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Rain at night
I don't know what it is, but I just love the sound of rain at night.

Does anyone else?
It truly does make people sleep easier, myself included.

Personally, I like a good storm around the middle of the day on an off day or weekend sometimes to take a good nap to during the day.
Ballers, have you ever been on the lake during a slow rain storm at night?? LOL I believe that's the only time I've ever slept peacefully.
I really don't go near lakes Granny. Water that I cannot see my feet in, I don't get in.
I think I was pretty much scarred from the lake as a child. I'm not sure how old I was but my uncle picked me up off a pontoon and dived in the water with me. From what I remember I came to the surface and I was crying my eyes out. That may have something to do with it.
Makes me sleep like a baby listening to it hit the roof.
I had the ole tin roof at my old stomping grounds. When a good storm came, I'm sure I was sawing logs!
Ballers Wrote:I think I was pretty much scarred from the lake as a child. I'm not sure how old I was but my uncle picked me up off a pontoon and dived in the water with me. From what I remember I came to the surface and I was crying my eyes out. That may have something to do with it.

Well I'm sure it does!! Your uncle needs his butt kicked!!!
Big fan of sleeping thru a good hard rain and a few thunderclaps. Have enjoyed a few of them in the last couple weeks.

And I'm a lake guy from way back. Whether a river, lake, creek, or stream when I'm not at the beach. I need some water near me... enjoyed a great river walk next to the O-hio river earlier this evening!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
I love when it rains and storms at night. I will say this though, I work night shift at the front desk at Jenny Wiley State Park, so when it storms here, it storms really bad, haha. So I can't enjoy it as much as I would like, always worried about the power going out, or anything else, because I've seen it all.

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