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New Poll Numbers-Post Debate
I guess the media hasn't got the memo, and that includes FOX.


Nice to see Trump/Cruz 1-2.
Cruz is running a good campaign and has amassed a large war chest. I believe that he is the establishment GOP's worst nightmare. Trump"s campaign may unravel as people get tired of his personal attacks, but Cruz will not self destruct.He is a great counter puncher, which is probably why Trump has not picked on him yet.
Im fine with either.

Id love to see the destruction of politics in general, hence my vote for Trump, but as ive stated, Cruz is my second choice.
Trump would be horrible with foreign policy!
Bc 2 dc!
Stardust Wrote:Trump would be horrible with foreign policy!
I agree but could it be worse than what odumbo has done Confusednicker: Plus at least Trump could get the right advisers, who knows maybe even Cruz as a VP that would offset the things Trump would be horrible at.
Stardust Wrote:Trump would be horrible with foreign policy!

Demarcus ware Wrote:I agree but could it be worse than what odumbo has done Confusednicker: Plus at least Trump could get the right advisers, who knows maybe even Cruz as a VP that would offset the things Trump would be horrible at.

In my lifetime the President worst at foreign policy had been Jimmy Carter with Bill Clinton a very close second. Then came the anticolonial Obama whose liberal atrocities eclipsed them both. Dems like to talk about how the US should not have meddled in the affairs of other nations and in particular the Arab World. And yet, Islamic extremism has plagued this world throughout history. According to some, the historical record reports over 290 million victims of Islamic terror to date, with the prospects of an exponential acceleration of that statistic poised to manifest itself in the coming days.
120 million Africans, according to Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, page 62, in 1888.
80 million Hindus, according to Koenard Elst, in Negationism in India, page 34. also Tarikh-i-Yamini , al-Utbi, Mahmud al-Ghazni's secretary and Ibn Battuta memoirs
60 million Christians, according to David Barrett and Todd Johnson, in World Christian Trends AD 30 to AD 2200, page 230. and by RaphaelMoore in History of Asia Minor
10 million Buddhists. [David B. Barrett, Todd M.Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.
And 220,000 Jews, just in one year, 1146, in Morocco, according to H. Z. Hirschberg, A History of the Jews of North Africa, 1974, page 127-28

Adding 17 million of Slave trade done and shipped to Islamic countries, Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] Historical survey> Slave-owning societies ". Encyclopædia Britannica

The US fueled and hailed Arab Spring, served to undue the admittedly tedious knot that world leaders tied immediately following WW2 to help control the violence du jour of the Arab World. Thus from Saudi Arabia to Benghazi, we now find the newly unfettered hands of those freed by the so-called birth pangs of democracy, to be covered with the blood of innocents from around the world. Their religious pursuits are and always have been steeped in the blood of others. They will not change and they will not stop converting or killing those around them. Now, I know Obama is a self styled genius and all, but he might have done a little better with foreign policy had he studied history a little more and transformative social engineering a little less. So granted, meddling in the affairs of the Middle East is fraught with foreign policy maneuvers that blur the line. But, what we have now is surely much much worse. At any rate, it is difficult to imagine anybody, (other than Hillary Clinton) who could have screwed things up any more than we have seen over the past 8 years.

One more thing, IMO had Obama listened to Benjamin Netanyahu instead of Valarie Jarrett he just might have gone down in history as a strong foreign policy President. But, he didn't come into office with the intent to serve and protect. He came in with the intention to transform and reject.
Demarcus ware Wrote:I agree but could it be worse than what odumbo has done Confusednicker: Plus at least Trump could get the right advisers, who knows maybe even Cruz as a VP that would offset the things Trump would be horrible at.

