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GOP Presidential Debate on CNBC
The Republican Presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado, hosted by CNBC is without a doubt the worst moderated debate that I have ever seen. It has been almost 100 percent gotcha questions, with the moderators debating the candidates much of the time. Despite the poor moderation, I think that several of the candidates turned in great performances.

Ted Cruz was the first to pounce on the tone and content of the moderators' questions and instead of answering a question about the debt ceiling, he spent his entire time for the question lambasting the moderators and contrasting them with the treatment of the Democrat candidates.

Marco Rubio and Chris Christie also landed body blows against the moderators. I was very impressed how the candidates pushed back and resisted the moderators' efforts to get the candidates to engage in a food fight.

IMO, the big losers tonight were Trump and Bush. Trump was doing well but he denied criticizing Mark Zuckerberg's comments on H1B visas. Later, a moderator cited Trumps own web site as the source of her information. Ouch.

Bush was his usual dull self. IMO, he did not make up any ground on the front runners. I did not think that Kasich or Rand Paul were very impressive either. I dislike Kasich more every time I watch him.

The moderators were horrible. Overall, the candidates were very good tonight.

Addendum: There were some great closing remarks. Trump, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, and Christie really stood out. The stage was full of people who could form the nucleus of a very strong administration.
Bush drops out within a week, Rubio gets all his money. :welcome:
Moderation was a joke.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Republican Presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado, hosted by CNBC is without a doubt the worst moderated debate that I have ever seen. It has been almost 100 percent gotcha questions, with the moderators debating the candidates much of the time. Despite the poor moderation, I think that several of the candidates turned in great performances.

Ted Cruz was the first to pounce on the tone and content of the moderators' questions and instead of answering a question about the debt ceiling, he spent his entire time for the question lambasting the moderators and contrasting them with the treatment of the Democrat candidates.

Marco Rubio and Chris Christie also landed body blows against the moderators. I was very impressed how the candidates pushed back and resisted the moderators' efforts to get the candidates to engage in a food fight.

IMO, the big losers tonight were Trump and Bush. Trump was doing well but he denied criticizing Mark Zuckerberg's comments on H1B visas. Later, a moderator cited Trumps own web site as the source of her information. Ouch.

Bush was his usual dull self. IMO, he did not make up any ground on the front runners. I did not think that Kasich or Rand Paul were very impressive either. I dislike Kasich more every time I watch him.

The moderators were horrible. Overall, the candidates were very good tonight.

Addendum: There were some great closing remarks. Trump, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, and Christie really stood out. The stage was full of people who could form the nucleus of a very strong administration.

Post debate reviews for Trump from FOX were a bit strained. FOX may never forgive Trump for his push back against Megyn Kelly, who tried to nail him for some sexist remarks he made in times past in her opening question to him in the first debate.

I for one, noticed some anchors on FOX being less than flattering with their remarks about Trump from the day he announced his candidacy for President. However, after the run in between he and little Megyn in the first debate, comments coming from FOX got a lot nastier in tone and substance. It has been more than obvious they have an ax to grind, and things have not let up in any appreciable degree. In fact, this very evening Megyn Kelly was back at it again leading a four man panel made up of FOX News contributors who took turns tossing barbs and insults at Trump for not answering the visa question in the way they thought he should have.

I've been around and known, thousands of men in the workplace and leisure pursuits in my time and I would say this, I'd like to have a nickel for every time I heard a slam or slur about women. Like the Geico commercial says, "It's just what men do." In making that admission, Trump is bombastic and brash and I can see him saying something like that. The question from Megyn was loaded and pointless and frankly it was a gotcha question, and others have offered that it was more about drawing attention to her while at the same time beneath the fair and balanced news fare of which FOX is so proud. As for the visa deal, he pitchforked it and I don't blame him.

Let me just offer this in the way of defense for Trump. After listening to leading Dems for the past 7 years, with all their distortions, smoke and mirror dodges, and Republican slams and insults, for anybody to suggest that Trump's answer was news worthy because of a lack of truthfulness is laughable at an epic level.

