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2015 Mayfield Cardinals
64SUR Wrote:Any transfer from McCracken County and Graves County moving in for a 2A run for mayfield....Rumor Confusederiously:

I hope All the graves, and Mccracken come heck throw in Tilghman, but i havent heard nothing.
bac2369 Wrote:Should be 2 easy wins before 5 toss up games then two easy wins and a good end of season game with Caldwell.

Not sure Fort Campbell is guaranteed win. You never know who has transfered in, and they were young last year. I do not expect Caldwell to be near the force they was the last 2 years.
I think Marshall County is going to be a power now that my nephew will be playing for them. Kind of wish he would move southwest like i did so he can wear red.
Mayfield had a bunch of young kids who could really play last year. 2A will be tougher but Mayfield will be one of the top 2 or 3 teams.
Bac, you are pretty much thinking the same way as I. E, you are pretty much right on. We return 8 starters on defense. We only return 5 on offense. However, we have plenty to fill the vacated spots.
^ I think many in 2A are not respecting Mayfield enough. 2A does have two champions that will be looking to defend. Even though Mayfield was class A still are champs. I do think Williamsburg and Mayfield both could of give Desales a better game last year. Mayfield and Desales are 1 and 2 and its that order to me. Mayfield returns more in my opinion and that's why I would rank them preseason number 1.
1 thing is for sure, come November we will find out if they are overlooking us or not. I know Murray and Ballard Mem won't.
Murray worries me especially since might have to play them twice.
The last time they beat us was on a very sloppy night in I think 96. The opening kickoff was returned for a td and that was it. We will be fine.
I bet that 97 team thought they would be fine to.
Mayfield will win class 2a title. I just wrote this cause im hoping if you say this on your 1,000th posts on your teams thread it will come true. At least I tried.
Killbilly, if you would make our Friday breakfasts, you would know why I feel so good about our chances. Lots of info shared at that time.
I have a newborn, and am babysitting on Friday mornings. Besides I need to stay in the house as much as possible. Havent had the law called on me since I was 12 in all those years in Marshall County. Have had the law called on me twice in the last 6 months in Mayfield. A country boy in a subdivision must not be a great match. I don't blame you for being very confident I expect Mayfield to do very well this year.
There are lots of things transpiring that you would like to know. It would make you feel like King Kong strong about us. Come out and see.
I wouldn't mind seeing some practices when they get going. At least there is an alumni game to watch both of the next 2 weeks to give us some football during this offseason. Nobody has mentioned the name Tayshawn Jackson much, just wondered why he looked to me like he would be a great athlete at receiver, or is it just because Mayfield is so deep he is down the depth chart some.
We are so deep at WR. I watched Highlands a couple years back. They had so many good receivers that they would have 4 in on a play. They were the ones that brought the play in I think. They ran that play and as soon as the whistle was blown, those 4 ran off the field. 4 more ran in with a new play. They did this every play. It made more match up problems for the defense and kept the wr fresh and happy to play. We really could do that this year and have 3 sets. We are so deep there that it isn't funny. We have Kennemore, Tucker, Walker and Lumson on one set. We could have Fox, Harrison, Murrell and Caldwell for the next set. Then you could go with the one you mentioned, Arnett, Hurt and Workman. There are still others they could use for the jv and then you keep kids happy. Then at RB we could rotate Bright with Tyler and the incoming freshman that everyone says could be just as good as Bright.
mysonis55 Wrote:We are so deep at WR. I watched Highlands a couple years back. They had so many good receivers that they would have 4 in on a play. They were the ones that brought the play in I think. They ran that play and as soon as the whistle was blown, those 4 ran off the field. 4 more ran in with a new play. They did this every play. It made more match up problems for the defense and kept the wr fresh and happy to play. We really could do that this year and have 3 sets. We are so deep there that it isn't funny. We have Kennemore, Tucker, Walker and Lumson on one set. We could have Fox, Harrison, Murrell and Caldwell for the next set. Then you could go with the one you mentioned, Arnett, Hurt and Workman. There are still others they could use for the jv and then you keep kids happy. Then at RB we could rotate Bright with Tyler and the incoming freshman that everyone says could be just as good as Bright.

Glad to hear you mention lumson's name heard he is fast. I hope he doesn't set out this year.
My son told me he made a great catch the other day in practice. He is about Bright fast.
Mayfield goes 14-1. Only loss comes to Marshall County.
Don't hang me 55 for the last statement. I haven't said anything good about the marshals since 07, so I figured they was due a nice comment from me.
Well don't lie to them.
I guess I will pull for the new 2A team Mayfield to win the west. Come on eastern Kentucky teams. :pondering:
Well it's about time you let everyone know you are adopting MHS. The scary thing is that we wanna win. You kind of curse some teams.
64SUR Wrote:I guess I will pull for the new 2A team Mayfield to win the west. Come on eastern Kentucky teams. :pondering:

You may ought to pull for Corbin. If 3a Corbin loses to barely in 2a Mayfield i may just buy that shirt i have in my avatar, and make you wear it for the pic you ran out on last year. I heard you ran out so fast in Bowling Green Usain Bolt couldn't have caught you. You owe me a picture with a Mayfield shirt on. Its up to 55 weather or not you have to do it since he owns you. I think he should plant that you got served sign in you for the picture, and you should never be allowed to post it again on here. Dang why did the coach schedule one of your teams. I was hoping we would never have to hear from you again, but you are like that little nugget that doesn't want to flush.
Never thought id say this, but i sure miss hearing 55 blow hot air its to quiet on here.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Never thought id say this, but i sure miss hearing 55 blow hot air its to quiet on here.

He's been caught off guard moving up to 2A. He never thought this day would come. Confusednicker:
killbilly usmc Wrote:Mayfield goes 14-1. Only loss comes to Marshall County.

mediocre at best. Who is Marshall County? Confusednicker:
Gonna be a great year for the cards!!!
killbilly usmc Wrote:Never thought id say this, but i sure miss hearing 55 blow hot air its to quiet on here.

never thought I'd say this but :gtfo: just remember, the few the proud the WARRIORS!!!
killbilly usmc Wrote:Murray worries me especially since might have to play them twice.

Dang you are adopting every team in the west Killbilly America mc. :lmao:

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