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Indiana Religious Liberty Bill
A bill was passed through the Indiana house and senate designed to protect religious liberty and now it's in the hands of the Governor. Hopefully he will have the toughness to take a stand and sign the bill, unlike Jan Brewer who vetoed a similar bill that passed through Arizona.

Jan Brewer succumbed to pressure from the liberal media putting a spin on the meaning of the bill, and I hope Governor Pence doesn't do the same thing. The purpose is to prevent bakers, photographers, and florists from having to participate in same-sex weddings against their moral beliefs. According to the liberal media, the bill is meant to segregate and deny gay people things such as fast food, etc. That is far from the truth.

Pray for the Governor that he signs this!
WideRight05 Wrote:A bill was passed through the Indiana house and senate designed to protect religious liberty and now it's in the hands of the Governor. Hopefully he will have the toughness to take a stand and sign the bill, unlike Jan Brewer who vetoed a similar bill that passed through Arizona.

Jan Brewer succumbed to pressure from the liberal media putting a spin on the meaning of the bill, and I hope Governor Pence doesn't do the same thing. The purpose is to prevent bakers, photographers, and florists from having to participate in same-sex weddings against their moral beliefs. According to the liberal media, the bill is meant to segregate and deny gay people things such as fast food, etc. That is far from the truth.

Pray for the Governor that he signs this!

Prayer, obviously, is good. However, prayer with action is better. I have always felt that conservatives and moral traditionalists, when in a battle (and we are in a battle for survival of the country), tend to suggest prayer and nothing more. I believe God expects actions as well as prayer. History shows that He isn't going to do the job for us. It is long past time to fight fire with fire.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Prayer, obviously, is good. However, prayer with action is better. I have always felt that conservatives and moral traditionalists, when in a battle (and we are in a battle for survival of the country), tend to suggest prayer and nothing more. I believe God expects actions as well as prayer. History shows that He isn't going to do the job for us. It is long past time to fight fire with fire.

That I do agree with, but given that we're not close to the situation there aren't many avenues we can take - at least that I know of. If there are, let me know and I'll be more than happy to take some action from where I'm at. This is huge, an opportunity to take a huge stand.
He signed the bill!
He also declared Scott County to be an emergency health issue since HIV is spreading rampantly due to sharing of IV needles.

I personally believe this could be one of the plagues that the Bible speaks of during the last days.
WideRight05 Wrote:A bill was passed through the Indiana house and senate designed to protect religious liberty and now it's in the hands of the Governor. Hopefully he will have the toughness to take a stand and sign the bill, unlike Jan Brewer who vetoed a similar bill that passed through Arizona.

Jan Brewer succumbed to pressure from the liberal media putting a spin on the meaning of the bill, and I hope Governor Pence doesn't do the same thing. The purpose is to prevent bakers, photographers, and florists from having to participate in same-sex weddings against their moral beliefs. According to the liberal media, the bill is meant to segregate and deny gay people things such as fast food, etc. That is far from the truth.

Pray for the Governor that he signs this!
Are you ok with "religious liberty" protections for satanists, muslims, hindu, buddhists, along with your support of christians? Are you ok with businesses that reject christians, or straight people? It doesn't matter what he passes, federal law prohibits discrimination.
WideRight05 Wrote:He signed the bill!
I would have been shocked if Mike Pence had vetoed this common sense bill. If a moderate wins the Republican nomination, Pence will be on the short list of potential running mates. Nobody should be forced to perform work to which they hold deep religious obections. God bless Indiana!
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you ok with "religious liberty" protections for satanists, muslims, hindu, buddhists, along with your support of christians? Are you ok with businesses that reject christians, or straight people? It doesn't matter what he passes, federal law prohibits discrimination.
Pence didn't pass anything. He is the Indiana governor and the head of the Executive Branch. In our federal government, as well as our state governments, the legislative branches pass bills and the governor signs them into law.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you ok with "religious liberty" protections for satanists, muslims, hindu, buddhists, along with your support of christians? Are you ok with businesses that reject christians, or straight people? It doesn't matter what he passes, federal law prohibits discrimination.

