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Cruz Reveals VP Pick, Carly Fiorina
Demarcus ware Wrote:Typical Cruzbots. Trying to spin it. I just gave you his endorsements from establishment. So you still didn't answer the question, is it the same drunken former house speaker that Ted doesn't know, when in fact he was his attorney, or not? Just another lie from Ted, he's not even good at lying Confusednicker:

Do you think I take you seriously enough to waste a lot of time answering questions for you after you dodged a whole bunch of mine in a prior thread? :hilarious:

At least I have been consistent at sticking with Cruz. You and RIUTG were all about him this time last year. Myself, I would have been happy with Cruz, Rubio, or almost any of the non-establishment. Not another moderate. If you think Trump is a consistent conservative, you need to think again.

Neither Cruz nor Trump are establshment candidates. Or well, at least Cruz wasn't until Trump told you he was. Confusednicker:
WideRight05 Wrote:Do you think I take you seriously enough to waste a lot of time answering questions for you after you dodged a whole bunch of mine in a prior thread? :hilarious:

At least I have been consistent at sticking with Cruz. You and RIUTG were all about him this time last year. Myself, I would have been happy with Cruz, Rubio, or almost any of the non-establishment. Not another moderate. If you think Trump is a consistent conservative, you need to think again.

Neither Cruz nor Trump are establshment candidates. Or well, at least Cruz wasn't until Trump told you he was. Confusednicker:
For someone that keeps saying I'm not worth their time over and over, you sure keep replying a lot. Where did I ever say Trump was a consistent conservative? I've never claimed that, or even hinted at that. I have been a Trump supporter for a long time, but I did say at one time I would vote for Cruz if he was the nominee, but I've changed on that. Also, that question I was asking was for Hoot, since he was the one that brought up the drunken former house speaker. I think those voices in your head have you confused, should get that checked out Confusednicker:
Confusednicker: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :lmao:
This Trump guy really is as dumb as he looks...and then some.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know We Invaded Iraq After We Invaded Afghanistan
^^^ Speaks volumes about the 16 that couldn't beat him doesn't it? Confusednicker:
It speaks volumes about the people who voted for him and continue to support him, doesn't it? If elected, he would immediately become the most unqualified man to ever hold the position. Another first for the liberals. :lmao:
Demarcus ware Wrote:For someone that keeps saying I'm not worth their time over and over, you sure keep replying a lot. Where did I ever say Trump was a consistent conservative? I've never claimed that, or even hinted at that. I have been a Trump supporter for a long time, but I did say at one time I would vote for Cruz if he was the nominee, but I've changed on that. Also, that question I was asking was for Hoot, since he was the one that brought up the drunken former house speaker. I think those voices in your head have you confused, should get that checked out Confusednicker:

You knew you were directing that at me as well as Hoot by the term Cruzbots. I've asked you time, and time, and time again and you can't defend one of Trump's policies without just throwing some kind of talking point out that Trump stated on Twitter. You are quite conservative from what I've seen on here. Trump may not be liberal anymore, but for the most part he is still further to the left than Bob Dole, John McCain, or Mitt Romney were.

So you admit to liking Cruz in the beginning and you won't even deny that Trump isn't a consistent conservative. And yet you're supporting him. If you didn't like Cruz in the beginning that would be one thing, but it's funny that now he's gone from your candidate to some establishment cronie since Trump labeled him that.

Based on the posts you have made in this thread and others which are nothing but insults toward whoever Trump's opponent is, your understanding of both candidates is equivalent to the left's understanding of using the proper restroom. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It speaks volumes about the people who voted for him and continue to support him, doesn't it? If elected, he would immediately become the most unqualified man to ever hold the position. Another first for the liberals. :lmao:
Will hold the record for most votes ever for a republican. 3 million ahead of second place. Lol. Really stinks doesn't it? Confusednicker:
WideRight05 Wrote:You knew you were directing that at me as well as Hoot by the term Cruzbots. I've asked you time, and time, and time again and you can't defend one of Trump's policies without just throwing some kind of talking point out that Trump stated on Twitter. You are quite conservative from what I've seen on here. Trump may not be liberal anymore, but for the most part he is still further to the left than Bob Dole, John McCain, or Mitt Romney were.

