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The Case Against Donald J. Trump
TheRealThing Wrote:There were two video clips on that page I cited. Did you even watch it? If so, how can you deny the chronology of the situation? Andrea McWilliams' assault on Trump's wife predates this whole sleazy mess.

Would I have reacted like Trump did? No, but regardless of the base moral aspiration of which you have assigned them, he and his wife were expecting the soon birth of a child. Slimes that you say they are, it is a special time for them none the less, as they are no doubt aware of their sub level plight. He was no doubt touchy about that and the McWilliams attack was he surmised, no doubt a campaign maneuver on he order of those I have pointed out from the recent past. In my mind, only a koolaid junkie would reject that view out of hand.

No one has personal secrets in this day in time, and one's forays which are shall we say unflattering, are not all that hard to dig up. I'm quite certain there are legions of investigators working feverishly to uncover as much as possible on both sides as we speak.
You have some nerve calling me a "koolaid junkie," TRT. You have spent months defending Trump's behavior, repeating his lies as facts, and yet claiming that your first choice is Cruz. You have a strange way of supporting a candidate.

McWilliams is not part of Cruz's campaign. Trump falsely lumped her in with Cruz's campaign because she is a Texas lobbyist who supports Cruz. The Cruz campaign immediately distanced themselves from McWilliams' comments.

Quote:“That’s not a message from the campaign,” said Cruz spokeswoman Alice Stewart. When I asked whether anyone from the campaign told McWilliams to put forward the message, she said no one had. “We focus on policy, we focus on the issues, and we’re not about personal attacks, and we have always maintained a campaign of integrity.”

This is just the latest example of you trumpeting a Trump lie as the truth. Trump has an army of people on Twitter making nasty attacks on Cruz and his family, and some of those people are fairly well known. Most are not part of Trump's campaign staff. Is Trump responsible for what millions of his supporters say about Cruz on Twitter? If the media asks one of those Cruz critics to comment, should Cruz demand that Trump respond personally to the comments? (Those are rhetorical questions. The answer is obviously, "Of course not.")

Trump is blaming Cruz for Trump's attack on Heidi Cruz by claiming that Cruz is responsible for somebody else creating an ad featuring his wife. Trump takes responsibility for nothing and no matter how outrageous his behavior is, Trump makes no apologies and, by his own admission does not ask forgiveness from God for his bad behavior.

Trump has made the same types of attacks against every candidate who has challenged him in the polls, yet you ignore his history of personal smears, both as a presidential candidate and for decades as a businessman. Yet, you assume that Trump's statements and allegations about Cruz are true without question and post them as facts. (Yet, I am the Kool-Aid drinker.)

Donald Trump was a man of low character before he became a presidential candidate and he is running his campaign like he has run his businesses and conducted his personal life for many years. When you ignore a man's past behavior but believe his campaign promises without question, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Trump engages in continuous character assassination. I find his behavior reprehensible but if you are comfortable turning over the IRS, Homeland Security, DOJ, FBI and all other federal agencies to a man with a history of engaging in petty personal vendettas - a man who has boasted about owning politicians because of political donations, then that will be on you and your fellow Trump followers.

Ted Cruz has never asked his supporters to raise their right hands and swear allegiance to him. Donald Trump has - and more than once. Have you been sworn in yet, TRT? If not, then it is not too late for you to regain your objectivity and disembark the Trump Train. :biggrin:

[Image: https://www.commentarymagazine.com/wp-co...Raised.jpg]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You have some nerve calling me a "koolaid junkie," TRT. You have spent months defending Trump's behavior, repeating his lies as facts, and yet claiming that your first choice is Cruz. You have a strange way of supporting a candidate.

McWilliams is not part of Cruz's campaign. Trump falsely lumped her in with Cruz's campaign because she is a Texas lobbyist who supports Cruz. The Cruz campaign immediately distanced themselves from McWilliams' comments.

This is just the latest example of you trumpeting a Trump lie as the truth. Trump has an army of people on Twitter making nasty attacks on Cruz and his family, and some of those people are fairly well known. Most are not part of Trump's campaign staff. Is Trump responsible for what millions of his supporters say about Cruz on Twitter? If the media asks one of those Cruz critics to comment, should Cruz demand that Trump respond personally to the comments? (Those are rhetorical questions. The answer is obviously, "Of course not.")

Trump is blaming Cruz for Trump's attack on Heidi Cruz by claiming that Cruz is responsible for somebody else creating an ad featuring his wife. Trump takes responsibility for nothing and no matter how outrageous his behavior is, Trump makes no apologies and, by his own admission does not ask forgiveness from God for his bad behavior.

Trump has made the same types of attacks against every candidate who has challenged him in the polls, yet you ignore his history of personal smears, both as a presidential candidate and for decades as a businessman. Yet, you assume that Trump's statements and allegations about Cruz are true without question and post them as facts. (Yet, I am the Kool-Aid drinker.)