It might not matter as much for another 21 months. After that, it's over for lieberals for at least a while. At that point the US will return to the time when dorks like Ben Rhodes and Valery Jarrett will not be positioned to pass judgment on whomever they choose. The stench of their sick sense of truth will permeate the air in the White House long after their bosses are voted out of office. From Jefferson to Mitt Romney, to Benjamin Netanyahu, it has been open season on rational thought for six years.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Pence didn't pass anything. He is the Indiana governor and the head of the Executive Branch. In our federal government, as well as our state governments, the legislative branches pass bills and the governor signs them into law.
If he signs it, it passes. If he doesn't sign it, it doesn't pass. But, I'm sure your smart ass could figure out what my words meant. Any way you want to word it, discrimination is against federal law.
TheRealVille Wrote:If he signs it, it passes. If he doesn't sign it, it doesn't pass. But, I'm sure your smart ass could figure out what my words meant. Any way you want to word it, discrimination is against federal law.
A bill passes out of the legislature. A bill is signed into law by a governor or president. Governors can sign bills into law or they can veto them. Apparently you missed out on School House Rock.

Being a two-time Obama voter and a tireless defender of the little fella's crimes, it is easy to understand your confusion. Signing a piece of paper that is not a bill does not transform that paper into a law.
I still cant understand where gays are covered anywhere in our constitution.
As expected, nobody has tackled this for what it is....a mental illness.

Hopefully someday we can start to treat these types of problems. A simple biology or anatomy text book can solve all the questions on gays. Its fine that liberals want to attack Christians, because they are an easy target, especially for the media. However, none will back there conclusions with science. It is anatomically incorrect for two men to be together sexually. This is common sense. Were all adults here as far as I know, and we all know what opening of the bodies were intended for.
Christians are taking the wrong approach at attacking gays. They should use one of the liberals biggest "go to" in science. If the liberals want to dismiss science on this subject, how can you ever expect us to believe myths like global warming?, climate change, or whatever there calling it to fit the description now.
With all the backlash from many different businesses, and other groups, including religious groups, I'd say Pence and Co. are going to regret this move. The NFL and the NCAA are among those that are looking into this law and considering how to go forward.
So liberals are opposed to religious freedom. Who would have suspected? Shocking!
^^ I guess he didn't read the back of the book, Christians win in the end.

One might even be forced to admit the clouds of war gathering over the Middle East, portend an outcome ominously similar to the prophetic warnings found in the Scripture.

The one point that seems to elude discovery from within the liberal camp is that it is one thing for Islamic extremists to be armed with AK's and explosive vests. They have done their damage to be sure. But, it will be quite another when and if the region is plunged into a nuclear arms race.
"A major probable consequence of Iran achieving a nuclear weapons capability is that Saudi Arabia will seek to match it."

Zechariah 14:12 (KJV)
12 "And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth."

They say that the human body when subjected to the horror of nuclear war, reaches 10,000 degrees fahrenheit in less than one second. Easy to see how men's flesh could be consumed away before their bones could begin to fall to the ground.
TheRealVille Wrote:With all the backlash from many different businesses, and other groups, including religious groups, I'd say Pence and Co. are going to regret this move. The NFL and the NCAA are among those that are looking into this law and considering how to go forward.

One thing is for sure, you can usually tell who's who among religious folks when it comes down to ethics or money Confusednicker:

We only see the stories of those who stand up for there religious freedoms. Can you imagine if the media started calling out those who claim to be extremely religious, but say nothing? They would lose more business than those who stand against it due to sheer majority. Either way, I don't see anybody losing any business because of something like this, especially in a state like Indiana. Maybe a diverse town like Indianapolis could see a slight down turn, but nothing like what is being speculated.