So you admit to liking Cruz in the beginning and you won't even deny that Trump isn't a consistent conservative. And yet you're supporting him. If you didn't like Cruz in the beginning that would be one thing, but it's funny that now he's gone from your candidate to some establishment cronie since Trump labeled him that.

Based on the posts you have made in this thread and others which are nothing but insults toward whoever Trump's opponent is, your understanding of both candidates is equivalent to the left's understanding of using the proper restroom. Confusednicker:
Actually you never crossed my mind when I ask that question, that Hoot has yet to answer. Had you been the one that said that, then it would have pertained to you. I think you take me more serious than you let on, you keep talking to me Confusednicker:
Demarcus ware Wrote:Will hold the record for most votes ever for a republican. 3 million ahead of second place. Lol. Really stinks doesn't it? Confusednicker:

You mean just like Barack Obama broke the national popular vote record? :biglmao:

As to your other response, you again dodged my point. :biglmao:
WideRight05 Wrote:You mean just like Barack Obama broke the national popular vote record? :biglmao:

As to your other response, you again dodged my point. :biglmao:
Yes I guess just like Obama but what's funny is would you make that comparison if it was Cruz that received that many votes? Don't think so. Lol. But since you wanted to insert yourself into this question, maybe you will at least be man enough to admit Cruz lied yesterday when he denied really knowing Boehner, despite being his attorney.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Yes I guess just like Obama but what's funny is would you make that comparison if it was Cruz that received that many votes? Don't think so. Lol. But since you wanted to insert yourself into this question, maybe you will at least be man enough to admit Cruz lied yesterday when he denied really knowing Boehner, despite being his attorney.

Would I make the comparison you did in terms of overall votes? No. For one thing, I think we're going to have a higher turnout in the coming years due to all the talk of politics on social media sources such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. So it's likely we will see candidates collect more votes from people.

You pick at Cruz over John Boehner yet you don't even hold Trump to the same standard when it comes to many of his flip flops on issues, especially such as on abortion or redefining marriage - both of which I know you are against. If I were to make a list of statements from other candidates that Donald Trump has twisted, it would probably take up pages on this website. This is why it's so tough to take you serious. You have a double standard when it comes to evaluating Donald Trump and the candidate you were all for less than a year ago.
Actually I knew exactly what Trump was even before this but as I've said many times before I believe Trump would be better for what I feel are more important issues. You are correct though I do despise abortion and same sex marriage, but the sad reality is, those two things aren't going away anytime soon. Is Trump perfect, nope he isn't. Would I vote for Cruz if he had won the nomination, I held my nose to vote for Romney I would do the same for Cruz before I would not vote and aid Hillary. But that double standard goes for Cruz supporters as well, and That is why I am the way I am. Also, after seeing Cruz tell so many lies I just don't like the guy. Then again, after watching Trump for the last several months, I see what he's about, and that's this country. I must be in good company because he is up by 3 million votes.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Actually I knew exactly what Trump was even before this but as I've said many times before I believe Trump would be better for what I feel are more important issues. You are correct though I do despise abortion and same sex marriage, but the sad reality is, those two things aren't going away anytime soon. Is Trump perfect, nope he isn't. Would I vote for Cruz if he had won the nomination, I held my nose to vote for Romney I would do the same for Cruz before I would not vote and aid Hillary. But that double standard goes for Cruz supporters as well, and That is why I am the way I am. Also, after seeing Cruz tell so many lies I just don't like the guy. Then again, after watching Trump for the last several months, I see what he's about, and that's this country. I must be in good company because he is up by 3 million votes.

To quote Ronald Reagan, "There you go again."

First off, you said that abortion and same-sex "marriage" aren't going away anytime soon. This next president will very likely have the opportunity to pick at least four justices to the SCOTUS provided they win two terms, maybe in their first if four decide to retire - which is possible. Thus, the conservatives have a chance to gain the SCOTUS with the right president. The pro-life movement has gained some SERIOUS ground these past few years, with several states either adding a 20 week ban or a dismemberment abortion ban to go along with several other laws (waiting period, defunding planned parenthood). I have followed the pro-life movement closely, abortion clinics are shutting down left and right across the country. There has never been this much momentum around it.

