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Why Belfry has WV players
IronMan86 Wrote:^^ I rest my case

You dont have a case to rest
Willis and Carr both live in Ky. I can speak for Bentley cause that's my son. He lives in WV, he drives across the Tug River every day to go to Belfry. My youngest son, Ben, played for the middle school that just won the state. I pay out of state tuition for them to attend Belfry. I want them coached by the best coaches and taught by the best people. We own 40 acres of land in Ky not 10 minutes from Belfry High School, but since we don't have a permanent dwelling on it we can't use it as residents and Belfry makes us pay. My sons have all went through the middle school at Belfry including my oldest Morgan that is 23. To my knowledge we have 2 kids on the team that didn't play at Belfry middle. One just moved from Tennessee to Belfry, the other came over last year and set the bench waiting on his turn. If your a parent out there looking for the best school for a great education and athletics, then you would have them at Belfry also. It's not just about sports, it's about getting getting taught wrong from right. As far as how many kids are at the high school that live in WV, to my knowledge their only 4.
pjdoug Wrote:You dont have a case to rest

Oh I do, and you just proved my point. If you want to prove me wrong then put some thought into your posts rather than just coming in and saying "cheaters". Until you do, then it is you who is talking out of your ass.
As far as starters their is 3 of them.
Who are the 3 that start?
Isn't the Corbett kid originally from Stone?
nekysportsfan Wrote:Fairview would be a 1A power at this point had Raceland and Ashland not influenced the KHSAA to take them down for populating their roster with West Virginia players. It's ironic that Belfry has done the same thing for many many years and gets away with it. In fact, that's why Belfry is Belfry. Without the WV infusion, they would just be another Pike Central, Haywood or no Haywood. They get the top talent from their region, sort of like Ironton did for many years in southeastern Ohio. It's not that West Virginians are better athletes. It's just that there are a lot of them and any time you can draw from a larger population base, you are going to have a better team. Belfry should just be glad they weren't trying to build their WV pipeline in NE Ky with teams like Raceland and Ashland around to fight it every step of the way.

Fairview's issue wasn't that they were getting players from was that they were getting them illegally.

Belfry definitely has benefited over the years from kids choosing to attend Belfry from out of State... but the key difference is they have done it legally. Every single player that has came to Belfry has either moved into the School District or opted to pay the tuition.

Furthermore, you can count on one hand the number of transfers who have came to Belfry in the middle of their High School career. Nearly every Belfry "transplant" occurs in their Grade School years.

Fairview was using illegal transfers that were trying to get around the system.. that is why Raceland and Ashland blocked them. Do you not think Pike Central did everything they could to cry foul after they got busted for illegally recruiting players under Chapman? The problem is there was nothing that could be done because everything was legit and the parents of the players attending Belfry had did everything by the book.

The two are not even close to being the same thing.

Also to say Belfry would be just like Pike Central is horribly mis-justified and shows lack of knowledge. For decades Belfry rarely was the beneficiary of transfers. It's not like Belfry is some flash in the pan program.. those teams from the 80's and early 90's probably had exclusively players that spent all 12 Grades in the Belfry District and the reached two State Finals and numerous Semi-Finals.

The watershed moment came with David Jones. When Jones transferred specifically to get away from Yogi and to have a better shot at qualifying academically for college, and subsequently saw that success parents across the river took notice. When Belfry revamped their Youth Football league this also created the next dynamic as parents wanted their kids to have the ability to play in the Belfry Youth system and moving or paying tuition was a small price to pay. When Mingo Central was built this basically was the final nail to most. Not only did it add 15-20 minutes in travel time, but they simply wanted nothing to do with their kids playing for Kinder.

Yogi Kinder is probably one of the Top 5 things to ever happen to Belfry football and that is not exaggerating.
BP2011 Wrote:Who are the 3 that start?
Isn't the Corbett kid originally from Stone?

I just received a pm today stating that he's from Logan.
Tomcat Pride Wrote:I just received a pm today stating that he's from Logan.

Pretty sure he went to school at Runyon Elementary then moved to Logan
pjdoug Wrote:Bull Butter.cheating is what starts the winning to begin with.talking out your a$$

Bull butter, that's all you do on this board is talk out your ass on something you have no idea about, as usual. You say cheating and Belfry has never had a problem with the KHSAA. I'll take their legitimacy over your dumbass remarks any day of the week. Belfry has been winning a long time before Mingo County players started coming over. So they decided to play for a winning rich program, unlike your sucky Whitely County bunch. :truestory:
Tomcat Pride Wrote:I just received a pm today stating that he's from Logan.

You going to cry over it?
Tomcat Pride Wrote:I just received a pm today stating that he's from Logan.