With that off my chest, I was very pleased to see Cruz and Rubio do so well. But, I will have to say that Christie did very well too. Dems can whistle in the dark all they want, tonight the nation saw without question that the Republican field is impressive, while by comparison, the Democrat field is as passé and dried up as tonight's mental midget moderator corps.
TheRealThing Wrote:Post debate reviews for Trump from FOX were a bit strained. FOX may never forgive Trump for his push back against Megyn Kelly, who tried to nail him for some sexist remarks he made in times past in her opening question to him in the first debate.

I for one, noticed some anchors on FOX being less than flattering with their remarks about Trump from the day he announced his candidacy for President. However, after the run in between he and little Megyn in the first debate, comments coming from FOX got a lot nastier in tone and substance. It has been more than obvious they have an ax to grind, and things have not let up in any appreciable degree. In fact, this very evening Megyn Kelly was back at it again leading a four man panel made up of FOX News contributors who took turns tossing barbs and insults at Trump for not answering the visa question in the way they thought he should have.

I've been around and known, thousands of men in the workplace and leisure pursuits in my time and I would say this, I'd like to have a nickel for every time I heard a slam or slur about women. Like the Geico commercial says, "It's just what men do." In making that admission, Trump is bombastic and brash and I can see him saying something like that. The question from Megyn was loaded and pointless and frankly it was a gotcha question, and others have offered that it was more about drawing attention to her while at the same time beneath the fair and balanced news fare of which FOX is so proud. As for the visa deal, he pitchforked it and I don't blame him.

Let me just offer this in the way of defense for Trump. After listening to leading Dems for the past 7 years, with all their distortions, smoke and mirror dodges, and Republican slams and insults, for anybody to suggest that Trump's answer was news worthy because of a lack of truthfulness is laughable at an epic level.

With that off my chest, I was very pleased to see Cruz and Rubio do so well. But, I will have to say that Christie did very well too. Dems can whistle in the dark all they want, tonight the nation saw without question that the Republican field is impressive, while by comparison, the Democrat field is as passé and dried up as tonight's mental midget moderator corps.
I cut way back on the time I spend watching Fox months ago because I realized that they are actively working to get another Bush elected. Rubio seems to be their second choice. They go out of their way to either ignore or take cheap shots at Cruz.

At one point last night, I commented to my wife that it looked like Christie had just given up, but then he finished very strong. I loved his line to one of the moderators that "even in New Jersey" what he said would be considered rude.
One of my favorite swipes was by Mike Huckabee when talking about how he has had to go up against the Clinton machine his whole political career, and has even beat them...The closing remark to me was classic. "And I have lived to tell about it". Yet ,not one time have I heard any of the post debate pundits refer back to it....Am I the only one who caught and understood his implications?
Carson & Rubio were the big winners, my vote for POTUS & VP (But Christie is right there in-line). Though I love the premise of Trump, he is a buffoon!
I switched it off. Couldn't take it. I do have it recorded, and will watch when my frame of mind gets better.
Bob Seger Wrote:One of my favorite swipes was by Mike Huckabee when talking about how he has had to go up against the Clinton machine his whole political career, and has even beat them...The closing remark to me was classic. "And I have lived to tell about it". Yet ,not one time have I heard any of the post debate pundits refer back to it....Am I the only one who caught and understood his implications?

I caught it Bob. Can't believe he said it but kudos to him, it was awesome. Still think he has no shot but I do like him.
Stardust Wrote:Carson & Rubio were the big winners, my vote for POTUS & VP (But Christie is right there in-line). Though I love the premise of Trump, he is a buffoon!

Don't know how anyone can call Trump a buffoon with all the clowns in Washington DC right now. I think that means he would fit right in?:biggrin:
Bob Seger Wrote:One of my favorite swipes was by Mike Huckabee when talking about how he has had to go up against the Clinton machine his whole political career, and has even beat them...The closing remark to me was classic. "And I have lived to tell about it". Yet ,not one time have I heard any of the post debate pundits refer back to it....Am I the only one who caught and understood his implications?

jetpilot Wrote:I caught it Bob. Can't believe he said it but kudos to him, it was awesome. Still think he has no shot but I do like him.

