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Will the 2nd Amendment Survive til 2016?
"It’s going to be important for the American people to come to grips with it, (gun control) and for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively." ---Barack Obama

Logiurato noted that the president took the opportunity, even before any of the victims' funerals were held, to blame guns and Americans’ continuing favorable attitude toward them for the massacre. Obama said the same thing while addressing the U.S. Conference of Mayors on Friday:

According to this article the President is angry and wants a shift in attitude about guns. This has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with our culture which, owing to the failure to recognize the true origin and authority of morality, has lost it's ability to discern right from wrong. Laws and Lordship have become nothing more than debate fodder, as the liberal point of view which states that "everything is relative", has supplanted truth with guile which in turn has effectively neutered our own authority to govern ourselves. This in spite of the US Constitution and the rich treasure of our own national heritage preserved in the founding documents. Ironically, while we argue for more and more compromise where truth is concerned, we fall more firmly into the grasp of absolutism.

I would venture that I am just as mad about Obama's mission to fundamentally transform this nation as he is about my attitude about guns. In fact, I think he should have stayed in Kenya.
Even the evil mastermind himself cant change the constitution no matter how many times he tramples on it.

Nothing in the constitution about bullets and shells though.

Once you eliminate ammunition, everyone except the crazies who make there own end up being out of weapons.
We are facing tough times as a nation.
Obama has done more to promote racism than any other President in history.

So far, I haven't seen any looting or torching or ultimatums to police out of Charleston, SC. That tragedy was racist in every sense. The congregation of that church, so far, has done nothing but show exactly what Christians should do....pray and uplift in the face of adversity. Obama could learn a thing or two from that group of folks.
I'm just saying......

Mr. Obama and his family has been under 24 hour armed security for over six years now.
Every inch on the ground, air and sea that the first family has traveled, they have had Secret Service and Military protection.

Fully automatic weapons, Snipers/MO's... and who knows what other type of weapons.

No way they sleep, travel and live their day to day life without being armed. And not just armed, but being protected by the best Military and C.A.T.'s (Counter Assault Team) on the planet.
Check out my YouTube channel.
"Will the 2nd Amendment Survive til 2016?". Do any of you really believe anything significant will change after the 2016 elections? No matter the outcome? Do you really? Almost every candidate is passive and weak. I see nothing to be optimistic about.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:"Will the 2nd Amendment Survive til 2016?". Do any of you really believe anything significant will change after the 2016 elections? No matter the outcome? Do you really? Almost every candidate is passive and weak. I see nothing to be optimistic about.

IMHO the only reason this country ever 'worked' was due to the fact that the men and women of government in days past valued the nation above their own personal fortunes. That, their love of country and a viable free press kept them at least relatively in line. These days with Dems willing to risk everything our nation stands for in order to get their way, along with a complicit media, Republicans who do care about the continuance of our way of life find themselves between a rock and a hard place. As I have often said, even tricky Dick resigned when he saw the handwriting on the wall in a rather selfless effort to preserve the viability of this nation. Contrast that with the shameful display of Bill Clinton and his refusal to step down in the face of impeachment. With his example ended the days of country over party.

Senate and House committee leadership, (said committees themselves being seeded with stonewallers the likes of Elijah Cummins FWIW) keep asking for relative documents while government staffers willing to fall on the sword in the name of liberalism, keep deleting emails and providing cover for Democratic shenanigans such as the IRS scandal and the Benghazi scandal. None of us could see those things coming, but the potential destruction of the 2nd Amendment now looks to be imminent.

So here's the deal the way I see it. Republicans are in a position of having to compromise traditional practice at the federal level but, only as much as seems to be necessary while they wait for "the people" to hopefully wake up. To push things to the extent people like Sean Hannity are demanding for example, would only speed up the disaster. Dems in the House were swept in 2010, Dems in the Senate were swept in 2014. We have a President who writes and rescinds law on his own and now we're hoping to survive until 2016 with some recognizable remnant of the America we grew up in still in tact. See, I don't think the baby boomer generation is willing to see the level to which the Democrat Party has changed or they'd stop mindlessly pulling the D handle. And, without them I don't believe Dems can win the Presidency.

