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GOP Presidential Debate on CNBC
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ I could have worded that better, I was speaking of Hume's professional ability, but that it could still be an act.

I saw through Rove when I realized he was all about establishment candidates, which in my book makes him a RINO.

He was a former BushII adviser , was he not?
Bob Seger Wrote:He was a former BushII adviser , was he not?

LOL, if Bush gave him any guff Bobo gave him a CoCo Butt.
I have lived in the Cleveland suburbs and I now live in deeply blue Fairfax County, Virginia now. When I heard Rove yammering on about Romney still having a shot at winning Ohio in 2012 because there were thousands of ballots still to be counted in Cuyahoga County and also heard him saying the same thing about Fairfax County and northern Virginia, I realized that Karl Rove does not know any more about national politics than I do. When Fox fired Dick Morris and kept Rove, despite Rove's embarrassing performance on election night, I suspected two things were true.

First, Morris has been warning everybody who would listen to him for years that Hillary Clinton is a criminal and poses a grave threat to this country's future and Murdoch likes the Clintons. Second, Murdock likes the Bushes and did them a favor by retaining a Bush political hack like Rove. The only reason not to call the Fox News Channel the Bush News Channel is that Fox does not start with the letter "B."
Bob Seger Wrote:Fox and Friends is getting harder and harder for me to stomach as well.....I do like Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum in the morning however.
I don't ever get to watch Hemmer and MacCallum, but I agree with you about Fox and Friends. The Fox and Friends liberals used to appear mainly on the weekends, but they gradually infected the weekday shows as well. Really, the only truly conservative show on Fox is Hannity's show and I am not a big fan of his. I probably enjoy Greta's political coverage more than the others and I believe that she is a registered Democrat.

I have been meaning to check into subscribing to the new Newsmax channel, I just have not gotten around to it. Fox has been drifting to the left for a long time and it has been a long time since I considered it a conservative network. I don't like the news media pushing any kind of political agenda and Fox pushes the GOPe's agenda with all its might.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't ever get to watch Hemmer and MacCallum, but I agree with you about Fox and Friends. The Fox and Friends liberals used to appear mainly on the weekends, but they gradually infected the weekday shows as well. Really, the only truly conservative show on Fox is Hannity's show and I am not a big fan of his. I probably enjoy Greta's political coverage more than the others and I believe that she is a registered Democrat.

I have been meaning to check into subscribing to the new Newsmax channel, I just have not gotten around to it. Fox has been drifting to the left for a long time and it has been a long time since I considered it a conservative network. I don't like the news media pushing any kind of political agenda and Fox pushes the GOPe's agenda with all its might.

Agreed. Watching FOX as I have, I realized a while back that there was something under the surface that just did not smell right. Sort of like pouring milk on your cereal in the morning and when you put the spoon up to your mouth you realize it doesn't smell right. Further investigation reveals that the milk has begun to sour, so you throw it all out and settle for a slice of toast and coffee. As you point out, the liberal taint is on nearly all FOX programming. A fact I begrudgingly accepted a couple years ago.

Hannity got the shaft from the his network when he got relegated to the 10 o'clock spot so that little Megyn could move into prime time. Therefore I listen Stewart Varney in the morning and Lou Dobbs in the evening, over on FBN. The rest of it is drivel, and that certainly includes most of the weekend shows. Cavuto can't shut up for a second to allow his guests to speak, O'Reilly gets right up to the threshold but just will not allow himself to cross, Sheppard Smith is a bozo on the scale of Chris Matthews, John Scott is a clothes horse on the order of those in the movie "Bruce Almighty." The Five is only a little better as is Bret Baier's show, the highlight of which is 'the panel' and I've have had quite enough of Krauthammer.

Maybe my attitude is worse than yours but I would put Greta in there with the rest of the liberal converts, and she is off my list too. The good news however, is it looks like the Republicans may have started to wake up just a bit. If they are, we have Trump to thank for it IMHO.
TheRealThing Wrote:Agreed. Watching FOX as I have, I realized a while back that there was something under the surface that just did not smell right. Sort of like pouring milk on your cereal in the morning and when you put the spoon up to your mouth you realize it doesn't smell right. Further investigation reveals that the milk has begun to sour, so you throw it all out and settle for a slice of toast and coffee. As you point out, the liberal taint is on nearly all FOX programming. A fact I begrudgingly accepted a couple years ago.

Hannity got the shaft from the his network when he got relegated to the 10 o'clock spot so that little Megyn could move into prime time. Therefore I listen Stewart Varney in the morning and Lou Dobbs in the evening, over on FBN. The rest of it is drivel, and that certainly includes most of the weekend shows. Cavuto can't shut up for a second to allow his guests to speak, O'Reilly gets right up to the threshold but just will not allow himself to cross, Sheppard Smith is a bozo on the scale of Chris Matthews, John Scott is a clothes horse on the order of those in the movie "Bruce Almighty." The Five is only a little better as is Bret Baier's show, the highlight of which is 'the panel' and I've have had quite enough of Krauthammer.

Maybe my attitude is worse than yours but I would put Greta in there with the rest of the liberal converts, and she is off my list too. The good news however, is it looks like the Republicans may have started to wake up just a bit. If they are, we have Trump to thank for it IMHO.
The only reason that I give some praise to Greta is that she has never claimed to be a conservative and is a Democrat but has been more consistent in her criticism of the Obama administration than nearly all of the FNC RINOS who are self-described conservatives. Now that I think about it, Democratic political anaylists/pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Shoen are tougher on Obama and Hillary than the "conservative" political analysts such as Rove and Krauthammer are.