Donald Trump was a man of low character before he became a presidential candidate and he is running his campaign like he has run his businesses and conducted his personal life for many years. When you ignore a man's past behavior but believe his campaign promises without question, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Trump engages in continuous character assassination. I find his behavior reprehensible but if you are comfortable turning over the IRS, Homeland Security, DOJ, FBI and all other federal agencies to a man with a history of engaging in petty personal vendettas - a man who has boasted about owning politicians because of political donations, then that will be on you and your fellow Trump followers.

Ted Cruz has never asked his supporters to raise their right hands and swear allegiance to him. Donald Trump has - and more than once. Have you been sworn in yet, TRT? If not, then it is not too late for you to regain your objectivity and disembark the Trump Train. :biggrin:

[Image: https://www.commentarymagazine.com/wp-co...Raised.jpg]

Look, in my view you lack the discernment or the will to interpret things as they are. And I still don't understand your huffing and puffing, the reason? You can't separate a lie from a suspicion from where I stand. Of course Cruz is going to disavow McWilliams. And again I would assert and ask, what's your flavor, lime, orange, sour grape? It's a ploy and one that many campaigns have used of late to disparage the character of their political foes. If Cruz was the pillar of righteousness of your vision, he would be playing all this differently. And so would the Texas political machine that trotted McWilliams out to besmirch the name of Melania Trump in the first place. I saw it happen in real time and I'm telling you, Neil Cavuto puts these people on to diminish Trump in the eyes of his considerable audience. My 'strange way' of supporting a candidate would not permit me to enable him when he's playing dirty. In short he can deny it, but he still got a bunch of votes in Iowa intended for Carson and Melania is still slimed.

What I have spent months defending was the primary process, the rule of law, and Trump's right to run a campaign the way he sees it. And what I see here is a guy who I thought to be a friend bound by love of country, grow ever more agitated, belligerent and personally aggressive about a political process which involves a rough potential of about 55 million Republican and another 42 million Independent voters. And I think your blazing condemnations of Trump are all built on a foundation of some kind of over the top emotionalism. In a nutshell, I don't agree with you on much of it at all.

I would further venture that most people will recognize McWilliams for the political plant she is. In any event, the chronology and the ensuing spitting match, cannot be denied and whose origins are certainly not attributable to the Trump campaign now are they? I know who I think is guilty and that's what I'm going with. Then when November comes around, my house will vote for Cruz or Trump. We will certainly not join the growing 3rd party or an off the wall 'protest vote' that will assure Hillary a virtual bye into the White House.
TheRealThing Wrote:Look, in my view you lack the discernment or the will to interpret things as they are. And I still don't understand your huffing and puffing, the reason? You can't separate a lie from a suspicion from where I stand. Of course Cruz is going to disavow McWilliams. And again I would assert and ask, what's your flavor, lime, orange, sour grape? It's a ploy and one that many campaigns have used of late to disparage the character of their political foes. If Cruz was the pillar of righteousness of your vision, he would be playing all this differently. And so would the Texas political machine that trotted McWilliams out to besmirch the name of Melania Trump in the first place. I saw it happen in real time and I'm telling you, Neil Cavuto puts these people on to diminish Trump in the eyes of his considerable audience. My 'strange way' of supporting a candidate would not permit me to enable him when he's playing dirty. In short he can deny it, but he still got a bunch of votes in Iowa intended for Carson and Melania is still slimed.

What I have spent months defending was the primary process, the rule of law, and Trump's right to run a campaign the way he sees it. And what I see here is a guy who I thought to be a friend bound by love of country, grow ever more agitated, belligerent and personally aggressive about a political process which involves a rough potential of about 55 million Republican and another 42 million Independent voters. And I think your blazing condemnations of Trump are all built on a foundation of some kind of over the top emotionalism. In a nutshell, I don't agree with you on much of it at all.

I would further venture that most people will recognize McWilliams for the political plant she is. In any event, the chronology and the ensuing spitting match, cannot be denied and whose origins are certainly not attributable to the Trump campaign now are they? I know who I think is guilty and that's what I'm going with. Then when November comes around, my house will vote for Cruz or Trump. We will certainly not join the growing 3rd party or an off the wall 'protest vote' that will assure Hillary a virtual bye into the White House.
So, McWilliams is from Texas and opposes Trump, so Cruz must be giving her marching orders because Trump says Cruz was behind the ad. And you think I am substituting emotion for logic? Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Trump is telling the truth or that he has any evidence to link Cruz and McWilliams. I mean, Kentucky is a much smaller state than Texas, but I never knew everybody who lived there.

A decent person would not have attacked another candidate's wife, even if he had conclusive proof of the allegation. If a man insulted your wife, would your response be to attack that man's wife to get even? Of course not. That would be a cowardly act against a woman who did nothing to you. In this case, Trump offered no evidence to support his allegation. None. Yet, he still attacked Heidi Cruz. Trump is not an honorable man. He has been a coward all of his life.