In this nation there is seemingly an endless pattern whereby we keep making the same mistake over and over. Having become irrevocably complacent and willfully naïve, successive generations here begin to lose touch with the realities of life on this earth. Life is sweet here in the US and people just cannot seem to understand that there is a world of very bad people out there who no matter how much we give them money and kiss up, are not going to let us live out our lives in peace unless we carry that big military stick. WW1 saw the US lapse into isolationism and denial about man's propensity for war. WW2 again saw the US lapse into isolationism and denial. In both of those cases owing to the vastness of the planet, the US had enough time to draft soldiers and ramp up industry to provide the war machines and materials necessary to defeat our enemies.

Well, here we are again on the eve of what bodes to be yet another world war and, in direct contrast to the tried and proven post WW2 foreign policy that had up until this administration served so well to ensure a relative orderliness in the world, we are again wanting to stay at home and mind our own business. IMO though the concept has been repackaged and relabeled, we have again lapsed into isolationism. This time however things are much different. We will not have time to tool up industry, restart the draft and get soldiers trained in sufficient numbers to defend us. The oceans are still the same size but the time it takes enemy aircraft and missiles to cross them has been reduced to hours and minutes. Safe to say that I am not a 21st century thinker because unlike Obama and his minions, I do believe that man is still capable of large scale war. We will be sorry for all the pink slips that we have seen send so many valuable and knowledgeable servicemen who could pass on critical training to upcoming soldiers back to the house.

With the Supremely misguided court in his hip pocket, I don't think the President is shaking in his boots over what the Congress might threaten him with. That makes them look a little more passive and weak than I believe they really are. At any rate and I know you agree with me Pig, man has not evolved, nor has society. I will therefore accept the wisdom of the founding fathers and continue to embrace the freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution including the right to own and bear arms.
Granny Bear Wrote:Obama has done more to promote racism than any other President in history.

So far, I haven't seen any looting or torching or ultimatums to police out of Charleston, SC. That tragedy was racist in every sense. The congregation of that church, so far, has done nothing but show exactly what Christians should do....pray and uplift in the face of adversity. Obama could learn a thing or two from that group of folks.

Amazing what a few bus loads of professional protesters can do isn't it?
The screwing of the 2nd amendment will be the final straw in this countries patience. Its why Obama left alone for so long and only talks about gun control after mass shootings.
Take our guns, and you have another civil war.
Does anyone else believe it's possible another civil war will break out within our lifetime?
Real Badman Wrote:Does anyone else believe it's possible another civil war will break out within our lifetime?

Well that is difficult to say, I hope not. However, it would seem that there are a lot of punches being thrown by the left and from people from within the special interest groups they openly support.

I get chills every time high ranking Dems go on national TV and verbally accost the character and integrity of Republicans who, let's face it, represent the majority block of Americans that voted them into office. We have a Republican majority in both houses and I would not be surprised to see the oval office go Republican too.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The screwing of the 2nd amendment will be the final straw in this countries patience. Its why Obama left alone for so long and only talks about gun control after mass shootings.
Take our guns, and you have another civil war.

When did he mention "taking" guns?
Motley Wrote:When did he mention "taking" guns?

Somebody said it was in the same breath that he said he would legalize same sex marriage, and when he said the passage of ObamaCare would guarantee the average family a "$2,500 yearly" windfall and "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance," and "there isn't a smidgeon of corruption in the IRS."

At any rate, here is what Eric Holder said about gun control, and last I heard the US Attorney General works for the President; "I think, the single failure that I point to in my time as attorney general that I was not able to … convince Congress to enact meaningful, reasonable gun-safety measures." NOTE: Liberal spin deleted in he spirit of accuracy and clarity. :biggrin:

But, all that aside Motley, maybe you can clarify what the President meant when speaking about the shooting in South Carolina he said, "there has to be a shift in how the American people think about the issue of gun violence collectively." What about the weekly blood bath in his adopted home state of Illinois where his bosom buddy is mayor of Chicago? I'm going out on a limb here and suggest that those gun crimes in Chi-town are committed with IL-legal guns. In 2014 somebody got shot in Chicago every 3 minutes and 19 seconds. So far in 2015, 1250 have been shot. Why did the South Carolina crime cry out for him to put his Presidential stamp on it while Chicago goes unmentioned?

How is it going to stop criminals with illegally gotten guns from shooting people by making the process much harder for legal gun purchases? I mean, there is a difference between legal and illegal, right? The basic premise is if you're a law abiding citizen you have the right to "keep and bear arms" ---George Mason, founding father and co-author of the 2nd Amendment.
Great response, but once again when was it ever said that people's guns would be taken away?
Motley Wrote:Great response, but once again when was it ever said that people's guns would be taken away?

