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Matt Bevins, your new Governor
Kim Davis is a joke...married how many times... had another man's child in her belly while married to another man... marriage in this country is a joke... 51% divorce rate... really... it that anyone's definition of Holy right there! Give me a break, folks wanted a tax break, that is what marriage is in the country... now if you wish to discuss faith, then we can talk about that. I look forward when I can get on here to discuss these wonderful ideas with such intellects that think 18% is a majority opinion. Wow! Eastern Kentucky, all I can say is wow!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You all are acting like Beshear is leaving office. When the HELL has he ever been in the office doing anything?

Beshear is nothing but a product of KY still being under the impression that Democrats were what they used to be when he was elected. Finally, people and even politicians are finally switching parties, to the point where Repubs only need 4 seats to take the house back in KY. Beshear has literally stood for Obama on almost every single policy he has come up with. Every single one.

Blows my mind that people are just now realizing this isn't there daddies democratic party and what they did electing these dems is absurd.

I can only speak for Whitley County. 200 jobs with a race track, 50 jobs with a japenesse company, 30 jobs with tractor supply, made briar creek crossing... the new strip area funding possible with $200,000. You can read the rest of my letter to the editor in a few weeks to see what else he has done in my county.

In the over all state, we now are in the top ten as far as education, we are number one as far as job growth per capita... still think it is funny that a Fl. governor had to come to Kentucky to try to steal jobs... oh yeah 500,000 people had insurance for the first time. That one seems like a good Christian thing to do.
tvtimeout Wrote:I can only speak for Whitley County. 200 jobs with a race track, 50 jobs with a japenesse company, 30 jobs with tractor supply, made briar creek crossing... the new strip area funding possible with $200,000. You can read the rest of my letter to the editor in a few weeks to see what else he has done in my county.

In the over all state, we now are in the top ten as far as education, we are number one as far as job growth per capita... still think it is funny that a Fl. governor had to come to Kentucky to try to steal jobs... oh yeah 500,000 people had insurance for the first time. That one seems like a good Christian thing to do.
There is nothing Christian about borrowing trillions of dollars of money and forcing working people to pay taxes and then using the money to buy votes of the non-working class. The government does not engage in charitable work.
tvtimeout Wrote:Kim Davis is a joke...married how many times... had another man's child in her belly while married to another man... marriage in this country is a joke... 51% divorce rate... really... it that anyone's definition of Holy right there! Give me a break, folks wanted a tax break, that is what marriage is in the country... now if you wish to discuss faith, then we can talk about that. I look forward when I can get on here to discuss these wonderful ideas with such intellects that think 18% is a majority opinion. Wow! Eastern Kentucky, all I can say is wow!

I'll bet you really look forward to that. No offense there tv but when did you ever discuss anything? But since you evidently feel like you're in a position to talk down to "the intellects on here", I'll give you yet another opportunity to expound to us from your point of view.

Setting aside your support for gay rights for the moment, as you are obviously pretty confused about that and God's clear teachings with regard to that particular abomination, of what 18% are you speaking?
tvtimeout Wrote:I can only speak for Whitley County. 200 jobs with a race track, 50 jobs with a japenesse company, 30 jobs with tractor supply, made briar creek crossing... the new strip area funding possible with $200,000. You can read the rest of my letter to the editor in a few weeks to see what else he has done in my county.

In the over all state, we now are in the top ten as far as education, we are number one as far as job growth per capita... still think it is funny that a Fl. governor had to come to Kentucky to try to steal jobs... oh yeah 500,000 people had insurance for the first time. That one seems like a good Christian thing to do.

Do you honestly realize the "successess" you just posted?
The race track still isn't open. And 200 jobs my ass. No way it will be that many. The jobs that are up there will be most minimum wage. The other part of the track is locals losing there money to gambling so it's actually a hurt for this county.
Tractor supply has a new crop of employees everytime I walk threw the door. I don't expect it to be there 5 years from now. It's also a minimum wage job.
Briar Creek crossing lol. It's Hibbits and a dollar store. Both minimum wage jobs that bring little tax dollars in and employees few people.
I can't speak for the japs. It hasn't been talked about it in months. I know it didn't employee a lot of people. I know nothing about it other than Japan making money off from us probably tax free for so many years.
In other words all of this is a joke. Most of what you listed will run out of business in a few years. It can't sustain around here. We need manufacturing. Something the liberal in Frankfort has done nothing of. He also hasn't replaced the thousands upon thousands of jobs lost related to coal. He is a complete failure and douchebag bag of the highest regard and I'll gladly watch him leave.

