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Raceland 26 Lawrence Co 20 Final
Great Game We all knew it was going to be. Keep your heads up Dawgs The new season starts next week. Congratulations Rams
Could someone explain how Raceland got the final score? Very confusing listening to the radio guys. They were confused themselves.
Congratulations Rams!
Congratulations 1A Raceland :Cheerlead Thanks for the updates dawgs and Scotty_Bronson.
Jarons Wrote:Could someone explain how Raceland got the final score? Very confusing listening to the radio guys. They were confused themselves.
Lc had the ball and just needed to take a knee but the full back ran ball and on his second effort he lost the ball and the Rams scooped and scored. Rams never quit Hats off to them
Why on earth did lc not take a knee! Crazy ending good game both teams played their hearts out. Congrats rams, I don't know how lc will respond after tonight. It's either gonna derail us or makes us a good team.
Congrats to Rams.
Dawg Family Wrote:Lc had the ball and just needed to take a knee but the full back ran ball and on his second effort he lost the ball and the Rams scooped and scored. Rams never quit Hats off to them

Thanks. Sounds like very poor play calling by the LC coaching staff. They should have taken a knee in that situation IMO.
In the pound Wrote:Why on earth did lc not take a knee! Crazy ending good game both teams played their hearts out. Congrats rams, I don't know how lc will respond after tonight. It's either gonna derail us or makes us a good team.
A win tonight would have given us some much needed momentum going into Belfry. So I'm not sure how this will play out now. I know Belfry will have something to prove next week. It will be like a hornets nest next week at the CAM.
Sounds like we gave a sure win away! If you can take a knee to win a game then you take a knee!
Sounded like a crazy ending on the radio
As for Ramdad50._._._._._if we play sub-par football down here in Louisa then the Dawgs and Rams are both in big trouble lol.
I didn't understand some of the Lawrence County play calling late in the game. Passing when you should've been running the ball, running the ball when you should've taken a knee.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Oh, yeah? If you would've had Rifleman hold the ball, then we would've won the game!
Do-double-gg I hate to break it to you but yes..... LC and Raceland both play subpar football.You have to take the Homer goggles off sometimes and evaluate your team.Dosent mean your any less of a fan because you speak the truth.LC coach gave this game away!!!
What an ending to this one. Lawrence County with an all-time bad coaching decision to lose the game. Both teams are mediocre. I still say Raceland has a chance to represent the east in BG, though. Lawrence, on the other hand, will get crushed by Belfry.
Still glad I went to that game. Very hard fought by both teams and I thought that was the best our defense had played all year. I am sure Rams fans will disagree but truthfully they had one touchdown that game that their offense actually earned. Fumbled punt return gave them the ball at point blank range for a score, 2nd touchdown came right before halftime when once again LC should have just killed the clock and went into half with a td lead and the ball and then the 3rd td at the end of the game on a fumble recovery. I credit the Rams for taking advantage and capitalizing on mistakes. Good luck to them rest of season. I hope the Dawgs can build off this defensive effort because we will certainly need it next week.
i believe the rams had all three time outs, so taking a knee would not of been much help. all in all a very entertaining scrimmage game. dawgs know how they played. the best thing they could possibly take away from this is it ain't over till it's over. it is now time to start the real season.
I can't believe Lawrence didn't take a knee ? Race land with 2 timeouts left its over
dawgbyte02 Wrote:i believe the rams had all three time outs, so taking a knee would not of been much help. all in all a very entertaining scrimmage game. dawgs know how they played. the best thing they could possibly take away from this is it ain't over till it's over. it is now time to start the real season.

They had already used one time out earlier in their drive.They had no more than 2 but that is irrelevant now I guess.
Congrats to my new favorite 1a team.. Would love to see the Rams in Bowling Green come December.
0ff The Chain Wrote:Still glad I went to that game. Very hard fought by both teams and I thought that was the best our defense had played all year. I am sure Rams fans will disagree but truthfully they had one touchdown that game that their offense actually earned. Fumbled punt return gave them the ball at point blank range for a score, 2nd touchdown came right before halftime when once again LC should have just killed the clock and went into half with a td lead and the ball and then the 3rd td at the end of the game on a fumble recovery. I credit the Rams for taking advantage and capitalizing on mistakes. Good luck to them rest of season. I hope the Dawgs can build off this defensive effort because we will certainly need it next week.

Lawrence may be more physical and the Daltons may be superior athletes to anyone Raceland has, but none of that matters when the team lacks the mental toughness to win a game.
Offense killed the Dawgs all night and who gets the blame for the clock management. Rams had 2 Timeouts left. Good Luck Rams.
That last play call by LC's coach came right out of the Dumb A$$ book. Is he still alive? Thought for sure he would be lynched after that game. He wrapped that one up and put a big fat bow tie on it for the Rams
Ramcat77 Wrote:Lawrence may be more physical and the Daltons may be superior athletes to anyone Raceland has, but none of that matters when the team lacks the mental toughness to win a game.

I think LC players showed more than enough mental toughness to win this game.In fact, they did win this game because it should have been over. I do want to acknowledge all the players in this game for both teams and thank them for giving all of us a tremendous game right down to the last second.
Lc could have taken a knee but 50 something seconds left in the game and raceland with 2 timeouts they would have had to punt from their own endzone. They needed to get 1 first down and have the clock under40 seconds. Cole made a nice run for 8 or 9 yards but rams stood him up and swarmed him. The bsll bounced right in the raceland players hands and he was gone.

Only thing I would say I would have never taken the ball out of kiser's hands.

Hats off to the rams they never quit.
Watch out for Bosco and the boys.
Rams! Fairview is coming.
well if the rams only had 2 timeouts left then lc staff must bear some of the blame for the loss. 2 turnovers that led to ram points. drive killing penalties, drive enabling penalties all contributed to loss. very seldom does one play determine a game. all in all it really only matters to those that played their hearts out for both teams. learn from it and move on. scrimmage games are over and the real season starts next week for lc.

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