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Changing the Face of Our Greenbacks
The liberal administration seems hellbent on putting a woman on the face of one of our denominations of paper money. To be honest, the liberals are quite accomplished at symbolism that produces nothing of value. Nonetheless, it will likely take place and, being typical liberals, the new face will be of some minority woman. Some will smile, pat themselves on the back, and act like they have really done something. Others will be resentful of another effort from Washington to brainwash the citizenry.

I have a compromise solution that should pacify all sides. Create a new $3.00 Bill. Put Obama's face on this new bill. The choice is obvious, isn't it?
Harriet Tubman won an online poll that said she should be the woman put on the $20 bill. The government never said anything about doing it. To be fair though many people would be more deserving than Andrew Jackson.
The latest talk is removing Alexander Hamilton from the 10. Which is completely outrageous.
I heard that the liberals are saying that both George Washington and Rachel Dolezal are black so it will be his face on one side and hers on the other.
Harriet Tubman? The truth is 99% of the people in this country wouldn't know Harriet Tubman from a bath tub. If there were a "poll" it was a typical liberal rigged one.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Harriet Tubman? The truth is 99% of the people in this country wouldn't know Harriet Tubman from a bath tub. If there were a "poll" it was a typical liberal rigged one.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Harriet Tubman? The truth is 99% of the people in this country wouldn't know Harriet Tubman from a bath tub. If there were a "poll" it was a typical liberal rigged one.

LOL, I had never heard of her either. Anyway, only from the deranged mind of a liberal would one expect a founding father to be discarded in favor of a person or facet of social justice. This is about changing our national heritage to the liberal vision. How do you like your fundamental transformation now?
I wont lie, I had to google her.
Demarcus ware Wrote:I wont lie, I had to google her.

:biglmao: Guilty!
To be bluntly honest, we must admit that there haven't been any black women who have so distinguished themselves as to be deserving of having their face on the ten dollar bill or any other bill. However, this is a time of unapologetic political correctness so, when someone is chosen, they will create a suitable, even if fictional, biography. After all, we all know that political correctness and truth are rarely compatible. I read where they can't choose a living person so Venus and Serena Williams are out. Would the liberal truth spinners settle for Tokyo Rose over Eleanor Roosevelt? Rose, though equally dangerous to the republic, was a little more attractive.

Of course, there is the Planned parenthood icon, Margaret Sanger. But, in truth, old Margaret, known as the "Father of Abortion", wanted to clean up the human race by ridding society of inferiors. The only trouble is she wanted to start with blacks. You can check it out.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:To be bluntly honest, we must admit that there haven't been any black women who have so distinguished themselves as to be deserving of having their face on the ten dollar bill or any other bill. However, this is a time of unapologetic political correctness so, when someone is chosen, they will create a suitable, even if fictional, biography. After all, we all know that political correctness and truth are rarely compatible. I read where they can't choose a living person so Venus and Serena Williams are out. Would the liberal truth spinners settle for Tokyo Rose over Eleanor Roosevelt? Rose, though equally dangerous to the republic, was a little more attractive.

Of course, there is the Planned parenthood icon, Margaret Sanger. But, in truth, old Margaret, known as the "Father of Abortion", wanted to clean up the human race by ridding society of inferiors. The only trouble is she wanted to start with blacks. You can check it out.

Must really suck to live in a changing world where White Christian men aren't getting to dictate how the country is ran on a day to day basis. Not even sure why people are freaking out over this when it was an online poll that had no power. Talk about a suitable, fictional biography, that's the only thing that could explain why Andrew Jackson is in the $20.

The fact that people are laughing at the fact they didn't know who Harriet Tubman is says a lot about this thread. But yes there would be plenty of deserving women and men (black or white or orange or green or whatever) when the time comes.
Motley Wrote:Must really suck to live in a changing world where White Christian men aren't getting to dictate how the country is ran on a day to day basis. Not even sure why people are freaking out over this when it was an online poll that had no power. Talk about a suitable, fictional biography, that's the only thing that could explain why Andrew Jackson is in the $20.

The fact that people are laughing at the fact they didn't know who Harriet Tubman is says a lot about this thread. But yes there would be plenty of deserving women and men (black or white or orange or green or whatever) when the time comes.

Really? How about naming a few of those black, orange, and green women you are touting.

And, be careful what you say about white Christian men since we pay most all of the income taxes that are used to support you and your blacks, oranges, and greens.
Motley Wrote:Must really suck to live in a changing world where White Christian men aren't getting to dictate how the country is ran on a day to day basis. Not even sure why people are freaking out over this when it was an online poll that had no power. Talk about a suitable, fictional biography, that's the only thing that could explain why Andrew Jackson is in the $20.

The fact that people are laughing at the fact they didn't know who Harriet Tubman is says a lot about this thread. But yes there would be plenty of deserving women and men (black or white or orange or green or whatever) when the time comes.

