Poll: Who wins Ashland or Raceland
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#2 Raceland @ #4 Ashland 8/28
Rams by 4.
scrappy coco Wrote:Ashland 35
raceland 12

not even close. maybe a running clock

:closeenough: If Ashland plays a great game you might not be to far off.
washed up Wrote:Not sure about the running clock but Ashland beat Raceland by 46 in 2011.
not sure either think it was Sam Hunters Sr. Year and believe Ashland was up 40-0. Won 48-6 something like that.
Raceland 22-20
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Raceland's front 7, will be a year more experienced, in better shape, deeper, and just flat out better this year. Ashland will need to mix things up if they want to make this "statement" they want to make against us. I dont think either team will be that much better than the other. Its been said, you're a 14 point underdog as it is going into Putnam. This will be a great ball game in an incredible atmosphere, as always. I believe we are in for the best game this seris has had to offer since the OT game in '08.

Will be fun to go back after the game and grade the positions and see who thought which won their respective battles. Putnam is Racelands home away from home. Maybe 7-0 when you enter the game.Confusednicker:
T-CATS Wrote:not sure either think it was Sam Hunters Sr. Year and believe Ashland was up 40-0. Won 48-6 something like that.

I think u are right. 2012 was a great ball game. For a half. After being up 19-15 at the half, we took 2 consecutive knees going into half time that to this very day i can not figure out or make sense of. We went on to lose 42-19. After beating the Tomcats 3 years running, 06-08, Ashland thumped us from 09-12. The last few years they have had some great battles. Ashland's depth got to us late in the ball game. This year will be no different, a great game that will come down to the final horn.
That's why I went ahead and started the thread. This game is 11 days away and with Ashland off week 0 can't get here fast enough!!! Early season titantic battle. Dowdy might start QB but bet Roberts and Ratliff get time. Ratliff is the real deal.
tomcats win.
All three QB candidates have strengths and weaknesses. Last time I checked there are 11 on the field at a time. Wins and losses will be determined by all players both sides of the ball. While everyone has their opinion on who should be the guy, it doesn't take away the fact that we as fans need to support the coaches and the decision they make. I will root for the young man and cheer for the young man whomever it may be. I don't want him to doubt his abilities in any way. I want him to compete at his best. If this team will put aside the "me" and play for the "we" they have a chance to be remembered for good things. If they don't they will be remembered for the wrong things. A win or loss in the first game doesn't mean a thing when it comes to the playoffs. Do I think we will win of course I do, I thought we could beat Highlands last year and we played great. As I have said before, this team has bigger issues to overcome than QB. I for one am thankful that if someone were to go down we have quality options to replace with.
Raceland couldn't win last year with Messer, I don't see their chances improving without him. I know the rest of the team had improved, but do you honestly think the Tomcats have been completely idle since last year.
Rams by eleventy billion!
Will Dowdy, Roberts, Or Ratliff be the QB? I hear Ratliff may be the best.
This will be a great game and I wish I could go to it. Gonna take the Rams in this one because I don't think Ashland's o-line will hold up. I watched both teams last year and the 2 games I watched the Tomcats play in the o-line was wretched. Baker was getting hit as he was getting the hand off time and time again. Maybe they made huge strides in the off season and if so then maybe they can win this game but I am doubting it. Raceland needs to make sure to keep the ball out of Baker's hands on special teams at all costs and limit turnovers and they should be just fine. Kick the ball out of bounds or onside kick it if you have to but DO NOT give Baker any extra chances at taking one to the house on a return. Let's go RAMS!!!
Race land 14:::Baker 12:closeenough:
Always_A_Lion Wrote:Raceland couldn't win last year with Messer, I don't see their chances improving without him. I know the rest of the team had improved, but do you honestly think the Tomcats have been completely idle since last year.

And you honestly think Raceland has done nothing since last year as well? Different year, different teams.
Slic Ric Wrote:And you honestly think Raceland has done nothing since last year as well? Different year, different teams.

Conner is a great athlete and the Rams will miss him but last time I watched a football game there were 11 players on the field.

Just like Ashland has a great athlete in Baker but if his O-line doesnt block for him and open up holes, he's not gonna be the difference maker.

It's 11 on 11 when the whistle blows.

