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12-26-2015, 07:49 PM
Just before leaving for his sumptuous family vacation in Hawaii, Mr Obama suggested that most people's fears with regard to homeland terror are being caused by watching too much TV.
“If you’ve been watching television for the last month, all you have been seeing, all you have been hearing about is these guys with masks or black flags who are potentially coming to get you,” Obama told National Public Radio for an interview that aired Monday.
To make matters worse, sympathetic talking heads aligned with present administration ideology, are out there pushing a rationale which states that these same cable TV outlets are driven by ratings, and of course ratings are what TV is all about. In effect, sources from the left are saying the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion, and we Americans should just not worry and go on about our business. I suppose the only inferred course of action we need to consider would be to watch less TV.
IMHO, the entire argument emanating out of the left is ridiculous. This nation warred against and vanquished enemies in WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the War in Viet Nam, and all the Gulf Wars including Afghanistan as well as facing down our greatest Geopolitical foe in the form of the USSR, without shedding a single drop of blood on US soil. (Hawaii did not become a state until 1959)
No citizen of this country had any idea what it meant to face personal threat while on US soil. They had no fear, nor did they have any kind of personal experience with armed conflict. As that was left 100% to sworn members of the US Armed Services. In fact, violence at the hands of enemy combatants is so foreign a concept that it has taken quite a lot to shake us out of our disbelief.
The first time the World Trade Center was attacked in 1993, six people died and north of a thousand were injured. Terror had hit our homeland, and I doubt if even one person recognized the significance of what had just happened. In a week, the incident had become old news. Then what Islamic terrorists failed to do earlier was accomplished in a blaze horrific gore 2001 when both towers were leveled. Without belaboring the point to too great an extent, it has taken several wars and many subsequent acts of bloody terror to get our attention. Finally, the true scope of terror seems to have registered, and Americans are concerned. I do not think we are scared. I think we are mad and ready to respond.
George W. did his best to open US eyes to the threat, and his successor is doing his best to get them to close again. Thankfully the innocence is lost and most people are demanding action, especially now that thanks to the unthinkable horror of San Bernardino, folks realize in truth that being slaughtered at the movies or a football game really is possible. Maybe even likely if one lives close to a sleeper cell. As to the demand for action, all that can be said is we will just have to wait till we get a commander-in-chief who is President of the US, not a man vying for world prominence in steering mankind to some kind of Lennon-esque brotherhood.
The point is we Americans now face each day with a certain backburner level of expectation, to hear about or maybe even see, some incident of terror. Added to all of this is something I consider to be incredibly stupid on the part of our politicians. And that is to insist on open borders, and basically open access for just about anybody who wants to come here. Britain's Nigel Farage calls the mindless acceptance of the unvetted millions of the Arab World nothing short of a fifth column, capable of unthinkable levels of destruction. And he has warned the US that they are walking the same path. Too much TV, or too much koolaid?
This is the sort of nonsense that the progressive/liberal left always comes up with. And further, it is what we get when we allow only one side to frame the argument and the solution. Condensed even further, it is what we get when we limit the actions of self governance to the pulling of the handle with a D or an R on it. Vetting candidates is our civic duty. At any rate, I just cannot allow mushrooms to give me my opinion, and I would hope recent demands for the federal government to start taking their sworn duties to protect us seriously means, that most voters have had enough as well.
“If you’ve been watching television for the last month, all you have been seeing, all you have been hearing about is these guys with masks or black flags who are potentially coming to get you,” Obama told National Public Radio for an interview that aired Monday.
To make matters worse, sympathetic talking heads aligned with present administration ideology, are out there pushing a rationale which states that these same cable TV outlets are driven by ratings, and of course ratings are what TV is all about. In effect, sources from the left are saying the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion, and we Americans should just not worry and go on about our business. I suppose the only inferred course of action we need to consider would be to watch less TV.
IMHO, the entire argument emanating out of the left is ridiculous. This nation warred against and vanquished enemies in WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the War in Viet Nam, and all the Gulf Wars including Afghanistan as well as facing down our greatest Geopolitical foe in the form of the USSR, without shedding a single drop of blood on US soil. (Hawaii did not become a state until 1959)
No citizen of this country had any idea what it meant to face personal threat while on US soil. They had no fear, nor did they have any kind of personal experience with armed conflict. As that was left 100% to sworn members of the US Armed Services. In fact, violence at the hands of enemy combatants is so foreign a concept that it has taken quite a lot to shake us out of our disbelief.
