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Global Warming.......again
Good news!! Cow farts have been cleared of the global warming issue.

Now it appears that our fear of Islam is directly involved. Who knew??

Scary to think, there are a couple candidates on the Republican side (Kasich, Pataki) that believe in this stuff.
Yea, scary to think that 97% of scientists think it is a real thing and humans are contributing to it. (that's sarcasm by the way)
Just another scam.
Motley Wrote:Yea, scary to think that 97% of scientists think it is a real thing and humans are contributing to it. (that's sarcasm by the way)

Are you suggesting that Islamophobia is in any way related to the acceleration of global warming?
^^ Not intending to continue the sarcasm, there is no valid way to make the claim that 97% of the scientific community believe that global warming is in any way related to the actions of man, or even worse, that it is even real science.

"according to a study of 1,868 scientists working in climate-related fields, conducted just this year by the PBL Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency, three in ten respondents said that less than half of global warming since 1951 could be attributed to human activity, or that they did not know.

Read more at:

But in times like these when it would seem that blather is sufficient to base one's argument, such as the daily fare coming from the Oval Office, why bother to be particularly grounded in fact, right?
I'm beginning to wonder how many of that 97%, were educated at MIT.
Motley Wrote:Yea, scary to think that 97% of scientists think it is a real thing and humans are contributing to it. (that's sarcasm by the way)
Are you including Bill Nye, the Science Guy among that 97 percent? It's scary to think that there are people who actually believe that 97 percent number. (FYI, Bill Nye the Science Guy has an engineering degree and has spent most of his life in the entertainment field.)
You are forgetting DWTS!!
Motley Wrote:Yea, scary to think that 97% of scientists think it is a real thing and humans are contributing to it. (that's sarcasm by the way)

A couple of other facts.

100% of climate scientist jobs depend on this being real for there tax payer funded research.

97% of scientist are most likely flaming liberals atheist.

When there lord and savior Al Gore first stated climate change was real and men were the cause of it and that glaciers were melting because of it, there were 130,000 known glaciers. Today, there are 130,000 glaciers.

Take that non sense somewhere else. Were getting rid of the ridiculous spending.

Did you know the government spent over 1 million dollars in research for things like do cheerleading squads do better as a squad? Its a damn joke and no wonder why were broke.

Its time to cut all spending period!

No foreign aid, no research that isn't for medical research or space. Cut it all.
Trump is not even planning to stop federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Who needs to cut spending, when you can just crank up the magical money printing machines a notch or two? 😂
I've been shaking up my magic eight ball all morning and could not get a clear vision into the future as to whether Trump will continue to fund Planned Parenthood. However, there was this in the news. “Planned Parenthood does a really good job at a lot of different areas. But not on abortion,” he said Sunday. “So I’m not going to fund it if it’s doing the abortion. I am not going to fund it.” ----Donald J. Trump

Republicans have a huge majority in Congress, you know that august legislative body which has the power of the purse strings around here? Speaker and ultra conservative Paul Ryan in a flash of brilliance, decided to totally fund President Obama's 1.8 Trillion dollar tax and spending omnibus bill only last December. In that bill were provisions for green energy initiatives, ObamaCare and 286 million for Planned Parenthood. So, in view of the granite faced conservative principles of the Republican establishment, one can easily see why Ryan and others would be so reluctant to endorse Trump for fears that he would fund Planned Parenthood. :please:
Stop it with the facts TRT.
We're going full in with the future predictions.
Maybe we should start guessing what Trump will wear to his inauguration.
TheRealThing Wrote:I've been shaking up my magic eight ball all morning and could not get a clear vision into the future as to whether Trump will continue to fund Planned Parenthood. However, there was this in the news. “Planned Parenthood does a really good job at a lot of different areas. But not on abortion,” he said Sunday. “So I’m not going to fund it if it’s doing the abortion. I am not going to fund it.” ----Donald J. Trump

Republicans have a huge majority in Congress, you know that august legislative body which has the power of the purse strings around here? Speaker and ultra conservative Paul Ryan in a flash of brilliance, decided to totally fund President Obama's 1.8 Trillion dollar tax and spending omnibus bill only last December. In that bill were provisions for green energy initiatives, ObamaCare and 286 million for Planned Parenthood. So, in view of the granite faced conservative principles of the Republican establishment, one can easily see why Ryan and others would be so reluctant to endorse Trump for fears that he would fund Planned Parenthood. :please:
I see your dilemma, TRT. As Trump might say, he has a good brain and has said a lot of things. The fact that many of those things directly contradict other things he said bothers some people. When Trump consults himself for advice, the answers that he gets are probably confusing to him as well.

