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11-09-2015, 01:49 PM
Boys Soccer: Covington Catholic
Girls Soccer: Sacred Heart
Volleyball: Assumption
Field Hockey: Sacred Heart
Boys Golf Team: St. Xavier
Cross Country Girls
1A Team: St. Henry District
2A Team: Highlands
2A Ind.: Lexington Catholic
Cross Country Boys
1A Team: Lexington Christian
1A Ind.: Lex. Christian
2A Ind.: Highlands
3A Team: St. Xavier
So far in 2015, only eight Team or Ind. KHSAA State Championships have been won by a Public school.
It's time for the KHSAA B.O.C. to step up adopt One of Two solutions.
- Give Public Schools the same privileges that Private Schools have.
- Separate Public & Private schools from competition against each other.
Girls Soccer: Sacred Heart
Volleyball: Assumption
Field Hockey: Sacred Heart
Boys Golf Team: St. Xavier
Cross Country Girls
1A Team: St. Henry District
2A Team: Highlands
2A Ind.: Lexington Catholic
Cross Country Boys
1A Team: Lexington Christian
1A Ind.: Lex. Christian
2A Ind.: Highlands
3A Team: St. Xavier
So far in 2015, only eight Team or Ind. KHSAA State Championships have been won by a Public school.
It's time for the KHSAA B.O.C. to step up adopt One of Two solutions.
- Give Public Schools the same privileges that Private Schools have.
- Separate Public & Private schools from competition against each other.
Check out my YouTube channel.
11-09-2015, 01:50 PM
What are Privtae schools?
11-09-2015, 01:52 PM
pjdoug Wrote:What are Privtae schools?

Check out my YouTube channel.
11-09-2015, 01:55 PM
Pulp Fiction Wrote:nicker: :HitWall:
same thing I guess

11-09-2015, 02:03 PM
pjdoug Wrote:What are Privtae schools?Private schools only allow entry level enlisted soldiers to attend class. Sergeants and Officers have to go to High Schools. Totally unfair system.
11-09-2015, 03:38 PM
pjdoug Wrote:What are Privtae schools?
Calmer down and spell it right Pulp.:biggrin:
11-09-2015, 04:45 PM
That is what happens when you recruit the "TOP OF THE LINE STUDENTS"
11-09-2015, 05:33 PM
It's not unlike the so-called prep basketball academies that are funded by shoe and sports drink companies. Surprise - they have good basketball teams.
11-09-2015, 05:40 PM
Highlands is a public not a private.
11-09-2015, 05:43 PM
sstack Wrote:Highlands is a public not a private.
I did not know that. :thanks:
Check out my YouTube channel.
11-09-2015, 05:46 PM
Sorry for the dumb question but could someone tell me some of the differences in public vs private in these cirumstances? Im fairly up to date on what public schools can and cant do(or what they are suppose to do:dontthink) but I haven't paid much attention to private. I am curious though.
11-09-2015, 07:16 PM
Lol at having Highlands in there.
Kind of invalidates the argument although I do think it's a problem there's no sense in complaining. Tell your coaches to vote them out.
Kind of invalidates the argument although I do think it's a problem there's no sense in complaining. Tell your coaches to vote them out.
11-09-2015, 07:31 PM
Blacksmith Wrote:Sorry for the dumb question but could someone tell me some of the differences in public vs private in these cirumstances? Im fairly up to date on what public schools can and cant do(or what they are suppose to do:dontthink) but I haven't paid much attention to private. I am curious though.Athletically not much difference if both are participating in khsaa events. Not to say they abide by the rules, but honestly, neither do public schools. Academically since they're not funded by the state or federal government they don't have to abide by their rules (i.e school lunches and core content)
11-09-2015, 07:43 PM
For all of the posters that love to put their salt in my sugar.... here is a corrected list.
Boys Soccer: Covington Catholic
Girls Soccer: Sacred Heart
Volleyball: Assumption
Field Hockey: Sacred Heart
Boys Golf Team: St. Xavier
Cross Country Girls
1A Team: St. Henry District
2A Ind.: Lexington Catholic
Cross Country Boys
1A Team: Lexington Christian
1A Ind.: Lex. Christian
3A Team: St. Xavier
Boys Soccer: Covington Catholic
Girls Soccer: Sacred Heart
Volleyball: Assumption
Field Hockey: Sacred Heart
Boys Golf Team: St. Xavier
Cross Country Girls
1A Team: St. Henry District
2A Ind.: Lexington Catholic
Cross Country Boys
1A Team: Lexington Christian
1A Ind.: Lex. Christian
3A Team: St. Xavier
Check out my YouTube channel.
11-09-2015, 07:54 PM
You can go anywhere in the country and private schools usually dominate all those sports.
11-09-2015, 09:03 PM
Blacksmith Wrote:Sorry for the dumb question but could someone tell me some of the differences in public vs private in these cirumstances? Im fairly up to date on what public schools can and cant do(or what they are suppose to do:dontthink) but I haven't paid much attention to private. I am curious though.
Well public schools have free tuition. That's one difference. The ability to tell parents you don't have to pay money to go here is huge.
11-09-2015, 09:41 PM
I have been saying it for years and I'm going to keep on saying it. The KHSAA needs to have "2" separate state tournaments they need to have a Private State Tournament and a Public State Tournament. They need to either do that or they need to give some privilege to the public school in order to compete with the public schools. It's a no win situation for all of the public schools that cant recruit and private schools can.
11-09-2015, 11:56 PM
This is not a new problem.
11-10-2015, 12:11 AM
There's not enough private schools in Kentucky to justify a split IMO.
11-10-2015, 01:00 AM
wildcats fan Wrote:I have been saying it for years and I'm going to keep on saying it. The KHSAA needs to have "2" separate state tournaments they need to have a Private State Tournament and a Public State Tournament. They need to either do that or they need to give some privilege to the public school in order to compete with the public schools. It's a no win situation for all of the public schools that cant recruit and private schools can.
While I agree that private schools do have advantages over public schools I don't think a class consisting only of private schools is appropriate because a small private school like Newport Central Catholic would never be able to compete with a large private school like Trinity in any sport and there are not enough private schools in the Commonwealth to have large school/small school classes exclusively for privates.
11-10-2015, 01:38 AM
Private schools have an advantage but its not the one most of you are whining about. I already told you about the advantage publics have over privates. Can anyone tell me what the actual advantage of a private school is? Not the excuses.
11-10-2015, 02:21 AM
I have said it for years. It can in no way be considered fair to allow teams that can recruit legally compete in the same levels as those who are not allowed to. It is already a disadvantage when you consider that these private schools have children who's families have the funding to send them to every camp they want to go to for training in their particular sport. These same kids compete against kids that don't have money to buy their own cleats. Then you tell them it's okay to go find people that live within a couple hours of their school and give them scholarships to come to school and play for them. But, here is the other more serious problem. These are the same people and schools that have money to get the best attorneys to argue against putting them in a seperate class or change the system to make it fair. So, in Ky, where money talks, it will never change. So, we might as well quit talking about it every year.
11-10-2015, 02:22 AM
Iam4thecats Wrote:Private schools have an advantage but its not the one most of you are whining about. I already told you about the advantage publics have over privates. Can anyone tell me what the actual advantage of a private school is? Not the excuses.
The advantage that private schools have over public schools is simply better academic opportunities. It is well known the public education system in this country is atrocious who can really blame a parent for paying for their children to have better opportunities. As far as the sports recruiting argument goes, yes private schools don't have borders per say but it also costs as much to go to some of these private schools as it does to attend a state university so this means that only a small minority of the available population will be able to attend a private school. Also, children whose parents have the resources to afford a private school will have a good chance at being successful in sports because they can afford private coaching, lessons, etc. For that reason, these kids would still be successful at sports even if they went to a public school.
I think another thing that is rarely pointed out in this argument is that it is mainly people who live in the rural areas of Kentucky complaining about private schools. All of the schools that were mentioned in the original post are located in metropolitan areas with large population densities which means there is a larger pool of potential talent to select from than you would have in a more rural area. These areas also have access to more resources and opportunities for kids to receive professional coaching whereas in the more rural areas, the majority of coaches are teachers who took a coaching job to make a little extra money and have very little formal training or education in the coaching field. This is why private schools dominate public schools on sports.
11-10-2015, 02:50 AM
Football1 Wrote:Private schools only allow entry level enlisted soldiers to attend class. Sergeants and Officers have to go to High Schools. Totally unfair system.
life ain't fair either is it? private schools should be in a differen't class?