We're pretty close to seeing the marriage movement gain some ground as well. Even though I know the "T" in LGBT is a different thing, it's pretty easy to tell that people are getting fed up with the whole movement when the American Family Association (which I like, but they're not very popular) gets 1 million signatures on a pledge to boycott Target. We will gain some momentum there. Combine that with a potential convention of states where one of the big items on the agenda is making it to where a law enacted by popular vote (e.g. preserving traditional marriage) will only be overturned by the vote of 7 SCOTUS justices OR a conservative president nominating non-activist judges, yes - we have a chance to gain some serious ground.

Both are important to me, abortion is HUGE to me. Donald Trump really might be pro-life to an extent, but it's very likely he will overlook that in a judge. Including an SCOTUS judge. You also see the fights over the SCOTUS judges, but what you don't see is the votes that take place between many district and appeals court judges that get voted in almost unanimously. Trump will very likely slip in a liberal judge or two as many of the remaining conservative justices in various courts retire.

I highly doubt you knew much about Trump's political views before he ran, a lot of people didn't. You may have seen him on TV or his brand in stores, etc. but very few people even knew what his views were.

The number of Cruz supporters I have seen acting like Trump supporters are relatively small. Having watched all this unfold online and following both candidates, Trump's page is pretty clean of attacks for the most part. Whether Trump have a moderator removing posts (which I doubt) or most Cruz supporters are laying off his page, there isn't a lot of activity when it comes to Cruz supporters causing a ruckus. Cruz's page is flooded with angry Trump supporters often taking personal attacks.

You don't have to give up on Cruz when liking Trump as your first option - but the fact that people are so naive to turn against the candidate that has taken a bigger stand against the establishment than anyone in recent years says a lot about them. We got what we deserved with Barack Obama, and we're certainly digging a deep hole by electing Donald Trump.

Tell me about all these "lies" Cruz has told. I have asked you over, and over, and over again and you refuse to mention all these "lies." If I were a Trump supporter, and at this point I'm undecided for the most part on the general election, I certainly would be questioning his inability to put together a good argument on many issues unrelated to immigration as well as how he has twisted the statements of some of his opponents.

Between Cruz, Rubio, and maybe a couple others, we have people running that have a consistent voting record. Cruz has voted consistently against illegal immigration and has not been afraid to take unpopular conservative stances to stand up to the Obama administration. He has faults, yes, but sending him is 100 times better than sending a moderate such as John McCain or Mitt Romney.

You take your votes. Shows the intelligence level of many people in the Republican Party. :lmao:
I would reply to the ridiculous comments but what's the point?
It's over. I'm not talking about non factors like cruz and Kasich anymore.
It's time to start talking about hillary and how bad Trump will beat her in the ground come november.
You cruz guys are sounding more like establishment rinos everyday. Snap out of it already. If this election has taught us anything it's that even the biggest "outsider" is just another establishment politician. Hillary might as well be republican or dem. There's no difference.
Hope you change your mind though. I would have voted for cruz had he won and not tucked my tale and get all pouty about it if Trump didnt.
Time to lay this dog to rest. Lol to think Ted Cruz could ever carry enough votes to win a general is funny.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I would reply to the ridiculous comments but what's the point?
It's over. I'm not talking about non factors like cruz and Kasich anymore.
It's time to start talking about hillary and how bad Trump will beat her in the ground come november.
You cruz guys are sounding more like establishment rinos everyday. Snap out of it already. If this election has taught us anything it's that even the biggest "outsider" is just another establishment politician. Hillary might as well be republican or dem. There's no difference.
Hope you change your mind though. I would have voted for cruz had he won and not tucked my tale and get all pouty about it if Trump didnt.
Time to lay this dog to rest. Lol to think Ted Cruz could ever carry enough votes to win a general is funny.