Melania Trump's sleazy boyfriend arranged to have the photo in question taken on his private jet. The photo that Trump personally arranged to have shot was nothing more than a pretense to smear Cruz's wife. He is falling behind in Wisconsin and Cruz has pulled even with him in California. The most recent national poll shows Trump and Cruz in a statistical dead heat. Diverting attention from his own shortcomings and making false accusations is what Trump does when he is under pressure.

I do love this country and I will do everything I can to help ensure Trump never becomes president, short of voting for Hillary Clinton. I don't think that operating strip clubs and bribing liberal politicians with political donations look good on the resume of a Republican candidate for president.

Ask yourself why Cruz would want to derail a substantive campaign to engage in a mud fight with Trump. Who gains by dodging debates and exchanging personal insults, Cruz or Trump? This is how Donald Trump lives his life. He has been insulting people with whom he disagrees with on Twitter for years. This is the game that Trump enjoys, not Cruz.
Trump has stated he will not accept a salary as President.

Will Cruz do the same?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Trump has stated he will not accept a salary as President.

Will Cruz do the same?
Why should he? Cruz will not be spending much of his time tweeting insults at a vast population of perceived enemies - he will be working to solve problems. Trump has grown very wealthy exploiting our political system for personal gain. Selling him the presidency in exchange for a salary would be a bargain for him. For taxpayers? Not so much.

I would like to hear a real journalist ask Trump, who has boasted about buying politicians (mostly liberal Democrats such as Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer) through hundreds of thousands of dollars in political donations, to list what favors he received in exchange for all that money.

Would Obama have been a bargain if he had worked for no salary? I don't think he would have been.

Trump has lied throughout his campaign about being self financed. There is absolutely no reason to expect that a corrupt businessman will make an honest president.
Well it's good to see that after being gone a week, nothing has really changed Confusednicker:
Positing Ted Cruz as some bastion of conservative virtue is ridiculous. Ambition can be virtue and vice. Senator Cruz is a text book example.
When Trump takes on Hillary in the general I think he will force her to say she won't accept the salary of president.
We all know she's to greedy for that though since she's been dead broke for so long now haha.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:When Trump takes on Hillary in the general I think he will force her to say she won't accept the salary of president.
We all know she's to greedy for that though since she's been dead broke for so long now haha.

I believe if Hillary is beatable, Trump is the one for the job. Despite the notions of others, some things in this life are obvious and do not require a personal interpreter for one to get a handle. People are tired of the lies and that is the source of outsider support. I've heard every smug so-called conservative from John Sununu, to the now infamous Andrea McWilliams, to Erick Erickson inform me that they are about to step in and make my choice for nominee for me, and to heck with this silly notion of a government for and by the people and vote counting. Civics in remedial form, are these days being crammed down people's throats.

It is laudable for Trump to work free for the greater good of this nation. Thanks entirely to Trump and at long last, it is again acceptable to reject the idea of the population of this land packing up and abandoning all the wonderful works that we have achieved just so those guilty of criminal trespass may possess them. And there is one more thing, if not for the efforts of Mr Trump, every single sniveling Republican would still be running like a scalded dog for the bomb shelter at some geek Democrat's charge of intolerance, or some ghost of a non politically correct trespass, or God forbid the nuclear option, which is of course any manufactured incident of racial bias.

At bare minimum, Donald Trump has shaped Ted Cruz into a candidate that may pass for the people's choice. Further, there has not been such a blatant and unholy coalition of liberals and conservatives bent on denying the Republican front runner in my lifetime. It has been embarrassing to say the least, but it has also revealed to us the origin of the rejection of Tea Party principles and the true face of all the opposition. The RINO's are running loose.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, McWilliams is from Texas and opposes Trump, so Cruz must be giving her marching orders because Trump says Cruz was behind the ad. And you think I am substituting emotion for logic? Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Trump is telling the truth or that he has any evidence to link Cruz and McWilliams.

A decent person would not have attacked another candidate's wife, even if he had conclusive proof of the allegation. If a man insulted your wife, would your response be to attack that man's wife to get even? Of course not. That would be a cowardly act against a woman who did nothing to you. In this case, Trump offered no evidence to support his allegation. None. Yet, he still attacked Heidi Cruz. Trump is not an honorable man. He has been a coward all of his life.

Melania Trump's sleazy boyfriend arranged to have the photo in question taken on his private jet. The photo that Trump personally arranged to have shot was nothing more than a pretense to smear Cruz's wife. He is falling behind in Wisconsin and Cruz has pulled even with him in California. The most recent national poll shows Trump and Cruz in a statistical dead heat. Diverting attention from his own shortcomings and making false accusations is what Trump does when he is under pressure.

I do love this country and I will do everything I can to help ensure Trump never becomes president, short of voting for Hillary Clinton. I don't think that operating strip clubs and bribing liberal politicians with political donations look good on the resume of a Republican candidate for president.