There was some noise and laughter erupting about the time he said it, though it could plainly be heard. Huck makes a lot of sense.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I cut way back on the time I spend watching Fox months ago because I realized that they are actively working to get another Bush elected. Rubio seems to be their second choice. They go out of their way to either ignore or take cheap shots at Cruz.

At one point last night, I commented to my wife that it looked like Christie had just given up, but then he finished very strong. I loved his line to one of the moderators that "even in New Jersey" what he said would be considered rude.

I'm with ya. If I could ever get 'the hug' out of my mind I might trust Christie more. I did appreciate his taking on Hillary and the administration somewhat.

To my way of thinking, FOX is going down the very same road, and in a startlingly similar vein as did the lame stream media before them. The fact that Megyn Kelly is on a thrill ride of self appreciation is not news in my book, and I'd like to see Ailes rein her and her adoring contributors in a bit. And Trump is right when he says the "Kelly File" is better without her. Watching the surging egos elbow real news out of the way again at FOX is every bit as unpalatable as the first time. Only this time, all the self proclaimed work at the same place. They'd better take a hard look at MSNBC et-al because they're (FOX) not all that far off from becoming just like the objects of their own scorn.
jetpilot Wrote:Don't know how anyone can call Trump a buffoon with all the clowns in Washington DC right now. I think that means he would fit right in?:biggrin:

"I have a Dream" where we, the idiot nation, stops electing buffoons to office! :igiveup:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I cut way back on the time I spend watching Fox months ago because I realized that they are actively working to get another Bush elected. Rubio seems to be their second choice. They go out of their way to either ignore or take cheap shots at Cruz.

At one point last night, I commented to my wife that it looked like Christie had just given up, but then he finished very strong. I loved his line to one of the moderators that "even in New Jersey" what he said would be considered rude.

I agree Hoot, but I'm beginning to think Hillary is their second choice. When Jeb drops out soon, the shift will be toward Her.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I agree Hoot, but I'm beginning to think Hillary is their second choice. When Jeb drops out soon, the shift will be toward Her.
You may be right. I am pretty sure that McConnell, Boehner, and Priebus would prefer Hillary over most of the Republican candidates. Rupert Murdoch did once host a fundraiser for Hillary and his kids are supposedly more liberal than he is.
I reluctantly watched The Kelly File tonight. She's nearing the same class as the CNBC moderators. Her distain for most of the republicans running (especially Trump) is painfully obvious. I used to like her show, now my respect for her as a journalist is gone and FOX NEWS in general is not far behind in my book. Meh, who needs em?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I reluctantly watched The Kelly File tonight. She's nearing the same class as the CNBC moderators. Her distain for most of the republicans running (especially Trump) is painfully obvious. I used to like her show, now my respect for her as a journalist is gone and FOX NEWS in general is not far behind in my book. Meh, who needs em?

Fox and Friends is getting harder and harder for me to stomach as well.....I do like Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum in the morning however.
TheRealThing Wrote:Post debate reviews for Trump from FOX were a bit strained. FOX may never forgive Trump for his push back against Megyn Kelly, who tried to nail him for some sexist remarks he made in times past in her opening question to him in the first debate.

I for one, noticed some anchors on FOX being less than flattering with their remarks about Trump from the day he announced his candidacy for President. However, after the run in between he and little Megyn in the first debate, comments coming from FOX got a lot nastier in tone and substance. It has been more than obvious they have an ax to grind, and things have not let up in any appreciable degree. In fact, this very evening Megyn Kelly was back at it again leading a four man panel made up of FOX News contributors who took turns tossing barbs and insults at Trump for not answering the visa question in the way they thought he should have.