11-10-2015, 02:50 AM
Big Five-0- Wrote:Calmer down and spell it right Pulp.:biggrin:

11-10-2015, 02:56 AM
RoShamBo Wrote:There's not enough private schools in Kentucky to justify a split IMO.
not enough private schools is the problem for sure,otherwise I'd definitely say there needs to be a split.
11-10-2015, 03:34 AM
Hey guys look up the rosters of St X and Trinity and see how many kids they have on there team from Indiana. And then look at how many from counties other than Jefferson. It is a shame!!!! Heck just a few years back Mr. Football in KY was from Indiana. And Independent Schools take kids from anywhere so they have an advantage.
11-10-2015, 03:38 AM
Well who gives a crap if there is not enough private schools for them to have there own league they have an unfair advantage and if any of you think they don't you are clueless!!! Tennessee as public private split and they have 2 diff for big private and small and they only have about 10 in each one, so who cares about the private schools.
11-10-2015, 06:15 AM
The idea that there are not enough private schools to have their own class is a ploy they throw out to keep everyone from thinking that there is a way to fix this. It has been pointed out many times that there is still a way to at least make it a little more fair but, they throw up smoke and mirrors to prevent that discussion. The idea is the same as, I think Ind, in which there is a plus 1. That is, if you are a 1a sized private school you play up in 2a. If you are 2a sized private school you play in 3a and so on. Then the only class that would continue to be at a somewhat disadvantage is the largest class of all. The idea about the better education doesn't fly with me either. I have one in public school who is getting contacts from very prestigious schools, including Ivy League schools do to his academics.
11-10-2015, 07:06 AM
mysonis55 Wrote:I have said it for years. It can in no way be considered fair to allow teams that can recruit legally compete in the same levels as those who are not allowed to. It is already a disadvantage when you consider that these private schools have children who's families have the funding to send them to every camp they want to go to for training in their particular sport. These same kids compete against kids that don't have money to buy their own cleats. Then you tell them it's okay to go find people that live within a couple hours of their school and give them scholarships to come to school and play for them. But, here is the other more serious problem. These are the same people and schools that have money to get the best attorneys to argue against putting them in a seperate class or change the system to make it fair. So, in Ky, where money talks, it will never change. So, we might as well quit talking about it every year.Private schools can't "legally" recruit a kid to play sports.
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