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Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts?
I'm not going to give a link here because this is easy to find. I just want to make sure that I'm understanding this correctly.

Apparently an official from Planned Parenthood was video taped at a lunch discussing the selling of body parts, or "tissue" from aborted fetuses.

This woman even talks about the kind of body part or "tissue" that is being requested, and THAT fact determines where she would "crush" the fetus being aborted. In other words, if someone wanted a specific organ, i.e. heart, lungs, liver...she would crush the fetus so that those organs were not damaged.

Please, someone, tell me that I have misunderstood this interview!!
You didn't misunderstand Granny. Our world is disintegrating into chaos and our president is leading it.

Nowadays, you are persecuted if you are normal and praised just because you're different. It don't make a lot of sense to me. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Texas.
Black Bear Dad Wrote:You didn't misunderstand Granny. Our world is disintegrating into chaos and our president is leading it.

Nowadays, you are persecuted if you are normal and praised just because you're different. It don't make a lot of sense to me. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Texas.

Texas would be the obvious refuge for traditional, Christian conservatives. Of course, we would have to rid the state of Austin which is controlled by wild-eyes.

Planned Parenthood is just another sign that this country isn't just going to Hell. It has arrived. Obama is a parasite who, from the beginning, has had a goal of destroying the sacred traditions and beliefs of the United States. He has pretty well accomplished his goal. And, those who oppose him are cowered by the fear of being called "racists". I believe it is long past time for these "racists" to stand up and fight back. Please remember, you better take more than a prayer book to a gun fight.
If anyone really doubts that this country has reached the lowest level of "human" existence, all he or she needs to do is listen to the Planned Parenthood butcher explain how babies are murdered while she stuffs her jaws with salad and wine. The media, the liberals and the Democrats are justifying Planned Parenthood's barbarous history. Republicans, Christians, and traditional believers, on the other hand, speak fine words in support of life but do nothing else.

I believe Harry is correct. It is past time for less words and more action. Pompous words about hating the sin but loving the sinner aren't accomplishing anything nor are those fine words saving any babies.
This is horrible. As sad as it is, I'm not surprised to see that it happened.

I would definitely recommend signing petitions to urge congress to act on the issue.
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm not going to give a link here because this is easy to find. I just want to make sure that I'm understanding this correctly.

Apparently an official from Planned Parenthood was video taped at a lunch discussing the selling of body parts, or "tissue" from aborted fetuses.

This woman even talks about the kind of body part or "tissue" that is being requested, and THAT fact determines where she would "crush" the fetus being aborted. In other words, if someone wanted a specific organ, i.e. heart, lungs, liver...she would crush the fetus so that those organs were not damaged.

Please, someone, tell me that I have misunderstood this interview!!

Very nearly the entirety of this nation's populace remains insulated from the damnably graphic and barbarous nature of so called legalized abortion. That is to say folks live out their lives and conveniently don't trouble themselves with the level of horror that is going on in the abortion clinics all around them. I believe they choose to ignore the situation as if somehow they are not responsible. And then of course, there is my pet peeve. My brothers in Christ who sit all around me in Churches in which I have been in attendance from Florida, to Texas, to northern Ohio and many places in-between, who still actively advocate for voting Democratic. In fact, I had a guy in my Sunday School class that was a rabidly supportive Democratic poll worker with whom I had to be careful not to offend to such a degree that he would not be back. If I had a message for them (those who claim to be washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ), it would be this; those who have been saved and who continue to vote Democratic need to consider this one point. If a person votes to install any candidate to public office, who openly and unashamedly promises to foster the tenets of abortion on demand, he can expect to share in that candidate's legacy/judgment.

As for myself, I view the doctor who slaughters the unborn by the drove every day, as a monster. And I believe he will face God's Judgment to his own horror. But, I also believe those who vote for candidates who have openly sworn to advance the abortion on demand agenda, and who in addition have pledged to use tax dollars to fund the abortion clinic, will share in the horror of their legacy. That is to say though they will not go to Hell for their actions, they will certainly lose reward. And though that might sound rather innocuous a penalty, it is anything but.

What is truly remarkable is the fact that so many of those on the left will get on TV to tearfully push some kind of agenda they feel strongly about. For example, how many times have you heard of the outrage they feel for the way the animals which make up our food supply are treated waiting to be slaughtered? And how about the recent ASPCA ads asking for money so they can go lurching about the country rescuing mistreated pets. Now, I must admit it enflames me to see a starving dog or cat that some nitwit has nearly killed for lack of care. However, how ridiculous is it that we've got literally thousands of animal lovers out there trying to make things right for pets, while on the abortion front it seems like not that much is happening? It is widely reported that one can expect a much stiffer and swifter sentence for harming animals than for violence against humans, and I believe it.

