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Private Schools have taken over... A look at State Titles so far this school year
Male and Manual are not public schools they are magnate schools that have around 2500 applicants every year. Tell me a public school that has that. 6A football is a joke go back and look at the public schools that have won the state title.
And Highlands is an independent school system just like Bowling Green who have kids from all over the place. Independent schools take them from all over.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Male and Manual are not public schools they are magnate schools that have around 2500 applicants every year. Tell me a public school that has that. 6A football is a joke go back and look at the public schools that have won the state title.
Male and Manual are public schools, meaning that the public owns them and they are financed through taxes.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Male and Manual are public schools, meaning that the public owns them and they are financed through taxes.

Which happened public, independent, or private win the state championship in volleyball, cross county and golf for boys and girls this year?
wildcats fan Wrote:I have been saying it for years and I'm going to keep on saying it. The KHSAA needs to have "2" separate state tournaments they need to have a Private State Tournament and a Public State Tournament. They need to either do that or they need to give some privilege to the public school in order to compete with the public schools. It's a no win situationall of the public schools that cant recruit and private schools can.
first and foremost, parents that send their kids to private schools do so for a top level education. if the school happens to have strong extra curricular activities, that is a bonus. high school is there for education, not sports.
dawgbyte02 Wrote:first and foremost, parents that send their kids to private schools do so for a top level education. if the school happens to have strong extra curricular activities, that is a bonus. high school is there for education, not sports.

Bless their heart for having to send their child to a pubic unversity with those kids they didn't want their kids around in the first place. I guess that top level education ended when little Johnny or little Susie ended high school.
haha haha I am not doubting that people send their child to private school for the education and that is how they get the great athletes to they go in and tell their mothers send your 6'5 290 SEC football player to our school where you don't have to worry about guns in school and he can get a ring just like little 5'5 johnny that gets to play in the state title game because there will be a running clock.
Oh and buy the way momma we have a payment plan our church down the road will take care of it
The Eagle has landed Wrote:And Highlands is an independent school system just like Bowling Green who have kids from all over the place. Independent schools take them from all over.
They are still public schools. Johnson Central used to lose athletes to Paintsville (a small independent) because JC's athletic programs were so badly mismanaged and political squabbling kept things from improving for many years. When JC's administration finally began hiring and retaining coaches based on merit instead of political alliances, their teams improved and the flow of athletes to Paintsville dropped sharply as more players elected to stay home for high school.

Dodging competition does not benefit players and teams. What does a state title mean if your players know that they did not play the best teams in the state? Would a 6A title with Trinity and X missing from the playoffs be better than a second place trophy with everybody competing? I would rather get a shot at the best available competition. Anything else would be like winning the championship game 1-0 as a result of a forfeit. Players know the difference in a real, undisputed title and a fake one.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:haha haha I am not doubting that people send their child to private school for the education and that is how they get the great athletes to they go in and tell their mothers send your 6'5 290 SEC football player to our school where you don't have to worry about guns in school and he can get a ring just like little 5'5 johnny that gets to play in the state title game because there will be a running clock.

But Johnny at 5'5 doesn't count as a private school kid because be doesn'ts have anything to over but jimmy at 6'5 and 290 lbs is Catholic and needs a private school education to better himself
Oh my public school education missed spelled by.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Oh my public school education missed spelled by.

You are done for a private education. Lol
Hoot you have got to be joking hell yes get Trinity and X out of there THEY HAVE AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE they recruit from a city with a pop of over 1 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They get the best players in the biggest city in the state. And why don't you do a little research and find out where JC state title wrestler and TB from a few years ago is from. Go ask any 6A coach in the state and they will tell you it is horse#$% that X and Trinity are allowed to compete with public schools.
So hoot what you are saying is if EKU wins the national championship in football their kids shouldn't be proud because they didn't do it against Alabama?
By the way EKU IS 1AA
The Eagle has landed Wrote:By the way EKU IS 1AA

But all their kids want a better education away from pubic school kids.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Hoot you have got to be joking hell yes get Trinity and X out of there THEY HAVE AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE they recruit from a city with a pop of over 1 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They get the best players in the biggest city in the state. And why don't you do a little research and find out where JC state title wrestler and TB from a few years ago is from. Go ask any 6A coach in the state and they will tell you it is horse#$% that X and Trinity are allowed to compete with public schools.
Trinity and Saint X have an advantage because they are very well coached and they have large enrollments. If they did not provide a good education and good sports programs, then there enrollments would be declining. Kentucky is not a football state, which is one of the reasons UK struggles so much in the SEC.

There are some outstanding coaches in the state but they are badly outnumbered by the mediocre ones. The mediocre coaches are the ones that cry the loudest about the "unfair advantage" private schools have over their teams.

It would be easy for Trinity to beat up on teams with smaller enrollments in Kentucky but they routinely play some of the top teams in the country to improve their team. If Trinity did not go out of state to find better competition, it would not be nearly as dominant at playoff time. Maybe KHSAA should ban private schools from crossing state lines or play with one hand tied behind their backs.