I've been around and known, thousands of men in the workplace and leisure pursuits in my time and I would say this, I'd like to have a nickel for every time I heard a slam or slur about women. Like the Geico commercial says, "It's just what men do." In making that admission, Trump is bombastic and brash and I can see him saying something like that. The question from Megyn was loaded and pointless and frankly it was a gotcha question, and others have offered that it was more about drawing attention to her while at the same time beneath the fair and balanced news fare of which FOX is so proud. As for the visa deal, he pitchforked it and I don't blame him.

Let me just offer this in the way of defense for Trump. After listening to leading Dems for the past 7 years, with all their distortions, smoke and mirror dodges, and Republican slams and insults, for anybody to suggest that Trump's answer was news worthy because of a lack of truthfulness is laughable at an epic level.

With that off my chest, I was very pleased to see Cruz and Rubio do so well. But, I will have to say that Christie did very well too. Dems can whistle in the dark all they want, tonight the nation saw without question that the Republican field is impressive, while by comparison, the Democrat field is as passé and dried up as tonight's mental midget moderator corps.


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
TheRealThing Wrote:Post debate reviews for Trump from FOX were a bit strained. FOX may never forgive Trump for his push back against Megyn Kelly, who tried to nail him for some sexist remarks he made in times past in her opening question to him in the first debate.

I for one, noticed some anchors on FOX being less than flattering with their remarks about Trump from the day he announced his candidacy for President. However, after the run in between he and little Megyn in the first debate, comments coming from FOX got a lot nastier in tone and substance. It has been more than obvious they have an ax to grind, and things have not let up in any appreciable degree. In fact, this very evening Megyn Kelly was back at it again leading a four man panel made up of FOX News contributors who took turns tossing barbs and insults at Trump for not answering the visa question in the way they thought he should have.

I've been around and known, thousands of men in the workplace and leisure pursuits in my time and I would say this, I'd like to have a nickel for every time I heard a slam or slur about women. Like the Geico commercial says, "It's just what men do." In making that admission, Trump is bombastic and brash and I can see him saying something like that. The question from Megyn was loaded and pointless and frankly it was a gotcha question, and others have offered that it was more about drawing attention to her while at the same time beneath the fair and balanced news fare of which FOX is so proud. As for the visa deal, he pitchforked it and I don't blame him.

Let me just offer this in the way of defense for Trump. After listening to leading Dems for the past 7 years, with all their distortions, smoke and mirror dodges, and Republican slams and insults, for anybody to suggest that Trump's answer was news worthy because of a lack of truthfulness is laughable at an epic level.

With that off my chest, I was very pleased to see Cruz and Rubio do so well. But, I will have to say that Christie did very well too. Dems can whistle in the dark all they want, tonight the nation saw without question that the Republican field is impressive, while by comparison, the Democrat field is as passé and dried up as tonight's mental midget moderator corps.

Spot on. Couldn't have said it any better.
Great news is, for the first time ever, voters seem to be completely doing the opposite of what the media is telling them to do now.
Bush is done. There is no coming back for him IMHO.

I think Carson will eventually be done in by leaked info from his past. I just don't think he can sustain this consistency of high polling numbers.

Cruz was the best man on stage. IF he can get the party behind him, which is unlikely, he is the REAL conservative we have all been waiting for. Getting the nitwits to follow is hard.

Trump didn't hurt or help, if anything, I think he did what he needed to for this debate.

Fiorina still looks better than the RINOs on stage which is laughable.

Overall, my take....

Trump-No movement
Cruz- Trending up
Rubio- Steady/Trending Up
Carson- Steady/Trending Down
Fiorina- Trending Down
Bush- Life Support. Will need a miracle in my opinion. If not for his last name and donors, would already be out.