If anything Gut, YOU are the one who is sounding establishment. Immediately dismissing my comments as ridiculous just because you think it's over? You've been saying that the whole time this election has gone on and not provided any kind of sensible reply. The insecurity shows when you feel the need to "like" every one of DMW's posts. Voting for someone that quite frankly, neither you or DeMarcus Ware can post anything about when it pertains to what he believes. You see him talking big, and then all of a sudden you switch over to him. Do you even know half of what he believes on a lot of the major issues?

I don't know about DeMarcus, but you have somewhat of a libertarian streak when it comes to some domestic and online issues if I remember right. If you think Trump will represent that well, think again.

You were all about Cruz when he took a stand on Obamacare against both parties, when he took a stand against the gang of eight. I don't have the posts in quote, but you were pretty much had the thought of Cruz or lose in the beginning. Now all of a sudden, he's establishment? :biglmao:

To be honest, RIUTG, I actually thought that TRT and I would be on here trying to convince you, Hoot, and others set off by the establishment to give it another try on a candidate like Jeb Bush that was initially projected to win the race - that I also don't care for much but would probably cast a vote for him if it came down to him and Hillary.

"You Cruz guys." Ha! This isn't whether or not I like Ted Cruz. The fact is, Trump may not be liberal as a lot of the Never Trump movement proclaims but he is a moderate - which I am tired of seeing the GOP send. I have asked question after question, done my best to explain my positions as articulate as possible, and all you and DMW can do is respond using insults. You want me to change my mind - I can definitely assure you that you won't do so by repeating Trump's talking points and using insults.

I'll give you guys a shot. If you can counter the points I have made in this and prior threads about Trump, then you will win me over. I'm not completely sold out on voting for Trump. But I'm also pretty fed up with voting for moderates and this is more of a moderate than any candidate the Republicans have sent since Reagan.

I'm not glued to the Republican Party. I'm not just going to switch allegiances because of what somebody says. I evaluate a candidate by (1) their voting record and (2) their consistency in taking a stand on issues. Trump may not have a voting record, but he is inconsistent on a lot of issues. If me taking a stand for my morals gets me labeled as establishment by someone like you that was all in for Cruz until Donald Trump said Cruz was a bad guy, I'm honored. :Thumbs:
WideRight05 Wrote:If anything Gut, YOU are the one who is sounding establishment. Immediately dismissing my comments as ridiculous just because you think it's over? You've been saying that the whole time this election has gone on and not provided any kind of sensible reply. The insecurity shows when you feel the need to "like" every one of DMW's posts. Voting for someone that quite frankly, neither you or DeMarcus Ware can post anything about when it pertains to what he believes. You see him talking big, and then all of a sudden you switch over to him. Do you even know half of what he believes on a lot of the major issues?

I don't know about DeMarcus, but you have somewhat of a libertarian streak when it comes to some domestic and online issues if I remember right. If you think Trump will represent that well, think again.

You were all about Cruz when he took a stand on Obamacare against both parties, when he took a stand against the gang of eight. I don't have the posts in quote, but you were pretty much had the thought of Cruz or lose in the beginning. Now all of a sudden, he's establishment? :biglmao:

To be honest, RIUTG, I actually thought that TRT and I would be on here trying to convince you, Hoot, and others set off by the establishment to give it another try on a candidate like Jeb Bush that was initially projected to win the race - that I also don't care for much but would probably cast a vote for him if it came down to him and Hillary.

"You Cruz guys." Ha! This isn't whether or not I like Ted Cruz. The fact is, Trump may not be liberal as a lot of the Never Trump movement proclaims but he is a moderate - which I am tired of seeing the GOP send. I have asked question after question, done my best to explain my positions as articulate as possible, and all you and DMW can do is respond using insults. You want me to change my mind - I can definitely assure you that you won't do so by repeating Trump's talking points and using insults.

I'll give you guys a shot. If you can counter the points I have made in this and prior threads about Trump, then you will win me over. I'm not completely sold out on voting for Trump. But I'm also pretty fed up with voting for moderates and this is more of a moderate than any candidate the Republicans have sent since Reagan.

