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Prestonsburg-92 South Floyd-55
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Wow the Blackcats put a beat down on the Raiders...Congrats Pburg!!
Yea go blackcats were on our way to regionals soon!
Go Blackcats! You played outstanding!!! Go get those Bobcats!!!
How many of SF starters Fouled out? Is it true that Ethan and R.Little fouled out with over 7 minutes to go in the game?

Man what happened to the Raiders?
Great game Blackcats! WOW!
Yes, Ryan and Ethan fouled out with a lot of time to go.
Not surpised too much..The wheels that powered South Floyd fell off a few games ago, and it was obvious to everyone but them...So much for that 58th dominance they were talking about earlier this year...It will be fun to go find the million quotes that predicted they would win the region this year and post them
"alfus21" Wrote:Not surpised too much..The wheels that powered South Floyd fell off a few games ago, and it was obvious to everyone but them...So much for that 58th dominance they were talking about earlier this year...It will be fun to go find the million quotes that predicted they would win the region this year and post them

Why would it be fun? WHy do like trying to bash SF? you never have anything good to say about them. why always posting negitive stuff about them?

They have been dominate in the 58th for several years and still finished pretty good this year. I didnt go to the game but Im sure from the sounds of it already that their was alot of home cooking going on.
Tate, according to some people that we around me, 2 of the 3 refs tonight graduated from or lived around South Floyd (Jimmy Blankenship and the Mexican ref). Wasn't home cooking by a long shot. SF had their tempers going again tonight and caused them to lose control of the game. Johnson only had one foul going into the 3rd quarter. SF just couldn't stop Leslie and Barnett. Cops had to step in at one point in the game due to Ethan Johnson and Nick McGuire getting into a scuffle on 2 different occasions. Like alfus said, the wheels just fell off for the Raiders and their tempers lost it for them again.
Whoa.. this was an awesome game! P-burg dominated! Way to win it Cats!! Sf and their tempers just couldn't hold up to P-burg. Congrats Blackcats!
"TATE_64" Wrote:Why would it be fun? WHy do like trying to bash SF? you never have anything good to say about them. why always posting negitive stuff about them?

They have been dominate in the 58th for several years and still finished pretty good this year. I didnt go to the game but Im sure from the sounds of it already that their was alot of home cooking going on.
Finished pretty good this year? I don't consider a 3rd place finish and no showing at Region a good finish. One thing about you Hi-Hat'ers, you have pride. Now, as far as the game goes, after the first quarter it looked like the game was going to be close throughout, I believe the score was 16-12 in favor of South Floyd. Then the boys from Prestonsburg got rid of the butterflies and began distancing themselves. Tonight was without a doubt the best executed game by Prestonsburg all year, nearly perfect. South Floyd never beat Prestonsburg this year when it mattered, it's obvious who the better of the two is.
"TATE_64" Wrote:Why would it be fun? WHy do like trying to bash SF? you never have anything good to say about them. why always posting negitive stuff about them?

They have been dominate in the 58th for several years and still finished pretty good this year. I didnt go to the game but Im sure from the sounds of it already that their was alot of home cooking going on.

I think going to the regional tournament 5 years in a row and being in the semi-finals 3 years in a row, goin for 4, sounds like 58th domination to me!

Man good job blackcats outstanding game, im just getting my voice back lol
SF showed up! And they were out played ! Sean Leslie and Lewis Barnett had a field day with like 70 of our teams points, Plus Sean Leslie had like 8 blocks and The Dunk by Trevor Patton was "Great". But all 'n all Congrats to Ethan Johnson and Ryan Johnson they seemed like the only two out there playing for South Floyd! Go Blackcats beat the Bobcats !!!
How about those Blackcats? can I get a HELL YEA and I say bring on Betsy Layne....
"TATE_64" Wrote:Why would it be fun? WHy do like trying to bash SF? you never have anything good to say about them. why always posting negitive stuff about them?

They have been dominate in the 58th for several years and still finished pretty good this year. I didnt go to the game but Im sure from the sounds of it already that their was alot of home cooking going on.

It's fun because it's funny...The South Floyd fans thought they were going to breeze through the region this year, and said that all along...It's just hilarious to see such arrogance be exposed like this...I always post negative stuff about them, because their fans sometimes need to see how things really are...

And no they didn't finish pretty good this year..They didn't even make the regional tournament..That's not pretty good...I do/did give them credit for winning the all a, but from there on out it was a disaster...
Congrats Pburg, you showed South Floyd what kind of a team they really was.
Good Job Raiders.
Barnett must have sold his soul to the devil or something casue he has never played this good...but congrats pburg..
"former_raider80" Wrote:Barnett must have sold his soul to the devil or something casue he has never played this good...but congrats pburg..
LMAO... Lewis Barnette averages 20 a game man. The sun really doesn't shine in Hi-Hat, does it? I think it is rather evident after tonight that Prestonsburg is home of the 2 best players in the 58th District.
"former_raider80" Wrote:Barnett must have sold his soul to the devil or something casue he has never played this good...but congrats pburg..

Barnette has had several 20+point games this year. SF had no answer for Barnette and Leslie. This was one of the most dominating performances I have ever seen.
Way to go Cats!! Keep playing as hard as you guys did tonight and you can make it to State... South Floyd lost this game as soon as they lost control of their tempers...
cograts p-burg
The Student Section was "HUGE" tonight !
"basketballstar" Wrote:Good Job Raiders.

Do you not realize your squad just got WHACKED by 37???
nice win for prestonsburg! Leslie and Barnette were unstoppable tonight! Sf just got took to the ole wood shed! I think Prestonsburg made a statement to the rest of the region tonight! As for South Floyd get ready to rebuild next year!
Pburg could be the hottest team in the region right now. Congrats on a big win.
"alfus21" Wrote:It's fun because it's funny...The South Floyd fans thought they were going to breeze through the region this year, and said that all along...It's just hilarious to see such arrogance be exposed like this...I always post negative stuff about them, because their fans sometimes need to see how things really are...

And no they didn't finish pretty good this year..They didn't even make the regional tournament..That's not pretty good...I do/did give them credit for winning the all a, but from there on out it was a disaster...

Your right Alfus, it is funny, in fact it's almost as funny as a couple of years ago in 2004, when those enormously arrogant SV fans thought their Wildcats could walk on water, and where unbeatable, and Prestonsburg kicked the crap out them in the first round of the regional tournament. I'm not sure but I think that ER had kicked the crap out of SV too right before that in the district tournament --- that was funny too!
Congrats to coach Crisp and the blackcats tonight. They played a great game and they will be tough to beat next week in the regional.

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