Any federal funding for the largest chain of abortion mills in the U.S. by a wide margin will support abortion. A conservative candidate who is really pro-life would not be offering a fig leaf for an organization whose main business is the butchery of unborn children. And don't forget the incidents where Planned Parenthood has helped hide the identities of statutory rapists and helped underage "patients" cross state lines to avoid parental consent laws.

I understand people voting for Trump who think that he is the lesser of two evils. I don't understand people who consider themselves to be pro-life conservatives being happy about being left with such a terrible choice.

Quote:Trump Open To Idea of Continuing Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood

During an interview with CNN Tuesday morning, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump stated that he was open to the idea of continuing to fund Planned Parenthood with federal tax dollars.

“The problem that I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation. It is like an abortion factory, frankly,” Trump said. “And you can’t have it. And you just shouldn’t be funding it. That should not be funded by the government, and I feel strongly about that.”

When pressed on non-abortion services Planned Parenthood allegedly provides, Trump said, “What I would do when the time came, I’d look at the individual things they do, and maybe some of the individual things they do are good. I know a lot of the things are bad. But certainly the abortion aspect of it should not be funded by government, absolutely.”

Trump continued, “I would look at the good aspects of [Planned Parenthood], and I would also look, because I’m sure they do some things properly and good and that are good for women, and I would look at that, and I would look at other aspects also. But we have to take care of women.”

In other words Trump is open to a status quo many conservatives find unacceptable and immoral; also a typical federal government shell game to skirt around the law. If you give Planned Parenthood money for these so-called “other things,” the abortion provider can shift money from those “other things” to abortion.

Any money given to Planned Parenthood funds abortion. Period.

Trump also made clear that he was in favor of the rape, incest, and life of the mother exceptions for abortion.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I see your dilemma, TRT. As Trump might say, he has a good brain and has said a lot of things. The fact that many of those things directly contradict other things he said bothers some people. When Trump consults himself for advice, the answers that he gets are probably confusing to him as well.

Any federal funding for the largest chain of abortion mills in the U.S. by a wide margin will support abortion. A conservative candidate who is really pro-life would not be offering a fig leaf for an organization whose main business is the butchery of unborn children. And don't forget the incidents where Planned Parenthood has helped hide the identities of statutory rapists and helped underage "patients" cross state lines to avoid parental consent laws.

I understand people voting for Trump who think that he is the lesser of two evils. I don't understand people who consider themselves to be pro-life conservatives being happy about being left with such a terrible choice.

I think Trump was quite clear here.
Planned Parenthood serves a purpose for low income women and should be considered for funding so long as Abortions are not included in that funding.
I have no problem with women obtaining free visits to a gynecologist and such, especially when we spend 3.5 million every year on spotted owl research.
As long as any talk of abortions what so ever are included its a no deal. It should also be run by someone other than the liberal jokes currently in charge. Most of modern day society has no problem with women getting free birth control, pap smears, etc.
In other words, Trumps one area he knows he needs to clean up right now is the women vote. Slowly, but surely he will start to take the away from Killary. He will hold firm on his stand to defund planned parent hood so long as abortions continue.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think Trump was quite clear here.
Planned Parenthood serves a purpose for low income women and should be considered for funding so long as Abortions are not included in that funding.
I have no problem with women obtaining free visits to a gynecologist and such, especially when we spend 3.5 million every year on spotted owl research.
As long as any talk of abortions what so ever are included its a no deal. It should also be run by someone other than the liberal jokes currently in charge. Most of modern day society has no problem with women getting free birth control, pap smears, etc.
In other words, Trumps one area he knows he needs to clean up right now is the women vote. Slowly, but surely he will start to take the away from Killary. He will hold firm on his stand to defund planned parent hood so long as abortions continue.
If Trump wanted to take an unequivocal stand against abortion, he could say that he will oppose federal funding for PP until the organization agrees to stop performing abortions. Instead, he has been deliberately vague. If PP continues to receive federal funding and it continues to perform abortions, taxpayers will be supporting abortions. Actions matter and all Trump offers abortion opponents are fence straddling words.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Trump wanted to take an unequivocal stand against abortion, he could say that he will oppose federal funding for PP until the organization agrees to stop performing abortions. Instead, he has been deliberately vague. If PP continues to receive federal funding and it continues to perform abortions, taxpayers will be supporting abortions. Actions matter and all Trump offers abortion opponents are fence straddling words.