No, I am with Harry and Truth on this one. Words of contempt are fine but, action is what is required here.
Some might suggest we need more Eric Rudolphs.
That's how many black babies were aborted last year. I thought all black lives mattered.
nky Wrote:1000000
That's how many black babies were aborted last year. I thought all black lives mattered.

Excellent point. It illustrates the absolute hypocrisy of both the liberal and the black propaganda machines.
nky Wrote:1000000
That's how many black babies were aborted last year. I thought all black lives mattered.

^^Another excellent point. But all the social upheaval we're seeing today has nothing to do with truth or honesty. It is about rebellion. But you're right, if black lives matter then all black lives should matter including the alive but yet to be born.

Human nature transcends skin color or nationality. Man is bent on his own destruction. That is why he riots, plunders, murders and wars. And, it is certainly why he murders his own offspring. I read an article which stated that there have been over 16 million black people murdered in their mother's womb within the past 40 years. This is just my opinion but, who knows but what the best of us were not dumpster fodder at some point? And who knows what remarkable contribution they may have made to humanity? We as a nation are descending into chaos and a type of suicidal madness.
Why should we Caucasians believe that black lives matter when millions of them are murdered through abortion by their own race, over three-fourths of them are born out of wedlock, and they fill the prisons and welfare roles?

It appears that personal responsibility is not one of their virtues.

Warning: This post is not politically correct. It is absolute truth. Absolute truth is, of course, not usually stated in this country anymore.
Another video has surfaced taped at another restaurant. In this one, a doctor is talking about using "less crunchy" techniques. When price is mentioned, it isn't the price of transporting live tissue because the doc wants a Lamborghini. I kid you not. This video is shocking.
She should be ran out of the country by lynch mobs.
If there was ever a scum of the Earth, she is it. Im sure she is a two time Obama supporter.
I bet she is a 2 time supporter, too. My wife and I have seen both films and they are disgusting. Inever thought I would see the day where people are killing babies and bargaining for their body parts in America.
So, it is illegal for me as an adult to sell a kidney, or any other body part to someone that wants or needs it, but it is perfectly fine to not only sell a baby's body part but kill it in doing so?? Yeah i'm sure Odumbo will get this swept under the rug, along with the support of that psychotic witch H. Clinton. The woman in the video eating dinner and drinking wine talking about Less crunchy methods while negotiating a price just shows what a ruthless, cold hearted B!tch she is. Why is americans not beating the door down at the White House after all this country has been through is beyond me, i know i've about had all i can take, it's to the point i don't even want to see the news anymore.
I would love about 10 min alone with the people in those videos. Nothing but me them and a box cutter. Would be nothing left to sell lol! :ChairHit:
Well, a third video has surfaced. I'm not going to post a link because the video contains the products of an 11.5 week abortion. The vid warns that the contents are graphic. Apparently a broker is haggling over the body parts of this baby. I understand the liver can go for $24K or so.
Another thing that bothers me so much about this situation is the lack of compassion for human life. There is more media outrage over a man killing a lion than there is about Planned Parenthood selling baby parts.
I don't know if Planned Parenthood will be defunded or not, but they sure should be! More vids have surfaced, and the more they are the worse they are.

Of course Hillary still supports them, and did a public statement just for that purpose.

You guys catch Jeff Foxworthy's take on all this??
Well maybe it isn't Foxworthy! But it's still a good read:

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
Granny Bear Wrote:I don't know if Planned Parenthood will be defunded or not, but they sure should be! More vids have surfaced, and the more they are the worse they are.

Of course Hillary still supports them, and did a public statement just for that purpose.

You guys catch Jeff Foxworthy's take on all this??

The vote yesterday totaled 53-46, Lindsey Graham missed the voting and Mitch McConnell voted no on the measure so that it could be brought up for a vote again. The 60 votes needed would stop the democratic filibuster and bring the issue to a vote, where it would likely pass.