We are doing good in education. So nice to see Whitley and Corbin at the top of the state. I don't understand what you think that has to do with Breshear. It has to do with the local boards and people. Breshear didn't teach those kids or give them any special funding that other didn't receive as well. That point is mute.

The insurance has been talked to death. It's a complete failure on so many levels. I could care less what happens to the people who lose it. Sorry. I work and pay mine. I don't have kids I can't afford. My deductible almost doubled thanks to paying for one of those 500,000 you speak of along with mine. That's a joke.

What else you got on successes? For every one good letter, there will most likely be 50 bad ones.

And fwiw Kim Davis is a freaking retard but the Republicans used that to turn the tide so quick it erased Democrats off the registry by itself. I don't understand why dems think extreme conservatives like myself have to be bible thumpers. How much have I ever posted about the bible or my beliefs on here. No sir, I'm the scary type of republican. The one msnbc talking points can't beat.
I notice you didn't complain about BINGO money gut. And the poor people who support Whitley county sports. :truestory:
64SUR Wrote:I notice you didn't complain about BINGO money gut. And the poor people who support Whitley county sports. :truestory:

Come on 64, tvtimeout was trying to blow Beshear's horn, as if his leadership was responsible for the jobs producing businesses which have opened up in Whitley County recently. RIUTG was pointing out that of the jobs mentioned, almost every single one of them are minimum wage jobs. And as soon as the federal subsidies tap out on ObamaCare, the thousands of Kentuckians who are on ObamaCare will have to find a new sugar daddy. Which in all likelihood means stratospheric health insurance rate hikes and new taxes for the rest of the state's populace.
^^^^Sugar daddy Confusednicker: ...Perfectly said.
64SUR Wrote:I notice you didn't complain about BINGO money gut. And the poor people who support Whitley county sports. :truestory:

Sad sad reply.
Aside from the healthcare reform which obviously splits the 2 sides to a pretty strong degree, I'm not sure why all the hate for Beshear.

Billions of dollars in new business investments leading to high paying jobs. I'll admit that the majority are outside of Eastern Kentucky, but if you take RIUTG's advice then suck it up and move to where the jobs are.

The State Entrepreneurship Index (SEI) ranked Kentucky fourth in the country for its ability to create businesses in 2014.

He governed the biggest increase in K-12 education funding in state history, which led to guaranteed pay raises for teachers and huge increases in technology funding. 4 year graduation rates increased under Beshear, along with college-career readiness rates. He made KY the 2nd state to adopt the Next Gen Science Standards, and made us 10th in the nation for our efforts to improve teaching, raise student achievement and many other variables related to public education.

He oversaw a huge increase in the bourbon industry that has nearly tripled its workforce thanks to giving them relief on taxes.

Kentucky is now the 3rd leading auto producer in the nation.

Increased broadband internet to rural areas of the state.

There's a lot of other positives, and like I said I know we're split on healthcare but I find it hard to criticize a lot of the others. If you're in EKY like most of us then I understand the frustration on losing the coal industry but a huge part of it has been the explosion in the natural gas industry.

By the way, I'm still curious about who Bevins is.
Motley Wrote:Aside from the healthcare reform which obviously splits the 2 sides to a pretty strong degree, I'm not sure why all the hate for Beshear.

Billions of dollars in new business investments leading to high paying jobs. I'll admit that the majority are outside of Eastern Kentucky, but if you take RIUTG's advice then suck it up and move to where the jobs are.

The State Entrepreneurship Index (SEI) ranked Kentucky fourth in the country for its ability to create businesses in 2014.

