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2 kids from JBS showed up at perry today!!! Its not right but thats the talk in Hazard and Perry County:trolldad:
Transfers everywhere.. wasn't this expected?
From what I can tell, Justice is on his way out over in Pippa Passes and the majority of the players are jumping ship as well.
hoghead Wrote:2 kids from JBS showed up at perry today!!! Its not right but thats the talk in Hazard and Perry County:trolldad:
Are they I-20 transfers, wow, who is going to come up with their tuition.
let pcc bring in whoever they want. PCC has sold their souls to try to win in basketball for the last 7 or 8 years. but remember only 1 trip to state in the last 10 years . I hope kids and parents wake up and smell the roses. Jaysean Paige, Justin Johnson, John Toomer, Damon Tolber, Nahim Lee, and James Blair were all brought in to win and didn't.
news flash to pcc, you won several region titles with ur own kids. Ben Bowling, Daniel Combs, (Braxton Beverly - even won one before u started trying to load his team every years.)
I agree with you 100 percent UK24. Wonder how many football players have been brought in the past couple years?
UK#24 Wrote:let pcc bring in whoever they want. PCC has sold their souls to try to win in basketball for the last 7 or 8 years. but remember only 1 trip to state in the last 10 years . I hope kids and parents wake up and smell the roses. Jaysean Paige, Justin Johnson, John Toomer, Damon Tolber, Nahim Lee, and James Blair were all brought in to win and didn't.
news flash to pcc, you won several region titles with ur own kids. Ben Bowling, Daniel Combs, (Braxton Beverly - even won one before u started trying to load his team every years.)

Let's get real, buddy.

Nahim Lee wasn't brought in to bring home a regional title lol
Our local kids are the ones who is getting the worst end of this! So many local kids are losing the chance to play for their teams. They work for this chance only to get it taken away.
Bluecat Wrote:Our local kids are the ones who is getting the worst end of this! So many local kids are losing the chance to play for their teams. They work for this chance only to get it taken away.

Guess they need to work a little harder. Nothing in life is just given.
Yeah Motley I have heard that ole saying before. The thing is, you can work your ass off all your life and still get beat out. I heard what you said from so many people here. There wasn't one player on Perrys team this past year Tobler included that couldn't be replaced by a better player. When your brothers boy gets put on the bench or your own kid because of recruiting you wont change your mind till it happens to you. Wonder if Beverly would of stayed at Perry if they brought in Tyler Ulis to PCC several years ago? You think Beverly don't work hard?????? He works harder than anyone I have ever seen. This is high school basketball, not Division 1 Basketball. Id rather lose with my own kids. Some may feel differently and that's fine. Might want to bring in a couple football players as well though while they are at it? Why just be good in basketball?
I have no dog in this fight, but sometimes your "A" game is just not as good as someone else's "C" game. That's life.
Motley Wrote:Guess they need to work a little harder. Nothing in life is just given.

seems like these transfers r getting everything handed to them. like playing time, money, free housing, and much more.
The local kids play their whole life's at a school and someone like Jayseasn Paige come in and get everything handed to them and still lose first round of district.

Nahim Lee was brought here to play basketball and win. as soon as they seen he wasnt good enough they sent him packing.

these coaches have to realize that the mountain kids r good enough to win.
This is not just a knock at Perry but all the schools, Hazard, perry, jbs, knott, cordia, whoever. Perry just looks the worse bc they bring someone in every year.
Just because a guy can dunk from the foul line don't make him a better player. Sometimes just playing with kids that play fundamentally sound basketball gets you the W. Perry has always been good at playing basketball with its own kids. High School sports is about the community. I don't see what anyone gets out of all this recruiting crap anyway. It makes NO SENSE. Work with what you got.
im not for it. Im like the Rock how many football players have been brought in at PCC the last several years? This show your loyalty to the kids coming up and younger one that you have, not much of a future at Perry Central. You have not won with all the recruites so the coaching is not very good also i say.
Fellows I am not for bringing in all these players at all. I want our local kids to chase their dream and not be replaced by a kid or kids that have no family here. I'm not against any kid but I support my local kids. This could all stop with the coaches. It's all on them in my opinion.
Same bunch who criticizes Cordia.
Ya know Perry has a homegrown 7 footer right there at their school that doesn't even play basketball. Think I'd get him out on the team. You would think if he could start offensive tackle on the football team that he may be able to grab a rebound or two in a basketball game. Believe I'd start working on him before I tried to bring someone in.
You'd think all the 14th region powerhouses, particularly Perry Central, might re-think their tactics after what Buckhorn done this past year.
What did Buckhorn do I knew they won the region but I didn't here a thing else about them
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:What did Buckhorn do I knew they won the region but I didn't here a thing else

I think he is saying Buckhorn won the 14th region without any transfers!
hoghead Wrote:2 kids from JBS showed up at perry today!!! Its not right but thats the talk in Hazard and Perry County:trolldad:

My sisters sons goes to Pcc an he's saying that 2 very large gentlemen have enrolled at Pcc an look like basketball players
Heard they are some unhappy players at KCC, look out
Let's be honest. Kids will move where they please. Occasionally 1 out of 10 will be ruled ineligible by Julian and that's just to boast authority.
Why is it when a kid goes from another school and ends up at haz. its called a transfer and when they go to pcc they call it a recruit.
me and mine Wrote:Why is it when a kid goes from another school and ends up at haz. its called a transfer and when they go to pcc they call it a recruit.

Because big time kids have went there. It all boils down to the person making statements. I'm guess it's called recruit because there not formally from the county or close to it.
Wait and see where these kids at Cordia ends up at

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