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THIS 2015 Reds Team
Great, good to see the Reds win an opening day game, it's been a few years. This is where it stop though. Cueto pitched his azs off yesterday, and the bullpen blew it for him, as normal. This team will be fine IF Cueto can pitch EVERYDAY, along with Chapman. The rest of this starting pitching is very shaky at best, both Leak, and Bailey .500 lifetime pitchers, along with 3 other no names, who have never, or haven't yet done anything in MLB. I see this team going 77-85, and being out of it by the All-Star break, yet this Reds organization will somehow screw things up with trading Cueto at some point as well. I can see this team being 7-8 games out at the All-Star break, and NOT trading Cueto, and by the years end getting really nothing for Cueto as he walks away as an unrestricted free-agent. I really think this Reds organization is in some real trouble, and I truly think it will start rearing it's ugly head, sooner, then later. Get to some ball games early this season, because after June, think it's ALL going to be down hill from there. As well for the next several years.
After the game Cueto told his agent "Get me outta here."

Cant blame him.
Win one game and everyone acts like it's the 7th game in the world series. Reds will do what they do best, start out good/great and fall apart.

Need to stop going after these hasbeens with woreout arms like Gregg and get some good young talent in their.

May need a new GM too, Jockety doesn't seem to know what he's doing...
Tiger Roar Wrote:Great, good to see the Reds win an opening day game, it's been a few years. This is where it stop though. Cueto pitched his azs off yesterday, and the bullpen blew it for him, as normal. This team will be fine IF Cueto can pitch EVERYDAY, along with Chapman. The rest of this starting pitching is very shaky at best, both Leak, and Bailey .500 lifetime pitchers, along with 3 other no names, who have never, or haven't yet done anything in MLB. I see this team going 77-85, and being out of it by the All-Star break, yet this Reds organization will somehow screw things up with trading Cueto at some point as well. I can see this team being 7-8 games out at the All-Star break, and NOT trading Cueto, and by the years end getting really nothing for Cueto as he walks away as an unrestricted free-agent. I really think this Reds organization is in some real trouble, and I truly think it will start rearing it's ugly head, sooner, then later. Get to some ball games early this season, because after June, think it's ALL going to be down hill from there. As well for the next several years.

77-85 MIGHT be to kind! This team is flat out BAD!!!!
We'll this Reds team is SCREWED, every which way to Sunday. I have said all along this teams WORST contract signing was Homer Bailey, who is now done for the year, and is damaged goods. This team is STUCK with this clown for the next 5 years, and has ALWAYS been a prospect, but is more like a suspect. I've never, ever liked this guy from day one, and now this Reds team is screwed for the next 5 years, thanks Reds for signing this piece of garbage for the next 5 years. This Reds organization is in deep trouble for the next 5 years or so, again thanks Reds for making me now HATE a once proud franchise, that has now become the Reds of the late 90's and early 2000's. Worst signing of all time for this Reds organization, with this Bailey signing. PLEASE, Reds buy out this contract, and get rid of this complete bust of a never was player to begin with. His WHOLE career is based on two no -hitters, and that's it!
Sounds like the best option for you is to just find a new team at this point. It's a long season, you might want to pace yourself on the freakouts.
I really don't think they are as bad as you say. Yes the short relief has struggled, Gregg is a bum for sure. Cozart's bat has been a real bright spot and Byrd has been hot the last 4 games or so. Votto is back to form and Brandon Phillips is swinging it well. Its a young pitching staff but they are keeping the Reds in games.
GOD, the cabbage man LOVES you. YES, this team IS as bad as I said. Jay Bruce STINKS, Billy Hamilton, CAN'T get on base. BOTH Cueto and Leake will be gone by the All-Star break, and this bullpen is the WORST in MLB, so 100% YES, this team is this bad! Why is it MOST if not ALL Cincinnati fans ALWAYS make excuses when these teams in this city never win anything, but as long as they don't finish last, everything is fine, and the SHEEP are OK with it. The Cincinnati fans need to stop being OK with just being very average, and start expecting more from it's teams, and let the ownership's know it's NOT OK just to compete, but they need to win championships. To many Milquetoast fans in Cincinnati, it's gone beyond pitiful. This Reds team is a 77-85 at best, not to mention the Bengals are going to be 7-9 this up coming season, at best, again PATHETIC!
This is EXACTLY what is going to happen with this years Reds team. First, this team will hang around 5-6 games out of a playoff spot around the All-Star break, just close enough for the Cabbage Man, to say, " WE ARE ALL IN THIS SEASON " so they will hang on to Cueto and Leake, and say they are going for it, and get NOTHING of value after this season for them. You'll start hearing around the end of the season that Homer Bailey will be back next season, better then ever,and (Magically) become an ACE of this staff next year, again, PLEASE! The bottom line is this Reds franchise is in real trouble with the contracts they have, and a poor farm system to boot. This team will stay around the .500 mark at least the next 5 years or so, and that's the reality for this Cincinnati Reds organization. The funny thing all this organization does year after year is put lip stick on the pig, and tell the fans THIS IS the SEASON, which for some reason the Cincinnati fans buy into, year after year, not me, I see better then I hear, to use a Marvinisum. MOST of the other MLB franchise have always said, this Reds core has ALWAYS been WAY over valued, which I agree with 100%. This thing needs to be blown up, yesterday, and starting from the TOP. :flush:
Clearly you like to find the negatives in everything which is fine by me. However, I tend to look at the positives. Been a Reds fan since Griffey Jr. came over in a trade when I was just a kid. Still my favorite team although I don't know if I will see them contend for the pennant anytime soon. Brandon Phillips is a guy that deserved to get paid and imo is the face of the franchise. (Their biggest ticket seller) the fans, including me love the guy. Votto is back to form and Cozart is elite as a fielding shortstop and his bat is coming around. I still think we are a top defensive team in league and the starting pitching is better than average imo. The bullpen is trash but this team is not as bad you think. I cant disagree with Homer is a bad contract. Those 2 no hitters overshadowed the bad for the front office.
baseballalum Wrote:Clearly you like to find the negatives in everything which is fine by me. However, I tend to look at the positives. Been a Reds fan since Griffey Jr. came over in a trade when I was just a kid. Still my favorite team although I don't know if I will see them contend for the pennant anytime soon. Brandon Phillips is a guy that deserved to get paid and imo is the face of the franchise. (Their biggest ticket seller) the fans, including me love the guy. Votto is back to form and Cozart is elite as a fielding shortstop and his bat is coming around. I still think we are a top defensive team in league and the starting pitching is better than average imo. The bullpen is trash but this team is not as bad you think. I cant disagree with Homer is a bad contract. Those 2 no hitters overshadowed the bad for the front office.