I will say this, if there going to destroy the unity of marriage between a man and a woman, I hope it just keeps going. I hope people sue the states for right to plural marriages, bestiality marriages, and so on. If the supreme court rules in the gays favor, we might as well have true "equality" for all. Personally, I think ill divorce my wife, and marry a sexy Angus Bull.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you ok with "religious liberty" protections for satanists, muslims, hindu, buddhists, along with your support of christians? Are you ok with businesses that reject christians, or straight people? It doesn't matter what he passes, federal law prohibits discrimination.

I am fine with businesses rejecting to do business with whomever they please. The normal course of business will dictate whether a business is harmed by its choices or not. That should be the absolute right of the owners of the business. For example, as an attorney, if I don't want to represent fairies or Muslims or whatever, that should be my choice. When one is forced to serve those he/she doesn't want to serve, that person is being discriminated against. The US Constitution, according to interpreters, has always provided for freedom of association. Sometimes we need to stand on principle.
Lord help us that Indiana bussiness don't refuse CATS FANS.....Think about it folks. I may get turn down from going into a bar. :HitWall: :pondering:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I am fine with businesses rejecting to do business with whomever they please. The normal course of business will dictate whether a business is harmed by its choices or not. That should be the absolute right of the owners of the business. For example, as an attorney, if I don't want to represent fairies or Muslims or whatever, that should be my choice. When one is forced to serve those he/she doesn't want to serve, that person is being discriminated against. The US Constitution, according to interpreters, has always provided for freedom of association. Sometimes we need to stand on principle.
I agree, Harry. It was wrong when state governments in the deep south told people and businesses who they could not serve and it is wrong now for government to tell businesses who they must serve. A free market is the most efficient way of matching suppliers of services with those who demand them. There is no place in the country where a gay couple cannot find a baker eager to take their money in exchange for a wedding cake but nobody should be forced to do business in a way that contradicts their religious beliefs.
I often blame the Christian Community in my posts. I make no apologies for that. I believe that Christians are far too passive for fear of being labeled homophobes, sexists, racists, or whatever else the term of the day might be. Thus, they are far too passive.

When a bakery or a floral shop stands on its religious principles and refuses to participate in a clearly abdominal situation, Christians should make every effort to frequent these businesses and to show them support- verbally and financially. Christians should stand with these businesses. Join the fight. Refuse to lose. Instead, they wilt like cowards. No wonder we are losing the battle. I suspect God expects more from us.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I often blame the Christian Community in my posts. I make no apologies for that. I believe that Christians are far too passive for fear of being labeled homophobes, sexists, racists, or whatever else the term of the day might be. Thus, they are far too passive.

When a bakery or a floral shop stands on its religious principles and refuses to participate in a clearly abdominal situation, Christians should make every effort to frequent these businesses and to show them support- verbally and financially. Christians should stand with these businesses. Join the fight. Refuse to lose. Instead, they wilt like cowards. No wonder we are losing the battle. I suspect God expects more from us.

Well said on all counts.

Overall, a majority of the public supports this bill. From reading what is being put out there for us combined with the comments from celebrities and big corporations, one would think that 95% of people were against this bill. We definitely need to use any avenue possible to voice our support and help out.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I often blame the Christian Community in my posts. I make no apologies for that. I believe that Christians are far too passive for fear of being labeled homophobes, sexists, racists, or whatever else the term of the day might be. Thus, they are far too passive.

When a bakery or a floral shop stands on its religious principles and refuses to participate in a clearly abdominal situation, Christians should make every effort to frequent these businesses and to show them support- verbally and financially. Christians should stand with these businesses. Join the fight. Refuse to lose. Instead, they wilt like cowards. No wonder we are losing the battle. I suspect God expects more from us.

Agreed. Not that liberals have an unfair advantage in getting out their message, but one can see how so many in our day have been propagandized by having heard it so often. The liberal media intentionally and dutifully keep the drumbeat going 24/7.