Oh dear. This is huge. We should probably alert the press.
Crossbones Wrote:Bull butter, that's all you do on this board is talk out your ass on something you have no idea about, as usual. You say cheating and Belfry has never had a problem with the KHSAA. I'll take their legitimacy over your dumbass remarks any day of the week. Belfry has been winning a long time before Mingo County players started coming over. So they decided to play for a winning rich program, unlike your sucky Whitely County bunch. :truestory:
I love winding you delusional, whining.full of #=!#,cheating ,a$$ talking West Virginia pirates up.
pjdoug Wrote:I love winding you delusional, whining.full of #=!#,cheating ,a$$ talking West Virginia pirates up.

Your not winding me up, because 90% of the people on this board knows how stupid you are and all the idiotic none football knowledge you try to act to have. Ragging on a team because you don't like their fan base is one thing but to accuse them of cheating with no proof just because you like to is another. The only ones that have posted full of shit coments on this thread has been you, of course, and the Whinner from Ashland and the other Whinner nobody bulldog guy. All 3 losers and havn't won or will win a ring in their lifetime.:truestory:
pjdoug Wrote:I love winding you delusional, whining.full of #=!#,cheating ,a$$ talking West Virginia pirates up.

We appreciate it Gut! glad you got time to get people riled up. How about you give some actual football analysis and we will have a good talk.
Crossbones Wrote:Your not winding me up, because 90% of the people on this board knows how stupid you are and all the idiotic none football knowledge you try to act to have. Ragging on a team because you don't like their fan base is one thing but to accuse them of cheating with no proof just because you like to is another. The only ones that have posted full of shit coments on this thread has been you, of course, and the Whinner from Ashland and the other Whinner nobody bulldog guy. All 3 losers and havn't won or will win a ring in their lifetime.:truestory:
Belfry is not the definition of this site.shows hiw delusional you are.
bucslover68 Wrote:We appreciate it Gut! glad you got time to get people riled up. How about you give some actual football analysis and we will have a good talk.

I will when I go to work for ESPN and get paid, Gut Confusednicker:
pjdoug Wrote:Belfry is not the definition of this site.shows hiw delusional you are.

Never said it was? Never read that it was and I've been on here since the beginning. And again, your stupidity comes out in just a simple one liner, that the spelling and grammar isn't even right in. You avoid, as always, the topic to run your $hit licker. Good luck being a loser your whole life.TongueirateSho:truestory:
pjdoug Wrote:I will when I go to work for ESPN and get paid, Gut Confusednicker:

Being a Whitely grad, the only job you'll get at ESPN will be cleaning toilets. Even ESPN know you all suck and can't field a winning team. As far as Gut, you and him are probably one in the same.:closeenough:
Crossbones Wrote:Never said it was? Never read that it was and I've been on here since the beginning. And again, your stupidity comes out in just a simple one liner, that the spelling and grammar isn't even right in. You avoid, as always, the topic to run your $hit licker. Good luck being a loser your whole life.TongueirateSho:truestory:

Ive been on here since the beginning.My spelling is absolutely perfect. I'm a spelling bee champion.I'm a winner unlike you cheating losers.cheating is nothing to be proud of.:lame:
Crossbones Wrote:Being a Whitely grad, the only job you'll get at ESPN will be cleaning toilets. Even ESPN know you all suck and can't field a winning team. As far as Gut, you and him are probably one in the same.:closeenough:

Whitley not Whitely. Gut is much younger.
pjdoug Wrote:Ive been on here since the beginning.My spelling is absolutely perfect. I'm a spelling bee champion.I'm a winner unlike you cheating losers.cheating is nothing to be proud of.:lame:

Well, now your not only an idiot, your a liar to boot. Thanks for the confirmation. hiw? Join date of Sept. 2012. Same old Crap from the same old fools.:trolldad:
I'm still waiting for him or any of the others to explain how Belfry is cheating.
You're not about bad grammar and spelling.I had a different name before.ever think of that? or are you too idiotic to think for yourself?
pjdoug Wrote:Whitley not Whitely. Gut is much younger.

Does it really matter how it's spelled, anyway you spell it, they still suck and always will.:truestory:
pjdoug Wrote:You're not about bad grammar and spelling.I had a different name before.ever think of that? or are you too idiotic to think for yourself?

Sure you did? :lame:
IronMan86 Wrote:I'm still waiting for him or any of the others to explain how Belfry is cheating.

You'll be waiting for a long time. All he wants to do is run his pie whole. He never gives any knowledgeable football talk to any thread. He just gives one liners thinking he he making people mad, but instead he just ruins the board. I miss the good old days when they would just get rid of the kids.
pjdoug Wrote:You're not about bad grammar and spelling.I had a different name before.ever think of that? or are you too idiotic to think for yourself?

The thing is, is I didn't proclaim to be spelling champ. Confusedhh:
Pretty sad that 4-5 days away from Coach Haywood going for his 400th win that this crap is still going on. Oh well.
It always seems to come from the same ones too. Sad that this site has came to this. It was created to let people freely talk sports without being punished by the northern ky crowd on the other site. QQ started this with a vision, and it has been awesome with the exception of the last few years with the trolls. The trolls will be the death of this site. You can tell by the exiting of some of the beginning members who got tired of the whinners and trolls.
Hey assholes, im not PJ.

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