I don't know about that there Motley. I got a minor in history from UK and I know I'd never heard of her.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:To be bluntly honest, we must admit that there haven't been any black women who have so distinguished themselves as to be deserving of having their face on the ten dollar bill or any other bill. However, this is a time of unapologetic political correctness so, when someone is chosen, they will create a suitable, even if fictional, biography. After all, we all know that political correctness and truth are rarely compatible. I read where they can't choose a living person so Venus and Serena Williams are out. Would the liberal truth spinners settle for Tokyo Rose over Eleanor Roosevelt? Rose, though equally dangerous to the republic, was a little more attractive.

Of course, there is the Planned parenthood icon, Margaret Sanger. But, in truth, old Margaret, known as the "Father of Abortion", wanted to clean up the human race by ridding society of inferiors. The only trouble is she wanted to start with blacks. You can check it out.

The whole lieberal movement is laughable to anybody who bothers to think for themselves IMHO. I must admit the deal with Sanger gave me a good laugh. :thatsfunn
TheRealThing Wrote:The whole lieberal movement is laughable to anybody who bothers to think for themselves IMHO. I must admit the deal with Sanger gave me a good laugh. :thatsfunn

I'm glad you got a laugh out of my post, TheRealThing. As we watch our country being destroyed by the seculars, we need to laugh occasionally.

Nonetheless, the post about old Margaret Sanger, the patron "saint" of the abortionists and Planned Parenthood, was all absolute fact. While the liberals worship at her feet, they fail to mention her stance on blacks. Her belief in unrestricted abortion always hinged upon separating the wheat from the chaff (so to speak) and she saw blacks as the most likely chaff. That is truth and not political correctness.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I'm glad you got a laugh out of my post, TheRealThing. As we watch our country being destroyed by the seculars, we need to laugh occasionally.

Nonetheless, the post about old Margaret Sanger, the patron "saint" of the abortionists and Planned Parenthood, was all absolute fact. While the liberals worship at her feet, they fail to mention her stance on blacks. Her belief in unrestricted abortion always hinged upon separating the wheat from the chaff (so to speak) and she saw blacks as the most likely chaff. That is truth and not political correctness.

Sort of the same way blacks flock to support Democrats who were the bane of their existence during segregation.

So, we have here a situation where Motley, in typical TRV-esque style, has claimed the intellectual high ground for himself based on a cursory touch-and-go on some liberal website. How is it now that white liberals carve out some kind of sociological safe zone for themselves, while casting aspersions on white people who they say are biased Republicans. At the same time feeling justified for their venomous accusations based on their bias against white men. Is that not a perfect example of irony?
TheRealThing Wrote:Sort of the same way blacks flock to support Democrats who were the bane of their existence during segregation.

So, we have here a situation where Motley, in typical TRV-esque style, has claimed the intellectual high ground for himself based on a cursory touch-and-go on some liberal website. How is it now that white liberals carve out some kind of sociological safe zone for themselves, while casting aspersions on white people who they say are biased Republicans. At the same time feeling justified for their venomous accusations based on their bias against white men. Is that not a perfect example of irony?

Motley claiming the "intellectual high ground" is a metaphysical impossibility. He and his alter ego, TheRealVille, are, intellectually speaking,
merely two warts on the butt of a hog.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Motley claiming the "intellectual high ground" is a metaphysical impossibility. He and his alter ego, TheRealVille, are, intellectually speaking,
merely two warts on the butt of a hog.

Motley Wrote:Must really suck to live in a changing world where White Christian men aren't getting to dictate how the country is ran on a day to day basis.

What gets me about all this is the liberal euphoria surrounding the demise of traditional America. Not to mention the effort and money being spent to push the liberal agenda that normal Americans are being forced to pay for through taxation. Look at what Obama has accomplished in his tenure. His first action was a global lesson in Keynesian Economics, "The American Recovery Act 2009" which, like all the Keynesian blunders of recorded history, turned out to be a miserable failure. Second was the repeal of DADT which ultimately led us to legalized and now mandated acceptance of same sex marriage. Third was ObamaCare, the ramifications of which are still being penned in the form of regulations as we speak. Fourth is the not yet realized gun control.

At any rate the libs are euphoric about all this in a way that is very similar to the unnatural madness described in George Orwell's "1984," in which the character Syme addressing the ultimate form of government control called Newspeak, says the following; "We're getting the language into its final shape - the shape it's going to have when nobody speaks anything else. You think our chief job is inventing new words. But not a bit of it! We're destroying words - scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. We're cutting the language down to the bone. In the final version of Newspeak there'll be nothing else. It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words."