It goes without saying that over the last 8 years we have destroyed our allied presence, thus I do believe that for both economically and world security, a President (not a VP) MUST be able to bring our foreign policy strength back to where it was during the peak years of Reagan and the Bush's. That means that not only do all other countries follow the strength of that President, but they RESPECT him! That will ensure that those countries want to come to the table and do business with us in return. Trump could not cater that "political correctness" that is needed when dealing with other countries. I'm not for political correctness, thus I like Trump's stance on that domestically, but when it comes to foreign relations, it is a REQUIRED skill!

This isn't about being better than Obama, it is about what is best for our nation. Just picking someone better than what we have had to endure over the past 8 years is like saying "I'd rather eat a booger than shit". I'd rather have Filet-Minot if I am getting the chance to pick, thus let's not settle, let's get the right guy!

Demarcus ware had rather eat wormy bananas!!!
Stardust Wrote:It goes without saying that over the last 8 years we have destroyed our allied presence, thus I do believe that for both economically and world security, a President (not a VP) MUST be able to bring our foreign policy strength back to where it was during the peak years of Reagan and the Bush's. That means that not only do all other countries follow the strength of that President, but they RESPECT him! That will ensure that those countries want to come to the table and do business with us in return. Trump could not cater that "political correctness" that is needed when dealing with other countries. I'm not for political correctness, thus I like Trump's stance on that domestically, but when it comes to foreign relations, it is a REQUIRED skill!

This isn't about being better than Obama, it is about what is best for our nation. Just picking someone better than what we have had to endure over the past 8 years is like saying "I'd rather eat a booger than shit". I'd rather have Filet-Minot if I am getting the chance to pick, thus let's not settle, let's get the right guy!
Of course it's about being better than Obama, it's also about being better than everyone before, is it going to happen? Probably not. IMO Cruz is the only option that can have both domestic and foreign relations. I would love to see Cruz get the nod but i'm not so sure it's going to happen. As for political correctness, i could care less about that within country or foreign policy, it's already ruined enough of this world. When i say Trump/Cruz i could care less which is pres and which is VP, i just like the two together..
Tea party :rockon:
64SUR Wrote:Tea party :rockon:

Would it be a lot of trouble for you to tell us what you see wrong with the Tea Party 64?
Stardust Wrote:Trump would be horrible with foreign policy!

What foreign policy?

Im thinking Trump will just nuke the shit out of whoever back talks.

That would be his version of "no boots on the ground". Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:What foreign policy?

Im thinking Trump will just nuke the shit out of whoever back talks.

That would be his version of "no boots on the ground". Confusednicker:

This is what I like about him though Gut, he would scare the hell out of the Middle East and some of the European terrorist nations and that's not a bad thing. Behind closed doors he could be reeled in on foreign diplomacy IMO but I'm all for him at this point
Federal Government needs to be blown up. We need a President is isn't deterred by making enemies! Trump 2016!
I will say this if Trump becomes president....I will believe God is a Democrat. Confusederiously:
64SUR Wrote:I will say this if Trump becomes president....I will believe God is a Democrat. Confusederiously:

Anything would be better than what we currently have in office.
64SUR Wrote:I will say this if Trump becomes president....I will believe God is a Democrat. Confusederiously:

WideRight05 Wrote:Anything would be better than what we currently have in office.

LOL, I thought everybody knew that all good Democrats believe God is a Democrat.

But seriously, I'm glad you brought that up. The Dems are the party of abortion on demand and homosexual rights. Two things that are clearly set forth in the Scripture as abominations in His sight. I suppose in the end when standing before Him at the Judgment, we will see if Hill and company are still as ragingly proud to espouse those two so-called rights, as they claim to be today. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, I thought everybody knew that all good Democrats believe God is a Democrat.

But seriously, I'm glad you brought that up. The Dems are the party of abortion on demand and homosexual rights. Two things that are clearly set forth in the Scripture as abominations in His sight. I suppose in the end when standing before Him at the Judgment, we will see if Hill and company are still as ragingly proud to espouse those two so-called rights, as they claim to be today. :biggrin:

Are there any democrats left that still believe in any higher being?
Honest question, but how could anyone of faith support the democratic socialist party?