I'm not glued to the Republican Party. I'm not just going to switch allegiances because of what somebody says. I evaluate a candidate by (1) their voting record and (2) their consistency in taking a stand on issues. Trump may not have a voting record, but he is inconsistent on a lot of issues. If me taking a stand for my morals gets me labeled as establishment by someone like you that was all in for Cruz until Donald Trump said Cruz was a bad guy, I'm honored. :Thumbs:

That's just it. You an senile Hoot think I'm anti Cruz when I'm not. It's you all who say you would refuse to vote for Trump. I never said that about cruz if he won the nomination without screwing Trump.
I like ted cruz but it's his wacky job followers and thread runners that force us to rebuke the insane claims made day after day.
I like cruz but I like Trump a he'll of a lot more.
As I said before this is all asinine. Cruz will not be POTUS this cycle no matter what. He will never win the nomination over Trump and even if he did Trump will run 3rd party and take our votes with him.
It's over. I don't know what so hard to understand about that. I won't discuss it again until I come on here to gloat about the final delegate count. Sit out from voting if you want but I'm sure Demarcus and trt will be at the polls with me voting for someone who will trunk the country around. Maybe cruz firckorina can run for a community organizer spot. It's how Obama got his big start.
Boys it's all moot. As I predicted, Trump has 1,001 delegates as we speak. He's killing it out in California and unbelievably Oregon of all places. Governor Mike Pence came out today with the most lame endorsement of a candidate that I have ever heard. While praising Trump, he sort of, kinda said Cruz would get his vote. All that did was keep him off the Republican establishment hit list until he decides whether he will run for higher office at some point. At any rate, Ray Charles could see a clear path for Trump to the nomination. That in spite of the fierce opposition of the powers that be.

I believe Trump has turned the conservative corner despite all the dogmatic and outrageous claims coming out of groups like black lives matter and their unholy conspirators from among the muckety mucks of the GOPe. Let's all get our heads and hearts in the right place and support the presumptive nominee.
WideRight05 Wrote:If anything Gut, YOU are the one who is sounding establishment. Immediately dismissing my comments as ridiculous just because you think it's over? You've been saying that the whole time this election has gone on and not provided any kind of sensible reply. The insecurity shows when you feel the need to "like" every one of DMW's posts. Voting for someone that quite frankly, neither you or DeMarcus Ware can post anything about when it pertains to what he believes. You see him talking big, and then all of a sudden you switch over to him. Do you even know half of what he believes on a lot of the major issues?

I don't know about DeMarcus, but you have somewhat of a libertarian streak when it comes to some domestic and online issues if I remember right. If you think Trump will represent that well, think again.

You were all about Cruz when he took a stand on Obamacare against both parties, when he took a stand against the gang of eight. I don't have the posts in quote, but you were pretty much had the thought of Cruz or lose in the beginning. Now all of a sudden, he's establishment? :biglmao:

To be honest, RIUTG, I actually thought that TRT and I would be on here trying to convince you, Hoot, and others set off by the establishment to give it another try on a candidate like Jeb Bush that was initially projected to win the race - that I also don't care for much but would probably cast a vote for him if it came down to him and Hillary.

"You Cruz guys." Ha! This isn't whether or not I like Ted Cruz. The fact is, Trump may not be liberal as a lot of the Never Trump movement proclaims but he is a moderate - which I am tired of seeing the GOP send. I have asked question after question, done my best to explain my positions as articulate as possible, and all you and DMW can do is respond using insults. You want me to change my mind - I can definitely assure you that you won't do so by repeating Trump's talking points and using insults.

I'll give you guys a shot. If you can counter the points I have made in this and prior threads about Trump, then you will win me over. I'm not completely sold out on voting for Trump. But I'm also pretty fed up with voting for moderates and this is more of a moderate than any candidate the Republicans have sent since Reagan.