Thanks. In the recent past we have seen the Obama era edition of the EPA successfully declare lead bullets a hazardous substance to the environment. Therefore, lead smelters and ammunition manufacturers have fallen on tough times.

Likewise, we have seen Eric Holder's DOJ use their authority to clamp down on gun shops. "For the past several months, the U.S. Department of Justice has been pressuring banks to refuse service to businesses the DOJ is targeting politically, such as gun stores, in a program entitled Operation Choke Point."

Further, if you want to spend the time you may want to look into the UN initiative (agreed to and countersigned by Sec. of State John Kerry) to control weapons and ammunition via the “National regulation of civilian access to small arms and light weapons”

Or like they say, "actions speak louder than words." Additionally, it is extremely doubtful that any President would jump up and say he's coming for "the people's" guns. It is much more likely a path to try to regulate them (guns) to the point where they are too expensive or too big a liability for most law abiding folks to own. Of course if you're a criminal you don't care if they're legal or not, you'd just get them the same way you have always gotten them. Only legal gun ownership will be regulated. So, how would that improve the criminal aspects of gun violence?
Motley Wrote:When did he mention "taking" guns?

When did I make that statement?

I never mentioned anyone said that. Only IF.
Please reread my post. Your comprehension escapes you.

The screwing of the 2nd amendment will be the final straw in this countries patience
Will be refers to the future silly one.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:When did I make that statement?

I never mentioned anyone said that. Only IF.
Please reread my post. Your comprehension escapes you.

The screwing of the 2nd amendment will be the final straw in this countries patience
Will be refers to the future silly one.

You literally said "Take our guns and you have another Civil War" implying that there is an idea floating around out there that your guns could indeed be taken from you leading to more problems.
The government wouldnt have the balls to say or to actually try to take guns, however they can and want to make it more difficult for law-bidding citizens to purchase guns. Good thing im all set in that area.

The biggest thing that pisses me off in all this gun related killings is what someone said above. You have odumbo, and sharpton running to these killings and causing a stir, but where are they everyday in Chicago? Where's all the bleeding hearts for all the violence there? Black on black crime is ok I guess in their eyes..
Demarcus ware Wrote:The government wouldnt have the balls to say or to actually try to take guns, however they can and want to make it more difficult for law-bidding citizens to purchase guns. Good thing im all set in that area.

The biggest thing that pisses me off in all this gun related killings is what someone said above. You have odumbo, and sharpton running to these killings and causing a stir, but where are they everyday in Chicago? Where's all the bleeding hearts for all the violence there? Black on black crime is ok I guess in their eyes..

Obama has addressed the gun violence in Chicago several times. Here is an article from 2 years ago addressing it. Is he supposed to address it everyday?
Yes he should. How many is dead everyday there? Where is his side kick the great useless al sharpton at? Odumbo doesnt care unless its white on black crime. Hes got Sharpton telling him what to do
How many has been killed in that 2 years? How many funerals has him and sharpton attended there?
Motley Wrote:You literally said "Take our guns and you have another Civil War" implying that there is an idea floating around out there that your guns could indeed be taken from you leading to more problems.

Is talking about gun control not talking about taking away guns in some fashion?

You befuddle me wise one. Please explain how talking about gun control is not talking about taking guns away? Even if its only semi automatic weapons, fully automatic weapons, or even doing a background check and getting turned down, all of those encompass having guns rights taken away.

If a person wants to buy a gun, he should be able to go buy a gun as long as he or she is not a convicted felon. I don't care if its a bb gun or a 50 cal, doesn't matter.

I say please urge your people to do this. Please get the democrats to go door to door taking away gun rights with a full on onslaught. Please do this. We will rid ourselves of the liberal stench that has polluted us long enough much sooner rather than later. A man can only take so much before he takes care of business.
Will the Second Amendment survive? Well it has only been in effect since 1792. On the other hand, the definition of marriage was in effect for over 4,000 years and it didn't survive this radical administration. So, we might better be a little less passive than we were in regard to marriage. It is safe to say that, with Obama and his ilk, nothing is sacred.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Is talking about gun control not talking about taking away guns in some fashion?

You befuddle me wise one. Please explain how talking about gun control is not talking about taking guns away? Even if its only semi automatic weapons, fully automatic weapons, or even doing a background check and getting turned down, all of those encompass having guns rights taken away.

