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8th Graders playing on Freshmen Team
footballfever Wrote:Sorry. I was including that. You have great kids, you are an ass, your wife knows more football than me.����

and you know nothing that = 4, it takes a special person to admit that he knows nothing and a woman knows football better even though you are a coach. I rest my case!:coach:
I would appreciate it if we could keep this thread on topic.
goBIGblue82 Wrote:I would appreciate it if we could keep this thread on topic.

K. 8th graders can play JV as long as no 11th graders playing.
Pulaski brought up some 8th graders to play in the PC/SW JV game earlier in the week. They were told by SW coach that SW only had 1 junior playing. At halftime PC was told SW had 6 juniors playing, so PC took the 8th graders off the sideline for the rest of the game.
well if they were told one junior was playing for SW then they shouldn't have been allowed to play at all.
If the coach of the other team wants to play juniors in Jv that's fine. It's the coach of the 8th graders responsibility to make sure that the rules are followed and that 8th graders don't play against 11th graders. If 11th graders are playing the 8th graders can't even be in uniform.
The rule states if juniors are on the field. The junior that was pointed out was on the sideline. Coaches knew if he came in the 8th graders had to come out.
Not a true statement. 8th graders can dress and play in JV games, as long a juniors are not on the field. SW coach pointed out the lone junior he claimed would be participating in the game(#76). At halftime of the game, it was brought up that he actually had 6 juniors in uniform for the game. Not saying either side was right or wrong, just stating what transpired at this particular game.
And yes, the apposing does have a responsibility to inform the other coach of juniors playing in the game if 8th graders are involved. If only as a courtesy and respect
We don't agree on a lot but I see what your saying here and agree.
I cant say for the past 5 years or so, but I only remember Whitley doing this with three kids since around 2000, and they all three were while Campbell was coach. Don't know if Black brought any kids up at all and have no clue on Chappell. All three kids I know of only played frosh. They were in 8th grade, played frosh ball, no 8th and no JV.
Yes, I was at the SW/PC JV game. My understanding is that 8th graders are not allowed to be on field with Jr's. That being said SW &PC agreed that when SW had the Jr in PC would take the 8th graders out. This was fine the 1st half but the 8th graders put up like a score of 40-20 on SW so at the start of 2nd half SW coach cried foul, it was not right for those little 8th graders beating up those 5 Jr's he came up with that we're not there at the start of the game lol. Let's just let the kids play and settle it on the field

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