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where r all the liberals?
I suspect that one of them is masquerading as a college science professor on another website. Apparently most of them have become refugees. Smile
Attempting asylum in Syria?
still crying over Bevin's win?
Granny Bear Wrote:Attempting asylum in Syria?
Unfortunately, BGP granted him asylum.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unfortunately, BGP granted him asylum.

He still gets off a few barbs on here once in a while, a change in his nom-de-voyage being the only difference. That and the occasional PM exchange in an effort to prop up one or two whose horizons are somewhat narrow.

At any rate, it is difficult to wave the liberal flag when every prediction has gone against them. They lost he House and the Senate and the crosshairs are on the White House for 2016 too.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unfortunately, BGP granted him asylum.

Went over there and looked and it was soooooo easy to pick him off. Obviously my writing style has made it's mark.
TheRealThing Wrote:Went over there and looked and it was soooooo easy to pick him off. Obviously my writing style has made it's mark.
He always generates more heat than light, as does friction. :lmao:
Please tell me it isn't that blithering idiot who desecrates the memory of that fine lady who lived in Mayberry.
jetpilot Wrote:Please tell me it isn't that blithering idiot who desecrates the memory of that fine lady who lived in Mayberry.

lol....How could anyone forget Francis.
Speaking of which, does Francis still make the scene?
Well let's see. This thread has been up for the better part of a week and there have been two hundred views so it is safe to assume liberals have been looking at it.

The thing to me that is most shocking about this thread is the speed at which things have deteriorated since it was posted. Sometimes liberals get tired of listening to warnings from conservatives, and it's because of the abject naiveté which characterizes and frames the liberal thought process. This administration is totally chocked full of greenhorns recently graduated from that bastion of liberal thinking, the Ivy League. And as I have been complaining, they don't have the experience or level of maturity necessary to be making all these wholesale changes to something as successful and frankly sacred as the American notions of self governance, and ultimately freedom itself.

None of them, including our President, ever served the first day in the US Armed Services for their country. In fact, none of them consider themselves to be servants. Self-styled renaissance men, they are instead here to direct our path off onto a different direction. In this case the requisites of that new direction dictate mindless rejection of traditional values and especially as they pertain to Christianity. Take for example the comment made by our newly appointed Atty General Loretta Lynch, which went like this; saying that her “greatest fear” following the Paris attacks and the mass shooting in San Bernardino is violence against members of the Muslim religion in retaliation. She then proceeded to warn the entire nation that stiff penalty would accompany such actions against Muslims. As I recall, when the good citizens of Ferguson, MO. were busily about their craft in the second burning and looting of their own fair city, nary a hint of retribution emanated from the halls of the DOJ.

At any rate, it is obvious that Muslims too, are to receive special status. But, not one liberal has stepped up in defense of the ongoing chaos. How could they?

Bottom line is the conservative base has it's boilers stoked courtesy of liberals, wherever [SIZE="3"]they are. [/SIZE]
TheRealThing Wrote:Speaking of which, does Francis still make the scene?

He got on here a few years ago and he stuck out like a pink elephant in a room full of albino squirrels. We jousted for a brief period and as far as I know ventured somewhere into the twilight zone.
jetpilot Wrote:Please tell me it isn't that blithering idiot who desecrates the memory of that fine lady who lived in Mayberry.

That wasn't him jet. Just look for somebody who tries to mimic my writing style, inflections and vocabulary, and you'll have him.

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