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The Person Above ME!
^ thinks im bored lol
^likes the eagles.
^ likes uk
^loves Josh
^ is an admin.
^Joined in October
^joined in Jan
^ is running out of things to say that are interesting lol
^ Is bored. and pickin on me.
^Should be used to the fact that Tribe picks on EVERYONE
^ is a mc fan!
^likes pebbles
^is from PBURG
^ likes catdog cartoons
^likes butterfingers
^ has 12,812 post right now
^is a gold member
^ has YAHOO messenger
^Likes Simpsons
^is a sophmore
^ might go to MSU
^is an administrator
^knows where blue river is.
^is our leading poster
^is right behind me.
^Hasn't made me a Birthday thread yet lol
Is in the right party!
^doesn't have an avatar
^^^Likes the blackcats
^likes the ball in clutch time.
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