Contrast Trinity seeking out the strongest available competition to the people who want to spare their teams from facing Trinity by not allowing private schools to face public schools in the playoffs. The best teams in Kentucky play the best teams that they can schedule. The good private school teams such as Trinity, Saint X, and Covington Catholic play tough schedules and in some years they struggle, but strong competition is what every player should want to face. It is the fastest way to hone your skills and improve. It is also a great recruiting tool.
There is only 1 public school district in the state of Kentucky that doesn't take out of district students. Boone
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Male and Manual are not public schools they are magnate schools that have around 2500 applicants every year. Tell me a public school that has that. 6A football is a joke go back and look at the public schools that have won the state title.

The Eagle has landed Wrote:And Highlands is an independent school system just like Bowling Green who have kids from all over the place. Independent schools take them from all over.

You do know those are public schools right?

Maybe you should change your argument from private vs public to urban vs rural?
The Eagle has landed Wrote:So hoot what you are saying is if EKU wins the national championship in football their kids shouldn't be proud because they didn't do it against Alabama?
Of course not. That is like asking if kids playing on a 1A state title team should feel cheated because they did not get a chance to beat Trinity or Male.

Maybe the KHSAA should just change its rules to prohibit teams from keeping scores. For the playoffs, every team would compete in the same number of games and every player would receive a participation trophy. That would be fair, would it not? Nobody would realize that the best team in the state this season is probably Male or Trinity because nobody would keep score.
Just wondering how many of the posters in this thread think that 6 classes has watered down football in Kentucky versus the old 4 class system. Or that the single class system in most other sports should be expanded? Should all sports follow a 6 class system?
No one will play Trinity in state cause coaches aren't fools unlike you private school guys on here. Again the private schools have an advantage cause they go around recruiting kids. Ben Revere drove 30 min everyday from Richmond to Lex Cath and his brother who was older played at Lagrange High in Georgia a public school who by the way would smoke the private schools in this state. So you think Ben driving 30 min from another county wasn't an unfair advantage for Lex Cath. If you say no you are smoking crack.
nky Wrote:Just wondering how many of the posters in this thread think that 6 classes has watered down football in Kentucky versus the old 4 class system. Or that the single class system in most other sports should be expanded? Should all sports follow a 6 class system?
6 classes in football is definitely too many. There should be 4...5 tops.

I am opposed to classifying sports as long as small schools have a reasonable shot at winning titles and safety is not compromised. Football is heavily reliant on numbers, so IMO classification is necessary in the interest of safety.

When possible, crowning THE state champion in a sport is better than crowning multiple state champions.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:No one will play Trinity in state cause coaches aren't fools unlike you private school guys on here. Again the private schools have an advantage cause they go around recruiting kids. Ben Revere drove 30 min everyday from Richmond to Lex Cath and his brother who was older played at Lagrange High in Georgia a public school who by the way would smoke the private schools in this state. So you think Ben driving 30 min from another county wasn't an unfair advantage for Lex Cath. If you say no you are smoking crack.
Again, I am not a "private school guy." Try to keep up. If Madison County had strong football programs, do you think the player in your example would have wanted to drive 30 minutes each way to play at Lexington Catholic? BTW, Lexington Catholic did not dominate Class 4A and they will not dominate 3A either. They must be doing something wrong if they cannot win their class every season with all those "unfair advantages."
The Eagle has landed Wrote:No one will play Trinity in state cause coaches aren't fools unlike you private school guys on here. Again the private schools have an advantage cause they go around recruiting kids. Ben Revere drove 30 min everyday from Richmond to Lex Cath and his brother who was older played at Lagrange High in Georgia a public school who by the way would smoke the private schools in this state. So you think Ben driving 30 min from another county wasn't an unfair advantage for Lex Cath. If you say no you are smoking crack.

Every public school in the state besides Boone county schools accept out of district students. Every school in the KHSAA plays by the same rules. Recruiting is illegal at all schools in the KHSAA. You are extremely ignorant of what is really going on. Most of the privates in the state play in the 3 biggest markets in the state with the most scrutiny and the most media. If you have evidence of some recruiting you should call Julian.
And what are you private school guys so afraid of anyway, you enjoy beating the hell out of the poor working class and having a running clock in the state championship so you can beat your chest and talk about how great you are. Play in your own league, it is a joke. Since 75 X and Trinity have won 30 of the state titles in the big school classification and Male whom many consider private cause of the way they do their enrollment has won 3. So you really cant look at that and say something is unfair here? If you cant maybe your private education isn't is good as you think!!
He was Mr. Baseball and know plays for the Toronto Bluejays!
haha haha you are telling me that private schools don't recruit? Julian isn't going to do anything about it just like when some coaches scrimmaged 4 or 5 times at camp they just got a slap on the wrist. Oh and I don't think private schools are the only ones that recruit I know some guys that have won more that 2 state titles that have been doing it for years.
Utter nonsense
nky Wrote:Utter nonsense

Cow utters? Good for the teeth and bones

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