He governed the biggest increase in K-12 education funding in state history, which led to guaranteed pay raises for teachers and huge increases in technology funding. 4 year graduation rates increased under Beshear, along with college-career readiness rates. He made KY the 2nd state to adopt the Next Gen Science Standards, and made us 10th in the nation for our efforts to improve teaching, raise student achievement and many other variables related to public education.

He oversaw a huge increase in the bourbon industry that has nearly tripled its workforce thanks to giving them relief on taxes.

Kentucky is now the 3rd leading auto producer in the nation.

Increased broadband internet to rural areas of the state.

There's a lot of other positives, and like I said I know we're split on healthcare but I find it hard to criticize a lot of the others. If you're in EKY like most of us then I understand the frustration on losing the coal industry but a huge part of it has been the explosion in the natural gas industry.

By the way, I'm still curious about who Bevins is.

I'm sure you're curious about a great many things, but you can always go to the Obama website and get your opinion given to you afresh.

Beshear obligated the state to an incredible amount of debt in his blind allegiance to the Democrat cause, and more specifically as that would apply to ObamaCare. The natural gas industry as you put it, is under the very same pressure that was brought to bear on the coal industry, the result of which cost Kentucky far more in job losses than the gains you want to point out BTW, and that pressure is being exerted by the very same liberal loons who think their greatest calling is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. At any rate, your list of positives doesn't do the citizens of Kentucky a lot of good when the negatives of ObamaCare outweigh them by 50 fold now does it?
TheRealThing Wrote:At any rate, your list of positives doesn't do the citizens of Kentucky a lot of good when the negatives of ObamaCare outweigh them by 50 fold now does it?

All a matter of perspective my friend.
Personally, I hope Bevin is as radically conservative as the Democrats and their media suck ups paint him.

Wonder how many of those new hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians now receiving health care because of Obama and Beshear are paying anything for their coverage? My educated guess is that the number is almost absolute zero. Thus, we who actually pay income taxes get to foot the bill. And, of course, these people were never deprived of health care anyway. They, by law, had to be treated at hospitals and there were and are free health clinics around. Hell, they could always murder their unborn babies for free at Planned Parenthood. Of course, none of that ever gets mentioned, does it?
Motley Wrote:All a matter of perspective my friend.

Perspective is a profound concept in this time, I agree. For example, liberals think mankind has moved past large scale war even as the pieces of the puzzle for WW3 fall into place. Not to mention their (libs) contention that ISIS is the JV squad. And then there are the Keynesian liberals, who don't believe 20 Trillion in debt means a whole lot either, even though 4 trillion in increased debt under George W was supposedly unpatriotic. And it doesn't really matter how many illegals roam our streets, cops are the bad guys and criminals are misunderstood, framed or just plain abused. And if the unemployment rate does not look favorable, we'll just change the formula again to get those numbers down even though the labor participation rate is 63%.

I'm with ya on that one. However, you'd have a tough time selling me on the notion that ObamaCare, especially as the numbers work red ink wise, will ultimately be good for Kentucky.
Truth Wrote:Personally, I hope Bevin is as radically conservative as the Democrats and their media suck ups paint him.

Wonder how many of those new hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians now receiving health care because of Obama and Beshear are paying anything for their coverage? My educated guess is that the number is almost absolute zero. Thus, we who actually pay income taxes get to foot the bill. And, of course, these people were never deprived of health care anyway. They, by law, had to be treated at hospitals and there were and are free health clinics around. Hell, they could always murder their unborn babies for free at Planned Parenthood. Of course, none of that ever gets mentioned, does it?

Nope. And I know I'm preaching to the choir when I say the liberal argument is not about truth, nor is it in any way a journey to find truth. It is a denial, a court room argument if you will, to refute the sovereignty of God, His clearly set forth morals and precepts.

That is exactly why liberals talk over, raise their voice, interrupt and otherwise demagogue every last conversation you will ever watch on TV, or listen to on the radio. When we speak of ridding ourselves of illegal immigrants prone to abuse and crime. The liberal will come back at you with images of the little sweet faced kiddies who will suffer without their daddies. Nothing but a pack of lies and distortions.
tvtimeout Wrote:I can only speak for Whitley County. 200 jobs with a race track, 50 jobs with a japenesse company, 30 jobs with tractor supply, made briar creek crossing... the new strip area funding possible with $200,000. You can read the rest of my letter to the editor in a few weeks to see what else he has done in my county.