Keep contacting your local senators/representatives and encourage them to continue getting after planned parenthood. I have attached a link which lists the contact information for our senators as well as our representatives.
Planned Parenthood will not be defunded. It has the full and undivided support of the Democrats and their halfrican president. It will continue to be the largest provider of abortions in the country- most all of which are paid for by the taxpayers. It will continue to murder babies with, of course, the consent and assistance of the women carrying those innocent babies. Make no mistake. These women are as bad as or worse than Planned Parenthood because they, with premeditation, murder their own flesh and blood. To hell with all of them. Why God remains absolutely silent is a real mystery to me. It also should cause any reasonably intelligent person to question his/her faith. Somehow the old bromides of "God's ways are not our ways" and "We are not to question" don't get it because the slaughter continues.

Orations, television and radio commercials, prayer groups, and related actions will result in nothing. They never have and never will. This passive approach isn't saving one baby.
This is one of the problems with political parties. The Democrats have always been a big-time supporter of planned parenthood and to slam their actions would mean that the Democrats would have to admit that they erred. Many Dems do not want to do that.

New Hampshire took action as a state today to strip planned parenthood of their funding. It's time that many other states followed the lead of New Hampshire and make an effort to remove their funding. My suggestion would be to call or email Steve Beshear and your local representatives. Despite being pro-choice, send Steve Beshear an email. You never know what could happen. It's certainly worth taking the time to get your voice out to him and to your representatives.
Beshear always likes to point out that he is the son of a Methodist minister. Thus, we can assume that he was raised in an environment that emphasized Christian principles. However, he is a Democrat. And, like many Democrats in every walk of life, his political philosophy takes precedence over his Christian philosophy.

Beshear is just one of tens of millions who purport to be "good Christians" living at the foot of the Cross and awaiting their key to the Pearly Gates but still vote for those who represent a party that directly attacks Christianity and destroys innocent human beings for their own convenience and profit. I would hope that God holds them accountable. If not, as they say, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
I'm going to state a truth that may offend some posters. If so, it won't change the message of the post.

Women who conceive babies and murder them are the lowest form of life. I would hope that there is a particularly heinous place in Hell for them.
Memo Luna Wrote:I'm going to state a truth that may offend some posters. If so, it won't change the message of the post.

Women who conceive babies and murder them are the lowest form of life. I would hope that there is a particularly heinous place in Hell for them.

I would say that would be a pretty safe bet. It's hard to guess the actual number of murdered babies. In just one bizarre category, an every increasing number are being pulled from public toilets. Amazingly some of them still alive. But the birth pains hit and the hosts, (Harry said not to call them mothers) just dive into a restroom somewhere and give birth in a stinking toilet. I suppose they try to pick one that has an ample supply of paper towels. At any rate, newborns are being slaughtered by the one who carried them for 9 months in all sorts of ways. One could reasonably rest assured that the official abortion stats are as bogus as the unemployment rate.
Memo Luna Wrote:I'm going to state a truth that may offend some posters. If so, it won't change the message of the post.

Women who conceive babies and murder them are the lowest form of life. I would hope that there is a particularly heinous place in Hell for them.

Memo Luna is absolutely correct. It is time to quit treating the women who have abortions as "victims". They are committing premeditated murder and they need to be labeled as the thoughtless, selfish, abominable murderesses that they are. You can't get lower than murdering your own innocent baby.
The abortionists and their supporters are our generation's Nazis. They are responsible for far more human carnage that Hitler was, even if you limit the body count to only the U.S. There have been more deaths by abortion in this country since 1973 than in all U.S. wars combined.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Memo Luna is absolutely correct. It is time to quit treating the women who have abortions as "victims". They are committing premeditated murder and they need to be labeled as the thoughtless, selfish, abominable murderesses that they are. You can't get lower than murdering your own innocent baby.

I think the blame solely lays on our Government and the politicians who support it. The women who have abortions are nothing more than puppets who believe it is okay. Had we never let this option happen, none of these women would have done it.

No matter what anyone thinks of abortion the bottom line is none of them were virgin Mary's and all had to have intercourse for it to happen. That was a choice. No different than our government calling drug addiction a disease.
When anyone makes a choice to do something, that's on them.
I would not want to be a woman who had an abortion or a doctor who preformed it when it comes time for judgment.
Something that has always bothered me is's a woman's body so it's a woman's choice. Well, what about the man? Shouldn't the fathers have a say in what is going to happen to their unborn child? And should they want to keep the baby, what happens? It is my understanding that the woman can abort her child without the father even knowing that she's pregnant.

It boils down to a society that we have become. We want all of the privileges and joys of an action, with none of the responsibility. So sex becomes a weekend party, and we just kill any of the responsibilities that may be created by our actions.

Actions without repercussions....hmmmm.

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