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Changing the Face of Our Greenbacks
^^^ oh yeah I agree. Thats exactly what we need.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
How about a group dedicated to only stopping immigration Confusednicker:

We can have agendas to dammit.

I agree, because immigration is not what this country was built upon. :flush:
Motley Wrote:I agree, because immigration is not what this country was built upon. :flush:

The immigrants who settled and built this country were motivated to work hard to make a living for them and their families. None of them came in with their hands out looking for a handout. That is quite different from those now sneaking across our southern border now. The fact is that Donald Trump, though not touchy and feely, told the truth. He did not evade the truth like all these politically correct morons- Democrat and Republican do.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The immigrants who settled and built this country were motivated to work hard to make a living for them and their families. None of them came in with their hands out looking for a handout. That is quite different from those now sneaking across our southern border now. The fact is that Donald Trump, though not touchy and feely, told the truth. He did not evade the truth like all these politically correct morons- Democrat and Republican do.

I know youre not trying to tell a liberal that immigration is wrong...

They have to support free loading Mexicans. Its a good percentage of there voter base.

And I agree on Trump. If anything, even if he flames out in a few weeks, hes the one candidate that wont be ruined or isolated when he speaks the truth. The man has more money than all the other candidates combined. He doesn't care what the media says which makes it beautiful. The man pretty much laughed at NBC when they refused to air the Ms America pageant. Not only will he make millions off that lawsuit, Idiots like NBC and Macys will also not hurt him one bit by not supporting him.
I like Donald Trump, but he is a shameless self promoter who I could not support for president. I think Trump's main motivation is promoting his brand and keeping his name recognition extremely high. Trump is providing a valuable service to Jeb Bush and the Republican establishment because he is siphoning off support from the few genuinely conservative GOP candidates.

As for the face on our greenbacks, Alexander Hamilton has earned a permanent position on our currency. Replacing Hamilton should not be open for discussion.
A much better case can be made for replacing Andrew Jackson, who had about as much respect for the U.S. Constitution and our economic system as Obama or Hillary.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The immigrants who settled and built this country were motivated to work hard to make a living for them and their families. None of them came in with their hands out looking for a handout. That is quite different from those now sneaking across our southern border now. The fact is that Donald Trump, though not touchy and feely, told the truth. He did not evade the truth like all these politically correct morons- Democrat and Republican do.

Exactly, because there is no such thing as a hard working Mexican immigrant. Are you kidding me with that? They are coming because of the same push/pull factors that have brought people here for 300 years. Some immigrants throughout our history have been good, some have been bad - regardless of where they come from.

And please send Donald Trump into the November 2016 election. Please.
Motley Wrote:Exactly, because there is no such thing as a hard working Mexican immigrant. Are you kidding me with that? They are coming because of the same push/pull factors that have brought people here for 300 years. Some immigrants throughout our history have been good, some have been bad - regardless of where they come from.

And please send Donald Trump into the November 2016 election. Please.

I just do not believe that. Our economy has been in the tanks for almost a decade. Over that time span, when immigration has been directly in the spotlight, you mean to tell me they are coming here for better opportunities and jobs? If so, why not take the legal route and apply for citizenship legally? And are you sure that's the reason or could it be the fact that there worthless government cant control drug cartels and smugglers?
I think its the latter.
Motley Wrote:Exactly, because there is no such thing as a hard working Mexican immigrant. Are you kidding me with that? They are coming because of the same push/pull factors that have brought people here for 300 years. Some immigrants throughout our history have been good, some have been bad - regardless of where they come from.

And please send Donald Trump into the November 2016 election. Please.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I just do not believe that. Our economy has been in the tanks for almost a decade. Over that time span, when immigration has been directly in the spotlight, you mean to tell me they are coming here for better opportunities and jobs? If so, why not take the legal route and apply for citizenship legally? And are you sure that's the reason or could it be the fact that there worthless government cant control drug cartels and smugglers?
I think its the latter.

Don't let him pull your chain Run. This has nothing to do with whether or not a certain percentage of illegal immigrants will work or not. That is another liberal deflection meant to take attention off the obvious fact that they (illegals) are here because they have violated our law to get here.

This is solely a matter of whether or not Americans are going to allow ILLEGALS to continue to pour into this country. The ILLEGAL immigration of today is sanctioned by Dems right now because they know they need more votes to stay in power. In their unceasing efforts to conflate the noble and legal immigrants of days past with what is going on right now, we see the typical lying propaganda of the liberals in action. Liberals will say anything, and they will do almost anything, to get their way.

Employing the liberal immigration rationale, accepting our wide open border policy would be like offering a thirsty man a coke that was laced with a couple teaspoons of arsenic. Most of that drink would be good, so the thirsty man should just ignore the fraction of his coke that is arsenic. They use this tactic over and over. They're saying the same thing about the number of emails that Hillary did not turn over from State Department business. Then there is the example of my personal favorite, which is the liberal contention that social security is somehow the same thing as welfare. Let's see, one group worked their whole life and with their hard earned wages funded the construction of the USA we see today. While the other group comprised of the able-bodied, lay around running up their zombie count, ingesting vast amounts of Mountain Dew and Twinkies and producing an equally vast number of parentless progeny. :please:

And BTW, according to many conservatives the voter ID resistance headed up by Dems, is meant to allow as many illegals to vote as they can get to the polls. In fact, many liberals are shamelessly advocating for legal voting for anybody who happens to be in the US during election seasons, regardless if that would be Vladimir Putin or ISIS sleeper cells.
I apologize if it seems as if I highjacked this thread however, changing the faces on our currency from the founding fathers in favor of obscure left wing icons, is an attempt of the left to rewrite history and thus control the mindset of average Americans, pure and simple. Whether rewriting history or manipulating the future through propaganda, liberals are presently just as busy as the characters in George Orwell's book in their attempts to create their idea of utopia.