Your choices are going to be Hillary or Trump. Hillary will drop any semblance of restrictions on abortion, not that there are all that many right now. Trump says he will not fund it. As President, he would be constrained by the law in the same way the rest of us are so, unequivocal stands are by definition only words.

And I don't agree with you on a Trump administration abortion count either. The EPA for example, has been cranking out regulations left and right. But the reason they're doing that is because those up the line who administrate them, tell them what to do. Hence the term, administration and the responsibility for same lies with the Oval Office. Same thing goes for Planned Parenthood, who presently operate in an abortion friendly environment. If the federal government can threaten to take federal funds from school systems who refuse to comply with an order to enact transgender initiatives in their schools, they can certainly take away funds from Planned Parenthood for performing abortions. Trump's stated position is that he would change all of that. Or you can neuter your voice as meaningless, and vote libertarian.
If Trump wins the presidency, he will owe his victory as much to the support of pro-abortion Bernie supporters as he will owe to the conservatives who are rationalizing their support of such a despicable human being. Trump has no core values. He claimed to be a strong pro-lifer when it won him votes. He will continue to "soften" that message as much as he needs to in order to win the election. What he would do when he no longer needs your support is anybody's guess.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Trump wins the presidency, he will owe his victory as much to the support of pro-abortion Bernie supporters as he will owe to the conservatives who are rationalizing their support of such a despicable human being. Trump has no core values. He claimed to be a strong pro-lifer when it won him votes. He will continue to "soften" that message as much as he needs to in order to win the election. What he would do when he no longer needs your support is anybody's guess.

Wow, living among mere mortals who lack the ability to look with such precision into the future must be a real drag. On the other hand, this thread was initiated on the likelihood of environment impact of cow farts. And in that spirit, I see you're still doing your best to 'air' your grievances, LOL.
The federal government is not allowed to fund any part of an organization that funds abortion unless it's in cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. We know there are ways that they circumvent that, especially with this administration. However, the funding planned parenthood receives does not go toward there abortion services.

I'll put it like this. I led an honors organization in college related to my major. Our two biggest expenses were our regional and our national meetings. The regional meeting was the smaller of the two, and often our business sponsors would help fund the national - that or funding from awards we won. Every bit of funding we received from businesses or awards, we put toward the national.

This opened the door up for us to fund our organization in other areas. We raised money for our regional meetings through golf scrambles and through other areas that we served. Infanticide "services" offered through planned parenthood are not funded, but the funding they receive in the "good" areas of their organization open up funding to be used for abortion - just like all the funding we received for our national meeting opened our organization up to fund our regionals and/or charitable events our organization put on - although none of the money we raised involved killing babies.
TheRealThing Wrote:Wow, living among mere mortals who lack the ability to look with such precision into the future must be a real drag. On the other hand, this thread was initiated on the likelihood of environment impact of cow farts. And in that spirit, I see you're still doing your best to 'air' your grievances, LOL.
No great skill is required to predict how Donald Trump will behave in the future. He has been a liar and fraud his entire life. It is more likely that he will behave the same way in the future than he will behave the way that you hope that he does.

You seem like a different man since you jumped aboard the Trump bandwagon, TRT. Read your own eloquent, logical, and thoughtful posts in the "Mr. President" thread to see how your writing has deteriorated. I am not referring to your opinions, but to how well you supported your opinions just one year ago compared to your insult-laden, name dropping posts of late. What has happened in the past year?