Ask yourself why Cruz would want to derail a substantive campaign to engage in a mud fight with Trump. Who gains by dodging debates and exchanging personal insults, Cruz or Trump? This is how Donald Trump lives his life. He has been insulting people with whom he disagrees with on Twitter for years. This is the game that Trump enjoys, not Cruz.

The truth behind the rumor-mongering, however, is a little more complex. A half-dozen GOP operatives and media figures tell The Daily Beast that Cruz’s opponents have been pushing charges of adultery for at least six months now—and that allies of former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio were involved in spreading the smears.

And you're right, a decent person would never smear another candidate's wife.
TheRealThing Wrote:I believe if Hillary is beatable, Trump is the one for the job. Despite the notions of others, some things in this life are obvious and do not require a personal interpreter for one to get a handle. People are tired of the lies and that is the source of outsider support. I've heard every smug so-called conservative from John Sununu, to the now infamous Andrea McWilliams, to Erick Erickson inform me that they are about to step in and make my choice for nominee for me, and to heck with this silly notion of a government for and by the people and vote counting. Civics in remedial form, are these days being crammed down people's throats.

It is laudable for Trump to work free for the greater good of this nation. Thanks entirely to Trump and at long last, it is again acceptable to reject the idea of the population of this land packing up and abandoning all the wonderful works that we have achieved just so those guilty of criminal trespass may possess them. And there is one more thing, if not for the efforts of Mr Trump, every single sniveling Republican would still be running like a scalded dog for the bomb shelter at some geek Democrat's charge of intolerance, or some ghost of a non politically correct trespass, or God forbid the nuclear option, which is of course any manufactured incident of racial bias.

At bare minimum, Donald Trump has shaped Ted Cruz into a candidate that may pass for the people's choice. Further, there has not been such a blatant and unholy coalition of liberals and conservatives bent on denying the Republican front runner in my lifetime. It has been embarrassing to say the least, but it has also revealed to us the origin of the rejection of Tea Party principles and the true face of all the opposition. The RINO's are running loose.

I wish Donald Trump would back off the tit for tat now and just fully embrace the idea that an awful lot of Americans do think that opposing bad trade policies isn't being against free trade as much as for fair trade, do think that if our politicians keep kicking the can down the road on immigration reform that pretty soon Europe's issues will be ours, do think that NATO is an example of others get the benefit of protections we end up mostly paying for and that doesn't make us isolationists, do think that "America first" is an "about time" concept that doesn't mean screw the rest of the world but does mean our own house is crumbling and needs attention. Donald Trump has faults, yes, but he also has a lot of raw political courage.
Hillary is the weakest democratic candidate in decades. She's no bill.
With that said, Trump will be the Republican nominee and should start working her any day now. His policies are in direct conflict with everything she stands for. It will get interesting.
Trump's Campaign Manager was arrested today and charged with misdemeanor battery of reporter, Michelle Fields. There was closed circuit TV footage that reportedly supports the claims of Fields and an eyewitness account. Fields lost her job and was accused of making up the story for publicity.

Will Trump hold Lewandowski accountable by asking him to resign?
As much as she has lied, and changed her story, lawyers will eat her alive in court. I guess she shouldn't have grabbed Trump first trying to be an aggressive reporter. It will blow over and be dispensed
Lewandowski denied having touched Fields. The CCTV video proves that he is a liar. Now, Trump claims that Fields grabbed him and shouted questions at him. Trump is not yet president, so reporters shouting questions are still protected by the First Amendment.

I think Donald Trump should sue Michelle Fields for asking him mean questions. The sooner the better. He's doing the right thing by not firing Lewandowski for grabbing Fields and then falsely denying that he even touched her. Voters need to know that Trump stands behind his bouncers.
I am no Michelle Fields fan and I think that she exaggerated this incident, but it is clear in the video that Corey Lewandowski simply lied about it. He should have apologized for grabbing her and there would have been no lasting political damage to Trump. Lewandowski's hearing will not be held until May.

Fields appears on Eric Bolling's (a huge Trump cheerleader on Fox News) Cashin In show. After Fields lost her job at Breitbart.com, another pro-Trump "news" organization, Bolling took Fields off the air and said that her future appearance on the show would be a week to week decision. Bolling is probably glad that he suspended Fields instead of firing her.

[Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CeuwcupXIAAac24.jpg:large]
Yeah she also grabbed Trump Twice and was told twice by secret service to back away. She also lied in the beginning, she also lied about Allen West, she also lied about an NYPD Officer, Trump won't be hurt by this at all. While Trump isn't president, he is a candidate being guarded by SS. This will all be thrown out. Seeing as how the prosecutor is on Clintons campaign. She will be a disaster on the stand once they start bringing up her ever so colorful past.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Yeah she also grabbed Trump Twice and was told twice by secret service to back away. She also lied in the beginning, she also lied about Allen West, she also lied about an NYPD Officer, Trump won't be hurt by this at all. While Trump isn't president, he is a candidate being guarded by SS. This will all be thrown out. Seeing as how the prosecutor is on Clintons campaign. She will be a disaster on the stand once they start bringing up her ever so colorful past.
Lewandowski should have let the Secret Service do their job. This will hurt Trump politically because he is already polling very poorly among women, with a 70%+ unfavorable rating. Trump's tweeting hurts him among women more than anything else. The man has no self control. I hope Trump sues Fields. Confusednicker:
Obviously SS wasn't doing there job. So Corey did. Anyone that actually thinks this is assault has become a part of the wussification that's happening in this country. Trump won't have to sue her, if she is brave enough to continue on, the lawyers will make her and the prosecutors look like fools. We will wait and see, Trump won't be hurt by this no more than Cruz is for his affairs, and lying still blaming Trump for the story, when it's been proven who leaked it. Just wait, when that video of Cruz drops, can't wait to see that. It really doesn't matter at this point anymore, sadly the dems will win the White House. Cruz can't win without Trump supporters and Trump can't win with Cruzs supporters. It seems everyone has dug their heels in and will only be voting for their guy. Just can't see a unified party at this point. Not enough to beat Hillary anyway. Blown opportunity this election I'm afraid.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Obviously SS wasn't doing there job. So Corey did. Anyone that actually thinks this is assault has become a part of the wussification that's happening in this country. Trump won't have to sue her, if she is brave enough to continue on, the lawyers will make her and the prosecutors look like fools. We will wait and see, Trump won't be hurt by this no more than Cruz is for his affairs, and lying still blaming Trump for the story, when it's been proven who leaked it. Just wait, when that video of Cruz drops, can't wait to see that. It really doesn't matter at this point anymore, sadly the dems will win the White House. Cruz can't win without Trump supporters and Trump can't win with Cruzs supporters. It seems everyone has dug their heels in and will only be voting for their guy. Just can't see a unified party at this point. Not enough to beat Hillary anyway. Blown opportunity this election I'm afraid.

That my friend is an understatement. More than a blown opportunity, it is very likely our last opportunity. If Hillary gets to the White House and does the inevitable, which is to double down on Obama's policies, we're staring at among other things, bankruptcy, Obamacare will be set in stone, out of control welfare which won't be based on need as much as choice, the term Latin America will take on a whole new meaning, military weakness will characterize our once invincible Armed Services, and the service industry will become our nation's greatest source of employment. Ultimately with no way to grow the economy, escalating taxes will choke the life out of every working American.

But the prosecutors will have to show what they have on Lewandowski, and that happens at pretrial. To get any bang for their buck whatever, the trial will have to be expedited or the primary season will get completely past us. What's left seven weeks, and it will be over? If they have clear evidence that he pulled her arm, he would likely resign. If Fields actually did pull Trump's arm twice, the whole thing will be mitigated.

Now to this spitting match between Trump and Cruz and their wives. I will not be dissuaded with regard to who started the whole mess. But given that Cruz is supposedly some kind of mega genius, I would have thought he'd have recognized by now that it's time to make a truce. He's hurting himself as much or more than he is Trump, but in my mind, the real problem here is he's not sharp enough to let this thing go before it destroys him.

Me thinks he doth protest too much. If there isn't any there, there, I guarantee the truth will come out before long about Andrea McWilliams' source, or true impetus.
The three most important responsibilities of the federal government, according to Donald J. Trump:


I doubt that Hillary or Bernie would disagree. Notably missing from Trump's list is any reference to protecting our constitutional rights.

As for a truce between Trump and Cruz, Trump blew up that bridge weeks ago. I am starting to believe that Cruz may actually win the nomination.

Watching Trump the past couple of days has me suspecting that he is looking for a reason to quit while he is ahead. His campaign staff is either the most incompetent one ever assembled for a presidential campaign, or Trump is just too stupid to take good advice. I have never seen so many blunders in such a short time.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The three most important responsibilities of the federal government, according to Donald J. Trump:


I doubt that Hillary or Bernie would disagree. Notably missing from Trump's list is any reference to protecting our constitutional rights.

As for a truce between Trump and Cruz, Trump blew up that bridge weeks ago. I am starting to believe that Cruz may actually win the nomination. Watching Trump the past couple of days has me suspecting that he is looking for a reason to quit while he is ahead. His campaign staff is either the most incompetent one ever assembled for a presidential campaign, or Trump is just too stupid to take good advice. I have never seen so many blunders in such a short time.

Right, Cruz started the whole thing because he is so hopelessly far behind, but Trump is the one who blew up the bridge. And you think Cruz can win over 800 delegates?
TheRealThing Wrote:Right, Cruz started the whole thing because he is so hopelessly far behind, but Trump is the one who blew up the bridge. And you think Cruz can win over 800 delegates?
All Cruz has to do is deny Trump a majority of delegates on the first ballot. If Trump is still polling very poorly in a general election against Hillary Clinton, there is no way that he will be the nominee. A candidate with a 70%+ negative rating among women is just not going to get it done in the general election.

