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Which teams have helmet awards?
How many teams award helmet decals to players for good accomplishments???

Ashland players are rewarded with "Paws (offensive)" and "Skulls (defensive)" for accomplishments on the football field. They are small helmet decals to place on the helmet to show you have made a big play or played well. You can get these in many ways such as: All players get one for a victory, a player can receive one for a big hit (bad cat), a TD, blocking a kick, coverage on a kickoff inside the 20, the offensive line can get one for each 100 yard rusher, and there are numerous other ways to gain these decals.

I know there are some college's who do this such as Florida State and Georgia. Georgia goes one step further and awards white bones to players for on-field accomplishments while giving black bones for accomplishments in the classroom.
I think this is a great way to motivate players though. IMO More teams should do this. If you see a man with 200 skulls on his helmet on the other side of the ball, you know this guy is coming after you.
No doubt, when I was playing with Arliss Beach a few years back his helmet was actually completely covered to the point that all of the awards he would get later in the season, he would just take home. I wonder what he did with all those?
I have seen some Belfry helmets filled with skulls.....
Prestonsburg has skulls, but they don't do it by individual accomplishments, they do it as a team.
Pike Central has decals but i'm not sure what they are..
Magoffin County used to have them around 2 years ago, stars for each one of your accoplishments.
The "pride" stickers are on a lot of schools. Paintsville has them and they did when I played. We got a paw for interceptions, skull and cross bones for big hits, footballs for defensive touchdowns. There were no offensive stickers awarded, but we did have a "big hogs root" sticker for the players that stepped up in big need for any explaination as to why those words were
PC has stars, footballs, and skull/crossbones...but im w/ really not sure what they give them for exactly.
Yea Pc has them and they also have the BLACK HAWK CLUB
Belfry gives skulls for different reasons. Great Hits, touchdowns, blocks, hustling in practice, a lot of different reasons. They look awesome on the helmets.
Some poeple believe that this is a bad idea because it is mroe individual oriented rather than team oriented.
I think it would be a bad idea as well if it were ONLY individual accomplishments, but I like them whenever you have individual, group, and team awards.
But still, you are goin to have a select few players that have a ton, and the others are going to think that they are the greatest and the reason for the teams success, and not try as hard because they don't think they are as good.
With or without helmet awards, the players on each team know who the best players are. If the player(s) are jealous of one of the stars, then he doesn't need to be on the team anyways. Jealously just is not acceptable in a team sport. Not to mention if they are going to be jealous, I doubt that it is the helmet awards that will push them over the edge as opposed to talk throughout the team, school, and community. It is no different than with EVERY team where the QBs and RBs get all of the publicity. This gives linemen and defensive players who play extremely well a chance to get their own publicity. Any player knows that football is a team sport and that one star without a cast of supporting characters means very little. Even with all that said, most players on teams are extremely good friends and rather than be jealous of each other it drives them to play harder to keep up with their friends' accomplishments.
Beef Wrote:But still, you are goin to have a select few players that have a ton, and the others are going to think that they are the greatest and the reason for the teams success, and not try as hard because they don't think they are as good.

9 times out of 10 you will find that it isn't the players who cause a stir about one player having more than's the parents who do the complaining.
Paintsville has those things
Pirate Pal Wrote:Belfry gives skulls for different reasons. Great Hits, touchdowns, blocks, hustling in practice, a lot of different reasons. They look awesome on the helmets.
That's the way it was for Prestonsburg when I was in high school.. I guess they still do it the same... I think they look awesome also
Only ones we got when I played was when ya hit someone and their paint got on your helment. LOL. I love the looks of the helment awards. They looked really kewl.
Lawrence Co. gives out DOG BONES and SKULLS, well Skulls are given for the BIG BIG BIG Play, and the bones are give for various things on offense and Defense.
Magoffin middle school had stars. 1 to each player on offencse for a TD. 1 for fumble recovery, intecption, sacks, forced fumble and etc.
Beef Wrote:Some poeple believe that this is a bad idea because it is mroe individual oriented rather than team oriented.

Thats the way our coaches thought of it my senior year, an only gave them out for wins.

They give out skulls with crossbones behind them.

Before that its was for double digit tackles, and other accomplishments. My junior year i filled my helmet up to were i had like 5 or 6 left over at the end of the season.
Tomcat68 Wrote:I think it would be a bad idea as well if it were ONLY individual accomplishments, but I like them whenever you have individual, group, and team awards.
amen only one award from ashland that makes u the big one is bad cat! TongueoliceLig who was the king of that anyways??? :rock:
TERMINATOR X Wrote:Paintsville has those things

They still give out those Hog stickers to the Lineman?
They did it my frosh year there.
south floyd used to do it but seems like when they stopped we have up and down season no leadership
morgan only gives out paws and Wood makes you work for them. If you are good then your helmets shows it.
It s cool and Lawrence has skulls and crossbones.
Batpuff Wrote:It s cool and Lawrence has skulls and crossbones.

sounds like ashland awards if u ask me.
:High5: ( no harm intended)
I have seen both sides of this one.

In 2002--we had them (it seems like we have done them about every 10 years or something). Our team handled it well. I am not sure what the criteria was for offense and defense--but the kids really seemed to like them.

But--then again--there is nothing like a Beechwood helmet during the first weekend of December that is as white as the day it was cast . . . . . . . . .

I remember when I was a kid--seeing a picture of a Moeller player in the paper. One side was filled up with scull and crossbones--the other side had stars all over it. Which -I have since learned was extremely rare because 99 times out of a 100--those kids only play both ways. But they were die-cut--not like circular stickers. Yellow stickers on the navy blue helmet. That was pretty sweet. And it left a big impression on me at the time.
Well sv got footballs and skulls and cross bones. most of the time they would give one to the player that pushes there self in practice to make them work harder and do better. and then we would get individuals and plus if we won they would give the whole team one.

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