If a person wants to buy a gun, he should be able to go buy a gun as long as he or she is not a convicted felon. I don't care if its a bb gun or a 50 cal, doesn't matter.

I say please urge your people to do this. Please get the democrats to go door to door taking away gun rights with a full on onslaught. Please do this. We will rid ourselves of the liberal stench that has polluted us long enough much sooner rather than later. A man can only take so much before he takes care of business.

I can understand this is a difficult time for conservative butthurt so I won't be condescending to you or anything, but I'll keep it simple here.

Yes. The 2nd amendment will survive til 2016 and many years beyond that. To think otherwise makes you look like a tin foil hat wearing anti-government nut job. But your last paragraph did a good job of doing that for me already. So only convicted felons are dangerous with guns? Not the people registered to mental health clinics telling their psychologists that the have the urge to kill that have never broken the law?

Gotcha. I'll just leave this thread now with a simple yes answer. Feel free to pull it back up in 2016 to let me know how much things have changed with you and your guns or your rights. Not much I'm betting.
Is it possible that Motley is also TheRealVille? It must be. It would be impossible for two separate people to be so identically ignorant.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Is it possible that Motley is also TheRealVille? It must be. It would be impossible for two separate people to be so identically ignorant.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Is it possible that Motley is also TheRealVille? It must be. It would be impossible for two separate people to be so identically ignorant.

I thought about that too but I was reserving final judgment until I saw whether or not he started with the personal attacks.
Motley Wrote:I can understand this is a difficult time for conservative butthurt so I won't be condescending to you or anything, but I'll keep it simple here.

Yes. The 2nd amendment will survive til 2016 and many years beyond that. To think otherwise makes you look like a tin foil hat wearing anti-government nut job. But your last paragraph did a good job of doing that for me already. So only convicted felons are dangerous with guns? Not the people registered to mental health clinics telling their psychologists that the have the urge to kill that have never broken the law?

Gotcha. I'll just leave this thread now with a simple yes answer. Feel free to pull it back up in 2016 to let me know how much things have changed with you and your guns or your rights. Not much I'm betting.

1. Nobody said it wouldn't last past 2016. Never did I say it wouldn't. I made a clear and precise statement that IFthey tried to take guns away that would be the final nail in there coffin. Not because of me, but because of the millions of American who would literally kill you for coming to there door and asking them for there guns.

2. The law banning convicted felons from owning weapons is already on the books. I would let them have guns too but I know that SCOTUS is to busy rewriting the constitution at the moment to deal with such mediocre things.

3. If a nut job sits in front of a psychiatrist and tells him he wants to kill people, the psychiatrist should not let that person leave. He or she should immediately be admitted to a nut ward until he or she was either completely treated or stay there forever. I am for taking away gays gun rights. The day I see an automatic weapon with glitter and rhinestone glued to it is the day I officially give up on America.

4. Oh, I see your leaving. :Clap: I bet its a lie :Shaking: See you in 2016. You better keep Trump out. It sounds like he may just exterminate all liberals, and Mexicans too.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Is it possible that Motley is also TheRealVille? It must be. It would be impossible for two separate people to be so identically ignorant.
There is an ignoramus on the other Bluegrass site who has tried to pass for a scientist, who holds the same political positions as TRV and the Motley fool. It is hard to believe that there are three equally misguided souls in a small state like Kentucky. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There is an ignoramus on the other Bluegrass site who has tried to pass for a scientist, who holds the same political positions as TRV and the Motley fool. It is hard to believe that there are three equally misguided souls in a small state like Kentucky. Confusednicker:

Scientist? :hilarious: Self delusion is a powerful force, is it not? So powerful in fact that is why Obama believes he is qualified to lecture planet earth in-toto, on every subject he brings up. And, owing to the glorious love affair between he and the sound of his own voice, that means no subject is off limits.

Take global warming for example. Scientists who disagree with the bozos who insist that man made carbons are responsible, have done so based on scientific data. Never has there been a shred of evidence that any of them fudged on that data in order to strengthen their argument. Not so with the global warming crowd. They've been caught up in the act of doctoring the data and falsifying the record to the point where any lucid minded person should be filled with doubt with regard to their claims regarding global warming. In fact, the percentage of polar ice has been increasing of late, not melting.

At any rate, it is impossible for a guy who believes he's a scientist or a genius to lose a debate point, much less an argument. And though the drum major leading the lemming rush (Obama) may be a liar of lore, he has yet to concede either. :biggrin:

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