And the little engines that couldn't....(and than God, because none of them could beat Killary one on one.)
Christie- No chance, but had one of his better debates. Time to go back to NJ and do his job.
Graham- No chance, Needs to go back to South Carolina and do his job.
Huckabee- No chance, always good for a laugh or two at debates.
Jindal- No chance, needs to go back to Louisiana and do his job.
Kasich- No chance, needs to go back to Ohio and do his job.
Pataki- No chance, may be deceased, I haven't seen him.
Gilmore- No chance, we didn't know him then, we don't know him now.
Santorum- No chance, must like wasting money.
Paul- Absolutely no chance, needs to come back to Kentucky and do his DAMN job and figure out where all these western KY miners are going to work now.


If everyone that should bow out did so tomorrow, that would leave Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, and Carson. ALL OUTSIDERS, well except Rubio who I just don't trust.
If it were just these five left, what would the poll numbers look like then?

To be completely honest, I honestly hope with everything in me Cruz or Trump gets the nomination. I would love to see that ticket.
Bob Seger Wrote:Fox and Friends is getting harder and harder for me to stomach as well.....I do like Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum in the morning however.
Even The Five, which I used to enjoy, is tough to stomach during the campaign. I can understand Dana Perino being in the tank for another Bush, but even Greg Gutfield and Eric Boling are obviously working to get one of the GOPe candidates elected.

They make me miss Bob Beckel. I usually disagreed with Beckel but I never suspected that he was delivering the company line to get a better performance appraisal. I also miss Dick Morris, who was the most honest, professional political analyst that Fox had. Brit Hume, Karl Rove, and the rest of the Murdoch shills make me sick.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Bush is done. There is no coming back for him IMHO.

I think Carson will eventually be done in by leaked info from his past. I just don't think he can sustain this consistency of high polling numbers.

Cruz was the best man on stage. IF he can get the party behind him, which is unlikely, he is the REAL conservative we have all been waiting for. Getting the nitwits to follow is hard.

Trump didn't hurt or help, if anything, I think he did what he needed to for this debate.

Fiorina still looks better than the RINOs on stage which is laughable.

Overall, my take....

Trump-No movement
Cruz- Trending up
Rubio- Steady/Trending Up
Carson- Steady/Trending Down
Fiorina- Trending Down
Bush- Life Support. Will need a miracle in my opinion. If not for his last name and donors, would already be out.

And the little engines that couldn't....(and than God, because none of them could beat Killary one on one.)
Christie- No chance, but had one of his better debates. Time to go back to NJ and do his job.
Graham- No chance, Needs to go back to South Carolina and do his job.
Huckabee- No chance, always good for a laugh or two at debates.
Jindal- No chance, needs to go back to Louisiana and do his job.
Kasich- No chance, needs to go back to Ohio and do his job.
Pataki- No chance, may be deceased, I haven't seen him.
Gilmore- No chance, we didn't know him then, we don't know him now.
Santorum- No chance, must like wasting money.
Paul- Absolutely no chance, needs to come back to Kentucky and do his DAMN job and figure out where all these western KY miners are going to work now.


If everyone that should bow out did so tomorrow, that would leave Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, and Carson. ALL OUTSIDERS, well except Rubio who I just don't trust.
If it were just these five left, what would the poll numbers look like then?

To be completely honest, I honestly hope with everything in me Cruz or Trump gets the nomination. I would love to see that ticket.
Great analysis or maybe it just seems great because I agree with at least 95 percent of it. :lmao:

Cruz has been my first choice since he won his Senate seat. I still don't trust Trump and probably never will, but he has helped several of the other candidates find their spines and helped sink Bush's campaign. For that, I thank Trump for running and will vote for him if he wins the nomination.

I think that Cruz's attack on the moderators was his equivalent of a jockey deciding it was time to make his move for the lead. He has run a masterful campaign so far, IMO. The past few GOP campaigns have seen early front runners race to the lead and then fade as they burned through their money and crumbled under pressure from media smears. Cruz has quietly built a ground organization and made frequent campaign stops in states where he is likely to do very well and he has been relatively frugal with his campaign cash.

After watching Jeb Bush the past few months, I don't think he ever had a real chance of winning the White House. He is a weak leader who lacks the courage to run what needs to be a brutal campaign against a criminal who will do anything to win.

