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Looks like the fight over letting refugees into the country is heating up, thoughts? I just seen where some Republicans are wanting FBI background checks, Obama says he will veto anything of the sort. It's a scary thought just letting people come without an extensive background check. Just today Turkey arrested 8 pretending to be refugees headed to Germany. Governors are saying no, but do they really have a leg to stand on? They may have to take them, but they don't have to offer them any state benefits from what i've read.
^^ From what I've heard the Obama Administration is threatening to take dissenting governors to court. And with the first refugees scheduled to be arriving in 6 weeks, I would think time could be a problem as any court action would take a good while but, then again, I've been surprised more than once by the court lately. :biggrin:
It is not possible to vet Syrian refugees. Obama's own FBI Director said so in a public Congressional hearing a couple of weeks ago. To paraphrase, he said that unless a refugee had caused some ripple in the pond in Syria, he would not be in any database and that you can query the database until the cows come home, but if somebody's record is not there, you will come up empty handed.

When Obama says that the refugees will be thoroughly vetted, he is knowingly lying to us. It's what Marxists do.
Obama says everyone is just afraid of widows and three year old babies. I'm willing to bet we see men of fighting age as well, which I think is horse crap. If you are of fighting age then you should be fighting for your land. I was called heartless and a racist the other day because I'm against it, but let's see what happens when things go boom from one of these so called refugees.
^^ For the briefest of moments, I was feeling a bit optimistic about US chances of surviving the Obama Administration. Now, not so much because a year is a long time.

According to Col Ralph Peters, Putin has been handed an opportunity to pull off a world wide coup de tat. Fortune favors the prepared mind, and Putin has his mind right even if he is not a 21st Century thinker. At any rate, France asked the US to help them defeat ISIS and Obama responded by revealing some old targets we have been afraid to hit for fear of collateral damage. Col Ralph Peters--- "If you get into a fight who would you want on your side, a fighter (Putin), or a faculty lounge philosopher?" I know who I'd take, I mean, how many of the enemy would be afraid of a cup of coco?

I have heard repeated over and again today, how Obama is much harder on Republicans than he is ISIS. And somebody might want to tweak Mr Wonderful's attitude about one small detail, over half of this nation is, or votes, Republican. So when he gets up on the global stage to speak about the refugee situation, and even during world crisis cannot resist slamming all Republicans and relegating them to the ranks of the terminally stupid, that might just cost Hillary a few votes. (not that I'm 100% certain he will step down when his term is up) It is truly difficult to overstate how relieved I will be when I don't have to listen to his mouth anymore, at least as President. At least then I can switch the channel and not be worried he will declare martial law or the like, unbeknown to me.

I just hope the governors refusing to take refugees will hold their ground and not give in to this guy again. And please tell me that if he does veto the House Bill for enhanced refugee screening, there are enough patriots in the Congress to override the darn thing.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Obama says everyone is just afraid of widows and three year old babies. I'm willing to bet we see men of fighting age as well, which I think is horse crap. If you are of fighting age then you should be fighting for your land. I was called heartless and a racist the other day because I'm against it, but let's see what happens when things go boom from one of these so called refugees.
The estimates that I have heard range from 62 to 75 percent of the "refugees" are young men of fighting age.
^^^^Two point you made. I've not been convinced he will leave either. I've often wondered what happens if that day comes if he actually tried that, and the other thing is I also hope Congress will override it but to be honest my faith in Congress has been on shaky ground for sometime now. It seems they want to fight but then give in. Like you, I'm not sure we will survive another year under this administration.
Yet he gets on TV from the Philippines and talks about it just being widows and baby's. I'm really amazed at how naive some people are about this.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is not possible to vet Syrian refugees. Obama's own FBI Director said so in a public Congressional hearing a couple of weeks ago. To paraphrase, he said that unless a refugee had caused some ripple in the pond in Syria, he would not be in any database and that you can query the database until the cows come home, but if somebody's record is not there, you will come up empty handed.

When Obama says that the refugees will be thoroughly vetted, he is knowingly lying to us. It's what Marxists do.