As for straying off topic, perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with the proverb about residents of glass houses.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No great skill is required to predict how Donald Trump will behave in the future. He has been a liar and fraud his entire life. It is more likely that he will behave the same way in the future than he will behave the way that you hope that he does.

You seem like a different man since you jumped aboard the Trump bandwagon, TRT. Read your own eloquent, logical, and thoughtful posts in the "Mr. President" thread to see how your writing has deteriorated. I am not referring to your opinions, but to how well you supported your opinions just one year ago compared to your insult-laden, name dropping posts of late. What has happened in the past year?

As for straying off topic, perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with the proverb about residents of glass houses.

Well you know the old coaching axiom which states that great teams tend to play-down to the level competition they face. LOL When the topic of conversation rises to a level somewhat higher than the gutter, perhaps the literary fare will too. Still trying to plant that flag on the high ground of that fertile imagination I see.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well you know the old coaching axiom which states that great teams tend to play-down to the level competition they face. LOL When the topic of conversation rises to a level somewhat higher than the gutter, perhaps the literary fare will too. Still trying to plant that flag on the high ground of that fertile imagination I see.
I'm not talking about literary fare [sic]. You are not the one posting down to the level of competition. It is cute that you think so.:lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No great skill is required to predict how Donald Trump will behave in the future. He has been a liar and fraud his entire life. It is more likely that he will behave the same way in the future than he will behave the way that you hope that he does.

You seem like a different man since you jumped aboard the Trump bandwagon, TRT. Read your own eloquent, logical, and thoughtful posts in the "Mr. President" thread to see how your writing has deteriorated. I am not referring to your opinions, but to how well you supported your opinions just one year ago compared to your insult-laden, name dropping posts of late. What has happened in the past year?

As for straying off topic, perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with the proverb about residents of glass houses.

I don't see the problem here. Every politician in Washington, including Teddy Cruz is as well. At least now we have one that doesn't act like hes not.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I'm not talking about literary fare [sic]. You are not the one posting down to the level of competition. It is cute that you think so.:lmao:

Sombrero, where you at these days? Maybe you could give Hoot a refresher on your boxer with his hands raised in victory analogy again.
TheRealThing Wrote:Sombrero, where you at these days? Maybe you could give Hoot a refresher on your boxer with his hands raised in victory analogy again.
You have come full circle, TRT. From being an outstanding conservative poster, to supporting a dishonest liberal presidential candidate, to pleading for debate help from a liberal poster. That is quite a fall you have suffered. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You have come full circle, TRT. From being an outstanding conservative poster, to supporting a dishonest liberal presidential candidate, to pleading for debate help from a liberal poster. That is quite a fall you have suffered. :lmao:

You are probably not familiar with satire, and therefore it's bearing on this matter. I did accuse him in the past of circular logic, and you like him have landed on the same airport now dozens of times. Frankly you've looked pretty small to me since your petty and inaccurate tirades started, miserable in fact. You can't make a post even in a global warming thread without resorting to your obsession with Trump.

Liberal posters serve their purpose. In this case, owing to the fact that you have given up on validity completely, why not point out in an articulate fashion the sewer in which you swim?
TheRealThing Wrote:You are probably not familiar with satire, and therefore it's bearing on this matter. I did accuse him in the past of circular logic, and you like him have landed on the same airport now dozens of times. Frankly you've looked pretty small to me since your petty and inaccurate tirades started, miserable in fact. You can't make a post even in a global warming thread without resorting to your obsession with Trump.

Liberal posters serve their purpose. In this case, owing to the fact that you have given up on validity completely, why not point out in an articulate fashion the sewer in which you swim?
Sorry, TRT. If I want advice, I will solicit it from people whom I respect. When you started peppering your posts with personal insults, you lost mine. If you think you occupy moral high ground supporting a vile, dishonest fraud like Trump, well then you are in no position to accuse anybody of swimming in a cesspool.

I always knew that you would take my criticism of Trump personally. That is why I attempted to limit my posts criticizing him to a single thread. You have proven to be as thin skinned as Trump.

Go send out some PMs to your fellow Trump supporters so they can assure you that you have been done wrong. I would say that I am sorry that your feelings are hurt again, but if you can't take my responses, then stop with the insults.

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