BTW, have you noticed how often Trump repeats the lie that polls show that he would easily beat Hillary? If you doubt that he is lying, just check the RCP list of polls. Clinton has led Trump in the last 11 polls and she has led him in 26 of the past 28 polls. In the two polls in which he led out of 28, his lead was within the margin of error. The last poll that showed Trump ahead was taken in mid February. Why do you think he lies so much about indisputable facts? The RCP average of recent polls has Clinton up by 11 points over Trump and the trend does not look good for him.

Cruz has led Trump in a hypothetical head to head match up consistently. As pledged delegates are released after the first ballot, more will abandon a candidate with no chance to win the general than will join his flock. Trump is just trying to run out the clock but if he does not lock up the nomination before the convention, he is toast, IMO.

Trump's problems are self inflicted. Hopefully, you will regain your objectivity at some point and realize that the long list of people who Trump has slimed during this campaign have done nothing to deserve his childish insults. Megyn Kelly had Trump pegged before the first debate. Trump seems to prefer attacking women over men. Maybe he has some unresolved mommy issues.

I am still not convinced that Trump is not running to destroy Republicans' chances of beating Hillary Clinton. If that was his goal, he is succeeding beyond Hillary's wildest dreams.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.
Even the most liberal of liberals are saying this psycho woman is blowing this out of proportion. She wants attention, got he 15 minutes in the news and now nobody will want to hire her ever.
Bye felicia.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:All Cruz has to do is deny Trump a majority of delegates on the first ballot. If Trump is still polling very poorly in a general election against Hillary Clinton, there is no way that he will be the nominee. A candidate with a 70%+ negative rating among women is just not going to get it done in the general election.

BTW, have you noticed how often Trump repeats the lie that polls show that he would easily beat Hillary? If you doubt that he is lying, just check the RCP list of polls. Clinton has led Trump in the last 11 polls and she has led him in 26 of the past 28 polls. In the two polls in which he led out of 28, his lead was within the margin of error. The last poll that showed Trump ahead was taken in mid February. Why do you think he lies so much about indisputable facts? The RCP average of recent polls has Clinton up by 11 points over Trump and the trend does not look good for him.

Cruz has led Trump in a hypothetical head to head match up consistently. As pledged delegates are released after the first ballot, more will abandon a candidate with no chance to win the general than will join his flock. Trump is just trying to run out the clock but if he does not lock up the nomination before the convention, he is toast, IMO.

Trump's problems are self inflicted. Hopefully, you will regain your objectivity at some point and realize that the long list of people who Trump has slimed during this campaign have done nothing to deserve his childish insults. Megyn Kelly had Trump pegged before the first debate. Trump seems to prefer attacking women over men. Maybe he has some unresolved mommy issues.

I am still not convinced that Trump is not running to destroy Republicans' chances of beating Hillary Clinton. If that was his goal, he is succeeding beyond Hillary's wildest dreams.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

You know as well as anyone if Trump wasn't taking up all the air time they would be absolutely destroying cruz to the point where any liberal would beat him. He's not bullet proof to the media like Trump is. Case in point the sex scandal that just came out where it seems he is having a hard time just saying no he didn't do that.
If anyone can't win the general it's cruz. He has always been made out to be a religious right win radical and won't get the turn out to beat either dem running.
Throw in the fact that all the Trump supporters are pissed off and angry at politicians in general, if Trump gets the most delegates and gets screwed out of the nomination none of those people will vote in the general. If anything they will boycott the election just to screw the establishment.
This race has been over for a while now.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You know as well as anyone if Trump wasn't taking up all the air time they would be absolutely destroying cruz to the point where any liberal would beat him. He's not bullet proof to the media like Trump is. Case in point the sex scandal that just came out where it seems he is having a hard time just saying no he didn't do that.
If anyone can't win the general it's cruz. He has always been made out to be a religious right win radical and won't get the turn out to beat either dem running.
Throw in the fact that all the Trump supporters are pissed off and angry at politicians in general, if Trump gets the most delegates and gets screwed out of the nomination none of those people will vote in the general. If anything they will boycott the election just to screw the establishment.
This race has been over for a while now.
You are greatly underestimating how "pissed off" most Republicans are at Donald Trump. Trump still has not won 50 percent of the vote in any state and he has to average more than 50 percent to win the nomination. Trump is not picking up support. At best, Trumps 'support has remained flat for months.

It's sad when people support an incompetent serial adulterer and think a sex scandal will knock Trump's opponent out of the race.

If you do not think losing 26 of 28 polls is significant, and that trailing a criminal like Hillary is no cause for concern, you don't understand polls. Hillary and Trump are well known to voters in both parties. Overtaking a large deficit, absent an indictment, will not be the piece of cake that you believe.