The secular triunity comprised of the media, public secondary education and college, (all of whose ranks are rife with liberal ideologues), present a formidable force to overcome. They get to hold our youth a captive audience for 8 plus years, a number that yet cedes them the 6-8 primary educational years. Multiculturalism is a pervasive doctrine of which liberals begin their indoctrination as soon as those little ones begin day care. But of said formidable force mentioned above, Churches have been completely unwilling to speak truthfully and directly where the inflexible dynamic of God's moral truths are concerned, and thus have failed miserably to confront liberalism with any success. In fact, not satisfied in just winning the hearts and minds of our nation's youth, the big three mentioned above are seeking to permanently neuter the Church and have managed to pin back her ears through litigation and legislative means.

God is not weak before those who fail to give Him His just due. Rather, as in the example of Israel, He will allow His chosen or His elect, enough rope to hang themselves. Babylonia, Assyria, Rome and a host of other nations all ran roughshod over the nation of Israel at times past. A study of the history of Israel reveals that in humbling His people, God providentially allowed a weak and corrupt national leader to be in place for Israel's demise. And we like they, will have brought the ills we suffer upon ourselves. There won't be many defending abortion on demand, when His judgment falls upon this country. There is no valid argument which mitigates the failing of the Church who, nearly with out so much as a whimper, have allowed the rise of secular humanism to supplant the rich history of our country's Christian heritage. The results of which are evident and rampant within the workings of government.
Now the homosexual gestapo has attacked a pizza business in Walkerton, Indiana and forced it to close. The reason? The daughter of the owner told a television reporter that, because of their spiritual beliefs, they could not cater a homosexual wedding. The militant homosexual supporters have saturated the web with vulgar and libelous trash thus destroying the business.

Where are all the "good" Christians? They are spineless. They do nothing. They should get off their lard a$$e$ and out of their padded pews and show some courage. They should unconditionally support this business.

All this turning the other cheek is counterproductive. Good people run out of cheeks rather quickly. To be passive in the face of evil is nothing to be proud of and surely God doesn't condone hiding in your sanctuary.

In this time of unceasing attack on basic Christian tenets, these self proclaimed, holier than thou Christians are a disgrace.
I just mailed a check for $100.00 to the O'Connor Family, owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. This is, at least, a small way in which I can show support for their resolve to put their long held spiritual beliefs ahead of the onslaught of attacks from the liberal and anti-Christian media and homosexual gestapo. I would encourage others who believe in the first freedom set forth in the Bill of Rights to do similar acts in support of this abused Christian family. You who claim to be devout have a chance to prove it.

The address of the business is:
Memories Pizza
608 Roosevelt Road
Walkerton, IN 46574

The only group being discriminated against in this matter is the O'Connor Family. They are devout Christians. If all of you do nothing, you may well be next. Don't doubt it.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I just mailed a check for $100.00 to the O'Connor Family, owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. This is, at least, a small way in which I can show support for their resolve to put their long held spiritual beliefs ahead of the onslaught of attacks from the liberal and anti-Christian media and homosexual gestapo. I would encourage others who believe in the first freedom set forth in the Bill of Rights to do similar acts in support of this abused Christian family. You who claim to be devout have a chance to prove it.

The address of the business is:
Memories Pizza
608 Roosevelt Road
Walkerton, IN 46574

The only group being discriminated against in this matter is the O'Connor Family. They are devout Christians. If all of you do nothing, you may well be next. Don't doubt it.

You can count me in.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I just mailed a check for $100.00 to the O'Connor Family, owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. This is, at least, a small way in which I can show support for their resolve to put their long held spiritual beliefs ahead of the onslaught of attacks from the liberal and anti-Christian media and homosexual gestapo. I would encourage others who believe in the first freedom set forth in the Bill of Rights to do similar acts in support of this abused Christian family. You who claim to be devout have a chance to prove it.

The address of the business is:
Memories Pizza
608 Roosevelt Road
Walkerton, IN 46574

The only group being discriminated against in this matter is the O'Connor Family. They are devout Christians. If all of you do nothing, you may well be next. Don't doubt it.