On the other hand, I have seen 16 on 11 a few times but the Zebras usually do a decent job.
If the QB's are equal I would go with Braxton because you give him a year of experience and carry that into the next three years and provide yourself with a strong base. He will be a difference maker for sure, don't be afraid to think outside of the box when it come to the future
Slic Ric, do yourself a favor and read people's entire post, not just the last sentence. You come off looking very ignorant with your reply to my post. Everyone, not just Raceland seem to think they are the only team to improve since last season. As for11players on the field, Messer carried the other 10. I watched Raceland 3times laser year, only once did out look like he had any real help.
I don't mean to sound like I doubt Raceland can win, just that they lost more with Messer than the Tomcats did all the way around. The Rams may do like Fairview did when Jenkins graduated. They were a strong team, with not relying on the big playmaker. One can only hope. I want all the local teams to succeed, but I'm just saying the Rams had a bigger hole to fill than the Tomcats have since their last meeting. They may well have done so.
I don't see how you figure that. Messer had lots of help. He was double covered every game. He didn't touch the ball near as much as he could have if not double covered every game.
The Putty Tats have no shot in this game.
He was double covered,yes. Now who picks up the extra man that he kept occupied. There is more to making plays than receptions and touchdowns. But, even double covered Messer still made plays. You don't just replace a kid like that. Ashland will have the same problem next year.
I agree with the point that Messer brought a lot to Raceland even when he didn't touch the ball. He always had to be accounted for, keyed on by the defense, and as you said, often double-covered. I've watched several Raceland games over the past few years and it appeared to me Messer was always the safety net for the Rams. Anytime Raceland faced a big 3rd or 4th down, it was usually Messer taking the snap from shotgun and making a play. It seems like he completed every pass he threw from the QB position as well. I think the skill players for Raceland will find life is a little tougher without him on the field to garner all the attention from the other team's coaches and defense. In fact, it was when Messer went out of the game with cramps or some sort of injury last year that Ashland started to break off the big runs.
I shouldn't have said Messer carried the other 10 players, that was a slap in the face to some very good athletes. I just meant that there was a world of difference when he was on the field and when he wasn't. I'll just wait until they go to Putnam to see how they've adjusted. I believe no matter how the first couple of weeks play out for the Rams, they are a solid program that does and will continue to be a tough out come post season. But, the season hanky started turret, so we'll cover that subject in a couple months.
You dont replace Conner. You cant. Ashland didnt replace a Juan Thomas, Arlis Beach, or Matt Thomas. Just as they wont replace Baker.

BUT. You can however, regroup with more guys. Does Raceland have another Messer? No. But what we do have is a dark horse QB that is looking very sharp right now, who doesnt force throws, that can tuck it and run when need be, 1 or 2 recievers that can go the distance on a bubble or 1 on 1 situation with Howard and Webb (looked great against Lewis Co) a very tough TE/WR in Jamison who has really good hands and can create some match up problems for both LBs and DBs (Didnt have that last year as Kyle has grown alot over the summer), 3 downhill smash mouth Running backs that combined for 2000 yards last year, and almost the exact same line that cleared the way for them.

You dont replace a Connor Messer, unless you have another Connor Messer. But we have more than enough to make up for it.
I know I've alresdy said this but I really like this team there's something different about them , I was worried about the qb spot , not anymore . Messer was a different type of player , he was a great athlete but at times I felt he didn't mesh well with the team maybe I'm wrong just a thought but what I do know this team seems very close with lots of leadership one guy don't make or break this team , they seem very balanced on offense with a tough nosed defense looking forward to a big year from this group of RAMS
anotherfootballnut Wrote:I know I've alresdy said this but I really like this team there's something different about them , I was worried about the qb spot , not anymore . Messer was a different type of player , he was a great athlete but at times I felt he didn't mesh well with the team maybe I'm wrong just a thought but what I do know this team seems very close with lots of leadership one guy don't make or break this team , they seem very balanced on offense with a tough nosed defense looking forward to a big year from this group of RAMS

I am as well AFN!! These are football kids that for sure. I cant remember a team that was this balanced with quality and delth at each and ever position.
Please overlook my spelling and wrong words all together. I have a phone that spells worse than I do. I hope everyone can decipher my phone's secret language.
Always_A_Lion Wrote:Please overlook my spelling and wrong words all together. I have a phone that spells worse than I do. I hope everyone can decipher my phone's secret language.

Gotta love auto-correct and predictive text.
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