In the over all state, we now are in the top ten as far as education, we are number one as far as job growth per capita... still think it is funny that a Fl. governor had to come to Kentucky to try to steal jobs... oh yeah 500,000 people had insurance for the first time. That one seems like a good Christian thing to do.

Wow, 280 jobs. How many have lost their jobs in Whitley County in Beshear's eight years?
I don't know about the center of the universe, Whitley County :biggrin:, but I can offer some pretty damning statistics for Kentucky in general. And BTW, of the statistics posted in the article below, (said article is a very good read), the jobs lost during the Obama/Beshear tenure, are of the high paying variety such as are necessary to raise a family and further enable the worker to actually be a contributor to society and join the ranks of the US taxpayer.

"A report by the American Action Forum found that under the Obama administration coal mines shed 3,702 jobs from 2008 to 2013 and power plants shed 39,684 jobs. Coal mine jobs have slid even further since then, from 76,100 in January 2014 to 71,300 last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Most of these job losses are concentrated in just a few coal-heavy states, according to AAF. Kentucky, for example, lost 644 power plant jobs from 2008 to 2103 — a 37 percent reduction in the plant workforce. Coal mines have been hit even harder, losing 5,188 jobs during that time — a 31 percent reduction in the mine workforce."
Read more:

Therefore, the point Run made is valid despite Motley's attempt to prop up the near sighted praises that tvtime wanted to lavish on Beshear. The 280 jobs coming into Whitley County in the past 7 years are minimum wage jobs but the jobs lost were career-quality jobs. In other words, you can cut some people's pay to the bone while at the same time saying they just got promoted but, it's hard to make them believe that when they get their paycheck. Likewise, you can tell me ObamaCare works all you want, my insurance premiums, copays, and deductibles still doubled. It's a matter of basic math.
Truth Wrote:Wow, 280 jobs. How many have lost their jobs in Whitley County in Beshear's eight years?

Truth, I believe it was you who posted about limiting the people who are actually eligible to vote to those who are homeowners, or something on that order. I have an idea along those lines, it would be to limit voting privileges to those who actually pay taxes. That way, Democrats could not buy votes with our own tax dollars and those who choose not to work would be powerless to fuel the source of their freebies by selling their vote in exchange for same. I would be really interested to hear Dem speeches once only taxpayers were in play.

I mean in doing that, we could destabilize the 'give-me' culture somewhat, and encourage able bodied men to get a job in the process. The gravy train has run on a regular schedule for so long now that folks on welfare don't give working for a living a second thought. And when you think about it, absolutely everybody would benefit from it.
tvtimeout Wrote:Kim Davis is a joke...married how many times... had another man's child in her belly while married to another man... marriage in this country is a joke... 51% divorce rate... really... it that anyone's definition of Holy right there! Give me a break, folks wanted a tax break, that is what marriage is in the country... now if you wish to discuss faith, then we can talk about that. I look forward when I can get on here to discuss these wonderful ideas with such intellects that think 18% is a majority opinion. Wow! Eastern Kentucky, all I can say is wow!

Using that logic, we should disregard several books in the New Testament written by Paul because he murdered people prior to becoming a Christian.

As to the comment about intellects, you're talking to a legendary troll on the football forums. I know how you operate. Clearly an effort to try to rile us up. Confusednicker:
WideRight05 Wrote:Using that logic, we should disregard several books in the New Testament written by Paul because he murdered people prior to becoming a Christian.

As to the comment about intellects, you're talking to a legendary troll on the football forums. I know how you operate. Clearly an effort to try to rile us up. Confusednicker:

Excellent point Wide.

tv communicates privately with one of the posters on this thread, do you recognize the DNC inspired assault model? When any public figure scores points from the conservative point of view, the go-to default practice is to assault the character of the particular conservative in question. And of course, the reason liberals take that tack is that there is no real rebuke for the viability of the conservative view, because it originated in the mind of God as has been reflected in the lives of Americans going back to the colonial days. Even now in these dark times, people still know the truth inwardly though they don't often show it outwardly.