Here's a page started up on GoFundMe for those who would like to donate via credit card.

Keep it going!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I just mailed a check for $100.00 to the O'Connor Family, owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. This is, at least, a small way in which I can show support for their resolve to put their long held spiritual beliefs ahead of the onslaught of attacks from the liberal and anti-Christian media and homosexual gestapo. I would encourage others who believe in the first freedom set forth in the Bill of Rights to do similar acts in support of this abused Christian family. You who claim to be devout have a chance to prove it.

The address of the business is:
Memories Pizza
608 Roosevelt Road
Walkerton, IN 46574

The only group being discriminated against in this matter is the O'Connor Family. They are devout Christians. If all of you do nothing, you may well be next. Don't doubt it.

I don't doubt it in the least. Some time ago I wrote on this very forum to the effect that the homosexual crowd will never be satisfied with the gains they have made. I pointed out that we have all been 'legislated' into submission, and that, despite our religious beliefs.

The gay defenders on here parroted the liberal party line right after the repeal of DADT was accomplished, in a tremendously partisan fight over the wishes of the Joint Chief's of Staff. The rationale held that brave soldiers willing to die for this country deserved the respect and dignity of those they served. They were drummed out when I served, not honored. So now they are respected by law. On the civilian side, the argument held that homosexuals just wanted to be happy. And we mean spirited Christians were denying these poor souls their constitutional right to pursue happiness.

Well, they got what they asked for and we see that, as I predicted, they will never be satisfied. They will aggressively and militantly use the courts and recently established law to persecute Christians, and it will never end. Homosexuality as clearly defined in Scripture is a sin. God has condemned it as an abomination that He cannot tolerate. Even going to great lengths to record the vaporization of Sodom and Gomorrah for their rampant homosexual pursuits. The nightmare scenario as described in George Orwell's "1984", will become increasingly fact rather than fiction. Government eavesdropping and labeling of innocent citizens will continue, and manufactured unrest and intolerance will escalate. At any rate, they are not quite the quiet and benign gentle folk they portrayed themselves to be, are they?

Welcome to the brave new world. We were meant to be a self governing people, free to exercise our religious beliefs and free to voice those beliefs. Obviously those days are on the wane, as the only sanctioned point of view is liberal in scope. Are we all feeling transformed yet? AFTR, who is ramming whose beliefs down other people's throats now?

Thanks for publishing that address.
I agree wholeheartedly with TheRealThing. Since the Holy Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, states clearly and without room for other interpretation that homosexuality is an abomination, are some saying that God is a "homophobe"?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Now the homosexual gestapo has attacked a pizza business in Walkerton, Indiana and forced it to close. The reason? The daughter of the owner told a television reporter that, because of their spiritual beliefs, they could not cater a homosexual wedding. The militant homosexual supporters have saturated the web with vulgar and libelous trash thus destroying the business.

Where are all the "good" Christians? They are spineless. They do nothing. They should get off their lard a$$e$ and out of their padded pews and show some courage. They should unconditionally support this business.

All this turning the other cheek is counterproductive. Good people run out of cheeks rather quickly. To be passive in the face of evil is nothing to be proud of and surely God doesn't condone hiding in your sanctuary.

In this time of unceasing attack on basic Christian tenets, these self proclaimed, holier than thou Christians are a disgrace.

And I noticed one thing about the inside of that pizza parlor. There are signs placed up on the walls with writings which honor God. Those signs no doubt, were the impetus for this whole affair. So as you so rightly point out Harry, it is time for Christians to stand for our God given heritage. But, as I see things, Christians have the authority of God behind them and a broad charter to fulfill; Luke 9:26 (KJV)
26 "For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels."

Secular argument put succinctly; so much for free speech. Now imagine this same firestorm erupting over a muslim hanging Islamic writings on his wall. It would never happen in this country.
:pondering:Wonder if those that are so outraged with Ind. know that Kentucky passed the same law two years ago:eyeroll::betterthanexpected:

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