a small drop in the bucket, the next move would be to look at what else could be cut. The last thing I would go after is military. Any govt. programs for research and studies would also be dismissed and forgotten until the debt was paid in full.
The final thing id do? LOWER TAXES.
06-28-2016, 04:51 AM
pretty simple stop borrowing money. I think Jetpilot :igiveup:
06-28-2016, 01:10 PM
Aggressively targeting waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars anywhere it exists would be a good start.
06-28-2016, 06:20 PM
The last time the US economy got rescued was during the Reagan era. Naysaying liberal deniers of that truth have been steadily gaining power in government circles ever since. Many of them have even grown bold enough in their attempts to redefine history, as has Hillary, to have begun saying Reagan's policies actually hurt the economy, and that Bill Clinton had to come in and save this country from trickle down economics. That is a lie of course, but considering the successes that Dems have enjoyed of late, why start telling the truth now, right?
Notwithstanding, I would suggest the taxpaying public keep the faith yet a little longer, vote out even more liberals this fall, and obviously do what ever it takes to keep Hillary out of the Oval Office. This will give the previously successful Reagan economic advisors who yet remain in influence, to once again work their magic to save us again. It worked once, there is nothing to say it will not work again. As any workman would tell you, stick with what works.
I have to make a qualifier here. I believe the world system of finance will crash in the relative near future. As I have said, the when of that is up to God and His prophetic time table. However, if the US voter continues to reject social justice and returns conservatives to controlling power in DC, I believe it is very likely that the Lord will afford this country a reprieve in order so they will have some extra time do His work.
Notwithstanding, I would suggest the taxpaying public keep the faith yet a little longer, vote out even more liberals this fall, and obviously do what ever it takes to keep Hillary out of the Oval Office. This will give the previously successful Reagan economic advisors who yet remain in influence, to once again work their magic to save us again. It worked once, there is nothing to say it will not work again. As any workman would tell you, stick with what works.
I have to make a qualifier here. I believe the world system of finance will crash in the relative near future. As I have said, the when of that is up to God and His prophetic time table. However, if the US voter continues to reject social justice and returns conservatives to controlling power in DC, I believe it is very likely that the Lord will afford this country a reprieve in order so they will have some extra time do His work.
06-28-2016, 06:32 PM
64SUR Wrote:pretty simple stop borrowing money. I think Jetpilot :igiveup:
How much money would you say the present administration has borrowed 64? I'll go ahead and state the obvious here just for you though. Why would you think the establishment elites are frothing at the mouth for worry about the possibility of Donald J. Trump making China mad? Could it be that what with our owing China about 2 Trillion dollars, we are scared to death and feel like we must tip toe around them as if we might awaken a ravenous lion?
06-28-2016, 09:56 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:The last time the US economy got rescued was during the Reagan era. Naysaying liberal deniers of that truth have been steadily gaining power in government circles ever since. Many of them have even grown bold enough in their attempts to redefine history, as has Hillary, to have begun saying Reagan's policies actually hurt the economy, and that Bill Clinton had to come in and save this country from trickle down economics. That is a lie of course, but considering the successes that Dems have enjoyed of late, why start telling the truth now, right?
Notwithstanding, I would suggest the taxpaying public keep the faith yet a little longer, vote out even more liberals this fall, and obviously do what ever it takes to keep Hillary out of the Oval Office. This will give the previously successful Reagan economic advisors who yet remain in influence, to once again work their magic to save us again. It worked once, there is nothing to say it will not work again. As any workman would tell you, stick with what works.
I have to make a qualifier here. I believe the world system of finance will crash in the relative near future. As I have said, the when of that is up to God and His prophetic time table. However, if the US voter continues to reject social justice and returns conservatives to controlling power in DC, I believe it is very likely that the Lord will afford this country a reprieve in order so they will have some extra time do His work.
That last paragraph channeled David Barton and the revisionist "creativity" of christian nationalism.
06-28-2016, 10:31 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:That last paragraph channeled David Barton and the revisionist "creativity" of christian nationalism.