......and devout Muslim sympathizers.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The estimates that I have heard range from 62 to 75 percent of the "refugees" are young men of fighting age.

I've been racking my brain, trying to come up with so much as one thing that I agree with the President about. I have decided that there is not even one thing. The guy is so predictable that one would be safe in automatically disagreeing with him as a kneejerk reaction. You know ISIS will try to take of advantage of the situation, 5 Syrians trying to cross via our southern border were already apprehended in Honduras. So from that we know four things; the world is aware that the border to our south is not protected, ISIS is trying to infiltrate the US in order to maim and destroy, this administration has got to be well aware of the first two, and finally Honduran security is very likely superior to that of the US.
Demarcus ware Wrote:Obama says everyone is just afraid of widows and three year old babies. I'm willing to bet we see men of fighting age as well, which I think is horse crap. If you are of fighting age then you should be fighting for your land. I was called heartless and a racist the other day because I'm against it, but let's see what happens when things go boom from one of these so called refugees.

Wonder how many widows and 3 year old orphans it was that Turkey arrested this morning that were posing as Syrian refugees by ISIS members?
Men of fighting age should be the first to be restricted, not only for obvious reasons, but you cant tell me if the US was at war and a 20 year old fleed using the refugee status, his ass wouldn't be court martialed for draft dodging.

Obama honestly surprises me more every day. Im being 100% honest when I say just when I think he couldn't get any more stupid, he somehow manages to pull it off.
TheRealThing Wrote:I've been racking my brain, trying to come up with so much as one thing that I agree with the President about. I have decided that there is not even one thing. The guy is so predictable that one would be safe in automatically disagreeing with him as a kneejerk reaction. You know ISIS will try to take of advantage of the situation, 5 Syrians trying to cross via our southern border were already apprehended in Honduras. So from that we know four things; the world is aware that the border to our south is not protected, ISIS is trying to infiltrate the US in order to maim and destroy, this administration has got to be well aware of the first two, and finally Honduran security is very likely superior to that of the US.
How dare the Honduran police detain refugees. They must be racist, just wait till Obama gets wind of this, he will have them sent to the US and have them a steak dinner in the white house for their troubles. Lol
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The estimates that I have heard range from 62 to 75 percent of the "refugees" are young men of fighting age.

According to our illustrious potentate, Hussein Obama, only 4% of the 2,000 refugees already in the United States are males of fighting age. So, if we take him at his word, we only have 80 terrorists that are here so far. Aren't we lucky?

As far as widows are concerned, I believe with all my heart that there are some women that would fight for a cause with more passion that most men. I know one woman who recently blew up her body for the "cause".

Saying that the Republicans are afraid of widows and children, and are not able to communicate with Putin since they can't communicate with the news media, is vindictive and just plain stupid. The fact that he said those things on a world wide stage is even more disturbing.
"The president says we're scared of widows and orphans, with all due respect to him, what I'm afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans." - Trey Gowdy
Congress passed the bill for stronger background checks, effectively putting a pause on this. Passed by a wide margin also. It's about time Congress got this right. I'm sure Obama is livid right about now. I sure know all the bleeding hearts of this country are.
WideRight05 Wrote:"The president says we're scared of widows and orphans, with all due respect to him, what I'm afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans." - Trey Gowdy

Just heard Lou Dobbs serve ultra liberal Juan Williams. Juan was in full throated delivery of his DNC talking point du jour, saying that the majority of Syrian refugees are widows and orphans.

Lou pointed out to him that the actual ratio was very close to 50/50. Half of the refugees are fighting age males. The other half are the old, the very young, widows or mothers, and women of child bearing age. Therefore in actuality, the majority group are potential terrorists, not widows and orphans. (make that 3 year old orphans)
Demarcus ware Wrote:Congress passed the bill for stronger background checks, effectively putting a pause on this. Passed by a wide margin also. It's about time Congress got this right. I'm sure Obama is livid right about now. I sure know all the bleeding hearts of this country are.

I hope they all have to go get counseling.
Dianne Feinstein publicly breaks with Obama and her party???