In the book, people working for government, (Big Brother) are glassy eyed zealots who have thrown themselves into the task of that particular fundamental transformation with reckless abandon. These are the fictional characters that come to mind when I read posts by people like RV and Motley. It's foreboding and eerie frankly.
Orwell was a prophet. He just missed the year of the takeover although, the seeds were well planted in 1984. The last two generations have been brainwashed by the media, the entertainment industry, music, lack of parental involvement, and, most of all, the government schools- kindergarten through college. Now, with the takeover of their minds by the internet and i-phones, the seduction is almost complete. If you doubt my last statement, when was the last time you saw a group of people under 35 who didn't have their full attention addressed to their technological gadgets?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Orwell was a prophet. He just missed the year of the takeover although, the seeds were well planted in 1984. The last two generations have been brainwashed by the media, the entertainment industry, music, lack of parental involvement, and, most of all, the government schools- kindergarten through college. Now, with the takeover of their minds by the internet and i-phones, the seduction is almost complete. If you doubt my last statement, when was the last time you saw a group of people under 35 who didn't have their full attention addressed to their technological gadgets?

Well, the last time I saw that was at my dinner table, as they are NOT allowed!!
We need a multitude more like Granny Bear. I teach a business law class at a local college. I do not allow my students to have their i-phones visible during class. No exceptions. It is like you cut off their arms. They really are addicted. All this is creating a populace of dullards.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Orwell was a prophet. He just missed the year of the takeover although, the seeds were well planted in 1984. The last two generations have been brainwashed by the media, the entertainment industry, music, lack of parental involvement, and, most of all, the government schools- kindergarten through college. Now, with the takeover of their minds by the internet and i-phones, the seduction is almost complete. If you doubt my last statement, when was the last time you saw a group of people under 35 who didn't have their full attention addressed to their technological gadgets?

Oh I don't doubt a word of it in the least. Matter of fact, the way young people make overtures to the opposite sex these days is by cell phone. Rather than calling a girl or talking to her at school, the guys all text their intendeds first. Then after some cyber flirtations they may get around to actually speaking with them at some point. Drives me up the wall. Young people overall are very reluctant to speak face to face with anybody, I don't know what they're going to do when they want to buy a car or something.

Ben Rhodes, the purported mastermind of the white house spawned Benghazi spin, is no doubt cut from the same cloth. Heaven help us.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:We need a multitude more like Granny Bear. I teach a business law class at a local college. I do not allow my students to have their i-phones visible during class. No exceptions. It is like you cut off their arms. They really are addicted. All this is creating a populace of dullards.

Dullards = Democrats :biggrin:
You know something....after reading some things today on the net, Hillary may just be in some hot water over her communications from her "private" server. I know if anyone else had done what she did, it would be all over the news.

BUT, it's going to be impossible to defend her sitution or to claim it was an honest mistake.

Interesting things coming down the political pike these days.
Granny Bear Wrote:You know something....after reading some things today on the net, Hillary may just be in some hot water over her communications from her "private" server. I know if anyone else had done what she did, it would be all over the news.

BUT, it's going to be impossible to defend her sitution or to claim it was an honest mistake.

Interesting things coming down the political pike these days.

Yes and Trey Gowdy is the man who has guided the effort to 'out' her escapades. I wish him God speed.
Granny Bear Wrote:You know something....after reading some things today on the net, Hillary may just be in some hot water over her communications from her "private" server. I know if anyone else had done what she did, it would be all over the news.

BUT, it's going to be impossible to defend her sitution or to claim it was an honest mistake.

Interesting things coming down the political pike these days.

No hot water ahead for HRC. She will coast into the oval office.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:No hot water ahead for HRC. She will coast into the oval office.

You may be correct. And, if this aged, corrupt, lying, pompous witch does win it will prove that the voting populace of this country is a majority of fools, freeloaders, and deadbeats who have been brainwashed by the media, the entertainment industry, and the government schools.
Hillary could literally join ISIS. I mean ACTUALLY JOIN ISIS and still win the presidency if Republicans don't vote in full force.
Hillary will never lose her gays, minorities, climate phonies, and stupid college kids. And theyre over running us. Theyre all in for there agendas. Its about time we started having some. Organizations whose goals are the exact opposite of theres. For example, an organization that promotes pollution to speed up global warmi....uh....climate change. Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Hillary could literally join ISIS. I mean ACTUALLY JOIN ISIS and still win the presidency if Republicans don't vote in full force.
Hillary will never lose her gays, minorities, climate phonies, and stupid college kids. And theyre over running us. Theyre all in for there agendas. Its about time we started having some. Organizations whose goals are the exact opposite of theres. For example, an organization that promotes pollution to speed up global warmi....uh....climate change. Confusednicker:
I actually like this idea, anything to piss off the tree hugging, freeloading crowd. I love trolling those types on news sites. The SCOTUS decision the other day against the EPA gave me a full day of entertainment and pleasure for tormenting those types Confusednicker:
How about a group dedicated to only stopping immigration Confusednicker:

We can have agendas to dammit.

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