In post #18 above I made reference to 1984's government efforts to effect the way people think by eliminating many words that had specifically implied meaning. The government envisioned by George Orwell wanted complete control of every citizen, so it was deemed that descriptive words led to individual thinking and had to be eliminated. Sounds like most Democrats I know. At any rate, in reading the story linked below, it looks to me like the present administration is engaging in the same form of effort in an attempt to control how "we the people," think.

EXCERPT---"Wasting little time, (following the same sex ruling of the SCOTUS) Democrats in Congress are already proposing legislation to replace the words “husband” and “wife” in the federal code with gender-neutral language reflective of the Supreme Court’s June 26 pronouncement that married couples in the United States need no longer consist of a male and a female.

On July 8, Representative Lois Capps (D-Calif.) introduced the Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act, which she said in a press release “would strike the use of gendered terms such as ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ from the federal code and replace them with more gender-neutral terms, such as ‘spouse’ or ‘married couple.’”

“The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act recognizes that the words in our laws have meaning and can continue to reflect prejudice and discrimination even when rendered null by our highest courts,” Capps said.

Therefore I must ask again, how do you like your fundamental transformation so far?
Motley Wrote:Exactly, because there is no such thing as a hard working Mexican immigrant. Are you kidding me with that? They are coming because of the same push/pull factors that have brought people here for 300 years. Some immigrants throughout our history have been good, some have been bad - regardless of where they come from.

And please send Donald Trump into the November 2016 election. Please.

If Pancho, Pedro, and Rosarita have so much to offer, why don't they stay home and reform Mexico? Could it be that they have no education, no skills, no incentive to succeed except by collecting welfare paid for by the evil whites? Of course, they will fill the need for many more Democrat votes, won't they?

Motley seems to resent the ultra-successful Trump but loves the aged, unaccomplished, con artist who clings to the "husband" with the roving eye and astro turf pick up truck.

One question. Does the well-fed Hillary ever wear anything other than those tent-sized pant suits? On the other hand, she does appear far more "manly" than the limp-wristed Obama.
Motley Wrote:Exactly, because there is no such thing as a hard working Mexican immigrant. Are you kidding me with that? They are coming because of the same push/pull factors that have brought people here for 300 years. Some immigrants throughout our history have been good, some have been bad - regardless of where they come from.

And please send Donald Trump into the November 2016 election. Please.

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If Pancho, Pedro, and Rosarita have so much to offer, why don't they stay home and reform Mexico? Could it be that they have no education, no skills, no incentive to succeed except by collecting welfare paid for by the evil whites? Of course, they will fill the need for many more Democrat votes, won't they?

Motley seems to resent the ultra-successful Trump but loves the aged, unaccomplished, con artist who clings to the "husband" with the roving eye and astro turf pick up truck.

One question. Does the well-fed Hillary ever wear anything other than those tent-sized pant suits? On the other hand, she does appear far more "manly" than the limp-wristed Obama.

Smoke and mirrors Harry. It's true that the United States has a glorious past. We did allow legal immigrants to come here and they were afforded the same equality of opportunity that everybody else got. Many of them prospered in businesses of their own and became rich. Without belaboring the point, the legal immigrants of the past, and the criminal immigrants of today, share no common traits. It's just another talking point ruse to garner the emotional though superficial support of the Democratic voting base who, let's face it, could care less anyway as long as they're getting what they want.

The reason liberals are so hair on fire bound to see that America keeps on being the gift that keeps on giving is what this debate should be about. Why are Americans being forced to pay for the education of people who are criminals. Why are they being forced to provide all the other things from health care to cell phones? Better yet, why was our liberal President willing to concede anything the Iranians asked for in order to work out an arms "deal?"

IMHO it is because liberals, like psychiatrists, believe that man is a product of his environment. They still doggedly hold on the notion that with the proper education and the application of an affirmative action program on steroids, people will be happy and placid citizens. That's why Obama has called, albeit in muffled terms laid between the lines, for the major powers of the world to start buying the affections of the youth of the Middle East with jobs and goods. That's what he was saying when he said that this fight cannot be won on the battlefield. Last time I checked the US Treasury was pulling a vacuum to the tune of nearly 19 Trillion dollars. And, we'll be north of 20 Trillion by the time the Obama nightmare is over. So, it escapes me as to how we are to finance yet another liberal utopian building scheme. Liberals have blasted the Bush Administration for nation building but, building a world wide utopia? Now that makes perfect sense. :please:

One more thing, libs need to stay in power if they're to see their world wide reformation efforts come to fruition and, all those new voters pouring across the border are welcome in their eyes.

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