Somebody pinch me!!
89 syrian refugees via Louisville are now in KY. Half of which are kids. So here's the big ? Can we assimilate them into American Culture?

My hunch is capitalism wins...but I wouldn't be surprised if the syrians pull a russia or chechnya pod strategy as most new immigrants do. See Brighton Beach, NY..etc!

The amount of culture shock these folks encounter will be staggering. From fleeing civil war ( and yes a few radical trojan horse types ) to freedom, shelter, and new beginings! There's no way to "vet."

I think we may need to enlist the help of former UoL assistant basketball coach. I can speak from personal experience. Attractive women and boobs win. From sharia law to folks with many choices...

Going to be very interesting to see how this situation evolves. I see concealed carry and gun purchases increasing two fold!!!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Keep in mind that these people are absolutely the Halfrican's people. He identifies with them far more than he does with some patriotic American Christian.
Theres nothing sweeter than a veto proof majority.
I am very disappointed but not very surprised at Paul Ryan and the Republican Congress. The bill is a cowardly way to approach the ISIS refugee issue. The right thing to do is to deny Obama funding for the refugee program. Ryan and the Republicans are scared to death that Obama will veto a spending bill and shutdown the federal government. This bill took no guts and it is not likely to prevent ISIS from entering the country with the other Syrian refugees.

There is no way to vet most of these refugees. Whatever records for the would be refugees exist are in the possession of ISIS. Congress has two tools to check the power of the Executive Branch - the power of the purse and impeachment - and Republicans lack the courage to use either one.

There is no shame in sending good legislation to a Marxist Muslim president and having him veto the bills. The fact that Obama has only had to veto 5 bills in 7 years is an indicator of how weak and ineffectual the Republican Party has become. Republican voters are getting the shaft.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am very disappointed but not very surprised at Paul Ryan and the Republican Congress. The bill is a cowardly way to approach the ISIS refugee issue. The right thing to do is to deny Obama funding for the refugee program. Ryan and the Republicans are scared to death that Obama will veto a spending bill and shutdown the federal government. This bill took no guts and it is not likely to prevent ISIS from entering the country with the other Syrian refugees.

There is no way to vet most of these refugees. Whatever records for the would be refugees exist are in the possession of ISIS. Congress has two tools to check the power of the Executive Branch - the power of the purse and impeachment - and Republicans lack the courage to use either one.

There is no shame in sending good legislation to a Marxist Muslim president and having him veto the bills. The fact that Obama has only had to veto 5 bills in 7 years is an indicator of how weak and ineffectual the Republican Party has become. Republican voters are getting the shaft.

Well said. One of the major goals the Republican party hoped to achieve upon winning the senate was to show the people the real "party of no" by forcing Obama to veto several bills designed to help our country. Instead they are cowering out of fear. The Republicans for the most part have become a spineless party. I saw in Indiana where Republicans are caving to the LGBT agenda now because of the RFRA passed a few months ago - a large part of the pressure coming from the big corporations and not from the people. The same situation exists in the house in that most Republicans are not taking a major stand. We need someone to step up and bulldoze their way through and I don't think Paul Ryan is the one that can do that.
Just think it is funny how folks will use the bible for one thing and not another... Mathew 25: 35-40. Also think it is funny the few days after 9/11 the former President Bush said that we should not let terrorist change us and we should all go shopping, meanwhile, President Obama says we should not let terrorist change us and continue to be a bastion of hope for millions around the world and yet we hate the later....Sigh
WideRight05 Wrote:Well said. One of the major goals the Republican party hoped to achieve upon winning the senate was to show the people the real "party of no" by forcing Obama to veto several bills designed to help our country. Instead they are cowering out of fear. The Republicans for the most part have become a spineless party. I saw in Indiana where Republicans are caving to the LGBT agenda now because of the RFRA passed a few months ago - a large part of the pressure coming from the big corporations and not from the people. The same situation exists in the house in that most Republicans are not taking a major stand. We need someone to step up and bulldoze their way through and I don't think Paul Ryan is the one that can do that.