I'm not glued to the Republican Party. I'm not just going to switch allegiances because of what somebody says. I evaluate a candidate by (1) their voting record and (2) their consistency in taking a stand on issues. Trump may not have a voting record, but he is inconsistent on a lot of issues. If me taking a stand for my morals gets me labeled as establishment by someone like you that was all in for Cruz until Donald Trump said Cruz was a bad guy, I'm honored. :Thumbs:
Well said, Wide. In politics, past performance is all that matters. Campaign promises without a performance record that makes the promises credible are worthless. Trump's past performance, and even his past words, are a poor fit to his campaign promises.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:That's just it. You an senile Hoot think I'm anti Cruz when I'm not. It's you all who say you would refuse to vote for Trump. I never said that about cruz if he won the nomination without screwing Trump.
I like ted cruz but it's his wacky job followers and thread runners that force us to rebuke the insane claims made day after day.
I like cruz but I like Trump a he'll of a lot more.
As I said before this is all asinine. Cruz will not be POTUS this cycle no matter what. He will never win the nomination over Trump and even if he did Trump will run 3rd party and take our votes with him.
It's over. I don't know what so hard to understand about that. I won't discuss it again until I come on here to gloat about the final delegate count. Sit out from voting if you want but I'm sure Demarcus and trt will be at the polls with me voting for someone who will trunk the country around. Maybe cruz firckorina can run for a community organizer spot. It's how Obama got his big start.

Senile? This is the second straight post I have read (the other being where you claimed I had an anti-Trump sig which I never did) where you completely missed the ball on what I was saying. I never said I have completely given up on Trump, and my contention, had you paid attention, is that I'm awful skeptical because he's more of moderate than a conservative.

With you taking the shots at Cruz that you have, one would certainly think you were anti-Cruz. You've gone on, and on, and on about him and yet we're the ones that just need to give up and jump on the "Trump train."

You mentioned TRT, don't even put yourself in the same league as him. Not to bring him into this, but TRT makes lucid posts and gives a concrete explanation of where he's coming from. He's not the biggest fan of Trump, but he's more voting for him to vote against Hillary and trying to motivate others to vote for Trump. It's what he thinks is right. At this point, I disagree with that. But I don't question his reasoning and I certainly have a deep respect for him getting on here and (regardless of whether or not I agree) making his points and being able to back them up.

What type of insane claims are you talking about that Cruz made? Where he claimed he could shoot someone and his supporters would still love him? Where he compared Ben Carson to a child molester? Where he used 90 year old Barbara Bush in his political ads? Oh wait, that was Donald Trump.

Politicians fight, and argue, and fight some more in elections. What's going on is nothing new, but if you want to talk about wacky then you can certainly talk about how many Trump supporters have acted - which Trump seems to know since he said that he could probably shoot someone and his supporters would still support him. I'm one to defend his supporters when people say they are racist because they're not that, but they're also certainly not using their heads when it comes to this election. This lack of reasoning is exactly what played a major role in Barack Obama's supporters dividing the country like they did. It may seem good now, but believe me when I say that it will come back to bite us and bite us hard.

I find it very difficult to believe that Donald Trump would just bow out if he were on the losing end of this like you're wanting Ted to. He went on a non-stop Twitter rage after Barack Obama won re-election, and I find it tough to believe that he would just give up if he had an opportunity to win via the delegates. Trump has threatened to run third party this whole race despite signing a pledge not to do so about a month after the first Republican debate.

I don't care if Trump wins by as much as Richard Nixon did in 1972 or Ronald Reagan in 1984. I don't vote based on party and if Trump doesn't satisfy what I'm looking for in a presidential candidate, I won't vote for him. Simple as that.

Go right ahead and get on and gloat about the final delegate count. Many of Barack Obama's supporters did the same. You would certainly fit in very well with them. :hilarious:
Trump's claim that he would eliminate the national debt in 8 years ranks right up there with the craziest claim that Bernie Sanders has ever made. $19 trillion dollars in debt gone because only Donald Trump knows where to find and how to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse to not only balance the budget, but to pay off all of the debt to boot. Donald bust believe that the federal government can just waltz into Federal Bankruptcy Court and stiff our creditors the way that he has done as a private citizen. Or maybe he will just wipe the books clean with an Executive Order.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump's claim that he would eliminate the national debt in 8 years ranks right up there with the craziest claim that Bernie Sanders has ever made. $19 trillion dollars in debt gone because only Donald Trump knows where to find and how to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse to not only balance the budget, but to pay off all of the debt to boot. Donald bust believe that the federal government can just waltz into Federal Bankruptcy Court and stiff our creditors the way that he has done as a private citizen. Or maybe he will just wipe the books clean with an Executive Order.