The first time the World Trade Center was attacked in 1993, six people died and north of a thousand were injured. Terror had hit our homeland, and I doubt if even one person recognized the significance of what had just happened. In a week, the incident had become old news. Then what Islamic terrorists failed to do earlier was accomplished in a blaze horrific gore 2001 when both towers were leveled. Without belaboring the point to too great an extent, it has taken several wars and many subsequent acts of bloody terror to get our attention. Finally, the true scope of terror seems to have registered, and Americans are concerned. I do not think we are scared. I think we are mad and ready to respond.
George W. did his best to open US eyes to the threat, and his successor is doing his best to get them to close again. Thankfully the innocence is lost and most people are demanding action, especially now that thanks to the unthinkable horror of San Bernardino, folks realize in truth that being slaughtered at the movies or a football game really is possible. Maybe even likely if one lives close to a sleeper cell. As to the demand for action, all that can be said is we will just have to wait till we get a commander-in-chief who is President of the US, not a man vying for world prominence in steering mankind to some kind of Lennon-esque brotherhood.
The point is we Americans now face each day with a certain backburner level of expectation, to hear about or maybe even see, some incident of terror. Added to all of this is something I consider to be incredibly stupid on the part of our politicians. And that is to insist on open borders, and basically open access for just about anybody who wants to come here. Britain's Nigel Farage calls the mindless acceptance of the unvetted millions of the Arab World nothing short of a fifth column, capable of unthinkable levels of destruction. And he has warned the US that they are walking the same path. Too much TV, or too much koolaid?
This is the sort of nonsense that the progressive/liberal left always comes up with. And further, it is what we get when we allow only one side to frame the argument and the solution. Condensed even further, it is what we get when we limit the actions of self governance to the pulling of the handle with a D or an R on it. Vetting candidates is our civic duty. At any rate, I just cannot allow mushrooms to give me my opinion, and I would hope recent demands for the federal government to start taking their sworn duties to protect us seriously means, that most voters have had enough as well.
12-27-2015, 01:12 AM
Homeland terror is indeed real. Is it something that has Americans shaking in their boots? Absolutely not. Political correctness has emboldened those that want to strike with terror.
Our government is so soaked in political correctness that it will take more than one good administration to heal it. It doesn't matter who we elect as the next president, this isn't going away for a while.
In the meantime, don't be foolish enough to think Uncle Sam will seal our borders or dig out and expel many terrorists anytime soon. Arm yourself and family, get proper training and send lots of lead down range...not a sign of fear at all, just smart.
Our government is so soaked in political correctness that it will take more than one good administration to heal it. It doesn't matter who we elect as the next president, this isn't going away for a while.
In the meantime, don't be foolish enough to think Uncle Sam will seal our borders or dig out and expel many terrorists anytime soon. Arm yourself and family, get proper training and send lots of lead down range...not a sign of fear at all, just smart.
12-27-2015, 02:40 AM
The whole deal where Obama and his fabricators-in-servitude are selling the notion that Americans are afraid, is a dodge if you ask me. Even though the present administration has done their absolute best to convince the public otherwise, conservative Americans are not yet ready to accept that we are now second class and somewhat unable to defend ourselves whether abroad or at home. Anything to deflect or misdirect continues to work better than it should because, as in the case of our above mentioned reluctance to see the true threat posed by Islamic terror, we still have a strong natural tendency to believe what our President tells us. Such tendencies have been ingrained in us from birth so, one can only hope and pray the fog of naïvité has finally begun to dissipate.
I will say this however, though we still have senior military brass that can well stand the gap in defense of this nation. A combination of disgust and resentment as splayed against the backdrop of Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance" droning on behind them, has forced many a good man out of this man's Army. If we wind up with yet another progressive/liberal in the White House, the sted of our military leadership could well deteriorate into a state of unpreparedness. The average military career spans only about 20 years. Obama has wasted 8 of that 20, and heaven forbid, if Hillary got in there, after 16 years we could be looking at a US military comprised mostly of liberals, pacifists and gays with flowers sticking out of the barrels of their guns. :yikes:
I will say this however, though we still have senior military brass that can well stand the gap in defense of this nation. A combination of disgust and resentment as splayed against the backdrop of Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance" droning on behind them, has forced many a good man out of this man's Army. If we wind up with yet another progressive/liberal in the White House, the sted of our military leadership could well deteriorate into a state of unpreparedness. The average military career spans only about 20 years. Obama has wasted 8 of that 20, and heaven forbid, if Hillary got in there, after 16 years we could be looking at a US military comprised mostly of liberals, pacifists and gays with flowers sticking out of the barrels of their guns. :yikes:
12-27-2015, 05:34 AM
Finding a Obama supporter in todays world is harder than finding a yeti.
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