Oh no... are you going to become one now? My goodness the horror...:biglmao: I know you would not do so... all you can do is boycott the companies that you disagree with. I would start with Wal-Mart.
tvtimeout Wrote:Just think it is funny how folks will use the bible for one thing and not another... Mathew 25: 35-40. Also think it is funny the few days after 9/11 the former President Bush said that we should not let terrorist change us and we should all go shopping, meanwhile, President Obama says we should not let terrorist change us and continue to be a bastion of hope for millions around the world and yet we hate the later....Sigh
It is much easier to explain the anti-American actions of Barack Hussein Obama if you first accept the proposition that his holy book is the Quran, not the Bible. Trying to explain why Obama wants to allow thousands of refugees, many of whom would undoubtedly be radical Islamic terrorists, into this country by quoting Bible verses is a hopeless endeavor. You are the prey and he is the predator.
tvtimeout Wrote:Oh no... are you going to become one now? My goodness the horror...:biglmao: I know you would not do so... all you can do is boycott the companies that you disagree with. I would start with Wal-Mart.

You're not worth a detailed response. Too many times you duck and dodge the points and many of my questions to you go unanswered.

I'm not hesitant to call out the faults of the Republicans, unlike many of the Democrats with Obama, Reid, etc. I see that many of the Republicans in office are pansies, be it in Indiana or on a national level. Unfortunately, at this point in time they are the lesser of the two evils.

You still won't give a valid answer as to how somebody can call themselves a Christian and then support the removal of God from government, abortion on demand, and himosexual "marriages." Absolutely I do boycott certain companies at times. If you don't think corporations have played a major role in controlling public opinion on certain issues, you must be quite naive.
tvtimeout Wrote:Just think it is funny how folks will use the bible for one thing and not another... Mathew 25: 35-40. Also think it is funny the few days after 9/11 the former President Bush said that we should not let terrorist change us and we should all go shopping, meanwhile, President Obama says we should not let terrorist change us and continue to be a bastion of hope for millions around the world and yet we hate the later....Sigh

This passage is not in reference to giving money to those with cardboard signs standing at mall entrances or intersections. Nor is it meant to be the inspiration for soup kitchens and assistance programs for the poor from the compassionate bowels of the Church. If you'd bother to discipline yourself and actually read the entire text you might have picked up on that fact. Christ says in the passage you referenced the following; Matthew 25:40 (KJV)
40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

First who 'His brethren' are not... they certainly are not those who have not bowed before Him in repentance for their sin, and further, trusted in His finished work upon the cross for their salvation. One cannot hope to be called His brother if he is not saved. So all who are not, are excluded from the text you cite.

So who are the brethren? They are those who do His bidding. They spread the good news, they sacrifice their own comfort in His service in order to do His will and His work. Those are His Brethren, the saved. And therefore if one offers God's servant the simple comforts of food, drink, clothing or temporary lodging during stressful times, he is aiding God's work and therefore it is the same as giving those comforts unto Him. But there are coming days of extreme discomfort, that being the days of Jacob's trouble or the Great Tribulation. If one gives comfort to His servants during that time, he will actually be risking his own life and the rewards for such actions will be great.

I find it funny how some folks do a glancing skip off of Scripture without even establishing the correct context and then want to lecture others in judgmental terms.

President Obama says that President George W's reaction to 9/11 was wrong, and that we caused 9/11 and the other acts of terror by our meddling in the Arab World. He therefore went straight over there upon his ascension, apologizing and promising to make amends. Whereupon the American people were immediately tested by a strong round of attempted terror plots. And of course, there is the small matter of Iran going nuclear and ISIS and other enhanced terror organizations who are vowing to destroy the west and Israel, all owing to our conspicuous absence from our responsibilities as world leader to that end. So on the one hand he criticizes his predecessor, pulling out the calming military forces that at the time were ensuring peace while at the same time, calling President Bush's clear victories in Iraq and Afghanistan failures. Ignoring on the other hand and making absurd excuses for the that fact that his own policies have resulted in the Arab World being aflame with war and more unsettled than ever. Sigh, it seems the policies of the previous decades were right after all.

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