You would be supporting the exact opposite of pretty much any faith, unless your a follower of scientology I suppose.
TigerBlues Wrote:This is what I like about him though Gut, he would scare the hell out of the Middle East and some of the European terrorist nations and that's not a bad thing. Behind closed doors he could be reeled in on foreign diplomacy IMO but I'm all for him at this point

I think you misunderstood me. That wasn't sarcasm.

Trump has my vote. The more he goes off, the better I like him.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think you misunderstood me. That wasn't sarcasm.

Trump has my vote. The more he goes off, the better I like him.

One of the many bozo news anchors on FOX these days (in this case Howard Kurtz), was trashing Trump today. According to him, Trump's supporters are not smart enough to realize that he is basically a shallow loud mouth with no answers, only criticisms. It hasn't occurred to Kurtz that the silent majority is sick and tired of being lied to by those they send to DC to govern. I mean, some of the stuff the DNC comes up with is truly asinine. Further, Kurtz would have us believe that governing should be left to those special ones on the Hill. I heartily disagree. Though we do have some great leaders among the clowns, our President is certainly is not one of them. And, "We the People" have had enough of it. Trump's popularity isn't a gimmick nor is it any sort of lack of understanding on his or his supporters part.

Frankly, Trump says what many have been thinking for a long time now. Contrary to self deluded media the likes of Kurtz, the majority of Americans do not agree with all the liberal escapades of the past 7 years and, they mean to do something about it this election cycle. Trump, Fiorina, and Carson have been making Graham and Bush look small and recycled. I'm with you Run, the more he goes off the more I like him.
I agree that Trump is saying many of the right things but what bothers me is that he has not done the right things in the past. It also bothers me that Bill Clinton reportedly encouraged Trump to run a few months ago. I am very angry at the GOPe, but I am not sure that Trump's conservative conversion is genuine. I am not even sure that Trump is not a liberal Democrat who is just yanking Republican chains.

After witnessing Obama getting elected to two terms, anything is possible, but I think that it is very unlikely that Trump will run as a Republican.

Cruz is running a quiet, smart campaign. He is building his organization across the south and preparing for a long campaign. I suspect that most conservatives who are willing to take a gamble on Trump are already counted in the polls. As Perry and other conservatives fall by the wayside, Cruz's campaign will continue to thrive.

I think that Trump is hurting Jeb Bush more than anybody else in the campaign by splitting the support of moderates and RINOs. The longer Trump stays in the race, the more difficult Jeb's path to the nomination will be. Cruz is carefully avoiding alienating the supporters of the other conservative candidates. If Cruz is the last conservative standing and Trump is still in the race, then my money will be on Cruz to win a three-way race for the nomination.
I believe that, to beat Hillary, we need to destroy her with all these scandals. That will be difficult because the media, other than Fox, will protect her at all costs.

The Republicans have several credible candidates but all of them have flaws. The media would relentlessly attack any Tea Party type of nominee. Fine candidates but they, in all honesty, cannot win. Keep in mind that the majority of voters are the youth, the minorities, the unemployed, the homosexuals, and the abortion loving amoral portion of women. All are uninformed, anti-traditional beliefs, and/or dependent. That makes up the foundation of the Democrat electorate. They will all vote for Hillary. Period.

Therefore, to win, we must get rid of the aged Hillary because we obviously cannot depend on the "smarts" of the electorate. There is none.
Nobody on this site has know clue who to vote for including me. :HitWall:
Oh I have a clue!! LOL YOU will vote for Hillary!! Hands down!

I will vote for Cruz...hands down!!
New poll numbers last night....

Trumps lead grows to 25%. Carson being him at 12. Cruz in 3rd with 10%. Bush, walker, and Rubio all fall to single digits.

The same ole establishment talk will not get you elected this time.