LOL!!! Brandon Phillips is ( Their biggest ticket seller??? ) ever hear of Cueto, or Chapman, PLEASE, the shine has long ago come of of this Phillips train, he's part of the problem, because of his age, and contract at this point, I might have agreed with you 3-4 years ago, no way now.
You must not pay attention to the Reds social media. He's the fan favorite and has been for a long time. I agree that Cueto and Chapman are big ticket sellers but they are the best pitchers on the staff so that is obvious. I am speaking on every day players. Cueto is on the mound every 5 games and Chapman is in to close if the Reds are Winning or to hold a tie. I am just saying Brandon Phillips is a fan favorite and one of the biggest ticket sellers on the team. That's my opinion and honestly when I go to the ball park those are the 3 guys I am going for and Todd Frazier of course. Regardless of all that, you have a hard time of looking at any positives. You are right about one thing, this is not a playoff team. I still find enjoyment in watching them play. I was not around when the Reds were a superior baseball franchise so I am used to watching their poor execution in key games and constant struggle to close out big games.
baseballalum Wrote:You must not pay attention to the Reds social media. He's the fan favorite and has been for a long time. I agree that Cueto and Chapman are big ticket sellers but they are the best pitchers on the staff so that is obvious. I am speaking on every day players. Cueto is on the mound every 5 games and Chapman is in to close if the Reds are Winning or to hold a tie. I am just saying Brandon Phillips is a fan favorite and one of the biggest ticket sellers on the team. That's my opinion and honestly when I go to the ball park those are the 3 guys I am going for and Todd Frazier of course. Regardless of all that, you have a hard time of looking at any positives. You are right about one thing, this is not a playoff team. I still find enjoyment in watching them play. I was not around when the Reds were a superior baseball franchise so I am used to watching their poor execution in key games and constant struggle to close out big games.

Could care less about the social media stuff. I'm 50 years old, and remember this once proud franchise in it's glory years. You're the kind of fan the cabbage man loves, because bobble heads and social networking, and fireworks are MORE important then the product on the field. I find ZERO enjoyment watching a below par team take the field night after night, just because. You have your right to your opinion, and I respect that. On here though, you are talking apple and oranges with me when it comes to trying to put together a winning team, and at this point, and time, Brandon Phillips is in NO WAY an answer to this teams problems, and his contract is one of this teams anchors at this point, like him all you want, this team is going NO WHERE with him on this team, and I would LOVE to see him GONE ASAP, for some young future players, and to FREE UP some payroll, and try and turn this thing around, after all winning baseball games is what I want most out of this team , NOT social networking, which I would say to that, " WFC!!!" :please:

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