No you're right. It would be far better to stay the present financial course with the Dems by a mindless rejection of the Republican front runner and vote 3rd party. :Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:No you're right. It would be far better to stay the present financial course with the Dems by a mindless rejection of the Republican front runner and vote 3rd party. :Thumbs:
If Trump finds more than $19 trillion of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal budgets that will total about $16 trillion over 8 years, then he will indeed be the miracle worker that you believe him to be. That would be quite a feat for somebody who mismanaged four large companies into federal bankruptcy as a private citizen.

Waste, fraud, and abuse is nothing but politi-speak for the status quo. Trump spouts ever moving goals with no plan to achieve them. That kind of leadership does not work in the private sector, in the world of sports, or in the Oval Office. The biggest difference in Trump and Hillary is their current party affiliations.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Trump finds more than $19 trillion of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal budgets that will total about $16 trillion over 8 years, then he will indeed be the miracle worker that you believe him to be. That would be quite a feat for somebody who mismanaged four large companies into federal bankruptcy as a private citizen.

Waste, fraud, and abuse is nothing but politi-speak for the status quo. Trump spouts ever moving goals with no plan to achieve them. That kind of leadership does not work in the private sector, in the world of sports, or in the Oval Office. The biggest difference in Trump and Hillary is their current party affiliations.

Smoke and mirror logic, and not the point at hand at all. We didn't get 20 Trillion in debt in four years now did we? Even if we tread water under a Trump administration it would be quite a feat. The point is he does understand business and money and Hillary and Bernie who do not, have vowed to move us farther out into the financial challenger deep. So on the one hand we have a presumptive nominee who probably will do much better against the looming threat of inevitable financial disaster, while the other promises more of the same or die trying. That's not a difficult choice.

Waste is not even a consideration for Dems.
TheRealThing Wrote:Smoke and mirror logic, and not the point at hand at all. We didn't get 20 Trillion in debt in four years now did we? Even if we tread water under a Trump administration it would be quite a feat. The point is he does understand business and money and Hillary and Bernie who do not, have vowed to move us farther out into the financial challenger deep. So on the one hand we have a presumptive nominee who probably will do much better against the looming threat of inevitable financial disaster, while the other promises more of the same or die trying. That's not a difficult choice.

Waste is not even a consideration for Dems.
It is literally impossible to eliminate the federal debt in 8 years but that was the promise that Trump made. Pledging your allegiance to a man who promises to do the impossible - a man who has already filed for federal bankruptcy protection four times sounds like a nutty idea to me. But you are the lucid one, right? :biggrin:

I am unwilling to divorce myself from reality long enough to support the clown prince of the American left.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is literally impossible to eliminate the federal debt in 8 years but that was the promise that Trump made. Pledging your allegiance to a man who promises to do the impossible - a man who has already filed for federal bankruptcy protection four times sounds like a nutty idea to me. But you are the lucid one, right? :biggrin:

I am unwilling to divorce myself from reality long enough to support the clown prince of the American left.

Well, I'm sorry pal. But the divorce is long final whether you choose to accept it or not.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, I'm sorry pal. But the divorce is long final whether you choose to accept it or not.
Yes you are sorry, that we can agree on.
good pick for the dems
Breaking news....after getting killed in Indiana tonight cruz names entire cabinet Confusednicker:

Say what you want but cruz picking fiorina was smart. He needs somebody to lay off all his staff
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Breaking news....after getting killed in Indiana tonight cruz names entire cabinet Confusednicker:

Say what you want but cruz picking fiorina was smart. He needs somebody to lay off all his staff

She did it before! But in all seriousness, if I was Trump I'd bring her on staff in some form or fashion. She is smart, driven and ruthless. And if Cruz had joined forces with Trump after say New York or certainly by last Tuesday, he could have served as VP for the next 8 years and then in all likelihood he would have been President for the following 8 years. That would have put him at the top of world politics for nearly two decades. If he really wanted to serve his country, what a yellow brick road he has passed up.

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