I agree with you 100 percent about Brett Baier's "All-Star" panels. I switch the channel as soon as Charle Krauthammer and/or George Will open their mouths. If there are two more conceited, condescending mouthpieces for the GOP establishment I have not seen them yet. Even without Karl Rove on the panel, Baier has assembled the most formidable group of Jeb Bush bootlickers on cable TV.

I also fully agree with you about Shep Smith. He belongs on MSNBC. Shep is a left-wing Ted Baxter who is too dumb to even begin to realize the depth and breadth of his ignorance. I scramble for the remote as soon as Shep appears on the screen.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The only reason that I give some praise to Greta is that she has never claimed to be a conservative and is a Democrat but has been more consistent in her criticism of the Obama administration than nearly all of the FNC RINOS who are self-described conservatives. Now that I think about it, Democratic political anaylists/pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Shoen are tougher on Obama and Hillary than the "conservative" political analysts such as Rove and Krauthammer are.

I agree with you 100 percent about Brett Baier's "All-Star" panels. I switch the channel as soon as Charle Krauthammer and/or George Will open their mouths. If there are two more conceited, condescending mouthpieces for the GOP establishment I have not seen them yet. Even without Karl Rove on the panel, Baier has assembled the most formidable group of Jeb Bush bootlickers on cable TV.

I also fully agree with you about Shep Smith. He belongs on MSNBC. Shep is a left-wing Ted Baxter who is too dumb to even begin to realize the depth and breadth of his ignorance. I scramble for the remote as soon as Shep appears on the screen.

Yeah I don't know if you caught it or not, but I feel that Shep's admission about dropping out of college, years before graduation, was brought about by some sort of unfavorable pressure. He still mentions having attended Ole Miss, though not like he used to. One might well have assumed he had graduated prior to that admission.

I actually get irritated with myself if I don't get the channel changed before for I have to see the guy.
It could just be me or the botox, but I have a feeling anytime I see Krauthammer that he may fall over dead as he never appears to move.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It could just be me or the botox, but I have a feeling anytime I see Krauthammer that he may fall over dead as he never appears to move.
Krauthammer was paralyzed in a diving board accident while he was a medical school student. He hit is head on the bottom of a pool and was hospitalized for 14 months. Before the accident, Krauthammer was very athletic and had been playing tennis with friends before going swimming. Krauthammer has a pretty inspirational biography and I have to give him credit for abandoning his liberal Jewish roots as a Mondale speechwriter. Still, I don't like his condescending attitude toward the Tea Party and the candidates Tea Partiers support.

I might have to start watching Krauthammer again. Apparently, he is close to getting onto the Cruz bandwagon. A couple of days ago he said that Rubio and Cruz have the best shot of the likely nominees of beating Hillary and that, of the "outsiders," Cruz has the most political experience. I still think Krauthammer will support Rubio as long as he remains the GOPe candidate with the best shot at winning the nomination, but at least he has not ruled out supporting Cruz.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Krauthammer was paralyzed in a diving board accident while he was a medical school student. He hit is head on the bottom of a pool and was hospitalized for 14 months. Before the accident, Krauthammer was very athletic and had been playing tennis with friends before going swimming. Krauthammer has a pretty inspirational biography and I have to give him credit for abandoning his liberal Jewish roots as a Mondale speechwriter. Still, I don't like his condescending attitude toward the Tea Party and the candidates Tea Partiers support.

I might have to start watching Krauthammer again. Apparently, he is close to getting onto the Cruz bandwagon. A couple of days ago he said that Rubio and Cruz have the best shot of the likely nominees of beating Hillary and that, of the "outsiders," Cruz has the most political experience. I still think Krauthammer will support Rubio as long as he remains the GOPe candidate with the best shot at winning the nomination, but at least he has not ruled out supporting Cruz.

Well that explains it :Thumbs:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Well that explains it :Thumbs:
Unfortunately, the term "talking head" applies more literally to Charles than to other TV talking heads. I watched him for years before I learned that Krauthammer is paralyzed from the neck down. He annoys me, but it is to his credit that he has earned his keep in the private sector and not used his injury as an excuse to draw a lifetime of federal checks.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah I don't know if you caught it or not, but I feel that Shep's admission about dropping out of college, years before graduation, was brought about by some sort of unfavorable pressure. He still mentions having attended Ole Miss, though not like he used to. One might well have assumed he had graduated prior to that admission.

I actually get irritated with myself if I don't get the channel changed before for I have to see the guy.
Some smart people skip college and have great career, some people get bored with college and drop out to start a career, and then there are people like Shep who go attend because some admininistrators will pocket the tuition money from the parents of any dimwit who is willing to foot the bill.

Shep reminds me of a guy from my hometown who went to college for a couple of semester for the parties. I am not sure, but I don't think that he passed a single class. One of the rare college administrators with a conscience finally broke the news to his parents that it would just be a waste of their money to send him back to school for another semester. What surprises me is that Shep came within two credits of getting his degree from the University of Mississippi.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Some smart people skip college and have great career, some people get bored with college and drop out to start a career, and then there are people like Shep who go attend because some admininistrators will pocket the tuition money from the parents of any dimwit who is willing to foot the bill.

Shep reminds me of a guy from my hometown who went to college for a couple of semester for the parties. I am not sure, but I don't think that he passed a single class. One of the rare college administrators with a conscience finally broke the news to his parents that it would just be a waste of their money to send him back to school for another semester. What surprises me is that Shep came within two credits of getting his degree from the University of Mississippi.

LOL, I believe I'd have to at least take the time to do an online class to finish. But, I didn't think he was nearly that close.
He may have edited his Wikipedia bio himself, but I don't think he is that smart. It does seem stupid to drop out with only two credits to go.

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