People who disregard polling data and ignore Trump's dishonesty, ignorance of important issues, and poor political judgment, are not going to vote in numbers sufficient to win in November.

The GOP is not obligated to give their nomination to anybody who does not a win the majority of delegates. Conventions have never worked that way. Trump well either win 1,237 delegates or he well not be the party's nominee.
I personally liked Trump's 3 positions on abortion that he came up with in a 3 hour time span. Impressive flip flopping.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:All Cruz has to do is deny Trump a majority of delegates on the first ballot. If Trump is still polling very poorly in a general election against Hillary Clinton, there is no way that he will be the nominee. A candidate with a 70%+ negative rating among women is just not going to get it done in the general election.

BTW, have you noticed how often Trump repeats the lie that polls show that he would easily beat Hillary? If you doubt that he is lying, just check the RCP list of polls. Clinton has led Trump in the last 11 polls and she has led him in 26 of the past 28 polls. In the two polls in which he led out of 28, his lead was within the margin of error. The last poll that showed Trump ahead was taken in mid February. Why do you think he lies so much about indisputable facts? The RCP average of recent polls has Clinton up by 11 points over Trump and the trend does not look good for him.

Cruz has led Trump in a hypothetical head to head match up consistently. As pledged delegates are released after the first ballot, more will abandon a candidate with no chance to win the general than will join his flock. Trump is just trying to run out the clock but if he does not lock up the nomination before the convention, he is toast, IMO.

Trump's problems are self inflicted. Hopefully, you will regain your objectivity at some point and realize that the long list of people who Trump has slimed during this campaign have done nothing to deserve his childish insults. Megyn Kelly had Trump pegged before the first debate. Trump seems to prefer attacking women over men. Maybe he has some unresolved mommy issues.

I am still not convinced that Trump is not running to destroy Republicans' chances of beating Hillary Clinton. If that was his goal, he is succeeding beyond Hillary's wildest dreams.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

My objectivity will remain fixed, as it has from the outset of this primary season. My intent has always been to allow the inevitable to play out on the national stage and stay emotionally unattached. I freely admit that I agree with Trump on a lot of his stated objectives. Cruz says he will walk the conservative path and yet, he doesn't seem to be above playing a little dirty. As well as talking out of both sides of his mouth I might add. And you manage to keep dodging this, but Run has it right, if and when the Trump candidacy is dispatched, Cruz will get the Democrat's Full Monty, and it will be merciless. The last Obama campaign proved how short people's memories really are, and there will be no holds barred. I don't think Cruz can handle it but, I think Trump would eat Hillary alive. And one more thing. Certainly, if the women of this nation are prepared to take this thing to the nuclear level by throwing gender based insurrection into the elective process over something like abortion, we've all had it anyway. Trump is right in that women who get abortions are culpable. They make the decision to have sex, and they are the ones who make the decision to dodge the consequences (temporarily at least) by getting rid of the baby that their actions have produced. If we as a nation are prepared to give women a complete pass on such behavior, we are truly in free fall. But, let's not leave out the Daddies. IF these guys had to pay for their own offspring, they'd behave a little bit. But no, not here in America the beautiful. Here one can impregnate as many as possible with zero consequences to bear. The rest of us will step right up and pay for that thank you very much, through forced taxation. So let the good times roll.

But I'll tell you what really irks me about all the Trump detractors. Where was all this miraculous vision that serves them so well in Mr Trump's case, when Obama came on the scene? Today they speak with certainty, as if the future is entirely discernible to them. We could have certainly used their talents for looking into the future where Mr Obama's tenure was concerned, but alas, back then they were nowhere to be found. This country has since been decimated. Under the present administration civil anarchy has flourished, and welfare has reached socialist levels while our world stature has practically disappeared. Are we wailing about that? Nope, we're still ignoring that inconvenient truth as hundreds of media types and political talking heads are lining up to come on TV and lay down chapter and verse about the certain doom associated with a Trump Presidency.

Two things about that. Back in 2007 my own objectivity afforded insight into the coming Obama tenure. My mouth fell open when he slammed the US for using too much energy while everybody else seemed to have missed it completely. Secondly, these guys slamming Trump all have something to lose if he is elected. Put succinctly, the pushback against Mr Trump is from the ESTABLISHMENT. The very same looney tooners who have brought stratospherically high taxes and the morally erosive effects of political correctness to the doorsteps of both the industrial scene and every household in America. No, I am more than comfortable leaning on my own understanding there Hoot, no matter how confident and forceful your delivery of the going speculations may wax.