The funniest thing of all this is that the media in most cases still doesn't see him as a serious candidate. I think its ppretty clear he is. I really liked his ideals on immigration that he laid out.
Granny Bear Wrote:Oh I have a clue!! LOL YOU will vote for Hillary!! Hands down!

I will vote for Cruz...hands down!!
Hillary is in some deep water right now, hope that hag does 20 in lockup when all said and done. Meanwhile, the Trump train keeps right on rolling. Just like GUT said, the career politician talk isn't working. People are fed up with empty promises and lies. Although Odumbo did promise change and boy did he deliver. Too bad is was bad change Confusednicker:
Demarcus ware Wrote:Hillary is in some deep water right now, hope that hag does 20 in lockup when all said and done. Meanwhile, the Trump train keeps right on rolling. Just like GUT said, the career politician talk isn't working. People are fed up with empty promises and lies. Although Odumbo did promise change and boy did he deliver. Too bad is was bad change Confusednicker:

I've known one person that stretched the legal envelope for so long and so strong, he thought he was above the law. Oh he knew there was a limit out there somewhere but, he rationalized he'd never cross that line. Well, as it turned out he had already crossed the line and with regularity in fact. All that remained was for the last of the chickens to come home and roost. That's the way it is with human nature, those baby steps going in the wrong direction just don't seem to be a threat. So when folks fall victim to their own faulty logic and rationalizations, boy are they ever shocked!

The person I knew denied culpability all the way to the slammer. Then years later having been released, he was filled with righteous indignation for being railroaded in such fashion by the legal system.

Everybody with a brain knows Benghazi is no Republican led politicization. The victims of their own falsehoods, Dems have been so successful in feeding the propaganda line for so long, they're just not going to accept the likelihood that common folks can or will use their head for something other than a hat rack. Hillary and company have become so accustomed to the base swallowing any absurdity they can think up, they just don't know how to respond when the voters push back.

Some time ago I predicted that the zoo stew which is the Democratic base would inevitably start infighting and from what I'm seeing that has started to happen. Dogs will work together to bring down their prey, but once that happens they will then turn on each other, fighting for their "fair share."

The thing that is so hilarious about the tenuous international and domestic house of cards Obama has set up is that it cannot stand. No credible statesman expects the likes of the Ayatollah, Kim Jong-un, Putin, Xi Jinping, Raul Castro, the cutthroat monsters of the world of terror, the Arab World, etc. etc., to honor any deal the President has made with them. I mean, it's ironic is not? We have a President who has refused to uphold laws he does not approve of, indicating they are not worth the paper they're written on, and yet, he expects those guys to honor his agreements? :please:

As far as the domestic madness is concerned, if the country survives these days of darkness and Hillary is held accountable, the federal government will be kept busy through 2024 rebuilding the military and otherwise undoing the romper room antics of the past 7 years. We will have a Republican in the White House this time around.
I seen an article today where the IT firm that handled Clinton's server is saying a back up of all emails should exist. Now, getting hands on it is a different story. Also, they know there was classified emails on this server, at what level has yet yo be said. BUT, the question is being ask how can you have a contractor handling this server that's not been approved or cleared by the government? In other words nobody knows what this IT firm has had access too.

She's already been caught in a lie over this. As for BENGHAZI I'm not going to even get started on that one. There's not enough room on here for what I have to say. You are right TRT, there will be a Republican in the White House.
I seen an article today where the IT firm that handled Clinton's server is saying that a back up of all emails should exist. Now, getting hands on it is a different story. Also, they know there was classified emails on this server, at what level has yet yo be said. BUT, the question is being ask how can you have a contractor handling this server that's not been approved or cleared by the government? In other words nobody knows what this IT firm has had access too.

She's already been caught in a lie over this. As for BENGHAZI I'm not going to even get started on that one. There's not enough room on here for what I have to say. You are right TRT, there will be a Republican in the White House.

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