I've never passed somebody else's work off as my own. These are my sincerely held convictions. And one more thing, do you ever know what you're talking about?
06-28-2016, 10:45 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:I've never passed somebody else's work off as my own. These are my sincerely held convictions. And one more thing, do you ever know what you're talking about?
I know enough to know what I said wasn't an accusation of plagiarism.
06-28-2016, 10:49 PM
⬆⬆ Since "there is nothing new under the sun," it only stands to Scriptural reason that your ideas often just rehash ones from the past.
06-29-2016, 02:39 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I know enough to know what I said wasn't an accusation of plagiarism.
My sincere apologies. How then did I manage to channel David Barton? You must have meant my words mirrored something from him?
06-29-2016, 02:50 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:My sincere apologies. How then did I manage to channel David Barton? You must have meant my words mirrored something from him?
If your position is that a return of a conservative to the Presidency of the United States weighs heavily upon eschatology, that, to me, channels the christian nationalism of David Barton.
06-29-2016, 02:57 AM
But since you went there, some hold that Barton is deluded and although I have not researched him to any great extent, what I know about him is not all that far off base. And, I don't agree that Barton's ideas of separation of Church and state are all that far off base either. My studies in The Revelation, Daniel, 2Tim and others sell me on the likelihood that time is extremely short. And the basis for my understanding of the matter is geographically centered in Europe. I'm not at all convinced that the US is mentioned specifically or even in veiled terms in God's Word, which may or may not be scary.
Certainly, whatever America's fate may be, I don't see us escaping any part of judgment. What I was talking about was the fact that at one time we were the epicenter of Christian outreach, these days we are not and my contention then is that as in the case of Israel, we will suffer for turning our backs on God.
Certainly, whatever America's fate may be, I don't see us escaping any part of judgment. What I was talking about was the fact that at one time we were the epicenter of Christian outreach, these days we are not and my contention then is that as in the case of Israel, we will suffer for turning our backs on God.
06-29-2016, 03:06 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:If your position is that a return of a conservative to the Presidency of the United States weighs heavily upon eschatology, that, to me, channels the christian nationalism of David Barton.
Okay that's fine, you're wrong though. It is merely a matter of understanding God's timetable. I did not say I know the hour or the day or the decade for that matter. I am saying that the free fall of virtue and morality here in this land is reflected in law and in government as we can't seem to get our fill of calling that which God calls wrong, somehow in our view right.
06-29-2016, 03:24 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Okay that's fine, you're wrong though. It is merely a matter of understanding God's timetable. I did not say I know the hour or the day or the decade for that matter. I am saying that the free fall of virtue and morality here in this land is reflected in law and in government as we can't seem to get our fill of calling that which God calls wrong, somehow in our view right.
I differ in this way: it has never been more than a remnant who did not run after the idols of a perishing world. For instance, Jefferson's public pronouncements were favorable to Judaeo-Christianity, but his private writings and personal life show him to be much more a "spirit of his times" person than a person who lived an "at present I have no enduring city, for my king is from somewhere else" life. In this, he is little different than most. However, he did, along with others, conceive of a plan of government better than most, and enabling more freedoms.
06-29-2016, 03:34 AM
⬆⬆ I still believe the United States provides the religious freedom that enables American Christianity to reach out to the world in missions, in good works, in evangelism etc. in a way unparalleled in the history of Christianity. Also, this nation has provided a safe haven for dispersed Jews, and has perhaps supported Israel to a fault.
06-29-2016, 04:30 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I differ in this way: it has never been more than a remnant who did not run after the idols of a perishing world. For instance, Jefferson's public pronouncements were favorable to Judaeo-Christianity, but his private writings and personal life show him to be much more a "spirit of his times" person than a person who lived an "at present I have no enduring city, for my king is from somewhere else" life. In this, he is little different than most. However, he did, along with others, conceive of a plan of government better than most, and enabling more freedoms.
Idolatry is not my worry, but since you brought the subject up. God affords His people understanding, and part of that understanding is that though men always put the emphasis on the workings of this earth, the real prize or reality as viewed in eternity's setting, is that our life here lasts no longer than one breath seen as a vapor on a cold morning.