And yes I've noticed, and he shouldn't do that but he probably could win against her and he knows that.
TheRealThing Wrote:My objectivity will remain fixed, as it has from the outset of this primary season. My intent has always been to allow the inevitable to play out on the national stage and stay emotionally unattached. I freely admit that I agree with Trump on a lot of his stated objectives. Cruz says he will walk the conservative path and yet, he doesn't seem to be above playing a little dirty. As well as talking out of both sides of his mouth I might add. And you manage to keep dodging this, but Run has it right, if and when the Trump candidacy is dispatched, Cruz will get the Democrat's Full Monty, and it will be merciless. The last Obama campaign proved how short people's memories really are, and there will be no holds barred. I don't think Cruz can handle it but, I think Trump would eat Hillary alive. And one more thing. Certainly, if the women of this nation are prepared to take this thing to the nuclear level by throwing gender based insurrection into the elective process over something like abortion, we've all had it anyway. Trump is right in that women who get abortions are culpable. They make the decision to have sex, and they are the ones who make the decision to dodge the consequences (temporarily at least) by getting rid of the baby that their actions have produced. If we as a nation are prepared to give women a complete pass on such behavior, we are truly in free fall. But, let's not leave out the Daddies. IF these guys had to pay for their own offspring, they'd behave a little bit. But no, not here in America the beautiful. Here one can impregnate as many as possible with zero consequences to bear. The rest of us will step right up and pay for that thank you very much, through forced taxation. So let the good times roll.

But I'll tell you what really irks me about all the Trump detractors. Where was all this miraculous vision that serves them so well in Mr Trump's case, when Obama came on the scene? Today they speak with certainty, as if the future is entirely discernible to them. We could have certainly used their talents for looking into the future where Mr Obama's tenure was concerned, but alas, back then they were nowhere to be found. This country has since been decimated. Under the present administration civil anarchy has flourished, and welfare has reached socialist levels while our world stature has practically disappeared. Are we wailing about that? Nope, we're still ignoring that inconvenient truth as hundreds of media types and political talking heads are lining up to come on TV and lay down chapter and verse about the certain doom associated with a Trump Presidency.

Two things about that. Back in 2007 my own objectivity afforded insight into the coming Obama tenure. My mouth fell open when he slammed the US for using too much energy while everybody else seemed to have missed it completely. Secondly, these guys slamming Trump all have something to lose if he is elected. Put succinctly, the pushback against Mr Trump is from the ESTABLISHMENT. The very same looney tooners who have brought stratospherically high taxes and the morally erosive effects of political correctness to the doorsteps of both the industrial scene and every household in America. No, I am more than comfortable leaning on my own understanding there Hoot, no matter how confident and forceful your delivery of the going speculations may wax.

And yes I've noticed, and he shouldn't do that but he probably could win against her and he knows that.
I have been as vocal and consistent as anybody in my criticism of Obama. Unfortunately, I see many similarities in Trump's personality and character to Obama's. I judge politicians on their performance, not on their promises, and Trump is a politician - not a good one, but bribing crooked politicians at the state, local, and federal levels for decades made him an insider in the system that he promises to combat.

Trump has never had to deal with an adversarial media like the one he would face as a candidate running against Hillary Clinton. When he has been confronted with tough interviews, he has fallen on his face. Look at how long and loud he has been whining about Megyn Kelly.

If Hillary runs against Trump, Democrats will successfully portray him as a very shady businessman. We will see an endless parader of Trump "victims" who have had their lives shattered by Trump's bankruptcies, Trump University, etc. You can expect the victims to include disabled people, vets, single women, minorities, and every other imaginable subgroup that the media can muster.

Trump is such a flawed candidate, I am not so sure that Hillary getting indicted would enable Trump to beat her. Hillary's weaknesses are easy to see but Trump is much more vulnerable to her attacks than his supporters want to admit. If Democrats have to substitute Biden or Elizabeth Warren for Hillary, Trump would be at an even bigger disadvantage. Being a prolific Tweeter will only take a candidate so far.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have been as vocal and consistent as anybody in my criticism of Obama. Unfortunately, I see many similarities in Trump's personality and character to Obama's. I judge politicians on their performance, not on their promises, and Trump is a politician - not a good one, but bribing crooked politicians at the state, local, and federal levels for decades made him an insider in the system that he promises to combat.

Trump has never had to deal with an adversarial media like the one he would face as a candidate running against Hillary Clinton. When he has been confronted with tough interviews, he has fallen on his face. Look at how long and loud he has been whining about Megyn Kelly.

If Hillary runs against Trump, Democrats will successfully portray him as a very shady businessman. We will see an endless parader of Trump "victims" who have had their lives shattered by Trump's bankruptcies, Trump University, etc. You can expect the victims to include disabled people, vets, single women, minorities, and every other imaginable subgroup that the media can muster.

Trump is such a flawed candidate, I am not so sure that Hillary getting indicted would enable Trump to beat her. Hillary's weaknesses are easy to see but Trump is much more vulnerable to her attacks than his supporters want to admit. If Democrats have to substitute Biden or Elizabeth Warren for Hillary, Trump would be at an even bigger disadvantage. Being a prolific Tweeter will only take a candidate so far.

Well, you're seeing things that I certainly cannot see and I thought I was pretty bright. And Trump has no political performance as yet for you to judge.
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