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Yet ANOTHER federal agency is refusing to provide Congress with information even though they are under subpoena. Top to bottom, no agency cooperates with the US Congress.

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is under investigation for suspicion of fudging its data to support global warming alarmism — again.

NOAA is refusing to hand over data, including e-mail communications, subpoenaed by a congressional committee that is tasked with overseeing the multi-billion dollar agency. In July, Representative Lamar Smith (R-Texas; shown), chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, asked NOAA to provide his committee with the data."

Same old story, pleading the fifth and stonewalling at every possible juncture. There's no there, there. Yeah right. :igiveup:
Well NASA just released a report about Antarctica ice, saying that although the sides of the ice pack are shinking some, there is actually more ice than ever before because it's getting thicker. After reading about some of NOAA's reports, I don't ever recall hearing that from them. I just have to wonder if they knew about it.
Granny Bear Wrote:Well NASA just released a report about Antarctica ice, saying that although the sides of the ice pack are shinking some, there is actually more ice than ever before because it's getting thicker. After reading about some of NOAA's reports, I don't ever recall hearing that from them. I just have to wonder if they knew about it.

Yep, and your example is so typical as the liberals distort information to help their cause. The experts know that wider but thinner ice packs are meaningless in the long term, and are far more subject to melting in the off season than are the thick ice packs. But, it makes for much better drama if they're trying to worry folks about getting washed off by rouge tsunamis surging far into the heartland from the resultant icemelt.

But, they knew about it alright. See there is something afoot right now that business as usual bureaucrats and their puppet master academics are not prepared to deal with. It is the given up for dead but, newly revived concept known as a self governing society ala the intent of the founders. The climate alarmists, (especially teachers and liberal legislators) have gotten so used to making these wild eyed speculations to their subordinates and voting base, now that real supporting data are being demanded by "the people", they do what all pseudo science advocates do, they lie. But initially, they stonewall to keep from saying things that could be checked up on. It is the defense mechanism we have seen utilized from top to bottom. Stonewalling and hazing added to a lot of time for 'cooking' it all up, and viola, the barn needs shoveling again. :biggrin:

And it is very nice to speak to someone who actually takes the time to become informed about the issues of the day, rather than getting their opinion handed to them by political handlers such as the DNC and the liberal talking heads.
Because Antarctica is considered a continent instead of an overgrown island, I am going to assume that unlike Guam, Antarctica is in no danger of tipping over from the weight of all that additional ice.

Quote:Congressman Hank Johnson, speaking of Guam during a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee on March 25, 2010:

"My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

In case you are wondering, Congressman Johnson won re-election in 2010, 2012, and 2014. He almost certainly will be re-elected in 2016. He still serves on both the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Because Antarctica is considered a continent instead of an overgrown island, I am going to assume that unlike Guam, Antarctica is in no danger of tipping over from the weight of all that additional ice.

In case you are wondering, Congressman Johnson won re-election in 2010, 2012, and 2014. He almost certainly will be re-elected in 2016. He still serves on both the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees.

Unbelievable. I suppose if one believes islands are out there in the ocean just sort of floating around, he could also endorse the romper room foreign policy blunders & ObamaCare, look up to Nancy Pelosi as a great Speaker, and allow the entirety of Mexico and Central America to infiltrate our southern border. :igiveup:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Because Antarctica is considered a continent instead of an overgrown island, I am going to assume that unlike Guam, Antarctica is in no danger of tipping over from the weight of all that additional ice.

In case you are wondering, Congressman Johnson won re-election in 2010, 2012, and 2014. He almost certainly will be re-elected in 2016. He still serves on both the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees.

The integrity, and possibly the judgment, of US statesmen has eroded beyond recognition in my own lifetime.

JFK--- "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Ronald Reagan--- "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

Bill Clinton--- "Let me say this as clearly as I can: No matter how sharp a grievance or how deep a hurt, there is no justification for killing innocents."

Barack Obama--- "Next week, I will be joining President Hollande and world leaders in Paris for the global climate conference," Obama said. "What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be,"

I am really happy we are tackling climate change. They claim the middle east would get so hot it would kill everyone there.

By tackling climate change, we continue to let terrorist live.

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