Take for example Mitt Romney. A man of impeccable personal integrity and with a record as governor that bears the scrutiny of any reasonable interest. The best the libs/Dems could come up with when he ran was that he was a bully in high school, and that he was so rich he was out of touch with the working class. Never mind the fact that he was running against a guy who never held a job in his life, right? That little bit of fabricated dirt was all Mr Obama had to run on, as his record was abysmal even in 2012. So we saw that rather than address the issues, Dems instead made some stuff up about Mitt's character and dodged the record. Slam the other side. It happened to Kim Davis, Mitt Romney, Sharron Angle, and every other Republican who has run for office at the federal level since the Clinton era even though Republicans have been winning of late. I mean Obama even slammed Republicans when he spoke about the terror attacks in Paris, France. And yet, you're still going to hear the talking heads on FOX and the rest say that both sides do it, despite the fact that Republicans seldom make up lies to slam the Dems with.

In short it is the Dems who keep the perpetual food fight going and it they who are responsible for Congressional gridlock and for exacerbating a host of other national ills.
Truth Wrote:Wow, 280 jobs. How many have lost their jobs in Whitley County in Beshear's eight years?

8 years ago I know of at least 15 different Coal Companies who were strip mining in Whitley County.

I know of 2 strip jobs period in the entire county right now, one being Alden who is about to quit, and they just laid off all employees except for first shift and even some of them. The other company was bough by Australians and laid off several.

So, in other words, there have been more people laid off in the coal industry alone in this county then the new "jobs" coming in.

Keep in mind that doesn't consider all of the other hundreds who have lost jobs.
Boo-hoo, we all took jobs in an industry that has been dying for decades and it's still dying. Waah.
Gitback Coach Wrote:Boo-hoo, we all took jobs in an industry that has been dying for decades and it's still dying. Waah.
That is not true at all. You must be another two-time Obama voter living it his alternate reality.

Obviously, there is a finite amount of minable and merchantable coal in any area, so you could have predicted the death of the mining industry more than a century ago, Einstein. Obama promised to make coal mining prohibitively expensive and he has worked hard to make good on that promise.

Your lack of compassion for your neighbors who have lost their jobs because of the worst president in the history of this nation would make Obama proud. If you lost a mining job, as you supported Obama, then you are one of the few coal miners who deserved their fate. I have a feeling that are one of those artists who draw government checks to avoid flipping burgers for a living.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That is not true at all. You must be another two-time Obama voter living it his alternate reality.

Obviously, there is a finite amount of minable and merchantable coal in any area, so you could have predicted the death of the mining industry more than a century ago, Einstein. Obama promised to make coal mining prohibitively expensive and he has worked hard to make good on that promise.

Your lack of compassion for your neighbors who have lost their jobs because of the worst president in the history of this nation would make Obama proud. If you lost a mining job, as you supported Obama, then you are one of the few coal miners who deserved their fate. I have a feeling that are one of those artists who draw government checks to avoid flipping burgers for a living.

Strikes 1, 2 and 3, Hoot. Keep swinging, though. Never mined any coal but all my ancestors did. I knew better.

My neighbors had the same freedom of choice that I did. They chose poorly. Life happens.
Gitback Coach Wrote:Strikes 1, 2 and 3, Hoot. Keep swinging, though. Never mined any coal but all my ancestors did. I knew better.

My neighbors had the same freedom of choice that I did. They chose poorly. Life happens.
I don't think so. I am pretty good at picking out the two-time losers who voted for Obama and refuse to own up to it. The coal industry may well be in its dying days, but if so, it will be a premature death precipitated by the illegal actions of the Obama administration.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't think so. I am pretty good at picking out the two-time losers who voted for Obama and refuse to own up to it. The coal industry may well be in its dying days, but if so, it will be a premature death precipitated by the illegal actions of the Obama administration.