Cruz, Trump, Fiorina, and Christie seem to be the only serious candidates willing and able to campaign against Hillary like a prosecutor trying to persuade a grand jury to indict a career criminal - and that is what it is going to take to beat Hillary Clinton.

I had written off Chris Christie because of his abrasiveness and "the hug," but he had his best debate by far, IMO. If Rubio fades, it may not be too late for Christie to pick up some support from his supporters and some of the Bush support to get back into the race. The establishment truly hates Trump and Cruz, so Fox News and Reince Priebus will keep switching horses as long as one from their stable is still in the race.

The more I watch Kasich, the more I question how such an annoying whiner ever won an election. Political power has really gone to his head in a big way.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Bush is done. There is no coming back for him IMHO.

I think Carson will eventually be done in by leaked info from his past. I just don't think he can sustain this consistency of high polling numbers.

Cruz was the best man on stage. IF he can get the party behind him, which is unlikely, he is the REAL conservative we have all been waiting for. Getting the nitwits to follow is hard.

Trump didn't hurt or help, if anything, I think he did what he needed to for this debate.

Fiorina still looks better than the RINOs on stage which is laughable.

Overall, my take....

Trump-No movement
Cruz- Trending up
Rubio- Steady/Trending Up
Carson- Steady/Trending Down
Fiorina- Trending Down
Bush- Life Support. Will need a miracle in my opinion. If not for his last name and donors, would already be out.

And the little engines that couldn't....(and than God, because none of them could beat Killary one on one.)
Christie- No chance, but had one of his better debates. Time to go back to NJ and do his job.
Graham- No chance, Needs to go back to South Carolina and do his job.
Huckabee- No chance, always good for a laugh or two at debates.
Jindal- No chance, needs to go back to Louisiana and do his job.
Kasich- No chance, needs to go back to Ohio and do his job.
Pataki- No chance, may be deceased, I haven't seen him.
Gilmore- No chance, we didn't know him then, we don't know him now.
Santorum- No chance, must like wasting money.
Paul- Absolutely no chance, needs to come back to Kentucky and do his DAMN job and figure out where all these western KY miners are going to work now.


If everyone that should bow out did so tomorrow, that would leave Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, and Carson. ALL OUTSIDERS, well except Rubio who I just don't trust.
If it were just these five left, what would the poll numbers look like then?

To be completely honest, I honestly hope with everything in me Cruz or Trump gets the nomination. I would love to see that ticket.

Just curious, what would that be?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Great analysis or maybe it just seems great because I agree with at least 95 percent of it. :lmao:

Cruz has been my first choice since he won his Senate seat. I still don't trust Trump and probably never will, but he has helped several of the other candidates find their spines and helped sink Bush's campaign. For that, I thank Trump for running and will vote for him if he wins the nomination.

I think that Cruz's attack on the moderators was his equivalent of a jockey deciding it was time to make his move for the lead. He has run a masterful campaign so far, IMO. The past few GOP campaigns have seen early front runners race to the lead and then fade as they burned through their money and crumbled under pressure from media smears. Cruz has quietly built a ground organization and made frequent campaign stops in states where he is likely to do very well and he has been relatively frugal with his campaign cash.

After watching Jeb Bush the past few months, I don't think he ever had a real chance of winning the White House. He is a weak leader who lacks the courage to run what needs to be a brutal campaign against a criminal who will do anything to win.

Cruz, Trump, Fiorina, and Christie seem to be the only serious candidates willing and able to campaign against Hillary like a prosecutor trying to persuade a grand jury to indict a career criminal - and that is what it is going to take to beat Hillary Clinton.

I had written off Chris Christie because of his abrasiveness and "the hug," but he had his best debate by far, IMO. If Rubio fades, it may not be too late for Christie to pick up some support from his supporters and some of the Bush support to get back into the race. The establishment truly hates Trump and Cruz, so Fox News and Reince Priebus will keep switching horses as long as one from their stable is still in the race.