I mentioned the book of Daniel earlier. The image or great statue that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his vision with the head of gold, shoulders of silver etc., was also the subject of Daniel's interpretation which was given by God first to Daniel, and then by Daniel to the King and to us actually, as it was a representation in idol form, (something King Nebuchadnezzar would understand) for the entire history of man's time here on the earth. Four great empires starting with Babylonia, Media-Persian, the Greeks and finally the Roman Empire, which was the legs feet and the toes, and which though all were made of iron, the toes were noteworthy because they were 'mixed' with miry clay.
I believe that great mixing is what is happening right now with the Eurozone on the secular or gentile level. And I believe that the house of Ishmael, represented by the nations of the Arab World, are the catalyst at the spiritual level which threatens both Israel and the gentile nations. Obviously, that is really hitting the high spots and the juicy details presently fill more and more volumes on the subject. At any rate, if you will recall there was a great stone, not hewn of hands, that smote the giant image on the feet and broke up the toes and the great image fell. That stone is the "Chief Corner Stone" the Lord Jesus. That being the case, God does still control the on goings of this planet much more so than so many would like to think.
God does not mitigate His Judgments taking government into account. Government is a necessary evil that we struggle to get right, and was the great weight born by Jefferson and the other founders. But, I would add this little tidbit. When the Archangel spoke to Daniel about the future of mankind as it was revealed in the great image there on the plains of Shiloh, he gave Daniel two signs which would prevail in the end. First was the fact that knowledge would be increased and the second was that humanity would be travelling to and fro across the face of the globe.
What strikes me like a hammer blow of the two, is increased knowledge. I believe that God actually slowed down man's progress when He confounded man's language at the Tower of Babel, again an event that happened on the plains of Shiloh. From that day unto this, language has been a deterrent to man's progress, though not much at all today. Genesis 11:5-8 (KJV)
5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Men can do anything they can imagine to do. The science fiction of today is the reality of tomorrow, and I believe that God slowed man's march to great knowledge down on that day because it suited His timetable. And, I believe He wanted us to know that.
Now that God's timetable has largely been fulfilled, language is no longer much of a deterrent. In the 19th Century for example, knowledge doubled every 50 years, Nowadays, super computers see to it that knowledge doubles every 12 months, and according to David Russell Schilling we will in the very near future, see knowledge double every 12 hours. So now, instead of slowing things down, they are being accelerated by the virtue of the supernatural. Knowledge to me is the quintessential key to understanding God's timetable. And BTW, when the Archangel spoke with Daniel, he referred to him as "O Daniel, greatly beloved of God." Daniel was special and the two signs I believe are special.
At some point in the not too distant future therefore, I believe everything will come to it's forecasted end. It will end where it began, at the Valley of Megiddo there on the plains of Shiloh.
06-29-2016, 04:51 AM
^^Next to last paragraph, meant to say "Increasing knowledge is the key to understanding God's timetable.
06-29-2016, 05:18 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆ I still believe the United States provides the religious freedom that enables American Christianity to reach out to the world in missions, in good works, in evangelism etc. in a way unparalleled in the history of Christianity. Also, this nation has provided a safe haven for dispersed Jews, and has perhaps supported Israel to a fault.
Staying with the knowledge angle as that applies to the founders. The Scriptures in our day are far better understood in every conceivable application than at the time of the founders. The average preacher today has a virtual library of Alexandria at his fingertips. All manner of spiritual works, that and centralized compilations amassed at the colleges and seminaries, which give context. Along with Hebrew Greek customs and secular history of the day, allow both the New and Old Testaments to be much more deeply understood by a far greater number of people.
That is not to say they were wrong. Just saying it would have been the rarity rather than the norm, to sit under the teaching of a great preacher/teacher.
06-29-2016, 06:02 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Staying with the knowledge angle as that applies to the founders. The Scriptures in our day are far better understood in every conceivable application than at the time of the founders. The average preacher today has a virtual library of Alexandria at his fingertips. All manner of spiritual works, that and centralized compilations amassed at the colleges and seminaries, which give context. Along with Hebrew Greek customs and secular history of the day, allow both the New and Old Testaments to be much more deeply understood by a far greater number of people.