I'll second that^^. The worst part is what is to come. There are no alternative energy sources and it really inflames me to hear his excellency crow on about it as if they not only exist, but that renewable energy is already a rising star on the American and industrial horizon. But then, since there is nothing these green energy concerns can actually sell to people in lieu of fossil fuels generated energy, one would have to keep his eyes looking toward the horizon, as behind lay the ruins of so called green energy companies and car manufacturers which have burned through their government loans.

According to the Heritage Foundation, $80 billion was set aside in the 2009 stimulus package for clean energy loans, grants, and tax credits, and 10 percent of these funds have gone to companies that have filed for bankruptcy or are in dire straits.
Read more:

When the lights go out, the green companies that remain will likely not even be able to supply their own energy needs, much less everybody else's.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'll second that^^. The worst part is what is to come. There are no alternative energy sources and it really inflames me to hear his excellency crow on about it as if they not only exist, but that renewable energy is already a rising star on the American and industrial horizon. But then, since there is nothing these green energy concerns can actually sell to people in lieu of fossil fuels generated energy, one would have to keep his eyes looking toward the horizon, as behind lay the ruins of so called green energy companies and car manufacturers which have burned through their government loans.

According to the Heritage Foundation, $80 billion was set aside in the 2009 stimulus package for clean energy loans, grants, and tax credits, and 10 percent of these funds have gone to companies that have filed for bankruptcy or are in dire straits.
Read more:

When the lights go out, the green companies that remain will likely not even be able to supply their own energy needs, much less everybody else's.
There is no bigger believer in the importance of renewable energy than me but economics should be driving their development, not "somebody else's money."

The long term survival of our species will require inexhaustible, cheap energy. If our descendants are unable to colonize the solar system and beyond, then we will probably destroy our civilization before the sun burns the Earth to a crisp.

It seems to me that the most likely answer to our long term energy issues is fusion but until some energy that is cheaper than fossil fuels becomes available, coal, natural gas, and petroleum should remain our primary sources of energy. The federal government can best facilitate the move to a cheaper alternative by getting out of the way by lowering taxes, reducing regulations on energy research and development, and passing real tort reform.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There is no bigger believer in the importance of renewable energy than me but economics should be driving their development, not "somebody else's money."

The long term survival of our species will require inexhaustible, cheap energy. If our descendants are unable to colonize the solar system and beyond, then we will probably destroy our civilization before the sun burns the Earth to a crisp.

It seems to me that the most likely answer to our long term energy issues is fusion but until some energy that is cheaper than fossil fuels becomes available, coal, natural gas, and petroleum should remain our primary sources of energy. The federal government can best facilitate the move to a cheaper alternative by getting out of the way by lowering taxes, reducing regulations on energy research and development, and passing real tort reform.

I agree that science needs to push on with the development of clean renewable energy. I just do not believe we need to risk the downfall of our society to do it. As you mention, EPA regs have throttled industry and with that has gone the money necessary for research and development. While incredibly, we are closing coal fired generating stations at an alarming rate. IMO, even though we are short on funding, Obama has been willing to sacrifice the well being of this nation by investing in green energy anyway in taking away from other spending such as defense. And I'm not speaking of military hardware so much either, but the number of servicemen and their state of readiness as well.

We have time to develop clean renewable energy, however, those alternatives do not yet exist. And in any event, with only a few of the major players willing to sacrifice anyway, rushing this country into financial ruin won't change a thing except to take us out of the process to make the discoveries you mention.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The coal industry may well be in its dying days

Congrats, Hooter. Smartest thing you've ever posted (that I've seen). No duh. It's inspiring to see reality slowly seep into the craniums of even those of your ilk.
There is enough coal in the mountains of EKY to provide 100% of our energy if we mined it at a bigger rate than ever before for at least another 200 years.

As Hoot said, until there is a cheaper alternative, we shouldn't take it away. And if you do take it away, you should provide new jobs to those that no longer have it.

I understand reading comprehension is vastly difficult on so many levels for Obama supporters as you are their number one demographic, however, you should consider your future in this state once electric bills reach the $750 a month range for people with small to medium sized homes.

I will not try to get threw to you on the subject as its an obvious waste of time. Liberal logic is short one liners of nonsense without ever learning or substance, so good day.

Remember voting for Hillary is a wasted vote in this state.

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