The more I watch Kasich, the more I question how such an annoying whiner ever won an election. Political power has really gone to his head in a big way.

lol, You got that right....I thought maybe it was just me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Even The Five, which I used to enjoy, is tough to stomach during the campaign. I can understand Dana Perino being in the tank for another Bush, but even Greg Gutfield and Eric Boling are obviously working to get one of the GOPe candidates elected.

They make me miss Bob Beckel. I usually disagreed with Beckel but I never suspected that he was delivering the company line to get a better performance appraisal. I also miss Dick Morris, who was the most honest, professional political analyst that Fox had. Brit Hume, Karl Rove, and the rest of the Murdoch shills make me sick.

Which is a shame because he reminds me in voice, demeanor and deliverance of the some of the old school newscasters from the era of Huntley, Brinkley, and Cronkite. He has a lot of talent, but I know exactly where you are coming from..Rove, now that one is truly a joke..After falling flat on his face and looking like a pure fool in the 2012 race, I can not believe that Fox or anyone else for that matter would let him come back and even give him 5 seconds of air time.
Bob Seger Wrote:Just curious, what would that be?

I mean I think he's got some skeletons nobody yet knows about. He did the smart thing by jumping out ahead of the news and telling his story about his past and how he almost killed his friend, but I find it hard to believe we.know everything we should about Carson. Either way I just don't see him staying ahead. Not enough there.
The residents who voted for Rand Paul should ask him why he isn't doing his job and fighting a losing battle he could win if it was just him and gilmore.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I reluctantly watched The Kelly File tonight. She's nearing the same class as the CNBC moderators. Her distain for most of the republicans running (especially Trump) is painfully obvious. I used to like her show, now my respect for her as a journalist is gone and FOX NEWS in general is not far behind in my book. Meh, who needs em?

I would guess that in earlier days she didn't feel quite as comfortable as she does now in allowing her personal bias to show through while on TV. I agree, her disdain has grown to be painfully obvious, as all pretenses to the contrary have since been thrown aside.

To me, she's just another feminist with an ax to grind however enamored with herself she may be. But, there is no shortage of kowtowing from her male counterparts either, Chris Stirewalt must be suffering from a massive crush, and a few between the liners have been leveled against Trump by no less than O'Reilly himself. Perhaps we may see a new book entitled "Killing Trump?"

The short of it from my perspective is this. No, or at least very few women, can cut it in certain environments. It's a man's world out there regardless of the feminist tsunami of propaganda from political circles declaring otherwise. Combat is certainly one, construction, industry, the pulpit and high office (IMHO) are some other obvious examples. That is not to say there are not places of honor for them to serve in filling important, even vital roles of support in those fields. None the less, Megyn's failure to recognize her failure to function as a good faith mod in bringing up a personal issue, is just one more example that women don't know what they don't know. In other words, others can see the impropriety, but she cannot.

She can't or won't let it go but, I had already reached my threshold with her brand and quit watching her show long ago. So her conviction to advance women's equality probably leaked through into the debate. I know I was offended as soon as she asked the question and I don't blame Trump one bit for being put off by it either.
Bob Seger Wrote:Which is a shame because he reminds me in voice, demeanor and deliverance of the some of the old school newscasters from the era of Huntley, Brinkley, and Cronkite. He has a lot of talent, but I know exactly where you are coming from..Rove, now that one is truly a joke..After falling flat on his face and looking like a pure fool in the 2012 race, I can not believe that Fox or anyone else for that matter would let him come back and even give him 5 seconds of air time.

I agree, his demeanor can definitely draw one in. But he's an actor. Ted Koppel is an example of what I'm talking about. He is retired and writing books these days. And yet while watching him being interviewed the other day, I noticed that he cannot speak without sounding like he's still delivering the nightly news. Can you imagine going on a fishing trip with a guy who talks like that? He seems pretty plastic.
^^ I could have worded that better, I was speaking of Hume's professional ability, but that it could still be an act.

I saw through Rove when I realized he was all about establishment candidates, which in my book makes him a RINO.

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