That is not to say they were wrong. Just saying it would have been the rarity rather than the norm, to sit under the teaching of a great preacher/teacher.
Ancient Mesoptamia is interesting and relevant, given the chaos in Iraq and Syria, and still simmering unrest in Egypt. However, an Iran with a nuclear arsenal still looms as perhaps THE game changer in the region, and I don't see, in the long run of twenty, thirty, fifty years (no matter the negotiations) that much can be done to stop it.
06-29-2016, 01:55 PM
JOBS, JOBS , JOBS! When you outsource jobs, you also outsource tax revenue.
Trump 2016
Trump 2016
06-29-2016, 04:51 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ancient Mesoptamia is interesting and relevant, given the chaos in Iraq and Syria, and still simmering unrest in Egypt. However, an Iran with a nuclear arsenal still looms as perhaps THE game changer in the region, and I don't see, in the long run of twenty, thirty, fifty years (no matter the negotiations) that much can be done to stop it.
A nuclear Iran fits into the prophetic picture without stretching credibility if you ask me. Zechariah 14:12 (KJV)
12 "And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth."
I don't know, maybe there will be a sickness that will eat people up before they even have time to fall over, and maybe not. Still, such a scenario would come to pass for any who were in a nuclear blast zone.
But no. Nothing can be done to stop it and that's the point. Short of total annihilation the feud between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac will never end. And at this point let us get real, That feud is the source of the contempt and hatred of the Arab World, apart from the realization of that reality there is no plausible explanation for why a terrorist would blow himself into tiny bits at the airport in Istanbul, or kill 50 at a gay bar in Orlando. That is why God will step in and end things Himself in order to save man from himself.
06-29-2016, 05:22 PM
(1) Raise taxes on the top 5% income earners in our society to 45%.
(2) Cut spending, especially in areas of military and defense where we spend a ton.
(2) Cut spending, especially in areas of military and defense where we spend a ton.
06-30-2016, 04:47 AM
We can cut defense spending once Trump is elected.
If Hillary is elected, we will be in at least 3 separate wars her first time.
We all know how much she loves to invade.
We can cut defense spending once Trump is elected.
If Hillary is elected, we will be in at least 3 separate wars her first time.
We all know how much she loves to invade.
06-30-2016, 05:12 AM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
We can cut defense spending once Trump is elected.
If Hillary is elected, we will be in at least 3 separate wars her first time.
We all know how much she loves to invade.
Ahh you ruined it man!! I was just trying to mess around and draw reactions haha.
I don't believe in either, actually. I'm for a low, flat tax and am more than content with every dollar that goes to defense spending.
We may be in multiple wars regardless of who is president, just because of everything going on right now.
06-30-2016, 11:48 AM
Just let the thought of being in a full blown war with Hillary in charge soak in for a minute. Especially considering who all it could be against.
06-30-2016, 12:54 PM
Build the wall! A large percentage of the drug trade flows through the border. If you cut drug related expenses by %50, thats less people needing rehabilitation and rehab services, less people being incarcerated (at $40 k per year) and more people available to take the jobs that President Trump will deliver!
06-30-2016, 02:26 PM
Pack up all the Illegals and the Democrats and ship them to Antarctica....
06-30-2016, 02:51 PM
No! Antartica is too pristine!
06-30-2016, 04:43 PM
Pick6 Wrote:Build the wall! A large percentage of the drug trade flows through the border. If you cut drug related expenses by %50, thats less people needing rehabilitation and rehab services, less people being incarcerated (at $40 k per year) and more people available to take the jobs that President Trump will deliver!
Have you considered the lesson in anti-logic being put forth by the left in opposition to the wall? According to them, the illegals will figure out some way around it whether by water or a tunnel or some equally desperate method.
That's fine, let them try. The point is if there are choke points at which they'd concentrate their efforts, would not those points be far easier to police than thousands of miles of open range? :please:
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